“Damn straight it is,” Kiki declares with a triumphant smile before she sets her champagne down and grabs another strawberry. The chocolate starts to crumble when she bites into it and she tries to catch all the pieces with her other hand.
Kiki pops the chocolate into her mouth and tilts her head when Avery says to stop. Stop what…? She finishes the strawberry and licks her fingers before reaching out and grabbing her champagne again. “Would it help if I turned my back to you?” She teases gently.

Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel – New York City, New York
Nero smiles and nods at what Caden says regarding lemons and limes. “Like, a whole coconut?” They ask Caden as they eat a strawberry, adding a little bit of the yogurt on it first. They make a mental note to learn how to make pancakes with chocolate chips and blueberries for Caden.