Shin Megami Tensei + Pokemon + Digimon: Joint Universe
I. Intro
II. How does this all work?
III. Magic, Technology, and How Humans Can Match 'Mons
IV. Character Sheet
V. Rules
1.) No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. etc.
2.) No getting raunchy with OCs under 18, please. With OCs above 18, just be careful not to do anything above non-descriptive nudity.
3.) No OOC feuding! If you must argue, be respectful. IC, meanwhile, you can hate each other as much as you like as long as it doesn't seep over to OOC.
4.) Please notify me if you will be gone longer than a few days, I will let you guys know if I will be gone.
5.) Only one Digimon per Tamer/Digidestined, six Pokemon per trainer, and two Demons per fight for each Demon Summoner, but the latter can have four more in reserve.
I. Intro
A Japan where reality is shattered, and Pokemon, Digimon, and Demons compete and coexist.
Demons have the fundamental powers of Creation, which allow them to bring forth new objects from nothingness. However, they can be changed and altered by Human beliefs. Not merely that, but Gods, or even Capital-G God, the Creator of the Universe, can be downgraded into Demons by those same Human beliefs, and there is a cottage industry engaged in doing just this so that Demons can be controlled by Human 'Summoners'.
Pokemon originated from an attempt at making artificial Demons resistant to attempts to change them through belief. However, even they need energy from Human bonds to gain real power, which is why many of them, even Arceus, the first Pokemon, form friendships with Humans that they draw energy from; sometimes, however, weaker Pokemon can be disadvantaged by those friendships and abused.
The Digimon, meanwhile, are fully independent beings, capable of human speech like Demons, drawing energy from Human relationships like Pokemon, but cannot be changed by just believing different things about them. In fact, as Digital Beings, they can reshape Demons as well as Humans can, which they use to transform Demons into Digimon. This is a terrifying development.
As for Humans? They are the real rulers of the Universe, yet subjugate each other with 'Mons as their tools. They want meaning and belonging from being part of a greater cause, yet do not want to accept that they have subjugated and altered every being that was once worth their worship. Now they make war with each other in a Japan similar yet different from our own, hoping to shape a new Reality where one set of beliefs is on top, hoping it would grant them satisfaction...
Yes, a Pokemon + Digimon + Shin Megami Tensei RP that tries to meld the settings together. This will be an Open World RP, within reason, where you guys get to play in multiple places and have multiple plotlines with each other, maybe across multiple threads. However, there will be a lot of violence, including violence towards Pokemon, so do not expect this setting to be, well, child's play.
Demons have the fundamental powers of Creation, which allow them to bring forth new objects from nothingness. However, they can be changed and altered by Human beliefs. Not merely that, but Gods, or even Capital-G God, the Creator of the Universe, can be downgraded into Demons by those same Human beliefs, and there is a cottage industry engaged in doing just this so that Demons can be controlled by Human 'Summoners'.
Pokemon originated from an attempt at making artificial Demons resistant to attempts to change them through belief. However, even they need energy from Human bonds to gain real power, which is why many of them, even Arceus, the first Pokemon, form friendships with Humans that they draw energy from; sometimes, however, weaker Pokemon can be disadvantaged by those friendships and abused.
The Digimon, meanwhile, are fully independent beings, capable of human speech like Demons, drawing energy from Human relationships like Pokemon, but cannot be changed by just believing different things about them. In fact, as Digital Beings, they can reshape Demons as well as Humans can, which they use to transform Demons into Digimon. This is a terrifying development.
As for Humans? They are the real rulers of the Universe, yet subjugate each other with 'Mons as their tools. They want meaning and belonging from being part of a greater cause, yet do not want to accept that they have subjugated and altered every being that was once worth their worship. Now they make war with each other in a Japan similar yet different from our own, hoping to shape a new Reality where one set of beliefs is on top, hoping it would grant them satisfaction...
Yes, a Pokemon + Digimon + Shin Megami Tensei RP that tries to meld the settings together. This will be an Open World RP, within reason, where you guys get to play in multiple places and have multiple plotlines with each other, maybe across multiple threads. However, there will be a lot of violence, including violence towards Pokemon, so do not expect this setting to be, well, child's play.
II. How does this all work?
The Great Will, also called the Great Axiom, created Humanity, and gave it the power of Observation, which means that what Humanity believes, about Gods/God, Angels, and Demons, becomes real. So as Humanity grew and evolved, they 'Observed' the supernatural landscape around them, reshaping them according to their changing beliefs and local cultures. Even YWVH, the foremost avatar of the Great Will/Axiom, the creator of the Universe, and the God of Law and Monotheism, was affected by the very power given to Humanity even as the latter praised and worshipped him.
In Japan, this had consequences, where except in various areas of Kyushu Island, YWVH is transformed into an evil tyrant opposed by Lucifer, who according to most Japanese is the benevolent sort of rebel, when this is not the case in other areas of the world, where it was the reverse. Eventually, as the various nations of Humanity forged global connections and began to compare and contrast notes, they realized that they could create and control their Gods, and so experiments in creating their own, more consistent 'Monsters' were kick-started.
This resulted in Pokemon being born from alchemical experiments melding Demons and biological life in the Sengoku period (Oda Nobunaga fully united Japan in this timeline), and Digimon being born in Great Britain in the 1940s when computer technology was advancing at a rapid pace. Now, Demons, Pokemon, and Digimon are commonplace throughout the world, although Demons are more common in places where traditional beliefs are strong.
The consequences are that Japan and the rest of the world are more divided; Japan's Imperial Diet is almost as powerless as the Emperor, as entire cities and prefectures use the power of Pokemon, Digimon, and Demons to defy the central government's decrees. The country is in a low-level civil war, albeit one where the most powerful 'Rogue Regions' have made it clear that they'd unite against any obvious foreign interference.
And this, my dear Demon Summoner/Digimon Tamer/Pokemon Trainer, is where you come in.
Are you a warlord, using the power of Bishamonten to slaughter your foes?
Are you a corporate executive, masterminding the creation of new, stronger Digimon?
Or are you a Pokemon Trainer who's just using his Pokemon to farm?
...Maybe you're something else; we'll see - Either way, Japan is your oyster.
In Japan, this had consequences, where except in various areas of Kyushu Island, YWVH is transformed into an evil tyrant opposed by Lucifer, who according to most Japanese is the benevolent sort of rebel, when this is not the case in other areas of the world, where it was the reverse. Eventually, as the various nations of Humanity forged global connections and began to compare and contrast notes, they realized that they could create and control their Gods, and so experiments in creating their own, more consistent 'Monsters' were kick-started.
This resulted in Pokemon being born from alchemical experiments melding Demons and biological life in the Sengoku period (Oda Nobunaga fully united Japan in this timeline), and Digimon being born in Great Britain in the 1940s when computer technology was advancing at a rapid pace. Now, Demons, Pokemon, and Digimon are commonplace throughout the world, although Demons are more common in places where traditional beliefs are strong.
The consequences are that Japan and the rest of the world are more divided; Japan's Imperial Diet is almost as powerless as the Emperor, as entire cities and prefectures use the power of Pokemon, Digimon, and Demons to defy the central government's decrees. The country is in a low-level civil war, albeit one where the most powerful 'Rogue Regions' have made it clear that they'd unite against any obvious foreign interference.
And this, my dear Demon Summoner/Digimon Tamer/Pokemon Trainer, is where you come in.
Are you a warlord, using the power of Bishamonten to slaughter your foes?
Are you a corporate executive, masterminding the creation of new, stronger Digimon?
Or are you a Pokemon Trainer who's just using his Pokemon to farm?
...Maybe you're something else; we'll see - Either way, Japan is your oyster.
III. Magic, Technology, and How Humans Can Match 'Mons
Magic exists in the world, and in Canon SMT, most Humans are incapable of it without aid from a magic item, demonic ancestry, or having a demonic magical item implanted into them like the Magatama. Needless to say, this rule is relaxed in this Roleplay, and you can be a Mage as well as a Pokemon Trainer, Digimon Tamer, and Demon Summoner, albeit with this limitation:
The Grand Restriction: More Powerful Magic, Less 'Mons in your Team
Magic feeds on the very same emotional energy that Pokemon, Digimon, and Demons depend on. If you use your Magic to cast a spell, you can't use that energy to fuel your 'Mon's powers. Being a Mage at all reduces your Pokemon or Demon Team to 5, being able to burn down a house with a fireball reduces your Pokemon or Demon Team to 4, being able to raise an army of 50 zombie warriors means you can only have 3 Digimon or Demons, being able to transform a Human into a Pokemon for 24 hours reduces your team to 2, and being able to cause a volcanic eruption means you can only have 1 Pokemon or Demon and they cannot use their abilities when you are using yours'.
You can only have a single Digimon partner at any given time, so they are not affected by you being a Mage until you try and cast Magic on the level of a Volcanic Eruption or higher, in which case they are drained to Baby Form.
The Grand Restriction: More Powerful Magic, Less 'Mons in your Team
Magic feeds on the very same emotional energy that Pokemon, Digimon, and Demons depend on. If you use your Magic to cast a spell, you can't use that energy to fuel your 'Mon's powers. Being a Mage at all reduces your Pokemon or Demon Team to 5, being able to burn down a house with a fireball reduces your Pokemon or Demon Team to 4, being able to raise an army of 50 zombie warriors means you can only have 3 Digimon or Demons, being able to transform a Human into a Pokemon for 24 hours reduces your team to 2, and being able to cause a volcanic eruption means you can only have 1 Pokemon or Demon and they cannot use their abilities when you are using yours'.
You can only have a single Digimon partner at any given time, so they are not affected by you being a Mage until you try and cast Magic on the level of a Volcanic Eruption or higher, in which case they are drained to Baby Form.
Aura exists and is subject to the same restrictions as Magic, except that if your last remaining Pokemon partner cares about you, he can still use his abilities even as you cast epic-level Aura techniques (there is a list of Canon ones; use those).
As for Digisoul, you can only have one Digmon partner, and as long as you care about them, you can punch Gods or even this world's version of YWVH as many times as you want without them being drained to Baby Form. But if you have stopped caring about them, well, I hope the Gods/God you punched have mercy on you.
Oh, and Crests allow you to cast Unlimited Magic without forcibly devolving your Digimon as long as you feel the emotion or virtue associated with them. Good on you if you have the Crest of Hope, bad if you have the Crest of Envy.
As for Digisoul, you can only have one Digmon partner, and as long as you care about them, you can punch Gods or even this world's version of YWVH as many times as you want without them being drained to Baby Form. But if you have stopped caring about them, well, I hope the Gods/God you punched have mercy on you.
Oh, and Crests allow you to cast Unlimited Magic without forcibly devolving your Digimon as long as you feel the emotion or virtue associated with them. Good on you if you have the Crest of Hope, bad if you have the Crest of Envy.
Guns exist and are now legal in Japan, and can wound or kill the grand majority of Pokemon. With enough belief and willpower, they can harm Demons as well, although a Digimon is resistant to them unless the guns double as Anti-Data Energy Weapons (think the Yuggoth from Tamers). The grand majority of Guns in Japan are American and European Models, although Japan has cornered the market in Anti-Data Energy Weapons.
Pokeballs exist. The cities have the fancy teleportation tech from Shin Megami Tensei I and II. Bullet Trains Exist. Digivices exists. Holograms from the Digimon Ghost Game Anime exist. Name a piece of technology seen in a canon series and I and potential Co-GMs can decide if it's too strong.
IV. Character Sheet
[b]Appearance:[/b] (can use a picture or just a description)
[b]Powers:[/b] (remember, keep it reasonable)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] (no exceptions)
[b]Theme Song:[/b] (not required, but I figured it would be nice to have the option)
[b]Team of Mons:[/b] (Digimon Tamers/Digidestined only have 1 Digimon (which would be capable of Digvolution to Mega level), Pokemon Trainers can have 6 Pokemon (and their own version of Mega Evolutions), and Demon Summoners can use 2 Demons per fight, but keep 4 more in reserve, aka not used in a fight.
V. Rules
1.) No godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc. etc.
2.) No getting raunchy with OCs under 18, please. With OCs above 18, just be careful not to do anything above non-descriptive nudity.
3.) No OOC feuding! If you must argue, be respectful. IC, meanwhile, you can hate each other as much as you like as long as it doesn't seep over to OOC.
4.) Please notify me if you will be gone longer than a few days, I will let you guys know if I will be gone.
5.) Only one Digimon per Tamer/Digidestined, six Pokemon per trainer, and two Demons per fight for each Demon Summoner, but the latter can have four more in reserve.
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