Kiki sticks her tongue out at Avery. “I’m paying for it, so I can get as much as I want.” She tells him in a bratty tone before grinning and setting her cup down to weigh it. The serving is pretty hefty, but she doesn’t care. “Plus, I chose healthier toppings.” She teases Avery before stealing one of his M&M bits.
Nero looks at Caden with wide, pleading eyes, noting his tone and his blush. They reach up to hold his face and brush their thumb over the blush coloring his cheeks. “I didn’t know you could blush!” Nero says in wonder. “I mean, I knew physically you could but… I made you blush for once.” They giggle in delight before sipping their glass with a happy wiggle, letting their hand fall into Caden’s lap.
“Only one way to find out.” Nic jokes, but he can tell Cass is concentrating, so he refrains from trying to make her laugh more for now. When she wipes it down, he beams and quickly kisses her head before he looks at the tattoo. “How would you feel about taking on an apprentice?” He says with a grin, glancing at Cass before looking at her impressive work again. “This looks incredible, Cass. Thank you.”