Sam’s Story Stash.

1) ♡"You're My Hero..." AKA: The Shy Boy and The Cheerleader! [Romance, M4F]♡

Okay, so a simple premise but here goes nothing.

My character is a shy young man who keeps himself to himself. 18 years of age, he's spent his entire school life as a "loner" or an "outcast". The school in question is mainstream, but he is on the autistic spectrum and sadly not understood by many of his fellow students or his teachers. He is full of artistic talent, his sketches and paintings being wonderful though he is often scared to show them to others.

She is a popular young woman, and desired by many of the male and female students. Somewhat vain and a little cocky, she can get away with these flaws because of her looks and her parents money. She's never paid that much attention to <M/C>, not that he really minded. He had enough of being picked on by jocks, never mind the popular girls starting.

However, there was an... incident a few weeks ago. The details of which are still under investigation, but what is clear is that *he* saved *her* life. He got her breathing again, and despite the fear in his eyes and how overwhelmed he felt he got the ambulance to her!

He's her hero, though of course he's unsure how to feel about this. She's starting to get feelings for him, but are these true feelings or merely a result of his actions?

2) ☆Nerdy Boy x Goth/Emo/Alt Girl (M4F)☆

“D… Did you run away from home again?”

James spoke in his quiet manner as he stepped aside, to let his best friend into his house. His soft, baby blue eyes flickered up her taller frame, as he closed the door behind them and locked it. He was used to her coming to his home when she’d had an argument with her parents, and truthfully enjoyed her company. Yes, she might be moody or angry a lot of the time but he knew the true person beneath the mood swings and the facade.

“I have something that might cheer you up…” The blonde haired boy vanished for a moment into the kitchen, coming back with a cold can of her favourite drink. Holding it out to her, he headed up to his room once she’d taken it if she so desired before going back to his own room with the intention of her following him to hang out in there as they often did.

His bedroom was a real reflection on how shy and nerdy he could seem to others. His room was smaller than her own, with a bed in the corner, a computer desk opposite and shelves full of various knick-knacks. Pokemon figures, comic books, video games, and more fantasy novels than he knew what to do with.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, he patted the spot next to him for her to join him. He leant his head on her shoulder once she had done so, pressing a soft and sweet kiss to her cheek as he often did to display his affection.


Okay, so I’m ideally looking for someone capable of playing a woman who’s his opposite. He’s shy, sweet and reserved with a love for more “nerdy” or “geeky” hobbies like comic books, role-playing games, etc. He is a talented artist and photographer, who makes his living through commissions and photographing events like weddings and parties. He is autistic, something he’s sometimes teased for due to his inability to make eye-contact and his struggles to make friends and meet new people.

She on the other hand, is a moody/grumpy sort. She leans into the more “alternative” sort of lifestyle, such as grunge, emo, or gothic sort of lifestyle. She loves music and is part of a band, much to the displeasure of her more conservative and “upper-class” parents who want her to have a more “professional” job as they do. She is protective of James, and battles her own mental health issues that he supports her through too.

The fact they’re best friends can often shock people at first until they actually bother to observe how they two act together and around each other. Best friends since the age of ten, they first met in the 2nd grade when her parents moved the family to his hometown. For the ten or more years since they’ve been pretty much impossible to separate. Despite being so different, they care deeply for eachother and the line between dating and best friends is seemingly blurred.

And that’s all I have so far! I’m happy for you to write her as totally different to the way I described if you want, but I do want her to be taller than him by a few inches if that’s okay. I just love the concept of a taller girl and shorter guy being paired up.

3) ♧May I Have This Dance? [M4F]♧

*Ring ring! Ring ring!*

James lay on his bed, a look of confusion and worry spreading across his soft features. He’d been trying to get in touch with his best friend all day, but hadn’t heard from her. She said she was going on a long road trip, but she’d usually talk hands free to him when driving! They always spoke at 5pm, had done every day for the last three years despite being opposite sides of the country.

They’d met through Discord, and spoke every day since. They became friends quickly on the server, soon having voice calls and video calls. Nothing made him happier than seeing her face, or hearing her voice. Granted, they’d only been friends a short time to others, but James adored her and knew he wanted no other best friend.

Tonight should have been his prom, but the 18-year-old had opted to skip it. He didn’t like social events at the best of times, and with his mom and step-dad being on honeymoon he had decided to spend the time inside his house. He struggled with meeting people and being out in public, often feeling overwhelmed on a sensory level.

Hearing a knock at the door, he frowned and placed the phone into his pocket just incase his best friend opted to call him back. Heading downstairs, he opened the door and a smile crossed his lips. He stuttered for a moment, then threw his arms around the woman in a warm embrace.

“I didn’t know you were coming here!” He sniffled, tears of joy rolling down his face. “Wh.. what are you doing here?”


Simple premise for a cute and fluffy RP. Best friends, met online and live across the country. Been best friends since 15/16, having met on a server for writing. They became friends fast, feeling comfortable talking to the other about school, family and so on. Neither of them really had friends IRL, and hate school life.

They speak daily on the phone or through Discord calls, and both have strong feelings for the other. They love eachother and have said as such, dating for about 5 months now. They’d always spoken about meeting in person, but he never thought it would actually happen. He always thought she’d drop him for someone more… “normal” down the line.

So I figured she knows he wasn’t going to go to prom, and decided to come and see him to have a “prom” together! Dancing in the kitchen, listening to music, cuddling and sharing a takeout…

4.) ♤You... You Wanna Be Friends?!♤


If one word, just one, described how James was feeling right now it would be “Overwhelmed.” He sat on the floor, his knees drawn to his chest and his head bowed to rest his forehead against them. The halls of Hamilton High School were much more full than usual, thanks to a much-anticipated football game. As a result of this, students, staff and parents from both schools were filling the corridors, classrooms, bleachers and anywhere they could get. The game wasn’t scheduled to start until 3pm, but that seemed to make no difference to those who were excited.

And James didn’t blame them, but the noise, lights and general chaos were rather otherwhelming to the soft spoken young man! Closing his eyes tightly for a moment as if to try and find some peace, his trembling hands slipped into the pockets of his jeans and retrieved a small circular, metal case. Fingers tried to open it to retrieve the earplugs within, but he was starting to feel frustrated and close to tears with the noise! He felt a hand on one of his and looked up to meet eyes with a familiar face. He was surprised one of the cheerleaders had even spotted him, never mind bothering to stop.

“H…Hi?” He spoke quietly, barely audible above the noise of the other students. His head rested on her shoulder if she allowed it, closing his eyes for a moment. He needed to get out, but was feeling too overwhelmed and tearful to make a move for himself!


Okay, simple premise! I’m looking for someone able to play as a popular but rather aloof cheerleader, who can come across as self-absorbed and rather mean at times. However, she is rather kind and understanding beneath that facade, especially towards James. They’re friends and have been for about 3 years now. Her father and his mother dated briefly, and although it didn’t work out for the elder two, James and her are still friends. He doesn’t like to bother her in school, fearing she’ll be picked on for talking to him.

5.) Right, I'm aware that this will be an incredibly long shot but I'm going go shoot my shot anyway.

I'm looking for someone able to play as an older girl to be a best friend or older sister to Quinn. Someone able to help her with girl things, and protect her too.

**Name ⊱ Quinn <Redacted>
**Nickname ⊱ None
**Gender ⊱ Female
**Sex ⊱ Male, tranisitioning to female.
**Pronouns ⊱ She/Her
**Age ⊱ 18
**Species ⊱ Human
**Family ⊱ Parents she has nothing to do with.
**Occupation ⊱ Student, applied to be a barista.

**Personality, Traits and her history** ⊱ Jack was born on December 25th 2005 to Charles and Isabella Henshaw. Always a quiet child whom opted to keep himself to himself, the young man was rather disconnected from his family despite his best efforts to fit in with them as he grew up.

At the age of three, Jack fully knew there was something "wrong" inside his body but attempts to tell his parents fell on deaf ears for the most part. There was nothing physically wrong with him according to the doctors so his parents left it at that. He didn’t want to cause trouble, so kept quiet.

The only "strange" behaviors his parents felt he exhibited were his preference to play with girls' toys and the fact he had more female friends than male ones. Each day he would ask to bring one of them for dinner or to go on playdates around Amy's house, or Mahreen's. He seemed to despise rough-and-tumble games and was always refusing to allow his blonde hair to be cut. He wanted it past his shoulders and could be seen sat with a couple of girls letting them play with his hair like they would each other. He hung around them all the tike, the trio being tight knit.

At the age of thirteen, he told his mother and father he wanted to be a girl. That... that didn't go down well. They removed any feminine toys he had and forced him to have a "boy's haircut". He wasn't allowed to hang out with his friends anymore, and was sent to live with his mother’s parents. He were forbidden from contact, and that destroyed him. He cried for hours, begging and sobbing at the thought of never seeing his friends and his family hating him.

Now utterly afraid and alone, the broken young boy pushed these feelings down into the pit of his mind and attempted to fit in. Utterly miserable from then on, he withdrew from all people. No friends, barely talking to family at all. Without his sister to talk to, whom he knew didn’t judge and loved him still, he had an awful 15th birthday.

That day was a changer. An attempt to end his own life landed him in hospital and then under Psychiatric Care when he left the hospital. Poor care, and a fucked up system meant that Jack was sent back to live with his mother and father, but not allowed to see friends. Two days since turning 13 he’d seen his best friends, and they were in hospital with their parents keeping an eye on them.

About three years after this, she was thrown out of her home once she turned 18 and her parents didn’t need to take care of her. As such, Quinn is currently living on the streets and relying on gyms and the like to wash up. She’s looking for her sister, desperate to hug her and know she still cares.

**Likes ⊱ Art, photography, baking, poetry and reading. She also has a love for snowy nights, sitting in the chair by a roaring log fire and so much more besides. Her dream house is a little log cabin by the mountains. The smell of old books, and leather jackets though she’d never actually wear one herself.

**Dislikes ⊱ Spiders, snakes, and other creepy crawlies. She despises the concept of having to interact with any family.

**Height ⊱ 5 foot 5 inches exactly.

**Weight ⊱

**Physical Traits ⊱ Soft green eyes, long red hair. Pale skin, freckles and petite features.

**Scars/Tattoos/Marks ⊱ Self harm scars on her tummy and her forearms, stopping just above the wrist. She has them on her legs and lower body too, from her waist to her knees and particularly around her privates.

**Voiceclaim ⊱ N/A


'Alright, here goes nothing.' Quinn gazed up at the large, black and white sign. A beautifully curved font proclaimed it to be “Mytheresa”, a store Quinn had heard of and had always wanted to step foot inside but had never dared to do so. She knew full well that it was a high-end fashion store, usually way beyond her means. But she had been working double shifts and overtime galore, and had saved up an entire, impressive (to her) $600! Of course, this was a mere drop in the water for many of the store's usual patrons, but she still hoped to treat herself to an outfit. She was sure they'd have a sale section.

A small smile graced her delicate lips, and she brushed long, red hair from her freckled face. The young woman stepped through the threshold, looking around in awe at all the products! High End makeup, and perfumes from brands and names all around the world. Rails of skirts, dresses, adorable t-shirts, denim jackets. Socks, stockings, tights, underwear. Her eyes lit up with an excitement she’d not felt in years, as she made her way over to one of the counters. Lipsticks and foundations, eyeliners and make-up brushes lay under the glass counter-top, Quinn’s soft green eyes taking in all of them before she stepped back and made her way towards a rather appealing section.

Here, there were more clothes. Her eyes caught a cute black pleated dress, which if she had to guess would come about halfway down her thighs. Knee-high white socks were hung in packages nearby, and though she knew it was a basic start she loved it!

“Ergh, it’s *you*”. A cruel voice spoke, and Quinn turned to be face to face with three women of her own age. Quinn’s heart sank, as she knew these three from school. They were all vain and mean girls, that often bullied Quinn when in school. “They don’t cater to your kind here, you know.”

Quinn looked down, cheeks flushed a deep red and tears in her soft, emerald eyes. She never felt like she fitted in anywhere, and had been rather hoping that this shopping trip might have been the first steps towards starting to finally do do. Self-concious of her skinny, but more masculine frame and her lack of money among other things, to encounter her bullies out in public made things much worse!



Tap. Tap. Tap.

Lightly knocking on the door of his best friend's bedroom, William entered after a moment or so. Shutting it behind him, he glanced at the young woman occupying the room, her bare back turned to him. A small smile graced his lips as he observed the various tattoos that covered her skin, seeing his name on the back of her right shoulder among a few Tattoos of his own design. He was used to walking in on her in various states of undress, and both were perfectly comfortable like this around each other. She had treated enough of his injuries to see him in not much more than boxers or a towel some days, and she just didn't really care.

There was the slight lingering of cigarette smoke and her deodorant in the air, but that never bothered him. It was part of the sensory comforts he linked to her, and was indeed how the leather jacket he'd “borrowed” from her smelt.

He had let himself into her house, having a spare key. It was a gift from her for his 18th birthday (One of many), so that he could come and see his best friend whenever he pleased. Which was quite often, to the point where it would have been easier for him to move in were circumstances better

"C..can I stay the night please?" He spoke in his timid manner, eyes scanning the room. Her bedroom was so different to his room at home, from being considerably larger to the band posters, the records on the wall and the general disorder and lack of organisation to it. Her room reassembled a bomb site according to her parents, with clothing strewn everywhere, empty energy drink cans littering her desk and bedside table with a couple of full ashtrays in various places.

Despite this, he liked being here. It always made him feel safe and sound, both knowing his parents had no ability to get into her home let alone her room, and knowing that she'd protect him. After all, her arms were like castle walls. Protecting him from the outside world, and always tight around his smaller frame.

In his hands, he held two things. His left hand had his worn and loved sketchbook in it, something he was barely ever seen without. It was like a sort of... well, comfort blanket for lack of a better word. His art was important to him, ranking just underneath his best friend in his world. Her, his sketchbook, food. Those were his three keys to living, so he thought.

In his right hand was an ice cold can of her favourite drink, something he'd picked up from the grocery store on his way to see her. He knew she loved this drink, so would always bring her one. His steps were cautious as he walked towards her, eyes flickering up to meet her face as she stood up. She practically towered over him at her full height, compared to his mere 5 foot 5 inches.

Often, he would relax on seeing her face. But tonight, he was tense as he stood there. He was on edge, tired, and sore as hell. He just couldn’t relax in the slightest, tears brimming in his eyes as he made eye contact with her. He looked away, cheeks darkening and turning a deep red at the shame of starting to cry. But it wasn’t hard to see why. Bruising and swelling around his left eye showed he was struggling with the pain and discomfort of a black eye, among other cuts and bruises from a recent… altercation with his father. It wasn’t two-sided, but rather the smaller, blonde-haired boy being on the receiving end of it all.



Punk/Tomboyish gal x Shy Boy.

18+ characters and writers.

Obviously I'm looking for someone to play as her. They're the best of friends, having first met about three years previously, following a merger of his high school with her own. This lead to classes being mixed together, students being sent between schools for classes and teaching staff moving from one campus to the other.

She is what you might call your typical rebel. She's been arrested more times than she cares to admit, though always for "minor" issues like graffiti, a little bit of shoplifting, a splash of underage drinking, vandalism and the like. Each time she's been caught and arrested, she has managed to get released on bail and her parents have just paid the fine to avoid further issues.

He's her opposite. He's polite, rather nervous and never breaks a single rule. He lives in a less than pleasant situation at home, and has slipped through the cracks and never really managed to get the help and support he needs. And indeed deserves. As a result of this, he was always a lonely and withdrawn sort who was often terribly frightened of having to face interaction with people.

But when they met, something just seemed to.. well, click into place. She grew rather protective of him over course of the first semester, and he seemed to be a somewhat calming influence on her. Teachers started to pair them together more, seeing her able to coax him out of his shell a little and him seeming to be able to make her behave a little better.

Of course, this is because she was nice to him and made him feel safe, and because she didn't want to risk getting booted out of school where she couldn't keep an eye on him.

Now they're incredibly close to the point where he's allowed in her room and bed whenever he needs to see her. He doesn't need her permission to come and see her, though he always seeks it as if unable to comprehend the idea that someone actually loves and cares for him!