Okay, so a simple premise but here goes nothing.

My character is a shy young man who keeps himself to himself. 18 years of age, he's spent his entire school life as a "loner" or an "outcast". The school in question is mainstream, but he is on the autistic spectrum and sadly not understood by many of his fellow students or his teachers. He is full of artistic talent, his sketches and paintings being wonderful though he is often scared to show them to others.

She is a popular young woman, and desired by many of the male and female students. Somewhat vain and a little cocky, she can get away with these flaws because of her looks and her parents money. She's never paid that much attention to <M/C>, not that he really minded. He had enough of being picked on by jocks, never mind the popular girls starting.

However, there was an... incident a few weeks ago. The details of which are still under investigation, but what is clear is that *he* saved *her* life, though the lives of three others were lost. He got her breathing again, and despite the fear in his eyes and how overwhelmed he felt he got the ambulance to her!

He's her hero, though of course he's unsure how to feel about this. She's starting to get feelings for him, but are these true feelings or merely a result of his actions?


Long ago, but not so very long ago
The world was different, oh yes it was
You settled down and you built a town, and you made it live…
And you watched it grow, it was your town

Glancing up at the grey skies as he leaned his head out of his bedroom window, James couldn’t help but feel it was like God himself was trying to match the bleak mood of the residents. He had never believed in a higher power, and he knew he likely never would, but yet it seemed so damned apt. So fucking cruel, yet the rain was there to hide and wash away the tears that were going to be spilled that day.

Time goes by, time brings changes, you changed too
Nothing comes that you can't handle, so on you go
You never see it coming when the world caves in on you
On your town, nothing you can do

Pulling his head back in, James silently made his way across his bedroom and to his bed, shutting the radio off on the way. Lain out upon the crisp white sheets was a black suit, polished black shoes upon the dark blue carpet. Green eyes flickered between the suit and the mirror propped against the cream walls, and a sigh passed his lips. Picking up the freshly ironed shirt, he pulled it on before buttoning the item up carefully. Smart black pants followed before he slipped on the jacket. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled the shoes on and carefully tied them up.

A crack of thunder sounded out in the skies above, rumbling and deep. James flinched, hating loud noises. His eyes flickered shut as lightning flashed in the now black skies, lighting up the streets as rain began to fall. With a despondent sigh, the blonde-haired man made his way to the window to look out at the streets. Residents were already leaving homes to line streets, and in the distance he could see the three hearses lined up outside the funeral home. Headed downstairs, he bid his parents farewell before stepping out of the house. Umbrella in hand, he opened it up.

Three damned funerals at the same time, all three classmates of his who had their lives cut so terribly short. His eyes averted those of others, though landed on a certain young woman who he’d not seen since the accident. Silently, he made his way over to her. She’d been on her own ever since, blamed for it by others. He didn’t know the full extent of what had happened, bar his own witnessing of the aftermath. He held the umbrella over her head, silently offering her his hand. He hated being touched, but he knew she came first in this situation. His own discomfort and his own sensory overloads would have to be ignored. In the same hand as the umbrella handle was his tie, as he’d been struggling with it and had opted to try and get it on later.