Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Nic&Ren's Apartment – Chicago, IL
Cassiopeia grinned and rolled herself off the bed. She opened the curtains and cracked the window. She inhaled deeply and sighed.
”I've always loved the rain, and storms. Even before my powers came in and I learned of my affinity for wind and nature, I would sit outside in the rain until I was soaked through and my mother had to carry me inside.”
Cassi lifted her hand and sparks danced between her fingers. The tingling sensation drifted through her body, and raised the hair on her arms. She let the parks dissipate and sighed. She probably shouldn't let off any large cracks of lightning. She was already feeling a bit light headed.

Location: Caden&Nero’s House – Chicago, IL
Caden grinned at Nero when they grabbed his face. He chuckled, his eyes wandering to Nero's lips.
”Now why would you want to emasculate the poor man like that?” he asked, very intrigued by the idea of Nero and Avery sparring.