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"May The Blessing Of The Crystal Go With You."

"It is those with power who must protect the fragility of peace."
- Emperor Frederick II

The year is 497. Valisthea is experiencing an abundance of resources from its land, and after many years of fighting over the Drake's Tail Mothercrystal, the realms have come together to declare the Isles of Ark a neutral territory. And thus, the Crystalline Dominion came to be, a place representing the current peace of the realm. As a gesture of goodwill, the realms have sent forth their Dominants as representatives to join in the festivities. There will be wine to share, relations to form, and memories to make.

State of the World

Valisthea is experiencing a rare time of peace. The continents of Storm and Ash have come together to form the Crystalline Dominion, but this was at the price of heavy wars that have scarred their lands and people. Most of the rulers have looked inward to handle their internal affairs, focusing on rebuilding their realms and mending fences with their neighbors. There are few that haven't been affected by the wars and the continents sigh in relief, eager to embrace peace.

The exception to this is Haearann, as their lack of a Mothercrystal has left them with few blessings, and as a result they continue to raid the Storm continent. After the last clash of Garuda and Phoenix, however, they have been suspiciously quiet. There is a rumor they were approached by a Sanbrequois scholar on talks of negotiating trade, but few know the results of their meeting. Still, there is clearly trouble brewing, with astrologers seeing another struggle coming in the near future...

Eikons and Dominants

The Eikons are the most powerful and deadly creatures in Valisthea. Each resides within a Dominant—a single man or woman who is blessed with the ability to call upon their dread power. In some nations these Dominants are treated as royalty in admiration of this strength—in others they are bound in fear of it, and forced to serve as weapons of war. History records eight Eikons in total, each with a unique elemental affinity—one warden each of fire, water, thunder, ice, wind, earth, light, and darkness. Those who are destined to be Dominants cannot escape their fate, however cruel it may be.

Dominant of Phoenix, Warden of Fire: [OPEN]
Dominant of Shiva, Warden of Ice: [OPEN]
Dominant of Ramuh, Warden of Thunder: @Obscene Symphony
Dominant of Garuda, Warden of Wind: @Scribe of Thoth
Dominant of Titan, Warden of Earth: [OPEN]
Dominant of Leviathan, Warden of Water: [OPEN]
Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light: [OPEN]
Dominant of Odin, Warden of Darkness: [OPEN]

The Realms of Valisthea

Application Expectations:
Please note that with the exception of Leviathan and Odin, each Dominant application is also responsible for their respective realm. Many of the Dominants hold relevant roles within their realms and tend to hold high positions. For example, if you plan on applying for the Dominant of Phoenix, you will need to also create the Archduke's family, and a small blurb depicting them is expected with the character sheet. The applications for Bahamut and Odin are going to be more judged than the others, while Leviathan has more freedom so long as they end up agreeing to protect the newly formed Crystalline Dominion.

As for the reserved Dominants, if you would like to challenge that and think you can make a better sheet than them, then go for it. :)

Please keep in mind that I won't be accepting any characters under the age of eighteen. Characters should have natural hair colors (a bright red is alright but no blues or pinks, for example). Bonus points if you can nab a picture of your ruler, too.

ALT TITLE fontmeme.com/permalink/230825/6715552…

People of Note Table
Patriarch of the Crystalline Orthodox
High Priest of the Greagorian Church
Emperor of Sanbreque
some rando thats gonna keep the cast together
some whacky dude scared of magic
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🇳🇴🇹 🇲🇦🇳🇾 🇸🇹🇮🇱🇱 🇨🇱🇮🇳🇬 🇹🇴 🇹🇭🇪 🇦🇳🇨🇮🇪🇳🇹 🇼🇦🇾🇸
🇧🇺🇹 🇹🇭🇴🇸🇪 🇼🇭🇴 🇩🇴 🇨🇦🇳 🇦🇱🇼🇦🇾🇸 🇫🇮🇳🇩 🇦 🇫🇷🇮🇪🇳🇩

🇼🇭🇴 🇰🇳🇴🇨🇰🇸 🇦🇹 🇹🇭🇪 🇬🇦🇷🇩🇪🇳 🇬🇦🇹🇪?
🇴🇳🇪 🇼🇭🇴 🇭🇦🇸 🇪🇦🇹🇪🇳 🇹🇭🇪 🇫🇷🇺🇮🇹 🇦🇳🇩 🇹🇦🇸🇹🇪🇩 🇮🇹🇸 🇲🇾🇸🇹🇪🇷🇮🇪🇸.

My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days--a time of peace, when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But all that changed when the Earth Kingdom attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop the ruthless earthbenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

Eighteen years have passed, and each nation has had trouble within its borders. The Earth Kingdom has taken advantage of the turmoil and continues its conquest. Among the chaos, the spirits still residing in our world have turned to attack people, and the entire world is now unbalanced. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn and that the cycle is broken. Others believe that the Avatar has gone into hiding due to being born in the Earth Kingdom that's hunting them down.

But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world. We just have to find them first.

The coup that placed King Wei as the Earth Monarch bode ill for the world at large. While many were concerned, few would speak out as the previous King Xiong was an ineffective leader who was more interested in riches than helping his people. But it was out of the pole caps and into the volcano as King Wei proved to be a threat not just to the Earth Kingdom, but to the rest of the world. It began with high taxes and an unfound arrogance against those who were not native to the Earth Kingdom, and over the years said arrogance turned to tyranny. What was once a continent of peace and harmony turned into war and strife as people were forced out of their homes. Benders who refused allegiance were arrested and vanished from the public eye, with rumors surrounded forced manual labor circling heavily.

In an attempt to subdue any that would challenge them, the Earth Kingdom cut food trades with the other nations. As a result, a famine has spread throughout the Fire Nation, and while the Air Nomads have tried to compensate, it is not enough. With the Fire Nation weakened, the Earth kingdom made their first attempt to conquer. Their only saving grace was the interference of the Water Tribes, who sent their own people forward to stop the Earth Kingdom ships from ever touching Fire Nation soil. Even so, things cannot remain this way as the citizens are starving to death, long separated from those that once resided in the Earth Kingdom. The Water Tribes struggle to communicate with one another as the Earth Kingdom has interfered with any attempts at every turn, and the Air Nomads have chosen to protest peacefully, much to the ire of the other nations.

Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could hope to defeat King Wei. With the hopes of all nations on his shoulders, Avatar Korra sought to negotiate with the King. The latter refused, and according to rumors, a fight broke out between the two before the Avatar was forced out of the palace. Before the Avatar could take proper judgment, however, she passed. After twenty years, however, a new Avatar has yet to emerge. What is known is that the Avatar was born in the Earth Kingdom, but many feared they had already fallen into the Earth Kingdom's hands. As the years passed and no new Avatar emerged, the masses began to lose hope. Three days ago, however, several beams of light emerged from the temples around the world, signaling that the new Avatar had awakened. That was when The Rebellion was formed and sprung into action. While their numbers were scarce, they gathered who they could and sent them to the Earth Kingdom. Now, it is a race between the Rebellion and the Earth Kingdom to find the Avatar. Will the Rebellion find the Avatar in time, or will the Earth Kingdom gain the upper hand?

This roleplay is firmly in AU territory. The Hundred Year War was successfully mitigated by Avatar Roku and an era of peace followed through Avatar Aang's time. His successor, Avatar Korra, passed twenty years ago, but her successor has yet to be located. In the meantime, the Earth Kingdom has been left unchecked, upsetting the balance between nations. While some things have stayed the same, others have changed. We're looking for active, driven players to make a ragtag bunch of misfits--or if you're interested in other roles, there's no harm in asking! Players have the option to play whatever bender (or non-bender!) they please. If there are any questions, feel free to ask :)
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Tomai Malathice

Dark Flier
Crest of Lamine - Detection

The Black Eagles' Professor. A graduate of Adrestia's top magic college, Tomai made a small name for himself refining Crest-discovery devices for the masses. His knowledge is only second to his wit, and while he would much rather be alone studying, he assures his students that he keeps an open door policy. Oddly enough, he does not seem to worship Seiros, having little interest in the Goddess and her teachings.

Michail Kalonic
Holy Knight

The Blue Lions' Professor. A Knight of Seiros who is tasked with protecting the students, the only thing he likes more than a good fight is a beautiful person at his side. He's extremely easy going and loves to socialize, always up for a quick chat or spar even with a pile of paperwork waiting on his desk. Despite his flaws, he has a good sense of justice for all and became a professor to make a difference in the world.

Euphemia Kalonic
Bow Knight

The Golden Deer's Professor. Formerly a renowned socialite in Faerghus society, she is a charming woman with an apparent sweet-and-spicy deposition. It has some merit; she is as sweet as she is hot headed, quick to jump to someone's aide but just as fast to start up an argument. Either way she usually insists on keeping up the nicer side of her, perky and peppy most of the time. She cherishes her students and friends and seeks to keep everyone on good terms.

Kaira Simeon

The Academy's nurse. She was formerly a cleric, having an extraordinary talent in healing from a young age. She has been with the church her whole life and yearns to explore Fódlan, but says she is needed at Garreg Mach. Not much is known about her otherwise as she has a tendency to keep people at arms' length.


The new Archbishop and Ascelpius' former apprentice, Ioannis has been with the church his whole life. He was abandoned as an infant on the church's steps and taken in, and at the age of five had heard a revelation from the Goddess. Despite his young age of only twelve summers, he is dedicated to the people and will do everything he can to help those in need.

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