Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Remote Location - Chicago, IL
Crowley flashes a tight-lipped smirk and reaches out a hand towards Cassi.
“My, my. You and the cait-sith sure are picky for beggars.” His eyes glow red as he and Cassi shake hands, causing Nic to clench his jaw.
She knows what she’s doing. He reminds himself again.
“Ren Wu’s contract belongs to Rarkoth. Foul little thing, that one, but here’s how to summon him.” Crowley seemingly pulls a roll of parchment out of thin air and hands it to Cassi.
“I’ll let you know when you can repay the favor, darling.” Nic’s jaw feathers as his fist clenches tighter, having to concentrate to avoid attacking the demon. He knows he stands no chance against him.
“Thank you.” He says through gritted teeth.

Location: Remote Location - Chicago, IL
Nero busies themself with petting Caden, not wanting to watch the exchange Cassi had been cornered into. They try their best to keep their fidgeting to a minimum, not wanting to alert Crowley of their nerves. It’s when Nero hears the raspy Scottish drawl near them that they look up.
“Do I need to shake your hand too?” Crowley asks.
Nero rolls their eyes, choosing to instead boop the demon’s nose with the tip of their forefinger as their eyes flash white.
“Now tell me whether or not you were just toying with me yesterday or if there’s actually something for me to worry about.”The King of Hell raises both eyebrows at Nero.
“What has you so spooked?”“I caught someone spying on me at my house soon after your visit - was it one of your underlings?”