Hidden 4 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Who is Who
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Who is Who The survivor

Member Seen 1 mo ago

-Name: Jeanne Evans
-Age: 27
-Starting equipment: .45 gun and a machete on her belt. Camping backpack filled with food, water and a few camping tools

-Short bio: Jeanne doesn´t really remember where she was born as she had to move often from town to town, her mother was part of a merchant caravan so from a very young age the guards taught the girl how to shoot. With the time Jeanne started to work on the caravans too, thus duplicating the home income. Everything changed when she retuned from one of her travels, the town had been reduced to ashes and most of the people were gone, among the corpses she found an old man who told Jeanne they had been attacked by men with metal armors and the survivors where taken as slaves. Jeanne did not found her mother among the bodies so she decided to try to find her, where? She has no clue but will have to travel a lot.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 29 days ago

Name:Charles Thatcher:

Age: 30
Standard vault 8 Security set: Armoured vault jumpsuit with riot gear armour.
10 mm Pistol
Vault-Tec Backpack
Vault-tec multi-tool
Fully stocked medical Kit
Secret briefcase

Charles is one of the lucky few to have belonged to a family that stayed in a vault. Even better it was a control vault so it functioned exactly as intended. After receiving the all clear signal in 2091 the inhabitants of Vault 8 returned to the surface. However, after using their GECK to terraform the land immediately outside the vault the inhabitants largely stayed put. Very few inhabitants of what has become known as Vault-Town have ever left the safety of the walls. The surface world had been a dissapointment to the inhabitants who had failed to yet identify any other vault survivors and very early struggled with the wildlife and the raider factions. Every five years the Vault-Town Council selects three citizens to venture out into the wasteland and carry out missions Critical to the needs and safety of the community. This year Charles Thatcher has been chosen.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Red Schuhart
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Red Schuhart Between worlds

Member Seen 6 days ago

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