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Main Characters


Character Creation Template:

Name -- location

Physical Description:
  • Age years old.
  • Description (as much as you want to include)
  • Pic if you have one

  • Say what you want.
  • .
  • .

Education, Training, Experience:
  • Say what you want.
  • .
  • .

Personal History (continuing with what's above):
  • Again, say what you want.
  • .
  • .
  • .
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Annie2002
Avatar of Annie2002

Annie2002 Just a girly girl doing girly girl things.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kimberly Jones -- outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Physical Description:

  • 32 years old
  • Attractive (more coming when I get a pic for her)


  • Confident, bold, extrovert; can be aggressive when necessary.
  • A real family person, even though she recently lost what remained of her own (see below).
  • Bisexual, with a slight leaning toward younger women.

Education, Training, Experience:

  • Grew up on an organic farm, which she now runs with a handful of owner/employees.
  • Bachelor's Degrees in Organic Farming and Ecological Studies from the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Became manager of the family farm after the deaths of her parents (see below).

Personal History (continuing with what's above):

  • She discovered her fondness for other women her first year at Pitt.
  • Her mother died from ovarian cancer in 2010.
  • Her only siblings -- a brother and sister, both older -- died in a carbon monoxide accident in 2016.
  • Her father died in an automobile accident in 2020. This left her all alone with the exception of some seasonal and permanent farmhands.

Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Annie2002
Avatar of Annie2002

Annie2002 Just a girly girl doing girly girl things.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Annie King -- Manhattan, New York City, New York

Physical Description:
  • 24-years-old.
  • Physically fit, a former Olympic athlete who visits the gym almost every day.
  • Pic on its way.

  • Confident in her physical abilities; she was an alternate for both the 2020 and 2024 Summer Olympics (basketball).
  • She's shy, though; an introvert.
  • Sexually inexperienced, only having had sex with two men -- one in high school, one after -- and only once with each. (She concluded that she wasn't a good lover, though, she will someday learn that that wasn't it at all.)

Education, Training, Experience:
  • She was an athlete her entire life, excelling in basketball and volleyball, ultimately becoming an alternate to the US's Summer Olympics basketball team.
  • She forwent college to train for the Olympics. (Her parents had money.)
  • During training during her late teens/early twenties, she began modeling.

Personal History (continuing with what's above):
  • While training for the Olympics, she began modeling sportwear and more. She made a lot of money at it.
  • Between modeling and rich parents, she was able to buy a 42nd floor condominium in Manhattan, the Richter Building.
  • She has been seeing a man but as of yet haven't slept with him.

Her history in the RP:
  • Day 1: She was in an elevator in her condo building when the Pulse occurred. She got trapped but got out. She found a master key in the doorman's desk and got back to her apartment.
  • Day 4: She begins pillaging her neighbors' apartments using the master key she'd find in the doorman's station.

Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Annie2002
Avatar of Annie2002

Annie2002 Just a girly girl doing girly girl things.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Caroline Timms -- US Speaker of the House

Physical Description:
  • 54 years old.
  • Description coming when I find an appropriate picture.
  • Pic coming.

  • Coming.

Education, Training, Experience:
  • More detail coming.
  • Local politics led to State politics which led to the US Congress.
  • She quickly rose to Speaker of the House, a position she's had for 1 term.

Personal History (continuing with what's above):
  • More coming.
  • Normally, as Speaker of the House, she would travel in a medium armor SUV with a driver and a pair of Secret Service agents.

Roleplay Experience:
  • Day 1: September 12, 2024: she was driving in Washington DC when the Pulse occurred. She was involved in an auto accident that might cause harm down the road; don't know yet.
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