Cassiopeia smiled with amusement while she watched Nic flounder. It was sort of adorable watching the panic come across in how he started to reorganize the cart to keep himself busy. It was even more amusing how they switched positions. Now Nic looked up at her while Cassi stood.
Cassi remained quiet for a moment after Nic stopped talking, enjoying the brief role reversal. She leaned down eventually and kissed him.
”You don’t need to stop talking about it. I’m happy you are excited for our future. That you want a future with me.” She pulled back, and offered a hand to Nic to help him stand.
”Well, it’s true,” Caden said with a wide grin. He escorted Nero into the building and paid for two passes for them to explore the museum and all the different exhibits they had.
Avery Zain

Location: Diner – Chicago, IL
Avery marvelled at how Kimiko was reacting. She really doesn’t know, he thought to himself. Avery reached an arm across the table to brush Kimiko’s fingers. He turned his hand over as an invitation to take his hand if she wanted it. All the while, Avery watched her.
”Je suis amoureux de toi, petit renard. J'aime la façon dont vous vous mordez la lèvre et vous enthousiasmez pour les fraises enrobées de chocolat. J'aime que tu ne réalises pas à quel point tu as un effet sur les gens. J'aime à quel point tu es attentionné. Comme vous êtes motivé et passionné. Et j'aime à quel point tu t'inquiètes pour moi même si je t'ai blessé. J'aime que tu me donnes une seconde chance. J'espère en être digne, et de vous.”