Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Annie2002
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Annie2002 Just a girly girl doing girly girl things.

Member Seen 5 days ago


Physical Description:

  • 15 years old
  • Pretty, with fair skin, freckles, and long wavy auburn hair. (Think Rose Leslie/Ygritte of GOT.)
  • Well curved with a modest bosom and wide hips, perfect for breeding (which will have to wait until she comes of age).


  • Bold, courageous.
  • Flirtatious.
  • Intelligent and knowledgeable.
  • Loyal and faithful to her family and her Clan.
  • She takes after her Papa, a hunter, more than she does her mother; her sisters are more domestic in nature, while she prefers to be running around with a bow or spear in her hands.

Her Family and Clan

  • She is the middle child of 5, as well as the middle aged of 3 girls.
  • Her clan has 30+ members.
  • Her village -- located at the yellow dot on the southeast coast -- lives off fishing and hunting, as well as trading with other Clans on the shores to the north and south or inland through the pass in the mountains.
  • The village is led by a Chief who is elected by secret ballot -- colored pebbles dropped into a bowl and afterward counted. The current Chief happens to be the village's eldest male, not that that has anything to do with who is in power. This Chief -- very well respected -- has been in place for over two decades, since the last Chief -- his uncle -- died from a fall.

Her personal history:

  • She was trained to hunt and participates as such almost daily.
  • Being beautiful and of the appropriate body style, she had been receiving offers of breeding since she entered puberty, even before (though her father said nothing to her about those offers).
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by KingOfNowhere
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Craig King

Physical Description:
  • 42 years old
  • Ruggedly handsome, physically fit.
  • Curly brunette hair, green eyes.

  • Charismatic, charming.
  • Adventurous, courageous.
  • Flirtatious, but respectful of boundaries.
  • Intelligent, well educated.

Education, training, and experience.
  • Yet to be revealed.

His personal history:
  • He is a wandering adventurer who has visited many places over the last 20 years.
  • How he got here:
    • He arrived here after the two masted schooner he was on, the Elizabeth, was caught in a storm, tossing her, breaking her up, and ultimately sinking her.
    • The storm took hold of them between Newfoundland and Ireland and ended hundreds of miles off course to the north, somewhere off the coast of Greenland.
    • It was earlier stated that he had been with 36 others, but -- forgetting that I had done this -- I edited later to indicate that he had had "4 accomplices" who'd helped him hijack the ship that was carrying "12 female sex slaves" who he was trying to rescue. I don't think I spoke of any others on board, so it could have been higher.
    • So far, King is the only one to wash up on the southeastern shore of Greenland alive. Three other bodies have been found thus far.
  • He has been to many places over the last 20 years (see this post), including:
    • New Eastport, Newfoundland:
      • New Eastport replaced the Newfoundland Island city of Eastport when rising ocean levels flooded the original city.
      • King stayed there about a year.
      • He described it as "... Nice people. Safe community. They fished and grew terraced crops."
      • On another occasion, while answering Annie's questions about his past, he spoke vaguely and mused in more detail about Eastport being a port with many merchant ships ... and a center for human smuggling. (See this post.
    • Nova Scotia, about which he has not yet spoken.
    • New England, again without detail.
    • The Carolines, which obviously is in the area of North and South Carolina, though that hasn't been expanded on yet.
    • New Mephis, which replaced Memphis, Tennessee. He mused about New Memphis: he ..."didn't explain that New Memphis, Tennessee, was now a coastal city. Rising ocean levels had driven the Gulf of Mexico north up the Mississippi until Old Mephis had disappeared, first into the Mississippi River itself and then -- after continually rebuilding on higher and higher ground -- into the waters of the unrelenting and expanding Gulf."

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