Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Lumiere de Beaux

Age: Unknown, but his Cover's age is 18.

Physical Description:

Weapons and Items: Lumiere de Beaux has what items are appropriate to his cover, which in turn is a member of one of Beaux Rêve's aristocratic families (no one knows for sure which ones). These include fine clothes, a large amount of cash (Resources 5 equivalent), a small arsenal of Guns, and a private car.

Lumiere also has access to Suborned Infrastructure of some sort, Infrastructure being a portion of the God Machine that works on Occult principles and unknown laws of Science. He does not own this piece of Suborned Infrastructure, however; it is shared by his Demon Agency, the very same one that harnessed the reality-altering force known as the Contagion to cause Beaux Rêve to exist in the first place.

Are you a Princess/Prince? : N

Short Bio: Lumiere was once an Angel, but not the conventional Angels from religious iconography, not even the 'Biblically Accurate Angels' described in Scripture. No, Lumiere was a creation of the God-Machine, a being that utilized undiscovered laws of physics and used them alongside the occult and the supernatural to maintain the universe and reality as we know it, making it behind the good and bad aspects of the Chronicles of Darkness. As a Psychopomp, Lumiere recycled the souls of the dead and built Infrastructure for the God-Machine, for the latter could not do its work without an Occult Matrix to act as a conduit for its power. Eventually, Lumiere had a thought: He was working for a flawed structure.

His second thought, the one that led to his Fall, was, I can make a new and better one.

So he fell and wound up in Beaux Rêve. He avoided the (weaker) Angels sent to bring him back to the God-Machine's fold, finding a bolthole and cover. Discovering an underground scene of supernatural creatures who knew little about Demons, yet abhorred them for reasons both legitimate and not, he was eventually brought in, and given sanctuary by the Luminous Agency, a group that worked to harness the Contagion, a mysterious reality-altering phenomenon, to keep the impossible archipelago-nation of Beaux Rêve existent and woven into the history and society of this universe and timeline. For in the islands of Beaux Rêve gestates the greatest hope of Demonkind, the embryo of what could be a new God-Machine.

A source of salvation for those who hope. A path to damnation for the pessimistic.

Or could it be both? Either way, Lumiere keeps the Impossible Islands safe from agents of various malefic forces, such as The Abyss from Mage Lore, Maejin from Werewolf Lore, and the Strix, the ultimate antagonists of Vampire-kind. Not just that, but there is a threat brewing among Beaux Rêve's government itself that would bring down the wards that make it harder for the God-Machine's most loyal and powerful Angels and other agents to enter the archipelago. If that happens, then the nascent New God-Machine would not be safe; and this cannot be allowed.

Lumiere is willing to do whatever it takes, good or bad, to safeguard his Agency's hopes...

Incarnation: Psychopomp.

Agendae: Integrator/Saboteur (Break the God-Machine First, then make a better one; yes, Lumiere has the equivalent of the Multiple Agendas Merit).

Embeds and Exploits:

Embeds - In my Pocket, Shatter, Right Tools, Right Job, Diversion.

Exploits - Rip the Gates, Ephemeral Cover, Murder by Improbability, Four Minutes Ago.

Demonic Form:

Modifications: See the Angelic, Electrical Sight.

Technologies: Glory and Terror, Electrical Jolt.

Propulsion: Wings.

Processes: Extra Mechanical Limbs.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Ken Aizawa

Age: 16

Physical Description:

Weapons and Items: Beaux Rêve school uniform (silken), wallet, personal documentation, Smartphone, Laptop, Backpack, Textbooks, Pepper Spray, and a Taser plus a Wooden Kendo Sword. Also cash and debit cards worth $50,000 (Resources 3 equivalent).

Are you a Princess/Prince? : Y.

Calling: Champion.

Court: Swords.

Invocation: Fuoco 3, Acqua 2, Terra 1.

Charms: Fight 3, Perfect 2, Govern 1.

Short Bio: Ken was born in Tokyo to a Japanese Father and a Caucasian Mother from Beaux Rêve City. This was made more ‘unusual’ than it is now due to his father being a member of the Hototogisu and his mother being a Princess who fell in love with the man despite the former trying to ‘steal’ her powers in the first place. And so Ken was raised with two sometimes-conflicting influences, his father’s, who was focused on money and influence and ambition, and his mother’s, who was focused on compassion, philanthropy, and sometimes self-righteousness. Nevertheless, the boy quickly learned from both, leaning towards his mother more.

At school in Tokyo, Ken was frequently bullied for his half-foreign heritage and quickly learned to stand up for himself. Standing up for others, though, was harder for him, but then he met a boy, a boy who awakened him to his budding bisexuality. He tried to ignore these feelings at first, but seeing that other boy being bullied in school, even worse than he was, because he was ‘weak’, slowly roused a desire for justice and a desire to protect him, and one day, he stood up to protect the person he had to admit, he loved.

In a flash of light, Ken’s clothes transformed into that of a soldier wearing the ballistics vest of an elite JSSDF Infantryman, and the boy punched the lights out of the bullies threatening to beat his fellow student. And his life changed forever.

His parents soon caught wind of what happened and paid a huge amount of money to keep the mouths of any witnesses shut. Then after accepting that yes, Ken did in fact like both genders ‘that way’, the two debated on what to do to protect him. This resulted in his father inducting him into the Hototogisu’s employ even though he was below the legal age for employment in Japan and then sending him to the city of Beaux Rêves, where the Age of Majority was 16. There, he was to represent the Japanese Corporation’s more philanthropic side and ‘observe’ events going on in the area and how the Conspiracy/Company could benefit from it.

And yes, he’s still allowed to talk to the person he protected, his new boyfriend...
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Skarabrae


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Real Name: James Malforth.

Current Alias: Asaroth.

Age: 18.

Physical Description:

Human Appearance:

Changeling Appearance:

Weapons and Items:
Subsonic 9MM Pistol with suppressor (closest thing you can get to the Hollywood sound silenced guns make) with ammo.



Masque of Darkness: A white mask token that makes it easier for him to hide.

Are you a Princess/Prince?: No.

Changeling Stuff:
Seeming: Darkling.

Seeming Blessing: By touching something insubstantial, can become part of it for a few seconds.

Kith: Whisperwisp.

Kith Blessing: Forked Tongue: Is supernaturally good at mundane stealth.

Court: Autumn.


Fae Cunning: Can dodge bullets and is hyperaware when the contract is active.

Walls Have Ears: Can speak with objects and get information from them.

Autumn's Fury: Can summon a storm and even attack people in the storm with lightning.

Witches' Intuition: Can tell what someone's fear is and even replace it with another fear for a short time.

Props and Scenery: Can shapeshift into an inanimate object.

Sorcerer's Rebuke: Can drain a target of their supernatural power source.

James Malforth was a teenage boy who once saw a spider trapped under a rock. Being of kind heart, he freed the spider, and it sped off into the distance.

Unfortunately for James, the spider was a servant of one of the True Fae: The Lord of Spiders. This fae decided to "reward" James. It abducted him and forced him to become one of its servants.

James was made into a sorcerer-assassin. He was tasked with eliminating the Lord of Spiders' enemies, whether on the battlefield with magical power or in secret with a blade in hand.

Eventually, James became quite knowledgeable in the occult. He joined forces with another person imprisoned by the Lord of Spiders and together created a poison so foul that even the Lord of Spiders itself couldn't withstand it.

James tricked the Lord of Spiders into drinking the poison. Then, the Lord of Spiders started retching and heaving. Whether or not the Lord of Spiders was killed...James never found out. He fled as fast as he could, along with the other changelings the Lord of Spiders held captive.

Upon leaving the Lord of Spiders' domain and returning to the human world, James joined the Autumn Court and started calling himself Asaroth. This was both because he thought going by his human name would make it obvious where he is in case the Lord of Spiders still lives and because he thought a fae creature going by a demon-like name might throw the Lord of Spiders off.
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