I have a startling confession to make, I'm actually European! That's right, I'm one of those awful people living in a freedom-hating nation who gets to enjoy decent healthcare. But enough about that nonsense, as I've always been enchanted by the incredible culture and life-style found exclusively in the southernmost states of America, and so after careful deliberation I decided to finally bite the bullet and create this roleplaying account to merge my favourite fandom and way of life together. Now, whilst I am packing these paragraphs with silly jokes and international jabs, this is a serious request to create a furry roleplay, one revolving around the best of forbidden romance; the kind between a human and his/her Pokémon. Oh, and before anybody asks, yes this roleplay will be set in an original region loosely based on the south, thus every character will be an OC. Alright then, let's do this!

My current idea is conceptually simplistic, following an average southerner (you, obviously) working on a rustic ranch or employed in the equivalent of some Walmart in a rural town, or whatever other frightfully stereotypical idea we use as our starting point. Either way, alongside you is my character who'll take on the role of the affectionate and naïve Pokémon that doesn't seem to care/understand the concept of social boundaries, and relentlessly pushes to be more intimate/lovey-dovey with no regard to how badly that will be received. As you can imagine, this'll begin very tame and might seem somewhat similar to a silly slice of life story, like the oversaturated genre of oblivious and horny creature wants human but can't have it because society. But mighty oaks grow from little acorns, and likewise this complex story develops from a seemingly overused idea.

Anyway, I sincerely hope I have left just enough bait to catch your interest, and if so then please don't be afraid to bite. You're probably wondering what Pokémon I'll be playing as, and honestly that'll mostly depend on who your character is, for instance if you pick a dedicated male farmer then I'd likely pick an overly distracting female Braixen. I'm open to playing male or female individuals, both in terms of mains and background characters, and am willing to roleplay more than one main character. I want the tone to be bouncy and charmingly humorous, so whilst dark themes aren't something I'm scared of, do keep in mind the context and atmosphere lean heavily towards pleasant items. Think a Lucario fumbling around trying to use a flimsy banjo to impress you at a BBQ, and not so much fighting to the death to win your honour. Lastly, this was marked 18+ for a reason, you don't have to be cautious about alluding to adult themes as long as it makes to do so, though that doesn't mean every other sentence has to be a swear for the sake of it.