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Hidden 18 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

as everyone enjoyed their day, the raccoons were still recovering...
"don't the 'hoo-mans' have how to catch a predator? because I was next on the food chain!"
(heh.) (bahaha!)
"wait, rummage, what are you doing?"
"is that space alcohol?"
"...does this place allow space alcohol? how much alcohol is in there anyways?"
rummage looks at the ingredients
"...1% alcohol, 99% uranium..."
"you've already drunk a bottle, have you?"
"huh, new guests!"
"a red wizard, a cloaked man, (how original,) and a weird dude."
"is that the Phoenix dude? ohh I oughta-"
"stop. you've taken this too far. we nearly killed him."
"I like the red guy."
this is life for the raccoons. (dont worry he fixed the orb)
1x Like Like 1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Tavern floor

Only hours ago the young woman was bored, idly cleaning the counter. Now, she could hardly keep up with the orders and requests. The small bird became a boy... or bird-boy at least. There was new patrons entering and she hadn't yet the chance to greet them.

Quickly scanning the room with her emerald green eyes she threw out a wave of generalised nods, pleasantries and greetings as she made her way behind the bar.
Then she got to work.
With a soft smile and deft hands she flowed effortlessly around the shelves collecting mugs or glasses and filling them with the requested liquids. The bottles almost fell into her hands as she near preempted the patrons orders.

She was quick, and everyone would soon get their requested drink.

[If you order a drink, you can presume the barmaid drops it off shortly after.
For specific interaction with the barmaid just tag me.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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Toucan? Did that brat just call him a toucan? No way some teenage boy is going to insult him like that. "Toucan?! Who are you calling Toucan, kid! I'll have you know I'm Julian Kar, a phoenix and I could burn you to ash," he took a moment to look at his form before sighing. "Eventually. I can burn you to ash, eventually." He just had to admit, he wasn't very intimidating in this child form. He just didn't have enough magic to really do anything.

When the wizard placed a silver coin in Clayton's hand, he began laughing harshly, literally pointing and laughing at the werewolf. "Oh man, I bet that hurt like a bitch, huh wolf boy!" He laughed again, as he picked up a piece of meat and shoving it in his mouth with a cheeky grin. The smile faded slightly at the taste of cold meat but he quickly brightened it as he watched Clayton grumble behind the bar. He may not have the power to fight the wolf right this moment, but he could enjoy the small victories.

Julian was content to just eat his food until he heard the sound of crunching bone and slurping. He grimaced as he leaned his head back, looking at the shape-shifting newcomer with a look of disgust. "What the hell?" He asked as he turned around on the stool and faced the new person. "Does- does that hurt? That sounded like it hurt, like, a lot. That was pretty gross, dude."
Hidden 17 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Asher enjoyed the bird child's tantrum. As Jules whatever-the-heck-his-name-is addressed each person individually, his voice started to annoy Asher. Mostly because it wasn't yapping at him. He loved attention, positive or negative, mostly negative from people like Jacob Tar or whatever his name was again.

As the feather brains kept talking, Asher began to think of some more harsh comments for the parrot child, and his frown glitched into a smirk. But this time it stayed a smirk. He hasn't felt this happy in a while, and Oh boy was he gonna cut loose on Josh Car, if that is his real name.

Toucan, Parrot, Phoenix, same difference. They're all birds with half a brain cell, but you're a Duck-child thing so I guess that gives you one brain cell. Congrats.

Oh boy he could not wait for the oversized Parakeet's response. This would boil his blood!
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Hurt? Was he hurt? Loki hadn't heard anything, but then again, people such as the birb had warned him before. eh, it's probably nothing. loki shrugged. but he had to do something to diffuse the tension, and fast. Loki loved a good insult, and asher did make him smile, but julian did not seem the kind to take one lightly. besides, loki had very bad experiences with fire. "Um...Julian, was it? No, i don't hurt, not when i'm shifting. that's just the noise of bones moving and growing; but if you and this man were to get into a fight, please leave me out of it. I don't like being anywhere near fire." a shadow crossed over loki's eyes, hinting at a bit of history, but his cheerful smile remained.
he stuck out his hand, and as he did so, turned it into one identical to Julian's. "deal?" the shadow over his eyes disappeared, but his pupils were now glowing, blood red, though they too, quickly changed back. anyone with enough wisdom to read him in this moment, would know he was like a trained monster, just waiting to let his wild out. but this was how he always felt. not julian's fault. just the air of conflict around him filled him with the thrill of battle. it was all he could do to stop himself from lashing out.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

as the two bros were laughing their butts off, rummage was drinking more alcohol and... well, got drunk off uranium.
he stumbled out the room, and started walking off... ("stupid rabbit bird. he's gonna see how his flames compare down in hell.)
as he was doing that, the other two were laughin', enjoying their time.
"what did you think I am, blind?"
insert laugh track here
"that was so funny! right rummage?"
no response.
no response.
"OH SHI-" as the two started scrambling to find him, rummage was stumbling down the stairs.
as he found his way down to the lobby, he pulled a gun.
he was going to point the gun at the bird, but he was drunk. he instead pointed at a normal joe schmoe, sitting across the bar.

Back to rookie and rufus...
"wait, don't tell me he's going for the j guy..."
the raccoons bolted out the room. they hopped in the elevator.

"...so how was your day?"
"...it was good."
the elevator opened near the bar.
they bolted to see their drunk brother standing there w/ the gun...
the raccoons rushed for rummage, tackling him and wrestling him...
then suddenly...

a bullet hole was shot straight through rookie.
"I did it!" rummage falls over and crashes into the floor
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago


BANG! He heard it. and the smell of blood. there was an air of death in the air, and it put every nerve in LOKI'S body on edge. Someone had been killed. The reason's did not matter, not in the state loki was in. as long as death was involved, LOKI was always needed to set things right. As his hair, skin and clothes turned a horrid black and his eyes a pale red. THIS MURDERER WOULD NOT GO FREE. NOT NOW, NOT EVER. pink fire could be seen streaking from LOKI'S form, as a manifestation of his unquenchable rage. Things were about to go down. he took out his sword, rage form, and charged, growing dragon wings as he went, to assist in his speed. NO WAY WILL HE ESCAPE ME. JUSTICE HAS NO ESCAPE! faster than anyone could probably react, he swung for the rodent.
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As rummage woke up, he couldn't feel his legs.
as he looked up, he saw one thing.
his lower half, separated from his upper half. he was dead, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Rufus broke down. he stood there, crying.
"kill me, please do."
but as he stood there. he knew one thing.
"this maniac should be served properly."
he looked at Loki...
"by all the people i've met... all the relics i've collected... I'll make sure you feel horrible."
Rufus was a good fighter, but he dealt more in the "fuck you imma make you bawl out tears and realize you KILLED MY BRO" kinda type.
you fucked with the wrong raccoon, bitch
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago


LOKI simply stared. hand on his bloody, glowing, flaming sword. I never harm the innocent. You have done nothing wrong. your wish shall not be granted. I need cause. LOKI'S eyes, trailing smoke were a horror to behold. cold and emotionless. how had they been so cheerful before? but the malice he felt from this animal was pungent. fine. give me a reason.
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Asher has always been receptive to violence. If he sees, hears, or receives it, he responds in less than a second. So when he heard a raccoon shoot a gun (why does it even have one?), he was instantly triggered.

And then Slurpy-sound-bone-crack guy lashed out, and Asher was forced to protect the little bandits, glitching to their location, and by the time he realised he was there, he was face to face with the demon. One was already dead. He wouldn't let the other one die.

Hearing Loki's words, he couldn't help but be infuriated. Those words...Those were the words that killed his family and spared him. He almost wanted to kill the other Raccoon himself. Instead. he turned to Loki.

You...bastard...I'll kill you myself. i don't care if it was "Justice". I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF. His form started glitching uncontrollably. He throws a fireball at Loki.
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

...my past does not allow more than one of us to come back. if two of us die, they DIE. I could've saved him, but YOU came along and ruined EVERYTHING.
as he talks, he grows an ominous green aura.

he's ready to fight.
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago


LOKI'S body made a horrible noise as it twisted and swirled around the fireball, reflexes heightened by the thrill. "FINE. MORE BODIES TO ADD TO THE PILE. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU." With a sickening crack, four new arms sprout from his body, each holding a blade, adding up to a grand total of six. "COME AT ME, WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!!!" A wave of power radiates from loki, enough to frighten any casual observer.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Asher hasn't been this pissed off since the destruction of his universe. He was all for the action. But this time, he had a whole new arsenal of abilities to learn. He knows the glitching is related to his emotions, now was the time to control it.

He didn't want to hurt the people in the bar, but he couldn't just ask Loki to move outside... He needed to glitch outside, and to do that, he needed to focus...


He opened his eyes, and they were directly outside of the Tavern. How convenient. It looked entirely different then he remembered, but that wasn't the issue. Next he needed to deal with Loki. His face contorts into a large grin. Now for the fun part.

His left eye was in a constant state of uncontrollable glitching, his right one flashing red error codes. He could see perfectly fine out of both, and the error codes were helpful in telling him when an attack was coming. The rest of his form remained mostly the same, with the occasional glitch.

He holds his hand over his head, and a large fireball appears over it.

You're in for it now, ya demon. He glitches next to Loki, and blows the fireball up.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Clayton & the Barnaid
Behind the bar Clayton, still squeezing the silver coin as it hisses in his hand, reactivating to and burning his flesh, steps protectively in front of the barmaid.

"Do you think they will wake Dorian?"
She asks as she watches on with concern and worry.

"I think this is happening because he is awake." Clay growls with a focused reply.


Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

suddenly, the raccoon set a fire shield around him just in case.
HOW'S YOUR MOTHER? the raccoon lunged at him, latching himself onto the face of the murderer...
IT WORKED ONCE! IT WORKS AGAIN! He hit Loony several times, not too hard, but they hurt.
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago


P̶̧̳̳̪̮͓̥̦̱͐̉͜A̵̧̹͓̻̝̲̓̎I̶̮͔͎͂͒̈́͜N̶̨̺̲̅̂̽̑̇̒̓̕͝ WHY WHY WHY?!?!? ALL HE HAD DONE WAS WHAT HAD BEEN DONE TO HIM!!! DEBT REPAID IN FULL! OH THIS LITTLE PRICK WAS IN FOR IT! ... this isn't you, this is him. SILENCE. NO TIME FOR INNER CONFLICT. NOT NOW. With a snap of one of his hand's finger's he became a ghost, and attempted to possess this glitchy freak. Asher's true form should be in a glitchy void (asher's mind), as well as loki's real form, and, a woman that even loki doesnt know.
Hidden 17 days ago 17 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

as the spooky specter followed him, he jumped around and avoided the ghost to pull one thing out of his pocket of flesh; a ghost trap.
he quickly teleported behind the menace and opened the trap;
it's not gonna be that easy!
Hidden 17 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

Member Seen 1 day ago

Julian watched the group of people disappear and he allowed an eyebrow to raise. He looked between the few remaining people before he turned to face the two behind the bar. "Dorian? Who is this Dorian fellow and why would him being awake cause those rodents cause all this trouble." He could feel the magical pulses coming from those dueling outside but he just acted like nothing was going on, even though he really, really wanted to go see what was going on out there.

Unfortunately, Julian is just a small, mostly powerless child right now. If he went out there to try and handle the fighting, he probably would just die all over again and that was not an ideal situation.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 1 hr ago


His last thought before being sent to a glitchy void was "Idiot raccoon". He didn't know where he was, but all he does know is that mr.mcbonecrackslurp was still here. As he looks around more at the void, his stomach dropped, and his eyes widened in horror.

The words "Fix It" were everywhere. This was...his mind. He spent a lot of time in here during his time in the Anti-Void, but it looked...less glitchy. More empty. Doesn't matter. Loki was still here, and he had one goal:

Hidden 17 days ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


With Julian's earlier taunt now forgotten, Clay opens his fist letting the wizards silver coin fall to the floor with a 'clang' as it bounced and rolled about before settling.
With a shake of his burnt hand he simply adds. "He's a manipulative ass, and that's all you need to know."

He then turns his back on Julian as he goes to rinse his hand.

The barmaid kindly fills in the parts the werewolf left out.
"He is, as far as anyone can tell, the proprietor of this establishment. He has been here longer than anyone else and is more familiar with the tavern than anyone." She leans in to softly add. "Honestly, I don't know if the tavern shares his will or he the taverns."
As she stood back up her eyes quickly glance to Clayton to see if he heard or reacted, his focus remained on his hand.

"Anyway, so..." She looked over the young bird boy. "I would offer you a drink but I guess all I can get you know is milk or water."
She gave a soft playful smile.
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