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Hidden 16 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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𝓛 ꂦ πŸ…Ί 𝐼 ?

Clarity. Finally. for once in his life, he felt... peace. at least in this place, he was able to gather his thoughts away from the constant pain and violent anger he felt. He knew that asher was ready to kill him. but why? what had he done? his head hurt, like he had been dragged through hell ( he spoke from experience.). Loki was back to normal by now, orange and blue as always. but... who was this other? this woman seemed familiar somehow. anyway, "..." He felt scared. he had never been this vulnerable before. "hello, Asher. You wouldn't happen to know how i got here, would you? I haven't a slightest idea, but... do you know this woman? last thing i remember was a bang."
Hidden 16 days ago 11 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

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Taken aback by his sudden lack of hostility, he let his guard down. This only lasted for a second, but that was enough. Hey started to think, and realised Loki looked normal again. They weren't trying to kill Asher. So Asher shouldn't try to kill them?

N-no. I don't. I was dragged here somehow, but I don't know how. And I don't know who the woman is. He only just noticed the Woman. Why was she here? Why was Asher here? He stopped being stuck in his own head when his body randomly stumbled into the tavern a while ago.

His mind racing, Asher begins to stumble around before realizing that Loki was in the same boat. He had no idea what had just happened.

Y-yo-you heard the gunshot and saw the raccoon die, and then killed the other raccoon. Me and the third raccoon were fighting you...you looked like a demon... but you don't look like that now...and...

Asher almost leaps for joy...NO GLITCHING! even in his mindscape previously, he almost seemed to glitch more. This was great! He felt great!
Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rufus says, while waking up in the mindspace.
he looked at the murderer.
he broke down.
...rummage? rookie? I wish you were still here...
he started laying down and crying
...fuck Loki.

chapter 2; a new revenge

suddenly, something snapped inside of the raccoon.
the ghosts of the other two raccoons floated in...
"...can we catch a break?"
he ran to hug them, but they were ghosts, so he went right through them.
he looked back at Loki, and realized one thing;
you are still the murderer.
fueled by his rage, he lunged for Loki.
this battle is gonna last a bit longer, now.
Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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𝓛 ꂦ πŸ…Ί 𝐼

"Oh! hello my little friend!" he said to the raccoon. "how are you-?" the raccoon lunged. "AAAAAA!!! STUPID FLIPPIN CLAWS!" Loki dropkicks the raccoon and hopes to turn him into compost. "field-goal! ten points! Now gimme the free throw!" loki charges, prepared to punt the raccoon again.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 16 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 days ago

after loki punted the raccoon, he got up.
as he turned over to look at the ghosts of his bros, he didn't see them. he saw HIM.
it-its you.
he stood there, staring into his soul.
Hidden 15 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

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The Red Wizard

Hiding under a table, the red wizard was nursing his bottle of scotch while sweating profously, his eyes nervously darting back and forth. In retrospect, his earlier deduction might have led to the wrong conclusion; he wasn't sure now that he'd rather have taken his chances with old NatharghΓ»l, soul sucking or not. This place was a madhouse, and a bad one at that (and he knew what he was talking about - he'd seen more than a few in his time). He'd tried conjuring a protective circle around him, but had so far only succeeded in creating a cute little ring of oddly colored mushrooms around him. The sight of them made his stomach rumble, but he controlled himself. He was hungry, sure, but he'd made it a rule never to eat anything magical. Especially not magical mushrooms, and especially not if he was the one responsible for their unnatural existence.

Daring a peek from out of under the tablecloth, the red wizard immedietly wished he hadn't. There was a dead little raccoon lying there. Or, rather, there were two pieces of a dead little raccoon lying there. He ducked back inside his "panic room", breath coming quick, and gulped down more scotch. No. Nope. Don't think so. Although... he did feel some sympathy for the poor little pupper. It was just an animal. It didn't know anything about the big, scary world out there. An innocent. Hmm... Maybe he should do something about it. Maybe he would, at that. But not before finishing his scotch.

Yes. Great plan!
Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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As much as Loki wanted to send that raccoon to the pearly gates, he seemed to be doing his own thing, so loki let him be. after a quick Self-ghostification later, he was back at the tavern. no one could see him though, and that was probably for the best. he would need to be crafty with this next form, something that would be able to trick everyone in the tavern at once, and both unnerve people, the way he usually does, and put them at ease. he had it! a form from back in his early entertaining days. the infamous, and famous, Michael J. Houdini. a magician with the power of illusions and forms, who marveled the audience with his daring stunts. Houdini would have to go undercover however, and make a whole new personality for himself. no more slip ups, not until he had cleared his name.
But that was later. now! for his entrance, Houdini enleashed a flash of glittery blue smoke, that slowly dissapated, leaving him standing in a michael jackson pose. "Hello ladies and gents. I am here for two things. one, shifter, named loki, and two, a stage to perform on. does this lovely establishment happen to have either?"

The Michael jackson pose:

Hidden 15 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

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As the man walked closer, the raccoon walked away...
...why are you here? why did you do this?
the man had picken up Rufus, and put him closer to his face.
he'd thrown the animal to the floor.
it's clear Rufus would have to step up his game... or else the man who'd given him life would be the cause of his death.
Hidden 11 days ago 11 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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Julian turned around on the stool, peering out at the chaos of the tavern. A frown was planted firmly on his face as he took in the full sight. There was now some type of magician looking fool, a dead raccoon on the ground, a scared wizard under the table, and gods know what else. He inhaled deeply as he slowly slid off his stool and strolled over to the table where the red wizard was located. He placed a hand on the top of the table before he squatted down to peer at the old man. "You can come out now. The danger has passed, probably." He balanced there on the balls of his feet for a moment as his eyes fell on the dead raccoon.

He wasn't sure which raccoon this was. Perhaps it was the one who put the dynamite in his pocket but personally, a dead corpse on the ground was a grizzly sight and not one he was fond of. So with an annoyed grunt, he stood up and walked tot he raccoon. "You owe me greatly for this, vermin." He reached into his vest and plucked a down feather from his chest. He gazed at the yellow feather, twirling it between his fingers for a moment before he placed it lightly on the raccoon's chest. The feather ignited a moment later before slowly sinking into the creature's body. The flames sprouted from within the critter, engulfing him completely before dying down than vanishing after a few moments. The racoon was once more in one piece and when he took his first breath of life, Julian plucked him up off the ground and set him on his feet with a heavy pat on his chest. "Welcome back. Don't make me have to do that again. That spot's going to be bald for a month now." He turned away from the raccoon and went back to his stool, taking a seat and picking idly at his food. It was ice cold by now.
Hidden 11 days ago 10 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 days ago

this post sucked ass so quick recap;
they die. yep. he killed all of them. story over. no more. probably gonna do a reboot, because man I loved them. but at the same time, ZEBRAS ARE THE NEW COOL KICK-ASS OC'S!
(and after that, cats, and then dogs, wait what are furries doing on this list?)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 11 days ago 11 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


As Asher looks up from his no longer glitching body, his smile disappeared.

Where did everyone go? What's that faint ringing noise? Why is there a flickering light ahead? Don't people know it's rude to run off without warning?

Why did the glitching come back a bit? The words everywhere disappeared? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

He begins to stumble uncontrollably, gripping his skull before he glitches out of his mind. He is back in the tavern, but he doesn't look the same...or feel the same. In fact, he feels nothing at all. All sensations, emotions, everything was replaced by the faint tingling of a glitch. He would solve this later. He now needed to find Loki, and also figure out who the Michael Jackson rip off was.
Hidden 11 days ago 10 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Ah. well, no one seemed to care for his dramatic entrance except the pheonix man, but, oh well. he'll just try tomorrow. as he walked past everyone else in the tavern, he whispered in Asher's ear, "I have information concerning Loki if you wish to hear it, my friend. I am in the first room up the stairs." he walked off, up the stairs, and up to a room. he opened the door, shut it behind him, and locked it. "Sigh. I need a break."
Hidden 10 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


First room...up the...stairs?

He mutters to himself, as if talking to a small child.

I don't...know...where the stairs are...and why don't you take me...?

He continues to mutter as Houdini walks away, not realizing Houdini can't hear him. His form glitches as he follows Houdini, his stumble slowly turning into a walk. His posture overall became better. He eventually made his way to the room, and knocked on the door.
@Sky Blue
Hidden 10 days ago 10 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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there he was. "About damn time." Houdini sauntered his way over to the door, and opened it his . "all will be explained shortly." Houdini walked back to his bed and sat. "Close the door behind you. I have secrets that should not be revealed lightly." he whipped out a long, long contract, that seemed to disappear into thin air the further it went down, but if read closely, would say, ~If you sign, you will not disclose this information beyond these doors, or you will be incinerated in my personal hell until i feel like letting you out, and there is no other way out. blah blah blah what else am i supposed to put in a contract anyway? blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...~ and so on. "so. do you accept? it's really not that much to ask. also you don't happen to have a pen, do you? i lost mine."
Hidden 10 days ago 10 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Asherror nods in agreement, glitching a pen into existence and slashing it across the paper as his signature. He summons a chair behind him and sits, focusing his blank expression on Houdini.
I find you-u-u-u-u-u-u very interesting. Your whole look ties my brain into a knot. I-I-I-I came here for information on Loki. Where di-i-i-d h-e-e-e-e go? Why d-i-i-i-d his exit make my mindscape unstable? Why? Why? Why?
His last word kept looping like a broken record. He wanted answers. And if he didn't get them from this "entertainer", he would destroy him without remorse.
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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Houdini got up, closed the door behind asher, and sat back down. "now, look. you'r going too have to not react, ok?" Houdini began to slowly turn back to Loki. "I'm sure you have many questions, and i will answer them all, but for now i needed to tell you my secret, especially after leaving so abruptly. i do consider you a friend, after all." Loki stuck his hand out, motioning for a handshake. "so, are we good? If you want to fight still, thats fine, but i will 'DELETE' you if you try." Loki laughed at his own joke, even though it was the complete wrong time and place. "As for why my exit destabilized your mind, i have 3 ideas. 1, there is a lot of chaotic magic in my blood, and due to your glitches being chaotic, the two could've cancelled each other out. 2, there were three prescences in your mind, and three represents perfection, and this could've caused peace while within, but you'd become more glitched leaving. and 3, something deep in your subconscious just, snapped. like trauma." loki sighed. "sound good?"
Hidden 9 days ago 9 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Why are you laughing? Did the humor section of your brain go off? Why does that occur? I don't understand it.

Asherror looks at the extended hand and shakes it, his hand glitching on contact with Loki's. He didn't seem at all phased by Loki's transformation. Then again, Asherror doesn't look phased by anything.

T-T-T-T-hank you for answering my questions. Now tell me m-o-o-o-re about y-o-o-o-u-u-u.

His form continues to glitch. He fixes his cold, emotionless expression on Loki once again and awaits answers.
@Sky Blue
Hidden 8 days ago 8 days ago Post by Sky Blue
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𝓛 ꂦ πŸ…Ί 𝐼

"pshhhhhhh..." loki sighed. "that's gonna be a little tricky to answer, since i don't know much about myself. for starters, something that was revealed to me by my 'father', whos a dragon by the way, is that while this body has only existed for 15 or so years, my conciousness has been around for eons. still don't really understand what an eon is, but whatevs. " loki turned into a cat, stretched, then returned to normal. " I do know that the woman in the mindscape was significant to me, but i'm not sure how. I recognise her from somewhere..." Loki seems to get lost in thought, but quickly snaps back, almost like he's shocked. " anyway, the reason i'm here is so i can find my mom. She is a shapeshifter like me, and I hope that if i get famous enough as a shapeshifter, since we are the only 2 in the world, She will reach out to me, or i will find her. I know she's still alive. she has to be... Anyway, I came here seeking answers. i sensed a strong magical presce here, and it nearly matched mine. She could BE here! Will you help me?"
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 days ago

a cat walks into the tavern's doors, hungry and thirsty.
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Hidden 4 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Asherror doesn't understand empathy. But he does understand what this would do for him. These two were powerful, powerful enough to possibly fix him. He would help Loki find his mother, and if neither of them could fix him...


I gu-e-e-e-e-e-s I'll help you...but you need to promise to help fix me when we're done....
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