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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Call me young one more time…” Kalen replied glaring at the Fallen one. “You can call my by my hosts name, Jasper Raven. My name true is not for your ears, fellow fallen one.”

“I have walked for thousands of years on Earth while you play in the pit. I’ve worn fleshling Hosts and done our masters bidding with each of them.”

Turning it’s gaze to Agrid, “Payment before is simply a down payment for actions to be taken. A guarantee of services and a binder of the contract. Perhaps You’re not as high on the food chain as I thought.”

Sitting back he relaxed into a chair and smiled. Inside he was pissed. Sacrifice himself for anothers goals, and if he survived he’d get paid? But the payment if the gamble worked off. Such a payment. “I’ll accept payment after, as long as we have an accord that the one that injured Puriel is MINE! No one slays him but me.”

“We have an old score to settle.” he finished. Yeah, they had a score al right, and Kalen kept coming up short, but he’d kill that self righteous bastard if he had to blow him, and the building he was in, apart.

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Tombstone, Arizona
John Henry Holliday / Michael - Knight of the Veil

He’d been using the Doc for to long, some of the people he rode with mostly the Earps were beginning to suspect something was up. Virgil had mentioned how little he’d changed over the years, and then Wyatt’s woman had mention how he still looked so young. So for the past few months he’d taken to biting his inner lip and ‘coughing up blood’. The mortal’s instantly assumed consumption, which had been his plan.

He’d ‘die’ soon and then crawl from his grave, or maybe ride off into the sunset and then hide from the humans, go back east, or go to the far east and live in Cathay or Nippon for a while. He hadn’t een to either for ccenturies, so anyone he had known then was dead now.

And then Morgan – Sheriff - barged into the saloon and told him Virgil was confronting the ‘Cowboy’s, what a fucking name. Dumb ass gang couldn’t even pronounce the word vaquero properly, but then the humans had warped the word Shire-Reeve to be Sheriff, so it was what it was.

“Why is he dong this, ‘John’ had asked.

“”Virgil’s done with them the folk disreputing the Law. And the Law say, ain’t no guns ‘lowed in town ‘cepting by Lawfolk.”

Fifty years. Just fifty years. That’s all John had figured the humans had before they devolved into grunts and hand gestures. A hundred at the most. “And I am to assume the Clanton and McLaury’s have chosen to ignore this Law, again?”

“Yesser, Doc, They have. ‘N Virgil says Claiborne don rustled some cattle the other day as well.”

Looking at the other men at the table he slid his chips forwards. “Call he said, already knowing who had what, and which one of them was planning on slapping leather.

As cards flipped over he slid hi revolver up to the table edge. “Fair and fun, on one needs to die.” He reminded everyone, staring at the one with a hard look.

After swapping chips back to cash he floded his leather wallet up and returned it to he vest thenn grabbed his jacket and left with Morgan.

He heard the hand hitting leather across the room, spun and fired. After the human hit the floor he looked at the bartender. “Money in his wallet is yours. For the cleanup and the funeral He has enough to cover it and then some. Just go cheap.”


Kalan was a bit irritated. These dumb fucks were letting the local sheriff run roughshod over them. Telling them what to do? This was the west. And he had rights to carry his weapon if he wanted. The second amendment said so.

They were a gang of man, a group to do as they willed. And it didn’t take long for him and some whiskey to get the ‘Cowboy’s’ riled up enough to challenge that damned LAWMAN Virgil Earp.

It wasn’t until they were in town did Kalan feel the itch on his neck and the cold line on his spine. Angel Born. FUCK where had he come from?

The cold chill of Celestial presence settled in the base of his neck. To late to back out now, and he was done with these damned Humans and their Laws challenging his right to freedom!

He’d found his current host a decade back playing in a yard. A quick conversation, a deal was struck, and poor billy became a host. That had been damned close, he’d almost lost the conection to earth. Banishment back to hell had been his alternative. Now if he was a Shedim he’s just need to touch one, no deal required.

He’d walked away from the corpse of the old woman laying in the streets with his new body. He’d agreed to the bargian, and kept his word ‘Wanna see a dead body?” Grnted it had been his last host’s body. And she was dead.

She’d grabbed William’ hand and wrapped his fingers around the knife, forcing him to plunge the dagger into her heart. Killing her and giving him William’s corrupt soul. Murder. Such a devious sin.

Stepping around the corner he saw the Angelborn in the alley. FUCK! What the fuck was he… Bullets started firing and Billy/Kalan ran like a bitch. Him! Why was he here? Moving to cover he waited for them to exit the alley before he fired, emptying his weapon in their direction, but his aim was off, the host was fighting him. Hard.

He couldn’t aim, couldn’t run. Billy.. why.. oh fuck the little shit human wanted redemption!?!?!

Running hard and fast Kalaln stole a horse and fled. He’d taken a hit to the leg and stomach, but he’d survive. But the wounds burned unnaturally hot. That bastard had blessed his bullets?!

Sitting on the edge of the bed, his chest and stomach wrapped up by the local tooth puller and sawbones, ‘Doc’ sighed and looked at the other men. “Time for me to retire.” He told the men in the room. “I know you need me, but I’d like to not die face downin the dirty street.”

“I’d Rather die in my sleep, in bed. Dreaming of Heaven.” Later that night he’d left, thankfully no one had followed him.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

20th year of the Reign of Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus

Standing guard at the foot of the Cross The Roman soldier stared blankly ahead. His thoughts his own as he watched the crowd. The scowl on his face kept people back, but he wasn’t mad at them, he didn’t want to be here, guarding HIM. Why was he being punished?

At five he’d been taken into slavery for the Roman legions. Before he was ten he’d started training as a soldier. The brainwashing was good, but not for him. He’d maintained his mind and loyalties to YHWH, avoiding all but the required subservience to the false ones. Even then he managed to take extra duties to avoid prayers to false gods.

Twenty years he’d serves, at 21 years he was done, freed from service and a citizen of the Empire. Less than six months togo.Six months later n it would have been another soldier here on this day. He didn’t even have to be here today but he’d shifted duties with another weeks ago so he could go pray to his gods, and Mikha'el wouldn’t be required to attend.

“I know your name,” he heard from behind him. Turning to look he saw HIM, the light from the Sun blinding his as he looked up.

“Mikha'el,” He said. “It is time, It must be done.”

Thrusting his spear upwards he pierced the side of He Who Had Come! The ground shook as if a hudred elephants were stomping as one, the sky turned to night and the men and women wailed.

Looking upon HIS face he realized he was gone. An empty form was there now.

He was there when the stone rolled back, the two luminous beings watching him as it moed. Neither touhed it but he knew they were doing it. Magic, their minds, the will of god. It mattered not, the ropes tore themselves in twain and HE stepped forth.

The light was beyond measure, and he couldn’t see for several days after, “Please Lord,” he Mikha'el said, expecting and awaiting Judgment.

“Not yet,” HE had said. “You’ll go home soon, but not today. Your duty I give, to fight evil and slay the fallen where you find them. Until the end of your days.”

And so he had done. If the Order counted his kills the way pilots in WW II had, they’d have given up. Many had been weak, so many had been weak. Some harder and more skilled tha others. Some had even had foul magics, powers gifted from the dark one to advance their dark cause.

But he’d survived, fighting on. Moving as needed to avoid accusations of dark magic and Youthful appearance. Not that he looked young. He’d stopped aging at around Twenty-five. Technically he’d stopped aging the Day Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist and had come into HIS power.

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

East End, White Chapel District, London, England

Nine dead.

The paper were calling him Jack the Ripper, or the Ripper. Didn’t matter reall, he wasn't even jack. He was Billy Claiborne.

After leaving Arizona he’d hit the east coast and then London. He’d settled down for a little bit before he’d gotten the itch again. Billy was really into it, shooting people and such was a turn on for him.

After they’d arrived here he’d fucked ever whore he could convince that American’s were better. To bad Kalan was taking names and addresses.

And lately Kalan had been going through the whores in the same order as Billy, jut a year after him. To the day. Even the ‘double homicide’ Billy had been horny that night.

Now the city was in fear, the cops had their heads up their asses, and Kalan had already booked passage to France.

The door on the apartment blow open under the pressure of a celestial boot, the man following through with a sureness of motion as Kalen/Billy fell backwards, the tip of the blade missing his face by a measurement one day called a millimeter. But for this time it was called the breathe of a butterfly’s wings. Scrabbling across the floor he evaded the sword, barely, several times he was so lucky and took some light cuts. FUCK!

Kicking a chair he knocked into the man’s legs long enough for Billy/Kalan to stand and access the situation. Who was this fucking fuck?!

“You’re easy to follow,” The man said, his sword barely moving.

“EARP?!” Billy shouted.

“True Enough, Billy Claiborne. True enough.”

“Shit!” Billy said as he ran for a window and dived through it, not even looking to see if it was safe first. Sword or brick, either killed the same. And he’d rather take a brick. That sword was permanent.

Hitting the ground bad Kalan/Billy limped as fast as he could, getting to the crowded area’s as fast as he could and avoiding death. Earp was just another name that son of a bitch had gone by. And the asshole didn’t have the decency to die!
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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Things were finally slowly down a bit in the knight headquarters and Jasmine had actually found some time for herself for the first time in forever. She was taking that time to explore what Charon had done to her aura sense. She was waving her hand in front of her face, watching at the energies around it swayed to and fro as she did so. When she concentrated on what she was going to do, she could see subtle shifts in the energy with her choices. It was as if the energy was preparing a path for her next move and when she decided not to do whatever she had chosen, the energy returned back to it's original movements. It was these tiny, subtle movements that alerted her of someone just beyond her door. She saw the twitch of the energy before the knock. That was interesting. She could most certainly use that, she was sure.

“Enter,” she said and the door opened to reveal a young woman with papers stacked in her arms. She stepped in and walked forward to Jasmine's desk. Amy was Jasmine's assistant and she took her job very seriously. She knew that if she didn't do her work well, Jasmine would find herself lost in paper work that she couldn't read. They were working on converting their system to one that better suited Jasmine and her blindness but for the time being, they were handed in on papers that Amy then had to scan and set up to be able to be read to Jasmine through a program that was designed to read papers out loud. It gave the girl a new respect for the blind. Jasmine had it rough in a high position of power like she was.

“Morning Jasmine,” she said with a smile as she rested the papers down on top of the desk. “We have a lot of reports to go through today. I have most of them scanned and queued up for you to listen to. Most of them aren't too important. Just basic daily reports from the squads. But we do have news about the angel born though.” She shuffled through the papers till she came to the report, skimming it over before continuing. “Aliana has flushed all the drugs out of her system and has finally woken up. Kyle was given free reign of everything in the compound like you asked and was set up for classes as well so he could better learn to control his powers.”

Jasmine perked up when she heard that Aliana had finally woken up. “Has she now? Guess I should go say hi and explain to her what the seal does and how it will help her learn her powers.” She stood from her desk, giving a small whistle to Bruno who was asleep on his pillow in the corner of the room. Bruno looked up with a tired expression, standing and giving a long stretch before he walked over to Jasmine. She picked up the harness that she kept leaning against the side of her desk and strapped Bruno in it.

“Thank you Amy. I'll go over the reports as soon as I'm done Aliana. Is there anything else I should know right this moment?” Amy let out a hum of question as she flipped through the papers quickly. She gave a shake of her head before repsonding.

“No, looks like it's all smooth sailing right now. You'll get an alert if anything changes.” Jasmine gave a nod before patting Amy on the hand as Bruno led her past.

“Thank you, Amy. You're always so helpful to me.” She then walked out of the office and followed along the hall, giving nods of greetings to those she passed as she made her way to the infirmary. Event she came to the door where she found Michael standing before it. “Oh, Michael, hello.” She walked up to him and stoop just before opening the door. “I was not expecting you to be the one they set to guard the door. I suppose you were free from your police job today?” She reached over and felt along the wall until she found a cabinet. She opened it to reveal a large selection of clothes, sectioned off by size. She dropped her hand through the different sections until she came to the large area. She felt around until she pulled out a sweatpants outfit. She laid them across her arm before she closed the cabinet and took a deep breath.

“Wish we luck.” She said with a chuckle before she gave a gentle knock to the door before opening it and stepping in, letting Bruno lead the way. “Before you worry about whether or not I see you nude,” she held up the sweatpants with a chuckle, “I'm blind. So you don't have to worry about it.” She walked over to Aliana and held out the clothes for her. “You may find these helpful. I'm sorry I don't have any underwear. It's hard to keep that much underwear stocked. Sweatpants are easier.”
Hidden 29 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Before you worry about whether or not I see you nude,” she held up the sweatpants with a chuckle, “I'm blind. So you don't have to worry about it.” She walked over to Aliana and held out the clothes for her. “You may find these helpful. I'm sorry I don't have any underwear. It's hard to keep that much underwear stocked. Sweatpants are easier.”

Apparently, Alina didn’t care if a female saw her naked, since she dropped the blanket and reached for the sweats at the same time. “I just don’t want the perverts around looking at my naked body, who’s the goon outside the door?” She asked. “And what did you give me that maybe it go quiet without being foggy? Cause I’ll take a lifetime supply of it.”

Without the drugs in her system, and the permanent withdrawal druggie look she actually looked fairly attractive. Hell, she could have been a model or a cheerleader.

“Who are you people and where Am I? Why is that man outside my door like he’s keeping me here?”
Hidden 29 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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Jasmine waited politely as Aliana took the clothes and got dressed. "I'm afraid you don't have to worry about such perverts here. Most of these men are married or pledge to celibacy." She slowly made her way to the side of the room where a chair sat. She used her cane to find it, for her eyes were getting quite tired with this new feature to her aura sight. She slowly took a seat before crossing one leg over the other. "That man is Michael and he's not here to hurt you. He's here to keep you safe and make sure you don't get lost in the compound if you had chosen to wander."

"As for the things that I gave you to quiet the voices, it wasn't any drug or anything like that. I sealed away your power." She tapped her own forehead, signaling the spot she had placed the seal. "You have an amazing set of power, Aliana. Unfortunately, they were far too strong for you to control and it took us a long time to find you. But, with that seal in place, you'll be able to start to learn to control those powers. As you gain more control, it'll fade and eventually when you are ready, it was disappear entirely, unleashing your full power again. We hope to only make sure you don't lose yourself before you learn the proper way to use your powers."

She hoped that Aliana would not take too much offense to having a part of her sealed away like that without her consent. Usually, Jasmine was very stern with consent and the need for the angel born to understand what was going on in their life before she would offer the help but she was a special case. Her own powers were destroying her mentally and she needed to help as soon as physically possible. She would handle any consequences from that. She just hoped that Aliana would understand.
Hidden 29 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

In the Hallway Michael listened but said nothing. He’d made no pledge, not formally at least. But it was difficult to explain the unaging part. I the ?four hundreds? He’d been chased from a village as a Vampyre. Fools. Plus watching someone you loved age wither and die was hard on a man, do it four or five times and you stopped caring as much.

He'd had women over the years, he’d even thought about telling them, but after decades turned to centuries and now he was into his second millennium, he’d stopped. Now it had been 100 years since he’d last enjoyed a conversation not business or Order related.

Alaina watched the ‘blind’ lady, who seemed to move around better than any blind lady on the streets, even Blind Lucy - and she had twenty-twenty vision, but her doggie was sweet.

"You have an amazing set of power, Aliana. Unfortunately, they were far too strong for you to control and it took us a long time to find you. But, with that seal in place, you'll be able to start to learn to control those powers. As you gain more control, it'll fade and eventually when you are ready, it was disappear entirely, unleashing your full power again. We hope to only make sure you don't lose yourself before you learn the proper way to use your powers."

“Powers. So that makes you Professor X, him Colossus, and me Crazy Alaina that lady that hears voices? I’ve heard a lot of Doctors over the years, and that sounds more waked than any of them have ever sounded. I had on that called in a priest and they said I was possessed. The voices told me all the things he’d done, sounded to me like he was possessed.”

“Is this a cat house? Are you a pimp? I don’t do that stuff, so you can forget it. Never have never will.” It’s not like she was totally innocent. She’d seen naked guys and girls, it was everywhere these days, she’d even given a guy a hand job, he was hell gorgeous and she liked him. Until she he’d missed her meds and knew everything he’d ever done. And the things his family and neighbors did, and running home the voices got louder and louder.

She’d gotten kicked out of that foster house after she punched the ‘father’ in the face, and beat the crap out of him because of the voices. It’s like she could hear people confessing their sins an shouting their thoughts at her.

Tag: @BunniesOfDoom
Hidden 27 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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Jasmine listened intently to Aliana, her eyes locked on the girl. "It may sound made up, but I can assure you that it's quite true." She raised her hand, a wind picking up in the room and whipping their hair around them like they were in a wind tunnel. "I suppose it's time we tell you about the world you've been living in and the things that go bump in the night." She dropped her hand and the wind stopped completely. She gave the girl a soft smile before she got to it.

She stayed there for quite a while, Jasmine wasn't quite sure how long, explaining about angel born, demons, Prophets and the order. She explained why she was blind and how she took her own vision to try and stop seeing kids die in brutal ways. She explained that magic was real and that they needed to learn to use it properly if they were going to keep the world safe.

Eventually, she ran out of things to explain. At some point, she stood from the bench and was slowly pacing back and forth before Aliana as she spoke. Now she finally paused to look at her. "I know it's a lot to take in but perhaps we can go get some food in the cafeteria and you can get a look at the compound. You're probably the safest you will ever be here. These people have sworn their lives to keep you safe." She explained as she held a hand out for her. "Come, let's get some food. "
Hidden 27 days ago 14 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Michael de Shade & Alaina

Waking along behind them Michael gave them space but kept close enough in case the new girl had a psychotic break. She wouldn't be the first if she did. It happened from time to time, not often enough to put serious safe guards in place. But he’d seen enough to be cautious.

Walking in civilian wear made him itch and long for his armour, or for his uniform. Maybe he should go civilian contractor instead of government agent this time. Private security gave him an excuse to roam and listen to police and military channels, and freedom to go when and where he wanted, and needed.

He’d talk with the head of the Order later.

Alaina kept looking over her shoulder at Michael, “He scares me,” she told Jasmine. “Like he’s killed people and will do it again scary.”

“I’m a Knight of the Veil. It’s my duty to protect the Angel-borne like yourself and the Prophets like Jasmine. I have and will kill again. But not you or her.”

“How many, peope have you killed?” Alaina asked.

“No,” He replied. “I won’t tell you that. Because you really really don’t want to know.” Truth be told he wasn’t sure he could remember how many he’d slain across the centuries. Hell’s he’d been in all the Crusades, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and a dozen other hot spots seeking angel Borne and Prophets, and the Enemy.

The Fallen, they were his central target, and he was good at killing them. And their allies, the Sycophantic idiots that worshiped demons as Gods! Usually they were lapdogs idiots. But occasionally the demons got themselves small groups of Armies. Jim Jones, a demon, had both. Idiots and soldiers.

Michael had been to late to save them, but early enough to make sure the host drank the poison as well. The Demon had been forced to take monkey’s as hosts.

Once they were in the dining hall Michael looked around, he’d never really paid attention to where everyone ate. He’d taken vows to eat in private, never be watched eating or drinking. Granted those vows were thousand years old and the man’s entire bloodline was dead by now. But he’d taken the. And he kept his word.

Hidden 15 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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Jasmine strolled along through the halls, listening to the conversation between Michael and Aliana. Michael was one of the best knights she ever worked with, when it came to being in the battlefield. His conversing skills were not his strong suite. So she understood that thr young angel born was put off by him.

"There are many knights here that have seen the battlefield, I'm afraid. Demons are everywhere and they're more than happy to attack angel born and Prophets. I'm sure I have a bounty on my head. It's why I never leave my home without a guard of some type." That reminded her. With all the chaos that had been happening, she forgot to go check on Rufus. She made a mental note to go do that soon as she got done here. She would have to write his family a long note, explaining what had happened along with a check to see to their needs and his funeral. She sighed quietly to herself. That was the worst part about the job.

As they entered the cafeteria they were met with joyvial conversations and an easy atmosphere. The knights were enjoying a good meal and a well deserved break from a long day. Jasmine paused a moment while she looked around. She recognized many auras that she knew personally and gave a way to a few she didn't. "Unfortunately, I can't see the menu. Usually I check it before I head out here but today has been a rather chaotic day. Would you mind telling me what's on the menu for today?"
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

“Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Ala king, or spaghetti squash with marinara and gluten free rolls for the sensitive stomachs. There’s also cereal if you prefer,” Michael replied as Alaina dashed for the food and filled enough on one plate to kill a mountain.

Granted it was probably the first time in a long while that she’d seen food of this quality and quantity. Yeah a soup kitchen came close to the quantity, but wasn’t near the quality.

He’d seen several celebrity chefs come through, over the years. Granted they hadn’t been celebrities when they’d tried their hand here, and they’d gotten hard tongue lashings for their fucking around and showing off.

Good filling food. Not fancy frue frue shit. Yeah special events they went all out, but daily was good. Different. Tasty. Filling. Not fancy bullshit crap.

“What would you like, I’ll get it and bring it over to you.” Micheal offered.
Hidden 14 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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Jasmine smiled at Michael as she placed a hand on his arm. "That would be wonderful Michael. Beef stroganoff would be perfect, thank you." She gave a small whistle to Bruno and he began to lead the way to a table they could sit at. She felt out for a chair before taking a seat and letting out a relaxed sigh. She pulled Bruno's harness off him and gave him a good pat. "Go on boy, go eat and see your friends." Bruno gave a light bark before he scurried off to the kitchen area where the chefs were more than happy to fix him a little late of food.

Jasmine smiled at Alaina as she gathered food, waving her down to the table when she saw her looking for them. "I see you're hungry." She gave a small laugh before continuing, "The cafeteria is open 24/7 and the food is free for all. Whenever you find yourself hungry, you are welcome to come and get a plate of whatever they happen to be serving at that time." She heard a ring from her pocket and reached down to pull her phone from her pocket. It was just a text message but she needed to make sure it wasn't an emergency so she pulled out her earbuds and tucked on into her right ear. "One moment, Im sorrh Aliana. Let me just check on this message. Hey google, read that text to me." After a pause she pulled her earbud out of her ear and tucked it back into it's carrying case. "Nothing that needs addressing right this moment."

When Michael arrived with the food, she grinned broadly at him. "Thank you so much, Michael." She pulled the plate close, muttered a quiet prayer before taking a bite. She practically purred at the savory taste of the stroganoff.

She swallowed before looking at Aliana again. "Do you have any questions for us? I'll answer any question you may have." She took another bite of food.
Hidden 14 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Moving into place behind Jasmine he wondered if she knew her name was Arabic in origin. Yasminne.

Alaina paused long enough to wait for Jasmine to finish her prayer, out of respect, then began shoveling the food – Chicken – into her mouth as fast as she could swallow. Thy may throw her out once the voices started again, and she needed to get food.

“I don’t understand any of this. You stopped the voices with magic. And I’m an angel? Or a prophet? Or a Knight?”
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