Name: Donovan Booth
Aliases: 'First-Degree' Donny, The Hand of Deceit
Age: Late thirties
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 174 pounds
Boxing Reach: 75"
Dominant Hand: Originally left handed but trained to become ambidextrous
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Appearance: At most times Donny appears unassuming and quaint to put others at ease. The real Donny is lurid, reptilian, with an almost unearthly presence that thickens the blood and chills the spine. His dreaming, jungle green eyes are set in a pale, freckled, corpse-like babyface with rounded features, the eerie tranquility not the least bit diluted by his feather mustache and sprayed back ginger hair that curls up under his hat, Samhain flames licking at the nape of his neck. He tends to sport a languid grin and frequently wears black pants and dress shoes with suspenders and gloves, in addition to a knee-length black trench coat or overcoat depending on the weather. He's a fan of ties and speaks with a very pronounced Downeast accent which most flatlanders find virtually unintelligible, however he is capable of speaking several foreign languages including German, French, Chinese-Mandarin, Arabic, and Russian. His fingerprints have been surgically altered to not register on any recorded database. The predatory slouch and liquid motion of his form lend him the impression of a shadow on the wall, a person from a different, darker spectrum than those around him when he isn't acting.
Personality: It is said that at the heart of all warfare lies deception. Donny at first seems to be some kind of embarrassing dad, the kind of gawky adult that could be found doing jumping jacks in neon dolphin shorts down at the local YMCA and missing hoops. This is a strength. Hardly anyone ever suspects just how obscenely dangerous he really is behind the eccentricities.
Best described as a consummate overachiever, he's audacious in the extreme if only because he understands nothing and no-one is beyond his reach, a blood soaked engine of efficiency which processes victims like cakes on a conveyor belt. He's entirely unchained by morality or the legal system and holds himself to no authority but his own. He follows orders only because he likes having something to do, and what he likes to do is kill. Killing is who he is, his reason to get up every morning. As long as there is violence in the distance he will allow others to give him direction, for a price. To him money is just another tool to be used for the hunt, a means to an end.
He's outrageously crafty and as mean as an Arizona rattler, albeit with a nigh unbreechable calmness some would call blissful detachment, though on an emotional level he's wholly into his job. He loves his profession more intimately than any broad. He has an excellent poker face and never allows himself into a situation that he hasn't control over, though his idea of control is quite different to what others may envision. To Donny, any advantage is an overwhelming one.
Though socially passable by modern standards, he has no qualms about being a public nuisance for his own amusement. To him the world is an oyster to be cracked open and devoured, all structures and values rescinded before his will. He inserts himself into the heart of any matter that interests him, a blade out of the gloom with no regards for whose ribs it slips between.
He enjoys smoking but only does so before and after a kill. He refrains from hard drugs and inebriation, the dopamine rush of taking lives his only addiction. He's fond of riding first-class at the airport and is partial to black humor, black coffee, and black suits. His whimsies can at times extend into the absurd, such as when he dons garish short shorts in public, attends karaoke night, crafts model airplanes just to crash them, and joins highway blocking protests as a screaming zealot with nary a care for the cause.
Being an adrenaline junkie he prefers to personally do his own dirty work, solo and present at the scene of the carnage. When on a job or encountering a threat he becomes perfectly merciless and unflinchingly applies every practical means available to destroy his target, no matter the cost to innocent life. This shift isn't a visible one and Donny may never show any kind of outward change from when he decides to kill. He could be in the midst of laughing, crying, or even snoring when he attacks.
Relaxing after a job he becomes far more sociable, friendly even. Down at the local watering hole he's considered by more than a few regulars to be a splendid wingman who'll give you a safe, comfortable drive home if you're drunk. He's virtually a different person in his downtime, akin to the way keeping a crocodile satiated makes it less dangerous.
When Donny's at ease, everyone's at ease, so long as they know him only as a stranger and not a professional.
Physical Abilities/Skills: As a former Green Beret he diligently trains to stay in peak condition and is a grandmaster of unconventional warfare, as well as an expert on improvised, civilian, and military weaponry. He's a world class gunslinger with a level of manual dexterity and slight of hand most often attributed to master street magicians. Donny's extremely deceptive, excelling in both acting and psychological warfare, in addition to having an eidetic memory combined with a formidable spatial sense. He fights dirty and abuses any advantages without hesitation. Concealed weaponry, surprise attacks, anything goes. The sheer unwarranted ruthlessness alone is enough to take most opponents off guard, his go-to solution for any troublemaker an immediate bullet to the skull.
Eighteen years of experience in combat as an elite professional killer. 122 confirmed kills in Afghanistan alone. His cognitive abilities are so acute he may shoot a man dead one moment and pass an interrogation the next, and his pulse of 44 BPM wouldn't rise at all. He has low latent inhibition, able to rapidly process stimuli and read high intensity situations as if they were children's books. Furthermore he can memorize and dissolve information to its core components at a glance, create intricate and multi-layered strategies at a moment's notice, and with sufficient preparation could bring down an entire first world country's infrastructure single-handedly.
Through experience he's become able to discern body language and micro expressions as well. The few associates who personally know him have come to believe he can see into the future, and into the hearts and minds of men. FBI profilers and forensic behavior consultants alike have tried and failed to so much as tickle his heels.
Though he's an immensely gifted hand-to-hand fighter with years of various Combatives Programs training, he by far prefers mid-range firefights. He's a true dead-eye with his selected firearms and can hit a bottle cap at ninety-one meters with his revolver, the weapon he favors above all others. Such is his skill with the gun that he can draw and accurately fire within a quarter of a second, his hand withstanding 13 Gs of force in the process.
Donny specializes in 'point shooting', an intuitive style of practical marksmanship wherein the marksman hones their proprioceptive reflex and hand-eye coordination to quickly and accurately identify and shoot a threat without need of sights or hesitation. It could be said that in this way he's versed in the Gunslinger's Creed; to aim with your eye, shoot with your mind, kill with your heart. Murder turned reflex, a concentration so intense it bores holes through matter and life at will.
Indeed, he doesn't even need to look at a target to shoot them with pinpoint precision, so long as he knows their position he can triangulate accurate attacks by way of high speed logistical analysis.
Lastly, as a ginger, Donny has no soul.
Background: When a young Donny first asked himself what he wanted to be when he grew up, he found that he could answer the question immediately. He didn't think he was going to be a killer, he knew it as a fact. He was born in Bangor, Maine, his father a U.S Marine and his mother a sickly, stay at home wife. He was often unsupervised and frequently engaged in less than saintly activities. Teachers were astounded at his strange combination of emotional maturity and flagrant lack of morals, a hostile alien in the midst of an unsuspecting world. He quickly learned how to make them think he was a swell kid. In his youth he won several national marksman championships, a prodigal gunslinger with a chain lightning draw and an almost supernatural focus. As soon as he was old enough he joined the military and proved good at what he did to say the least.
He eventually became a Green Beret, serving in Special Forces Unconventional Warfare and Direct Action ODA teams in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was given a dishonorable discharge for publicly undefined civil misdemeanors. After his discharge he settled into Las Vegas like a tick on a mongrel. He found quick work as a crime syndicate hit man that dispatched anyone who filched on their gambling debts, seizing their assets for himself along with 25% of however much money they owed to his employers, plus expenses. From this he garnered a sinister reputation which decreased business at first, but it proved a simple matter later on for higher ups to conceal his involvement in most of the deaths. The consistency of his work easily made up for any gamblers he slew or scared away by proxy.
Whenever he wasn't popping filchers he was taking up hits. Assassinations of all kinds were welcome, no limits. He grew into the role of an underworld boogeyman, dreaded to such an extent that the Mafia dares not double-cross him. Cartel kingpins with multi-billion dollar empires and dictators alike flinch at the mention of his sobriquet. Some choose to believe that the existence of the unstoppable hitman is merely an urban legend. The more wild tales venture to say, on top of everything else, he's been contracted to kill paranormal beings too.
Another urban legend recounts how he was ambushed by twenty heavily armed men after being frisked for weapons, and was placed into an isolated, windowless, and soundproofed room hidden in an underground complex under the pretense of meeting a now dead crime boss. Why Donny allowed himself to be disarmed in unknown. It's said he left without a scratch, inexplicably killing every trained gunman in the room in under thirty seconds by wildly varying means despite every precaution they took to render him helpless, including binding him to a chair with leather belts and duct tape. Though the building had a camera in every corner, video evidence of the encounter was never found.
Police and state investigators, to avoid mass casualties, opt to stay out of his business. The way they see it, no possible confrontation with him could result in anything less than a catastrophe at the very least rivaling 9/11. The Feds were only called in once after he decapitated a state senator, and never again after having eight dozen of their own slaughtered in an incident so brutally embarrassing it was wiped from the records and in Donny's place a patsy was tossed to the dogs, a cover-up the only way to preserve the public's respect for the government. After all, those in the highest echelons of power knew that at any time they could receive a complimentary visit from one of the deadliest men on the planet.
A few shady organizations whisper of ways to meet him. Ways to summon him, hire him. They say First-Degree Donny can kill anyone anywhere, within two weeks regardless of location or importance. It could be a hobo in the ghetto or the leader of a nation. It could come in the form of an accident, a suicide, a flagrant murder. His services represent an order that defies hierarchy and forces the hand of fate. Any name may be offered, but be sure you can pay the price.
Name: Donovan Booth
Aliases: 'First-Degree' Donny, The Hand of Deceit
Age: Late thirties
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 174 pounds
Boxing Reach: 75"
Dominant Hand: Originally left handed but trained to become ambidextrous
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Appearance: At most times Donny appears unassuming and quaint to put others at ease. The real Donny is lurid, reptilian, with an almost unearthly presence that thickens the blood and chills the spine. His dreaming, jungle green eyes are set in a pale, freckled, corpse-like babyface with rounded features, the eerie tranquility not the least bit diluted by his feather mustache and sprayed back ginger hair that curls up under his hat, Samhain flames licking at the nape of his neck. He tends to sport a languid grin and frequently wears black pants and dress shoes with suspenders and gloves, in addition to a knee-length black trench coat or overcoat depending on the weather. He's a fan of ties and speaks with a very pronounced Downeast accent which most flatlanders find virtually unintelligible, however he is capable of speaking several foreign languages including German, French, Chinese-Mandarin, Arabic, and Russian. His fingerprints have been surgically altered to not register on any recorded database. The predatory slouch and liquid motion of his form lend him the impression of a shadow on the wall, a person from a different, darker spectrum than those around him when he isn't acting.
Personality: It is said that at the heart of all warfare lies deception. Donny at first seems to be some kind of embarrassing dad, the kind of gawky adult that could be found doing jumping jacks in neon dolphin shorts down at the local YMCA and missing hoops. This is a strength. Hardly anyone ever suspects just how obscenely dangerous he really is behind the eccentricities.
Best described as a consummate overachiever, he's audacious in the extreme if only because he understands nothing and no-one is beyond his reach, a blood soaked engine of efficiency which processes victims like cakes on a conveyor belt. He's entirely unchained by morality or the legal system and holds himself to no authority but his own. He follows orders only because he likes having something to do, and what he likes to do is kill. Killing is who he is, his reason to get up every morning. As long as there is violence in the distance he will allow others to give him direction, for a price. To him money is just another tool to be used for the hunt, a means to an end.
He's outrageously crafty and as mean as an Arizona rattler, albeit with a nigh unbreechable calmness some would call blissful detachment, though on an emotional level he's wholly into his job. He loves his profession more intimately than any broad. He has an excellent poker face and never allows himself into a situation that he hasn't control over, though his idea of control is quite different to what others may envision. To Donny, any advantage is an overwhelming one.
Though socially passable by modern standards, he has no qualms about being a public nuisance for his own amusement. To him the world is an oyster to be cracked open and devoured, all structures and values rescinded before his will. He inserts himself into the heart of any matter that interests him, a blade out of the gloom with no regards for whose ribs it slips between.
He enjoys smoking but only does so before and after a kill. He refrains from hard drugs and inebriation, the dopamine rush of taking lives his only addiction. He's fond of riding first-class at the airport and is partial to black humor, black coffee, and black suits. His whimsies can at times extend into the absurd, such as when he dons garish short shorts in public, attends karaoke night, crafts model airplanes just to crash them, and joins highway blocking protests as a screaming zealot with nary a care for the cause.
Being an adrenaline junkie he prefers to personally do his own dirty work, solo and present at the scene of the carnage. When on a job or encountering a threat he becomes perfectly merciless and unflinchingly applies every practical means available to destroy his target, no matter the cost to innocent life. This shift isn't a visible one and Donny may never show any kind of outward change from when he decides to kill. He could be in the midst of laughing, crying, or even snoring when he attacks.
Relaxing after a job he becomes far more sociable, friendly even. Down at the local watering hole he's considered by more than a few regulars to be a splendid wingman who'll give you a safe, comfortable drive home if you're drunk. He's virtually a different person in his downtime, akin to the way keeping a crocodile satiated makes it less dangerous.
When Donny's at ease, everyone's at ease, so long as they know him only as a stranger and not a professional.
Weapons and Equipment-
-The weight of his combined personal gear is around twenty-two pounds, discounting the clothes, vest, and satchel. His suspenders help distribute and relieve the weight of his equipment.
-A .454 Magnum Mateba auto-revolver loaded with .45 Colt 325 grain Buffalo Bore cartridges. It has a 6" barrel, titanium firing cylinder, a light trigger pull, and is kept in a Mernickle quick draw holster worn on the right thigh. Donny additionally carries one XTP Hornady clip and one Lehigh defense Xtreme Penetrator clip. His suspender straps are stocked with six of each individual bullet type including the Buffalo Bore.

-Custom Electronic Earplugs. Crafted to a perfect fit, they enhance Donny's hearing to be on par with a cat's and automatically dilute sounds above harmful decibel range, filtering them down to a manageable level.
-Ruger-57. A semi-automatic pistol in a Safariland ALS duty holster on his left thigh, loaded with 10+1 5.7×28mm SS190 duty cartridges. It ejects to the left and has been modified with a Victory Trigger. He carries one additional magazine.

-Unfiltered Camel soft pack cigarettes in his shirt pocket.
-Zippo lighter in his right back pocket.
-A roll of quarters in his left pants pocket.
-Laser protective sunglasses in his shirt pocket.
-The inside of his fedora is lined with compressed polyethylene plating, providing IIA protection.
-Duplicate Federal Narcotics Agent badge pinned to his button up shirt under his coat.
-Portable respirator gas mask that snaps discretely onto the back of his belt.
-An eight ounce flask of purified lamp oil on the right side of his belt.
-Digital recorder preset with several realistic two-hour tracks in his back coat pocket, includes pained sounds, occasional coughing and snorting, casual and serious phone conversations, a muffled voice, muffled whimpering, and whistling.
-A high powered 66,600 volt 7 milliamp taser with an effective range of 25 feet holstered at his left side. It can be set to pulse from anywhere between 5 seconds to 5 minutes and causes excruciating pain and neuromuscular incapacitation. It's fatal to most Earthly creatures if a probe strikes the heart or eye.
-Belt buckle knife.

-Para Aramid protective equipment including elbow guards, knee guards, and a cup.
-Two specially constructed 1.2 ml polymer titanium needle syringes, one filled with VX nerve agent and the other atropine, firmly secured to the inside of his left and right thighs respectively by narrow pockets.
-Set of titanium cable wire handcuffs secured to the front of his belt and two spare keys. One key is stitched into his overcoat on the right side and the other is stitched into his left pants pocket.
-Trench coat with holes in the side pockets and twelve razor blades stitched into the collar. His shirt has razors in the collar as well.
-iPhone strapped to his left bicep with an armband.
-He drives a black matte Dodge Magnum fitted with darkened bulletproof windows, tires, and paneling, hydraulics to raise or lower the suspension, and an electric 300 horsepower induction motor. Goes from 0-60 in 2.7 seconds, makes very little noise compared to gas engine vehicles, and accelerates backwards as fast as it can go forwards. It has a remote control unit, which Donny can activate and use via his iPhone. Donny may also observe what's in front of the vehicle as the mounted dashcam (disguised as a hula girl) transmits live to his phone. The dashcam may also switch to infrared or night vision.

-ZM-87. Masquerading as flood lights on the roof of the car are two customized ZM-87 Laser Disturbers, blinding neodymium laser devices developed by China that were banned in 1995 by the UN. They can be aimed simultaneously or separately from inside the car and remotely.

-Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP). This Iranian weapon is fitted under the hood of the car. The Dodge Magnum's grill is secretly a non-circular tantalum bar liner, which can be launched by plastic explosive into a large, clothespin shaped slug that impacts its target at Mach 6. The detonation damages the car beyond functionality but doesn't set off the C4 headrests to due their high stability.

-A 7,000 lumen flashlight secured to the inside of his right side coat pocket by a strap. It has a custom tactical rail attached, and can be connected to the top of the Magnum's barrel or to his bullpup rifle.
-Unscoped Tavor X95 bullpup rifle, with one spare .300 BLK 30-round magazine kept in his car. One magazine consists of Hornady Blacks, the other 110 grain CBJ.

-Modified UTAS UTS-15 automatic shotgun with flash suppressor, silencer, and 32 round drum. Kept in a unique zipper satchel that Donny may wear slung over his back.
-.950 JDJ rifle with four depleted uranium penetrator rounds, one always being loaded. This 85 pound scoped hunting rifle is kept on a tripod and takes up the trunk and rear seating space of Donny's vehicle, which he's never far from.

-Four unmarked pull-pin grenades with welded on rings (for ring clips) and optional tripwires, stored around his belt. One M67 fragmentation grenade, one M18 smoke grenade, one Napalm B grenade, and one VX gas grenade with adjustable fuse delay. Donny can remotely detonate the VX gas grenade using his watch or activate a slow release with varying degrees of output. VX is considered the deadliest chemical weapon on Earth and is deemed a Weapon of Mass Destruction. With a strong breeze the grenade can entirely exterminate all life within an area the size of a city block. As it can kill from mere skin contact, Donny's practical use of the weapon is limited.

-A WASP Injection Knife sheathed within his left pants pocket and secured by a small strap. It has a 5.25" blade and can inject 12g of compressed CO2 gas at 800 PSI into an opponent through a channel in the blade.

-A white handkerchief and a one ounce aerosol bottle of cyanide secured in place within his right pocket by a small strap, (disguised as nose spray).
-Retractable high-density spear made from graphene. It's 45 inches long at full extension and weighs 34 ounces. It's ten inches in length when retracted. It has a ring clip on the base of the retractable pommel and is worn at the belt near Donny's right hip.

-A twenty-eight foot reel of microfilament garrote wire with a diameter of two microns, concealed within a wristwatch that can be withdrawn via a black ring (disguised as part the watch frame). It's virtually invisible to the naked eye, lighter than a strand of spider silk, able to cut through collagen fibers like butter, and can withstand up to 4,200 pounds of tension without breaking. It's made from several interwoven, multi-walled carbon nanocables made from CNT shells that have been subjected to high energy irradiation. Donny can control how much is extracted and retracted with the interface of his watch. He can also remove the wire spool from the watch at a moment's notice. The wire is threaded into the ring with a small catch and release mechanism. He usually wears his watch on the underside of his left wrist and carries a spare wire reel.

-Spring loaded five-inch knives within the heels and toes of his shoes that will jut out and lock in place when a switch on the instep is triggered. The soles of his shoes are padded with rubber to muffle his steps.

-Pair of black, insulated, quarter-pound S.A.P combat gloves weighted with steel shot. They're fashioned from a high density polymer that can resist being cut by the garrote wire.
-Discreet level 3 alumina ceramic armor plates in a lightweight aramid weave plate carrier beneath his shirt, covering his torso front and back. The thermoplastic aramid and carbon fiber strike face helps prevent cracks and spall.
-A 22 gram bottle of fluoroantimonic acid synthesized into gel, secured by a small strap to the inside of his left side coat pocket. It has a safety valve and actuator, as may be seen on most cans of pepper spray. The acid spray has a ten foot range and the gel form helps prevent blowback.
-Circular six inch shaving mirror in his right pocket.
-Five adhesive C4 bombs, which may be remotely detonated via digital watch or set with a timer. Each brick-shaped bomb is explosive enough to scrap a minivan or disable a tank, being equivalent to two C4 parcels. Four are kept in his car (disguised as headrests) and he keeps one on his person, strapped to the small of his back.
-The weight of his combined personal gear is around twenty-two pounds, discounting the clothes, vest, and satchel. His suspenders help distribute and relieve the weight of his equipment.
-A .454 Magnum Mateba auto-revolver loaded with .45 Colt 325 grain Buffalo Bore cartridges. It has a 6" barrel, titanium firing cylinder, a light trigger pull, and is kept in a Mernickle quick draw holster worn on the right thigh. Donny additionally carries one XTP Hornady clip and one Lehigh defense Xtreme Penetrator clip. His suspender straps are stocked with six of each individual bullet type including the Buffalo Bore.
-Custom Electronic Earplugs. Crafted to a perfect fit, they enhance Donny's hearing to be on par with a cat's and automatically dilute sounds above harmful decibel range, filtering them down to a manageable level.
-Ruger-57. A semi-automatic pistol in a Safariland ALS duty holster on his left thigh, loaded with 10+1 5.7×28mm SS190 duty cartridges. It ejects to the left and has been modified with a Victory Trigger. He carries one additional magazine.

-Unfiltered Camel soft pack cigarettes in his shirt pocket.
-Zippo lighter in his right back pocket.
-A roll of quarters in his left pants pocket.
-Laser protective sunglasses in his shirt pocket.
-The inside of his fedora is lined with compressed polyethylene plating, providing IIA protection.
-Duplicate Federal Narcotics Agent badge pinned to his button up shirt under his coat.
-Portable respirator gas mask that snaps discretely onto the back of his belt.
-An eight ounce flask of purified lamp oil on the right side of his belt.
-Digital recorder preset with several realistic two-hour tracks in his back coat pocket, includes pained sounds, occasional coughing and snorting, casual and serious phone conversations, a muffled voice, muffled whimpering, and whistling.
-A high powered 66,600 volt 7 milliamp taser with an effective range of 25 feet holstered at his left side. It can be set to pulse from anywhere between 5 seconds to 5 minutes and causes excruciating pain and neuromuscular incapacitation. It's fatal to most Earthly creatures if a probe strikes the heart or eye.
-Belt buckle knife.

-Para Aramid protective equipment including elbow guards, knee guards, and a cup.
-Two specially constructed 1.2 ml polymer titanium needle syringes, one filled with VX nerve agent and the other atropine, firmly secured to the inside of his left and right thighs respectively by narrow pockets.
-Set of titanium cable wire handcuffs secured to the front of his belt and two spare keys. One key is stitched into his overcoat on the right side and the other is stitched into his left pants pocket.
-Trench coat with holes in the side pockets and twelve razor blades stitched into the collar. His shirt has razors in the collar as well.
-iPhone strapped to his left bicep with an armband.
-He drives a black matte Dodge Magnum fitted with darkened bulletproof windows, tires, and paneling, hydraulics to raise or lower the suspension, and an electric 300 horsepower induction motor. Goes from 0-60 in 2.7 seconds, makes very little noise compared to gas engine vehicles, and accelerates backwards as fast as it can go forwards. It has a remote control unit, which Donny can activate and use via his iPhone. Donny may also observe what's in front of the vehicle as the mounted dashcam (disguised as a hula girl) transmits live to his phone. The dashcam may also switch to infrared or night vision.

-ZM-87. Masquerading as flood lights on the roof of the car are two customized ZM-87 Laser Disturbers, blinding neodymium laser devices developed by China that were banned in 1995 by the UN. They can be aimed simultaneously or separately from inside the car and remotely.

-Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFP). This Iranian weapon is fitted under the hood of the car. The Dodge Magnum's grill is secretly a non-circular tantalum bar liner, which can be launched by plastic explosive into a large, clothespin shaped slug that impacts its target at Mach 6. The detonation damages the car beyond functionality but doesn't set off the C4 headrests to due their high stability.

-A 7,000 lumen flashlight secured to the inside of his right side coat pocket by a strap. It has a custom tactical rail attached, and can be connected to the top of the Magnum's barrel or to his bullpup rifle.
-Unscoped Tavor X95 bullpup rifle, with one spare .300 BLK 30-round magazine kept in his car. One magazine consists of Hornady Blacks, the other 110 grain CBJ.

-Modified UTAS UTS-15 automatic shotgun with flash suppressor, silencer, and 32 round drum. Kept in a unique zipper satchel that Donny may wear slung over his back.
-.950 JDJ rifle with four depleted uranium penetrator rounds, one always being loaded. This 85 pound scoped hunting rifle is kept on a tripod and takes up the trunk and rear seating space of Donny's vehicle, which he's never far from.

-Four unmarked pull-pin grenades with welded on rings (for ring clips) and optional tripwires, stored around his belt. One M67 fragmentation grenade, one M18 smoke grenade, one Napalm B grenade, and one VX gas grenade with adjustable fuse delay. Donny can remotely detonate the VX gas grenade using his watch or activate a slow release with varying degrees of output. VX is considered the deadliest chemical weapon on Earth and is deemed a Weapon of Mass Destruction. With a strong breeze the grenade can entirely exterminate all life within an area the size of a city block. As it can kill from mere skin contact, Donny's practical use of the weapon is limited.

-A WASP Injection Knife sheathed within his left pants pocket and secured by a small strap. It has a 5.25" blade and can inject 12g of compressed CO2 gas at 800 PSI into an opponent through a channel in the blade.

-A white handkerchief and a one ounce aerosol bottle of cyanide secured in place within his right pocket by a small strap, (disguised as nose spray).
-Retractable high-density spear made from graphene. It's 45 inches long at full extension and weighs 34 ounces. It's ten inches in length when retracted. It has a ring clip on the base of the retractable pommel and is worn at the belt near Donny's right hip.

-A twenty-eight foot reel of microfilament garrote wire with a diameter of two microns, concealed within a wristwatch that can be withdrawn via a black ring (disguised as part the watch frame). It's virtually invisible to the naked eye, lighter than a strand of spider silk, able to cut through collagen fibers like butter, and can withstand up to 4,200 pounds of tension without breaking. It's made from several interwoven, multi-walled carbon nanocables made from CNT shells that have been subjected to high energy irradiation. Donny can control how much is extracted and retracted with the interface of his watch. He can also remove the wire spool from the watch at a moment's notice. The wire is threaded into the ring with a small catch and release mechanism. He usually wears his watch on the underside of his left wrist and carries a spare wire reel.

-Spring loaded five-inch knives within the heels and toes of his shoes that will jut out and lock in place when a switch on the instep is triggered. The soles of his shoes are padded with rubber to muffle his steps.

-Pair of black, insulated, quarter-pound S.A.P combat gloves weighted with steel shot. They're fashioned from a high density polymer that can resist being cut by the garrote wire.
-Discreet level 3 alumina ceramic armor plates in a lightweight aramid weave plate carrier beneath his shirt, covering his torso front and back. The thermoplastic aramid and carbon fiber strike face helps prevent cracks and spall.
-A 22 gram bottle of fluoroantimonic acid synthesized into gel, secured by a small strap to the inside of his left side coat pocket. It has a safety valve and actuator, as may be seen on most cans of pepper spray. The acid spray has a ten foot range and the gel form helps prevent blowback.
-Circular six inch shaving mirror in his right pocket.
-Five adhesive C4 bombs, which may be remotely detonated via digital watch or set with a timer. Each brick-shaped bomb is explosive enough to scrap a minivan or disable a tank, being equivalent to two C4 parcels. Four are kept in his car (disguised as headrests) and he keeps one on his person, strapped to the small of his back.
Physical Abilities/Skills: As a former Green Beret he diligently trains to stay in peak condition and is a grandmaster of unconventional warfare, as well as an expert on improvised, civilian, and military weaponry. He's a world class gunslinger with a level of manual dexterity and slight of hand most often attributed to master street magicians. Donny's extremely deceptive, excelling in both acting and psychological warfare, in addition to having an eidetic memory combined with a formidable spatial sense. He fights dirty and abuses any advantages without hesitation. Concealed weaponry, surprise attacks, anything goes. The sheer unwarranted ruthlessness alone is enough to take most opponents off guard, his go-to solution for any troublemaker an immediate bullet to the skull.
Eighteen years of experience in combat as an elite professional killer. 122 confirmed kills in Afghanistan alone. His cognitive abilities are so acute he may shoot a man dead one moment and pass an interrogation the next, and his pulse of 44 BPM wouldn't rise at all. He has low latent inhibition, able to rapidly process stimuli and read high intensity situations as if they were children's books. Furthermore he can memorize and dissolve information to its core components at a glance, create intricate and multi-layered strategies at a moment's notice, and with sufficient preparation could bring down an entire first world country's infrastructure single-handedly.
Through experience he's become able to discern body language and micro expressions as well. The few associates who personally know him have come to believe he can see into the future, and into the hearts and minds of men. FBI profilers and forensic behavior consultants alike have tried and failed to so much as tickle his heels.
Though he's an immensely gifted hand-to-hand fighter with years of various Combatives Programs training, he by far prefers mid-range firefights. He's a true dead-eye with his selected firearms and can hit a bottle cap at ninety-one meters with his revolver, the weapon he favors above all others. Such is his skill with the gun that he can draw and accurately fire within a quarter of a second, his hand withstanding 13 Gs of force in the process.
Donny specializes in 'point shooting', an intuitive style of practical marksmanship wherein the marksman hones their proprioceptive reflex and hand-eye coordination to quickly and accurately identify and shoot a threat without need of sights or hesitation. It could be said that in this way he's versed in the Gunslinger's Creed; to aim with your eye, shoot with your mind, kill with your heart. Murder turned reflex, a concentration so intense it bores holes through matter and life at will.
Indeed, he doesn't even need to look at a target to shoot them with pinpoint precision, so long as he knows their position he can triangulate accurate attacks by way of high speed logistical analysis.
Lastly, as a ginger, Donny has no soul.
Background: When a young Donny first asked himself what he wanted to be when he grew up, he found that he could answer the question immediately. He didn't think he was going to be a killer, he knew it as a fact. He was born in Bangor, Maine, his father a U.S Marine and his mother a sickly, stay at home wife. He was often unsupervised and frequently engaged in less than saintly activities. Teachers were astounded at his strange combination of emotional maturity and flagrant lack of morals, a hostile alien in the midst of an unsuspecting world. He quickly learned how to make them think he was a swell kid. In his youth he won several national marksman championships, a prodigal gunslinger with a chain lightning draw and an almost supernatural focus. As soon as he was old enough he joined the military and proved good at what he did to say the least.
He eventually became a Green Beret, serving in Special Forces Unconventional Warfare and Direct Action ODA teams in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was given a dishonorable discharge for publicly undefined civil misdemeanors. After his discharge he settled into Las Vegas like a tick on a mongrel. He found quick work as a crime syndicate hit man that dispatched anyone who filched on their gambling debts, seizing their assets for himself along with 25% of however much money they owed to his employers, plus expenses. From this he garnered a sinister reputation which decreased business at first, but it proved a simple matter later on for higher ups to conceal his involvement in most of the deaths. The consistency of his work easily made up for any gamblers he slew or scared away by proxy.
Whenever he wasn't popping filchers he was taking up hits. Assassinations of all kinds were welcome, no limits. He grew into the role of an underworld boogeyman, dreaded to such an extent that the Mafia dares not double-cross him. Cartel kingpins with multi-billion dollar empires and dictators alike flinch at the mention of his sobriquet. Some choose to believe that the existence of the unstoppable hitman is merely an urban legend. The more wild tales venture to say, on top of everything else, he's been contracted to kill paranormal beings too.
Another urban legend recounts how he was ambushed by twenty heavily armed men after being frisked for weapons, and was placed into an isolated, windowless, and soundproofed room hidden in an underground complex under the pretense of meeting a now dead crime boss. Why Donny allowed himself to be disarmed in unknown. It's said he left without a scratch, inexplicably killing every trained gunman in the room in under thirty seconds by wildly varying means despite every precaution they took to render him helpless, including binding him to a chair with leather belts and duct tape. Though the building had a camera in every corner, video evidence of the encounter was never found.
Police and state investigators, to avoid mass casualties, opt to stay out of his business. The way they see it, no possible confrontation with him could result in anything less than a catastrophe at the very least rivaling 9/11. The Feds were only called in once after he decapitated a state senator, and never again after having eight dozen of their own slaughtered in an incident so brutally embarrassing it was wiped from the records and in Donny's place a patsy was tossed to the dogs, a cover-up the only way to preserve the public's respect for the government. After all, those in the highest echelons of power knew that at any time they could receive a complimentary visit from one of the deadliest men on the planet.
A few shady organizations whisper of ways to meet him. Ways to summon him, hire him. They say First-Degree Donny can kill anyone anywhere, within two weeks regardless of location or importance. It could be a hobo in the ghetto or the leader of a nation. It could come in the form of an accident, a suicide, a flagrant murder. His services represent an order that defies hierarchy and forces the hand of fate. Any name may be offered, but be sure you can pay the price.