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This is where I store my various CS sheets for my personal use.

Feel free to browse them, if that interests you, but please don't steal them or use them without my permission!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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Toda Kuraoka

"What are we waiting for? Today’s as good a day to die as any."

--Standing just under 5’11”, he weighs about 162lbs and has a body of thin, well-trained muscles. His long straight hair is jet black and rather messy and his eyes are a piercing, icy blue, which stand out against his pale skin and soft features. Overall, he often looks like someone who doesn’t put a lot of time or thought into fashion nor ‘his look’.--


Toda Kuraoka












[Pref. weapon-]

Two-Handed Battle Axe - 372/1000

[Fighting style-]

Kurao is extremely aggressive, sometimes to the point of recklessness. With his magic scythe and his regeneration skill, he often lives close the edge and wastes no time getting up close and personal with the enemy and uses a range of wide, sweeping attacks. His party term would be ‘Striker’, a high-DPS build with a focus on multiple-enemy damage.

[Health Points-]


[General Stats-]

• Strength - 450/1000
• Movement Speed - 200/1000
• Parry - 100/1000
• Shield - 1/1000
• Agility - 330/1000
• Battle Healing - 420/1000
• Perception - 1/1000
• Hide - 1/1000
• Tracking - 1/1000

[Profession Stats-]
• Blacksmithing - 1/1000
• Fishing - 1/1000
• Cooking - 1/1000
• Tailor - 1/1000
• Gathering - 1/1000


[Worldly Skills-]

School-yard Scrapper – Got into plenty of fights in his younger years making him relatively unafraid of pain/injury. He is easily able to dedicate himself to a fight and block out distractions.
Baseball Club Member – He is in great shape from years on the school baseball team and was always seen as a power hitter with a lot of upper-body strength. This has made him a relatively good at swinging and short-distance sprinting.


Kuraoka is rather headstrong and quick to act: he hates wasting time debating over what to do and what not to do. Still, he is friendly enough when it comes to working with a team so long as others don’t get in his way and step on his toes. He rarely backs down from a challenge and has been known to fist fight other kids at school for small or petty reasons, mostly because he enjoys it. In a strange way, Kuraoka enjoys living on the edge and in SAO that's on the edge of life and death. He has no desire to be six feet under but he has a lot of trouble finding meaning in his life and therefore uses a challenge, the rush of adrenalin, to feel alive. This makes him seem quite unstable and if truth be told there is always the risk that he'll lose himself to this sort of madness, for adrenalin is as addicting as any other drug. In this sense, Kuraoka is forced to rely on others to keep him grounded and to keep him focused on the true goal at hand which should be teamwork and survival.


Before the SAO Incident, Kurao grew up in a lower-income family in Okayama-shi, a small city in south-western Japan. His father was a factory worker and was rarely around the house (even more rarely sober) and his mother tended rice fields, which she often forced her son to help her with after his school days. He attended a simple trade-high school but never really dedicated much time to studying or bettering his education. Instead his time was spent with his hands on a bat on the baseball field or with his fists up behind the gymnasium. He was never a bully but was often seen as a trouble-student simply because of his sarcastic attitude and poor test scores. This attitude left him with few friends and many enemies though Kurao always appeared not to care about any of these things. Still, on the inside he always struggled with being labeled by teachers and fellow students and after so many years he had begun to think that they were right in assuming he would amount to nothing. Unwilling to work in the fields or the factory, like his parents, he desperately wanted to find something that he could really enjoy and that would make use of his fierce spirit.

In a lucky (later to be unlucky) turn of events, Kurao’s best friend was a huge gamer and waited in line for many hours to pick up a copy of SAO. However, due to a sudden death in the family he was forced to leave town and so rather reluctantly left his Nervegear and game with Kurao, who was quite interested in playing after seeing several trailers of combat and game progression. This of course led to his being trapped inside the world and while initially terrifying, he was able to find a good guild to help him level and progress through the initial stages of Aincrad. He excelled in high-damage combat and, despite the true risk of death, was highly respected for his willingness to lead a fight and ability to bolster morale with a well-timed charge. This skill increased further when he landed a rare-loot drop and found ‘Karishi the Lifehunter’, a deadly scythe weapon with life steal attacks. This weapon encouraged his more relentless (and reckless) form of attack and made him a prized Striker in the guild.



‘Karishi the Lifehunter’ – A two-handed scythe weapon with life-stealing attacks. Essentially the weapon bolsters Battle-Healing stat when dealing damage to enemies: not a crazy or broken amount, but enough to be significant in the heat of battle.
Bolstered Leather Armor
Black Hooded Cloak

[Items - Consumable and Misc-]

X5 Health Crystals
X3Teleport crystals
X3 Seaweed-wrapped Rice Balls
Iron Lantern
Floor 6 Map
Travel Pack (slightly increases inventory space)
Deck of Cards
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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"The death of a species is as inevitable as its evolution... I will pioneer the human extinction."

--Magnaius stands about 6'2" and weighs 162lbs. His body is thin, long-limbed and somewhat sickly in appearance with ghost white skin and stooped shoulders, as if he is slowly wasting away from some internal disease. His hair is thin and unkempt, a chalky black with faint strips of white throughout: the product of constant stress and constant physical exhaustion. Magnaius often wears a long black coat and pants with small pieces of hardened black leather buckled around key weak points like the chest and knees, and will always be seen with a studded choker around his neck. His eyes are an icy gray, though one is constantly covered by a strange azure lens.--


Alligen Magnaius


82, though he appears no older than 25.





Disease Magic

Magnaius knows of all things related to disease and ailment of the human body. His magic can wither limbs, create burning boils, and literally make the living flesh fall off the bone. However, his ability also extends to diseases of the human spirit: curses that cause uncontrollable sadness, weakness, or feelings of hopelessness in the unfortunate victim.

[Current Guild-]


[Guild Mark-]



The Eternity Eye

A terrifying artifact of near unimaginable power: the Eye lets the wielder see into the future of all things. It was created a thousand years ago by a fearful and paranoid mage who sought to see into the future so that he might avoid his own demise. No bound was too great for him to get his answers and many cursed spells left his lips just as many innocent souls were drawn into his creation until finally the Eternity Eye was born.

However, the creator did not expect the lens to become so powerful.

When he witnessed his death, done in by his own hands, he was confused until the Eternity Eye began to show him the deaths of millions of people and creatures and places across all time and space. The visions were so terrifying that they drove him completely insane and he quickly ended his own life and fulfilled the artifact's terrifying omen. When activated, the Eye can cause untold devastation to what is caught in its projection by literally aging it hundreds or even thousands of years: wood warps, stones crumble, and bones turns to dust in the span of a few heartbeats. This requires an incredible amount of magic from the user and often leaves them with uncontrollable visions of the end of all things which can easily drive someone mad.

Only dust and ash exists in the future of the Eternity Eye.


Magnaius is quiet, thoughtful, and almost completely emotionless in his speech and mannerism. Though he sees and hears the people around him he feels no connection towards them, on even the most basic level, and so he often comes across as detached from the reality we all know. His mind is only on the end of all things, particularly the destruction of the human race which he sees as unavoidable and quickly approaching. The human experience, life and joy and wonder and learning, is a completely foreign concept to him and one that he cannot have for himself while remaining a slave to the Eternity Eye.


Magnaius was born in a small jungle village and was raised by two loving parents and a supportive community. He learned of his aptitude for magic at a young age and was quickly apprenticed to the village healer from whom he learned about the intricate workings of the human body and spirit and the ailments of often troubled them. He was extremely gifted and sick people were brought from miles around so that he might heal them with his magic powers. This, however, brought many foreign diseases into the proximity of his village and one fateful night he met a man who even his exceptional powers could not cure. The disease spread quickly, faster than anyone could react, and within a week the entire village succumbed to infection and a horrifying death.

Magnaius was the only survivor.

This experience left him damaged and he wandered deep into the southern jungles in hopes of acquiring the power to overcome the fragile balance of life and death. What he found was the Eternity Eye: sealed away in a secret temple who's architect hoped would keep the evil artifact from ever touching human hands again. When donning the strange lens, it showed Magnaius that all things, life, humanity, and even the very earth itself, must come to an end. He was given a vision of the sun imploding, the earth itself being reduced to a scattering of empty rocks drifting through space, and even the end of the universe as it eventually collapses on itself. With this terrifying knowledge, the mage lost all his will to preserve human life and instead began seeking a way to end it all and stop the cycle of pain and violence that fills human history. Disease was the perfect delivery system toward this end for long had illness and plague sought to extinguish life on the planet and so he began to experiment with creating the perfect toxins to deliver a world-wide extinction. These experiments required test subjects and dozens of innocent villages were completely wiped out because of his powers while many people and guilds grew to fear him. After many years Magnaius used his knowledge to inflict disease on himself that actually worked to slow the aging of his own body, giving him a sickly appearance but maintaining his youth so that his experiments could continue past his normal lifetime.

Most recently, Magnaius was discovered in Crocus, the capital of Fiore, where he was close to creating a disease that would threaten the cities entire population. He was discovered at the last minute and several Mage Guilds joined forces to strike against him before his nefarious scheme could be completed. In the battle, Magnaius activated the Eternity Eye and destroyed an entire city block, killing Atticus' parents and several of the mages who fought against him but in the end he was slain by some of the most powerful mages in the city.

Or so they thought...
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Name: Kaesicius "Kaesey" Kay (Kay-sis-e-us: from the Latin word 'Caesicius', which means sky-blue)
Race: Human
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Bio: KK comes from a long line of hunters starting with her great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather many generations before. Her mother died on a hunter mission when she was very young and she has only the barest of memories of her, though she has seen many pictures and her father, Kallainus Kay, insists she was a dedicated and powerful woman with an aura of command that few had ever seen. Her loss weighs heavily on him to this day and since her passing the man's personality has become more and more off putting and eccentric: intently devoted to developing new hunting inventions, typically of an explosive nature. This mind-consuming fervor made it very difficult for KK growing up as he had little time to give to being a father (a job he never truly understood), though he loved her as best he could and often let her watch, or even participate, in his work. These aspirations were eventually passed to his daughter and even at a young age KK was noted to frequently blow up Grimm dolls using cherry-bombs and other improvised explosives as she stroke ever onward for her father's attention. Though relatively unknown in wider circles, he was rather infamous as a hunter for his crazy schemes and destructive fighting style which typically left a lot of collateral property damage. He taught his daughter everything she knows, from Grimm hunting to flail fighting to bomb making, and while it helped her to hone her fighting abilities it left her socially crippled, a pariah and bullying target all through her schooling.

She attended Signal Academy and did moderately well in her classes, even crafting Breakr as her weapon making requirement, but was always a loner on the fringes of school life. When she finally graduated she was invited to apply to Beacon Academy which took an interest because of her impressive fighting demonstrations and her lineage and she quickly took up the opportunity for the hope of finding a new start and a way to finally make some friends.

Semblance: Burst – With intense focus KK can charge her aura, drawing the energy in her environment into a concentrated force centered around her person, generating a slightly stronger force-field during the act, before releasing it all in a concussive shockwave. This explosion is often enough to send enemies and allies alike tumbling away, leaving them stunned and disoriented for a few moments

Weapon: Breakr – a self-constructed morph weapon that can alternate between a chained flail and a rocket launcher. The flail head is long, baring eight retractable hooked spikes, and is quite large, comically so for its petite wielder. Its chain is extendable from the grip allowing for greatly varying attacks and, in the hands of a skilled wielder, can be used to rappel or swing from certain objects. Inside the flail head are eight dust-canisters that can be triggered to explode on contact, giving the weapon a significant ‘punch’ if the situation requires it. The canisters are all contained in a round ‘clip’ that fits just over the flail head’s end spike and that can be easily swapped to ‘reload’. In missile launcher form, the weapon actually fires out the explosive flail head still attached to the chain, allowing the wielder to slightly manipulate the direction of the rocket. All eight dust-canisters explode on contact at once, creating a much larger blast radius than when in flail form, and the flail head and chain are then drawn back into the launcher for a reload.

Weapon - it is a well designed and effective tool of destruction and is always well maintained. The extendable chain and flail hooks allow for great utility when moving about the battlefield.
Skill - the nature of KK's weapon requires an incredible amount of training and coordination to use lest one risk bashing their own face with the flail head. She is likely the only person alive who can wield it semi-effectively (mistakes DO happen); her hand-to-eye coordination and agility are well above average.

One-Trick-Pony - at this point, KK can really only do one thing on the battlefield: smack the enemy in the face and blow them up. Against an enemy that is resistant to these means of attack, she will find herself in a huge heap of trouble.
Socially Inept - while friendly and cheerful, no one would doubt that KK is weird. Anyone who doesn't have the patience for her quirks will find her incredibly annoying and bothersome. Furthermore, she is terrible at 'reading the room' and will often say things without thinking at painfully inappropriate times. She does not know how to open up and develop real honest friendships with those around her.

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Name: Sarah McDowell
Nicknames/Aliases: Irish Rose, Rose, Alice Melandin, Bridget Erickson, Melanie Rochester
Age: 26
Appearance: Sarah stands at 5’8” and weighs roughly 10 stones (~142lbs) with a light athletic build designed for endurance and stamina. Atop her head is a mess of bright red-orange hair, cut in a short ‘boyish’ style, and her eyes are a piercing sapphire blue. Though she clearly looks like she could be 'stage beautiful' if she wore a dress and put a bit of effort in, she rarely takes time to do her hair or put on makeup giving her a rather plain, or even tomboyish, look. She can often be seen wearing a tactical vest over a black or tan T-Shirt along with leather gloves, military pants and combat boots: all fitting a grey urban camouflage or a blue navy camouflage pattern.

Height: 5’8”
Weight: 142lbs

M16A2 - modified with a heavy barrel and 4x20 Rifle Scope, she will mount it with a silencer if the mission calls for stealth or an under barrel grenade launcher if the mission calls for ‘bang’.

M1911A1 – usually loaded with FMJ rounds or Hollow-points.

M32 Grenade Launcher

IED’s – several different kinds of improvised explosives for multiple scenarios and situations typically made from pieces of household electronics, C4, and Dynamite.
Personality: Sarah is cheerful and optimistic, often the rallying force when things look grim. Though she will do what it takes to complete a mission and get paid, often with a lot of collateral property damage, she has a soft spot for young children and still sends a portion of her funds back to the orphanage she was raised in. When not on the job she often spends her time making pipe-bombs, maintaining her equipment, or browsing the internet for new methods on developing homemade C4.
History: Sarah was born to a poor family outside of Belfast, Ireland. Both her parents were active Irish Republican Army (IRA) members at the time and her early years were marked with danger and violence as the IRA was frequently in open combat with British military forces. When she was 9 years old he parents were betrayed and caught in an ambush during an IRA meeting and were subsequently killed, leaving Sarah as an orphan. She was shipped off to a well-meaning, though incredibly impoverished, orphanage where she spent the next twelve years continuing her parents legacy. She studied and trained in the ways of urban combat and excelled at the creation of improvised explosives, orchestrating several attacks on government buildings and British Army stations. Finally, at the age of 21 she participated in the biggest attack in IRA history and killed a high-priority member of Parliament. This sent the British Army and MI-16 into a frenzy and in the backlash Sarah was forced to flee her home country after several other IRA members were killed. She would spend the next four years on the run, traveling around the world using different names and aliases and doing mercenary work to support herself. Her explosive skills and knowledge of urban warfare were invaluable to rebel groups in the Middle East and Europe's Eastern Bloc and she sold her services for great prices in these areas during the Gulf War and the early years of the Bosnian War respectively. British Military Intelligence was persistent, however, and Sarah could sense them drawing ever closer to catching her. It was for this reason that she finally decided to take her services to Roanapur, that lawless place where the forces of the first world fear to tread.
Other: Sarah never uses her true name, always going with an alias or simply ‘Rose’, and is likely still being pursued by British Military Intelligence.
She is fluent in German, Russian, and Arabic. She is conversational in Serbo-Croatian.
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Appearance: Victoria stands at an even 6’ and weighs roughly 160lbs. Her hair is a fiery red and never overly stylized; typically cut short so that it falls just past her ears. Years of difficult sports training have left her limbs strong and limber: a versatile athletic build which she carries with comfortable ease. This manner of body language along with her elegantly sculpted features; a smooth jawline, gently sloping nose, slightly arched and well-manicured eyebrows, and a thin mouth; and striking green eyes gives her a positively regal aura which her mood of calm determination hardly dispels. She wears a set of steel half-plate armor, the metal dyed red with dull gold caps and highlights and the leather a dark earthen brown, over which is draped a tabard of black silk bearing a single gold cross. A thick hooded-cloak is hung over her shoulders, black with gold trimming. A large shield is carried on her left arm or strapped across her back, it’s black metal body adorned with an image of twisting thorny vines and a single blooming rose done in gold, and her other hand grips the hilt of a beautiful, though plain, silver bladed hand-and-a-half sword.

Online ID: Victoriana Rose

Real Name: Victoria Erickson

Sex: Female

Age: 22

Nationality: American

Race: Human

Level: 58

Class: Knight - Your standard heavy-armor user who typically fights with sword and shield, though is proficient in all common melee weapons. This class is the heart of the front lines, often relying on sheer strength and force of will to overcome obstacles rather than any sort of magical prowess. Unlike the fighter, the knight is heavily geared towards defense from the very beginning but may also fight effectively from the back of a mount at later stages.

Challenging Roar – The Knight emits an earsplitting shout that taunts strong enemies into attacking them and freezes weak enemies with fear.
Range: 40yds
Duration: 15sec
Cooldown: 30sec

Hold the Line! – The Knight raises her shield, significantly increasing her defense while equally lowering mobility. In this stance she becomes nearly invulnerable from physical attacks to the front. Cannot be used while mounted.
Duration: 25sec or until deactivated
Cooldown: 45sec

Sturdy - [Passive] 10% increase to health and armor.

Threatening - [Passive] 25% increase to standard threat generation while attacking.

Master of Arms - [Passive] The knight is proficient in the use of all standard weapons, including (but not limited to) axe, short sword, long sword, two-handed sword, flail, mace, halberd, spear, staff, and bow.

Class Mastery Level: 289


Sub-Class(es) Mastery Level: 230

Equipment: Re-enforced Steel Half-Plate Armor, Steel Bastard-Sword, Ebony Kite Shield, Black Silk Traveler's Cloak (hooded).

Miscellanous Items: 6 medium health potions, 3 potions of Steelskin (raises def for 2 minutes)

Faction: None currently. Leans towards Liberation front.

Personality: Victoria is often calm and collected, a natural leader who does everything she can to conquer problems with logic and precision. She has a very mature grasp on her emotions and will rarely be caught in an outburst, though this can sometimes leave an impression of coldness with those she’s just met. While often having responsibility thrust upon her, as opposed to taking it herself, she has grown very accustomed to being the one making suggestions in the social groups she spends time with and simply hates long instances of indecision. She is friendly and caring, highly protective of those she considers friends or comrades, but has a hard time opening up as it makes her feel like she’s relinquishing control. This can lead her to be burdened by many problems and responsibilities, even those that aren't her own, up to her breaking point.

History: Victoria was born and raised in Pennsylvania, USA but moved to Yokohama, Japan when she was 13 years old. Her dad was in the military, a well decorated general who imparted in his children a will to strive ever onward and upward as leaders and warriors. She was never really interested in video-games before being trapped in NTO, she borrowed her younger brother's copy when she came home from university to visit, but has managed to throw herself in wholeheartedly while gaining a good understanding of the game mechanics after the initial shock passed. This does mean, however, that she is rather lacking on the finer points of social etiquette and gamer jargon often saturating MMO-culture. Nearly 15 years of intense basketball training and being a starter for one of the US's strongest women's basketball teams with very high WNBA prospects has given her a very sharp mind and tactical insight that allows her to quickly analyze all sorts of enemies and battlefields. She spent the majority of the 6 in-game months training, alone at first but eventually with another player who would end up being her closest friend within the virtual walls. Though Victoria has fallen into the routine of NTO life, her thoughts rarely straying from the next boss fight or equipment optimization, she longs to be released from the game's clutches so that she can see her family once again. She'd never imagined she could miss the dysfunctional relatives so much.

Likes: Leading, Basketball, Dressing up, the thrill of combat, puppies.

Dislikes: Feeling helpless, those who take advantage of others, video games
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Real Life Name: Kristy Kay
Soul Story Name: Kalimay KK
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Weapon: Dual Brass Knuckles
Weapon Name: Crack and Shatter
Class: Breaker - This is a martial melee class that is highly focused on agility and disabling/weakening single-targets by destroying their weapons and armor. Through powerful punches and kicks, the Breaker is invaluable in parties, especially against strong opponents and bosses. However, due to wearing only the light-medium armors and a relatively low DPS in the early parts of a fight (before armor is broken) the Breaker is not a strong solo class.
Soul Attack: Smash Them! - the Breaker knocks a single target up into the air, dealing three powerful blows and a finisher that sends the target crashing into the earth.
Move Pool:
Boom, Boom, Pow! – the Breaker's attacks gain an explosive buff, dealing extra damage to the target and surrounding enemies. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Cost 40SP
Brittle Bones - the Breaker strikes the target's arm or leg and applies a 'Broken Bone' debuff which prevents them from using a weapon or shield (arm) or that decreases their movement speed/agility (leg).
Lasts for 30 seconds.
Cost 30SP
1, 2, Punch! – the Breaker's standard three-hit combo that decreases a percentage of a target's armor on the third hit. This increases damage they receive and when a target's armor reaches 0%, their armor 'breaks' and they take double damage.
Roundhouse Kick – the Breaker swings their foot around the strike the target in the head with a chance to stun and knock down.

Avatar Appearance: --Standing a not-so-daunting 5’2” and weighing in at 118lbs, her build is surprisingly light; with long, wispy limbs and smooth, pale skin; considering the equipment she wields. Her face is a half-moon shape with childlike features: soft cheekbones, a girlish chin, and large round eyes that are a light woodland brown. Her hair is a sandy blonde and falls nearly to the small of her back when pulled back in its typical braided ponytail. She wears a light leather vest, bracers, and pants, all dyed black with orange highlights, along with a pair of steel toed boots--

Personality: KK is extremely bubbly and ridiculous, often being the first to crack a joke or laugh at an enemy. She seems to be permanently optimistic and cheerful, regardless of the current circumstances, and will always attempt to defuse a tense situation with humor. She loves to cause mischief with her friends and it is not unheard of to find her not-so-subtly trying to get people together on surprise ‘dates’. Though generally likable, she can quickly get on the nerves of those with less tolerance for silly things because she rarely appears serious. A true gamer girl, she has a deep nerdy side from a love of games and comics and will constantly find excuses to talk about them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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Title: The Siphon of Blood
Name: Leonothas Kargan, the Red Wolf
Appearance: Standing nearly seven and a half feet tall, his body is a hulking mass of bulging muscles with long, powerful limbs and thick hands that could easily crush a man's skull with minimal effort. The nails of his finger have grown rather large and dark, each forming into a sharp point. They bear a striking resemblance to claws. His skin is a light olive and is covered in thick patches of coarse black hair; around his chest, back, arms, and hands especially; though recently areas of hard red-brown scales have begun to appear on the base of his neck and around his shoulders and thighs. His scalp is the only part of his body that is hairless, though dozens of outdated implant cables meant to connect to his power armor and similar interfaces almost give him the appearance of having silver dreadlocks. Thick jagged eyebrows are angled over his bright golden eyes and his thin-lipped mouth, which droops at the edges to form a perpetual grimace, is filled with several sharpened fangs.

In his power armor, his physique becomes all the more terrifying. Giant plates of jagged red and black metal adorn his body, each outlined in rusted, stained brass. Upon his shoulders and his knee plates is the terrifying symbol of his chapter: the circle of chaos becoming an inhuman fanged maw that is closing upon an indistinct world. Twisted metal spikes line his jump-pack and each of his forearms is wrapped in thick metal chain that extends around his weapons of battle; a simple, but effective way to make sure they are not lost when the blood rage fills his mind.

Equipment/Weapons Loadout: Mark VI Veteran Power Armor, Valkyris Pattern Jump Pack, Umbra-Pattern Bolt Pistol, Corrupted Frost Blade: Khornesgrin.
All equipment was ‘stolen’ from the Space Wolves Chapter and have thus become tainted by the ruinous powers, in particular the chain sword. It was once known as ‘Wintermaw’, a relic Frost Blade made of an ancient alloy decorated in icy blue power runes made from energy crystal that glowed with power and fitted with the teeth of a Fenrisian Ice Kraken. Its hilt was formed into a wolf’s head, large jaw seeming to bear the blade between its fangs. Truly, it was a prized weapon of the Space Wolves and was thus bestowed upon Leonothas with great honors.
It has since succumbed to the dark blood rituals of Chaos: the teeth and runes of the weapon now bare a sinister crimson glow and the wolf’s head hilt has lost its noble air, becoming a fierce and feral creature with slathering mouth hanging open in twisted rage. When used in combat, one would swear it drips with vile spittle as if the weapon itself craves blood and flesh.

Psychological Profile: When out of combat, Leonothas is surprisingly calm and collected; a shrewd commander and cunning tactician. He rarely displays emotion besides annoyance or anger and looks to those he determines to be ‘weak’ with disdain, while simultaneously hating those who prey on such weakness. This air of a noble and honorable warrior is often shaken, however, when he becomes inflicted by vivid hallucinations of people from his past: usually his dead wife and son. Unable to tell the difference between them and reality, their presence is a powerful corrupting influence on his mind and sanity. In his more controlled times, he believes that through a warriors death he can someday join them within the Blood God and so seeks to best as many warriors as possible.
”You say that my God is one of murder… of war… of death incarnate… Yet I say he a God of life, for all that truly lives can bleed and that blood is precious to them. It is precious to Him also. He holds the blood of my family, now, and someday he will hold mine as well. Until then… you will make a worthy sacrifice.”

When battle is joined, an entirely different side of Leonothas is shown: one of pure bestial fury and rage, of red-hot burning hatred for any and all things, and a sadistic joy in the sight of the spray of blood. Hallucinations and delusions run rampant as the monstrous warrior cuts a swath through anything that is foolish enough to stand before him, becoming stronger and stronger the longer combat lasts. Even his own warriors know better than to approach Leonothas when he falls into such a way for they are well aware that his murderous intent will only abate when no more victims are left breathing.
”Hack! Slash! Burn! Bleed! Kill them all, leave none standing! KILL! KILL! KILL!”

Brief Biography:
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Name: Dakin Windwalker
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Druid Apprentice

What you want to be when you grow up?: Dakin wants to be a wanderer, much like his mentor, and feels that the direction of his life will never really take shape until he's been out in the world and seen all the paths available. He would also like to become a fully recognized Druid.

Who is your mentor?: Dorn Windwalker - a beast of a man, both literally and figuratively. He is a werebear and a druid of no small skill or renown, well known for his hunting down of evil lycanthropes and protecting of isolated villages near the High Forest. He saved Dakin's life when his village was attacked and has since raised him as he would his own child, teaching him the ways of the forest and of the connection all living things have.

Brief Biography: Dakin was born in a small village on the souther border of the High Forest, his parents were well known inn keepers in the area. He was raised by them with love and affection until his sixth winter when disaster befell their community. A pack of particularly vicious lycanthropes had started terrorizing the area, slaughtering isolated families and attacking trade caravans with bloodthirsty ruthlessness. Though the village did what they could to petition guards and adventurers to help protect them, no help was forthcoming and so on one cold dark night the beasts came. They killed without remorse or mercy and Dakin would have died to their fangs had Dorn not come to his rescue. The Druid werebear had been stalking the evil pack for some time but had been unable to intervene or face them head on. He refused to sit by while they attacked the village, however, and was actually able to use his immense power to drive then all away and save a few innocents. Dakin's parents did not survive and Dorn pitied the child enough to adopt him and bring him far away from the ruins of his old home.

Having a few friends in Twiddledale, Dorn decided it would be a good place to raise the boy and train him as a protector of the wild. Dakin remembers little of that horrible night and can no longer see the faces of his parents, finding many memories oddly suppressed, though he has a large maw-shaped scar over his left shoulder. Over the past eight years he has trained under Dorn and an old hag, who is an old friend of his mentor.

What person(s) of interest do you know in the village? Who all do you have a relationship with?: Dorn Windwalker - local druid and protector.
The old hag - a strange, mysterious woman who has lived in the village as log as anyone can remember.

A well-carved oaken staff.
A holy symbol amulet of Selûne.
A travelers pack.

Class Skills:
Staff Fighting - Dorn has trained Dakin in combat with staves, both lethal and non-lethal, and the boy has quite a talent for it.
Orison 'Guidance' - Dakin can momentarily be guided by the natural life forces in his immediate presence.
Orison 'Know Direction' - Dakin can immediately discern North and his relative location compared to local forests and places of natural importance.
Nature Connection - Dakin has an immediate connection to the natural world: he can discern the most basic properties of unfamiliar plants and and can improve the attitudes of non-hostile animals. This also slightly improves his sense of smell, taste, and sight.

Villager Skills:
Mental Fortitude - For reasons Dakin does not yet understand, Dorn has taken extra special precautions in training his mind and conditioning his willpower. He has a number of exercises and tricks for controlling his emotions and thoughts, though he is still a child: prone to new/confusing experiences and mood swings. He is far more resistant to charm effects, psychic intrusion, and magical manipulation of his emotions than most people.

Fishing - Dorn is rather particular about what he eats but there is no doubting that he has a taste for river fish. Using fishing as a test of resourcefulness, dexterity, and most certainly patience, the old druid has spent many hours teaching Dakin how to make fishing-lines and hooks out of the simplest things, how to use those lines and hooks to catch something, and how to prepare that something into a tasty dinner.

Herbalism/Poultice Making - With his own druidic training it seemed only natural that Dakin would learn how to mix various herbs and poultices. He can make treatments for burns, small cuts and abrasions, and even one for fever and infection. However, there is a rather particular potion mixture that Dorn made sure the old hag woman taught the boy, one that involves several rare ingredients often difficult to find unless you really knew where to look. Dakin was instructed to take this mixture once a month, though his mentor would only say it was for a mysterious rash that would return just before he was to take his next dose.
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Name: Leo Erickson
Age: 28
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 172
Race: Human
Class: Lead Pilot

Appearance: Tall and broad-shouldered, bearing a handsome olive-skinned face with a square jaw and high cheekbones, Leo looks every bit like the typical Texan Lift-Jockey. His long chocolate brown hair flows well in its typical swept-back style, though it's often covered in a dark leather cowboy hat that's faded and worn from countless days in the American western sun and that clashes heavily with his unpressed and disheveled Alliance Uniform. It's clear at first glance that the wearer doesn't take his position all too seriously. His light hazel eyes are always lit with a youthful spark of life and they seem to hold untold depths that promise excitement, adventure, and a little bit of mischief around every turn.

Split-Second Reflexes - Always useful when navigating dangerous asteroid belts.
Crack Shot - It only takes a few dozen years of shooting at desert critters to get a knack for hitting moving targets.
Piloting - Being one of the best pilots the Alliance has ever seen extends from large carriers to the most nimble of fighters.
Basic Military Training - The Pilot Academy made sure he memorized books of field tactics and could identify and handle most infantry-grade weaponry.
Dauntless Ego - Thinking very highly of yourself means it's hard to be shaken off your game, even when faced with dangerous surprises, though it obviously comes with a few social drawbacks.
Gamer - Who'd have thought a Texas-grown country boy would have a knack, and a love, for all kinds of virtual toys?

Personality: Leo is outgoing and fun-loving, the kind of guy who loves to be the center of attention and has the charisma to stay there. He's a bit promiscuous and quite flirtatious around beautiful women and his pride is about as easy to shoot down as the ship he's piloting. Though it's difficult for him to form deep, personal relationships with anyone, when he makes a friend he's unshakably loyal and will do just about anything support them.

History/Biography: Leo was born into a poor family of laborers in the Great Texan Shipwright, one of the great industrial complexes of Earth space cruiser construction known for its million acre solar-farm and massive space lifts. From the days he could hold a soldering iron he was put on the front lines of this incredible feat of manufacturing and spent countless days working on ship exteriors. They called his kind 'Lift Jockeys' for their skilled maneuvering of Anti-Grav Carts through airspace often filled with tens of thousands of small crafts. His parents soon found him to be one of the best at this 'sport' and the boy always won the off-the-book races the laborers partook of in their time off. Despite having nothing more than basic schooling, Leo always dreamed of being on the flight-deck of the ships he was helping to build and so, despite the discouragement of many friends and laborers, spent nearly every second of his free time studying the piloting of space ships. There were countless documents and manuals available to anyone with internet access and over the course of 18 years Leo, now a young man, finally began to understand all the technical aspects of space travel. He aced the North American Pilot Academy entrance exam much to the astonishment of every faculty member proctoring the test and, after sitting through their thorough investigation for 'academic dishonesty', spent six years training in military-based space era technology and doctrine. Leo graduated with the highest of honors the Academy could provide and appeared to have a long and promising career ahead of him... if he could get his rather rebellious attitude under control.

Special Equipment:
High-powered P480 'Hunter' Revolver Custom - A gift from Leo's father; this puppy packs quite a punch, firing a .500 Magnum round, and is retrofitted with a special 9-round rotating clip and heavy barrel for extra accuracy and reduced kick.
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Name: Talen Dunsford
Gender: male
Race: Half-elf
Height: 4'9''
Age: 22
Place of Residence: None
Family: Orphan
Alignment: CG
Class: Rogue5/Ranger2/Master Thrower 2
Weapons: Several Masterwork Throwing Daggers, Cloak of Stars (produces magic shurikins)
Appearance: Talen's elvish heritage is displayed most through his light build, short height, fair skin, and slightly pointed ears. However, his face, messy brown hair, and stubble facial hair reveal Talen's human heritage.

Personality: Talen is young, his age approximate to that of a human would be close to fifteen or sixteen. The young half-elf is wiry, energetic, and joking. It is a rare site to see Talen in a sour mood or shedding tears and it is wise to avoid him in such a situation. The stress required to make him so would leave him volatile and prone to violent outbreaks.

History: Talen was born and raised on the streets of Luskan, like so many others. Here he learned how to survive on little and to acquire things that he did not own. It was through these skills and the accident of being in the wrong place at the wrong time that got Talen on a rather negative term with a local thieves guild. With few options left and no friends to help, the half-elf was forced to flee the city in a hurry with only a balanced throwing knife he 'received' in his city life.

The woods between Luskan and Waterdeep were less than hospitable and Talen was forced to learn to hunt and throw with his knife. Needless to say, he discovered a great talent for it as well as basic tracking and forestry. The half-elf decided to forget about moving to Waterdeep and instead moved off east into the High Forest. Here he was lucky enough to befriend a local elf tribe that supplied him with his fine custom leather and knives.

Still, Tarel would not stay forever. After several years the young half-elf decided to move on to Silverymoon to test his fortune, but not before he was presented a magnificent cloak by the tribes elder. It is enchanted and can magically produce several powerful throwing stars every day.

Talen's List of Important Things!
Archerr: Talen's childhood friend and companion; and son of the local thieves guild master. They were initiated into the guild at the same time and Archer was the one who accompanied Talen on his assassination mission. It was there (in the merchants home) that the two got into an argument over the murder and it was there that Talen accidentally killed Archerr instead of the innocent target. Archerr was very carefree and adventurous, like Talen, but also had a strong desire to please his father and rise through the guild ranks (he was not against killing the innocent man).

Lindel: Archerr's sister, and Talen's other friend. After her brother's death, she warned Talen of her father's retaliation as one final act of friendship. Though she does not blame Talen for her brother's death, she knows they can never be friends again because of it. Lindel is only a few years younger than Talen (currently 18) and is quite loving and compassionate toward others.

Medillan Lorothwind: Elder of a Highforest elf tribe. He is saved from an ornery bear attack by Talen, whom he then befriends. It is through this connection that Talen (a half-elf) is introduced to the elf tribe, though he is unable to stay due to the discrimination of several leaders. Medillan forges Talen his throwing knives and provides him with a nice set of leather armor. He also teaches Talen many ways of the forest and ranger skills (like tracking). Medillan is old, even by elf standards.

The courtyard behind Archerr/Lindel's large house: It was here in this peaceful garden that the children spent much of their younger years playing together. This became their regular meeting place. Archerr's father had a legitimate front and so was able to live publicly with his family, in quite a bit of wealth.

The merchant's home: A middle-class house in Luskan. It was in the living room of this home that Talen killed his friend Archerr during their dispute. It was Archerr who drew first steel (he claimed that his father would not allow failure and that the job would be done regardless of Talen's feelings), but Talen drew first, and consequently last, blood.

Medillan's home: Talen spent many nights here in the elf elder's care. It is a simple tribe home made of wood (think wigwam like).

Masterwork Throwing Daggers + Leather Armor (made by Medillan)
The Cloak of Fallen Stars: One of Medillan's family heirlooms, and a tool from his younger days. It represents a strong bond between Talen and this father-figure.
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Name: Atticus Tyren
Nickname: Thorn

Age: 20
Magic: Blood Magic (ability to manipulate his own blood)
Bloody Thorn: Spell lvl 1 - Simplest blood magic spell in which the caster creates one or several long needle-like spikes in an attempt to impale a target.
Bloody Briar: Spell lvl 1 - Caster creates a mass of twisting thorn-covered blood vines. Spell can be used defensively by wrapping around the caster like a shield or armor or offensively by attempting to entangle an enemy in a painful snare.
Bloody Rose: Spell lvl 2 - Caster creates a rose made of blood which blooms as the spell is cast and then bursts, sending razor-sharp petals in all directions.
Bloody Rain: Spell lvl 3 - Caster sprays a large number of droplets into the air which then plummet to the earth as deadly needles, soaking the ground. Is often the precursor to Bloody Field.
Bloody Field: Spell lvl 3 - Caster creates a field of Bloody Roses and Bloody Thorns from a blood-soaked area of earth, saturating a space with deadly spikes and razor petals.
Bloody Blossom: Spell lvl 4 - Caster injects blood into a target through physical attacks. After a short period of 'gestation' the blood then blossoms as a series of tiny flowers, rupturing the skin and internal organs of the target.

Weapon: Epinoc - A clawed gauntlet that is made of a rare silver alloy. It is heavily enchanted to be as light as cloth and yet strong enough to turn aside all but the sharpest blades. The claws on the fingers form into needle-like tips that can tear through flesh and lighter armors with relative ease and the wearer can use them to puncture his own palm, which is uncovered, if he closes his hand into a fist.
Personality: Atticus is a cheerful, though shy, individual who typical enjoys being alone. He loves nature and flowers and often keeps several personal flower boxes which are filled with rare and beautiful specimens. As a mage he is extremely dedicated to studying his art and eliminating Dark Wizards.
History: Atticus was born in Crocus, the sprawling capital of Fiore, to a middle class flower merchant and his wife. Together, they owned and managed a fairly successful shop known for its beautiful strain of dark red roses. From the day Atticus was born he began learning all there is to know about flowers and their care. However, this all changed when the boy was 10 and a fight between several dark and legal mages broke out in the streets around the shop. The destruction was great before the dark wizards were brought down and both of Atticus's parents were killed in the collateral damage. He vowed revenge against the illegal magic users and as luck would have it, a local man who often frequented the shop offered to take the boy in and train him in the ways of blood magic. He had actually been suspicious of Atticus's magical potential after seeing him working with the roses, which frequently left many cuts in his hands.

Atticus immediately accepted and came into a local mage guild as an apprentice. He would go with his master on several low-danger jobs and also spend many late hours studying magic and the guild system.

After many years of training, his mentor finally decided it was time for Atticus to continue learning out in the real world. Knowing that it was important a young mage choose his own guild and gain a wide breadth of experience, he suggested Atticus join a newer allied guild in Balefest.
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Name: Atticus Tyren

Alias: Blake Rowe

Age: 22

Personality: At the best of times Atticus is self-absorbed, sarcastic, and abrasive. He often looks down on those who annoy him (which is a rather easy thing to do), those who lack class or tact, those who whine about their problems, and those who act superior to others (which is rather ironic considering he has an air or superiority at all times). Atticus is quick to insult and slow to apologize, often talking down to others for no apparent reason. Despite these rather difficult-to-handle mannerisms he is not a bad person at heart and is sometimes prone to sudden acts of kindness and empathy, though they are often accompanied by some snarky excuse.

When deadly serious, all manner of attitude and insult disappears as Atticus becomes single-minded in his pursuit. He will not rush in foolishly and will instead approach an obstacle with a cold and calculated cunning that is frightening to behold. When a true goal is at hand, he will stop at almost nothing to achieve it and will not hesitate to destroy anything, or anyone, in his path.

Being born and raised in the upper crust, adept at hiding his true nature. Atticus found it rather easy to blend back into ‘normal society’ after the Civil War. Through tact and manipulation, he is able to maintain a façade of normality that has fooled most of those around him. Inside, however, he despises the upper class and the government who sought to use him as a weapon. When faced with government workers, collection squads, soldiers, and the like he is prone to reacting violently and without mercy.

Appearance: Atticus stands about 5’10” with a light wispy build, fair skin and dark eyes. He is quite handsome, with a strong jaw and full lips, and his wavy brown-blonde hair is always carefully styled to give him a sleek modern look. His clothes don’t quite match up to the same level of style as he's usually seen in a light brown jacket over a button-down shirt and jeans.

Powers: Blood Manipulation – Atticus is able to control his own blood through force of will: bending and molding it into various shapes and changing its consistency outside of his body. At its most basic form, the powers allow him to create tentacles or spikes up to 5 or 6 meters in length. By manipulating the platelets within the blood he is able to make weapons that can pierce or cut surprisingly strong materials like body armor, some metals, and even concrete. Due to the nature of this power, Atticus must create self-inflicted wounds in order to draw the blood out of his body. This gives him a certain advantage when fighting enemies who leave lots of cuts or gashes as the strength of his ability would slightly increase as he sustained more injury.
As this power develops Atticus will be able to extend the range of his manipulation, create more complex shapes with his blood, and sense the blood of others. This will eventually lead to a slight amount of influence over blood that is not his own which will grant him many useful and deadly abilities.

Weaknesses and limitations:
Blood Loss – As would be imagined, the more Atticus uses his powers in a short period of time the weaker he would become as blood is inevitably lost through his manipulation. This can lead to light-headedness, dizzy spells, unconsciousness, and even death if not kept in check.
Required Outlet – Due to the fact that his blood must come out of his body in order for him to use it, Atticus is put at an extreme disadvantage when fighting enemies who do not cause blood-drawing wounds.
Short Range – At Atticus’ current level of mastery, he is only able to extend his powers about 6 meters from his body.

History: Atticus was born on the upper east side of New York City to his mother, Eliza, and his father, Senator Ames Tyren, a very powerful and influential man in the political circuit. The younger of two sons by three years, Atticus found from an early age that his parents held no particular love for him and was constantly overshadowed by the accomplishments of his brother, Emerson. If Atticus got an 'A', Emerson got an 'A+'. If he got silver in the national tennis circuit, his brother got gold. Nothing Atticus did or accomplished was ever enough to please his parents. Despite this obvious trend, Atticus actually loved his brother deeply and the two got on very well with Emerson often intentionally redirecting his parents anger and disappointment away from his brother.

This all changed, however, the day Emerson was killed. He was attending Yale University when there was a horrible school shooting led by another student. 37 students and teachers were killed that day: Emerson being one as he attempted to shield a fellow student from the gunfire. To the media and the public it was all seen as a random tragedy caused by an unstable boy and poor gun regulations. To those with enough power to learn the truth, the shooter had recently discovered a certain ability to hear others thoughts. The feverish scribblings in the journal confiscated from the boy's room indicated that hearing the mutterings and ramblings of everyone's mind at all hours of the day was enough to drive him insane. This was well before the great Civil War, before 'Unnaturals' came into the public eye, and so the government had certain protocols in place to ensure it all stayed quiet as more and more cases appeared around the country.

These protocols did not extend to the Senator Ames Tyren, who quickly learned the truth of the matter and thus began taking subtle steps to ensure these 'monsters' would be dealt with. And so it was that the first several laboratories were funded, all off the record of course, and the measures were developed to locate and contain those who might be deemed 'dangerous' and uncontrollable. They would be captured and studied in the hopes of developing effective countermeasures and weapons needed to protect the citizens of the United States.

After Emerson's death, things took a turn for the worse for Atticus. Blaming the death of their favored child on the life of their second, the physical and mental abuse became almost too much for the boy to bare. Still he worked for their affections in every way he knew how and received many awards in academics, musicianship, and athletics throughout his entire high school career. But even being granted admittance to Harvard could not please Atticus' grieving parents.

It was only a few weeks before moving to University that Atticus noticed something strange about him, or more specifically about his blood. He could make it squirm, twist, and move beneath his skin: he could feel it moving through his veins. At first he didn't understand until one night when he accidentally dropped a glass and caused his father to go into a fit of rage. Striking the boy, Ames sent him to the ground where he sliced his hand upon a shard if glass. In a moment of panic the blood that dripped from the wound lashed out and defended Atticus, much to the horror of his parents. Though he begged him not to, Ames immediately went to the phone and called the number of a special squad trained to handle the 'monsters'. With cold expressions, his parents watched silently as they came in and beat the boy into submission before wrapping a black bag tightly around his face and dragging him into the night. They drove for hours until they were far away from the lights of the city and when the bag was finally pulled away young Atticus found himself in the dim sterile cell that would be his new home.

For nearly four years he suffered beneath the scalpels and tests of the doctors who saw his kind as nothing more than a new animal to dissect.

They broke him down in every way imaginable, but at the bottom; when everything had been stripped away; Atticus found a sort of control. Through careful planning he bided his time until the moment was right and he struck, slaying his abusers and making an escape from that horrible place hidden deep in the northern forests of New York state. Through some miracle he made it back to the city, taking what he needed to survive the trip, until finally he'd returned to his parent's penthouse. There he found his mother, broken and withered from years of carrying a heavy burden, and though he'd had the intention to kill her she begged for his forgiveness at her mistake, saying they'd been too scared and grief-stricken to know what they were doing. Atticus immediately sensed this half-truth, for he knew his father had held no such regrets as the man led the country's crusade against the 'unnaturals'. He meant to wait for him, to kill the man who would send his own son to a fate worse than death, but it was taking too long and he could not bare to put such harm on his mother after seeing what she'd become. Instead he opened his father's safe and took with him an incredibly large sum of money and several incriminating papers regarding the so-called 'House of Powers'. Bidding a last farewell to his mother, Atticus left the penthouse behind and made his way into the world that now feared his kind and that would forever see him as an outsider.
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Name in Real Life: Toda Akira
In Name Game: Geist
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Looks: Akira’s hair is a dark blonde, well-trimmed in a longer style that gives him an older appearance. His features are fine and handsome, a perfect blend of Scandinavian and east-Asian with a tight jaw line and large dark eyes.

Short Bio: Akira was born in central Tokyo to an incredibly wealthy family. His father, owner of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Asia, met his mother at a private dinner function following a performance by the world-renowned Kirov Bellet company; she being one of their star dancers. They raised their son in typical upper-class fashion, or rather paid a series of maids, nannies, and tutors to raise him as they were often far too busy with their own lives to care for him. Still, he grew up perfectly in their eyes and quickly established himself as a boy who could succeed at anything he put his mind to. All through his schooling he achieved top marks in his classes, was always voted class president, and even played as a starting pitcher on his prestigious private school’s baseball team; he was smart, handsome, and popular. Success just came naturally to Akira and most often with little effort on his part, much to the chagrin of many other students.

Unsurprisingly, Akira was accepted to Tokyo University and to with several dozen other schools around the world, some of which he didn’t even apply to. His parents threw a large banquet in honor of the occasion and invited famous actors and dancers and businessmen from all around the world. They were all strangers to Akira and though he smiled and shook hands and thanked those who congratulated him inside he felt nothing but emptiness, a void growing with each passing year. The boy knew he was being paraded like a prized pig, no better than the shiny piece of expensive jewelry proudly displayed over the tuxes and dresses of all in attendance. Within a week he moved out of the penthouse apartment his parents hardly ever stayed in and soon found himself in a similar, albeit smaller, penthouse on the other side of the city. It was prepaid and pre-furnished in a tactful modern style that left Akira feeling cold despite the warm springtime weather. He was soon attending his classes, biology and business classes suited for the heir to his father’s company, but it wasn’t long before the days began to blur together into monotonous routine. It came on rather suddenly, the realization that he was nothing more than a prisoner in a world of his parent’s creation: a world devoid of joy and color from which he could not escape. He doesn’t remember where he first saw the advertisement; was it on TV, or maybe a billboard?; but something about the image of a fortress floating in the sky stuck in his mind. Akira had never played a video game in his life, he’d hadn’t had the time and his parents would have never allowed it even if he had, which was perhaps the driving reason behind his sudden need to acquire it. He made a few phone calls; with his father’s connections it wasn’t difficult to secure a Nerve Gear or even a copy of the program despite its limited release; and on November 2nd he found himself lying on his bed staring up at the white-washed ceiling through the visor lens.

“Link... start.”

Welcome to Sword Art Online...

Personality: Akira is most often cold and calculating but displays a two-faced split in his countenance; the perfect sophisticated socialite on one hand and a sneering highbrow elitist on the other. He doesn’t make friends; or at least he’s had little success in the past; but will strive to make allies if he thinks they can help further his own agenda (which often works simply because he often brings a lot to the table). Still, even his mutual allegiances don’t often last long when the other party has fulfilled their usefulness.
Despite his positively terrible attitude and abrasive nature, there is a glimmer of something else beneath the surface; something that wishes to connect with another person in a wide and seemingly empty world. It just takes a keen eye and a patient mind to see it.

Noncombat Skills:

Combat Skills:
-Battle Healing
-Leather Equipment

Weapon Skill:
-One-handed Dagger

Dagger Skills:
-Armor Pierce: single strike attack that lowers target's armor.
-Cross Edge: 2-strike attack with high crit. hit chance.

Preferred weapon and Armor: Light leather armor, thrown weapons and one-handed daggers.

Level: 2
HP: 450
STR: 6
AGI: 7
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Name: Sevrin Crillden
Nickname(s): Sev
Gender: Male
Age: 11
House: Ravenclaw

Appearance: Sev is a squirrely young boy with bright, intelligent grey eyes and short oak-brown hair. His features are soft and boyish, clearly showing his age, and fit well around his crooked smile and his limbs are thin and wispy. When out of his uniform, Sev often wears casual clothes of the era; faded, hole-filled jeans, graphic T-shirts, and a bright red zip-up hoodie.

Wand: 12.5 inches of surprisingly squishy Alder wood with a Dragon heartstring core.
Pet: Feris the Ferret, a slightly larger-than-average and incredibly intelligent albino ferret.

Dexterity – Sev has spent a lot of time practicing basic wand motions (only with twigs and sticks, of course), even before entering Hogwarts, and has excellent hand-to-eye coordination. He is able to pick up fine twists and flicks faster than most students.
Quick Reflexes – Hours spent balancing on crumbled stone walls and fallen trees , pretending to battle dark wizards and monsters of every shape and size has given Sev excellent reaction time.
Natural Herbalist – Though not a passion per se, Sev’s mother was an exceptional gardener and herbalist and was able to implant much of her knowledge and expertise into Sev from an early age. It also helped that he grew up in the country, away from all hubs of civilization, and so spent a lot of his time as a child out on the moors.

Short tempered – sometimes it doesn’t take much to push Sev over the edge and he’ll be sure to let you know it.
Poor student – Despite his determination to follow in his father’s footsteps, Sev is not a very good visual or auditory learner. It takes considerable effort to grasp written material and to put his mind into a mode suitable for long hours of studying. He will likely need special tutoring to acceptably pass all of his classes.

Personality: Sevrin is often quiet and reserved, until he gets to know somebody, taking the time to observe the people and places around him before making any decisions on how to behave. Once he opens up he can be very friendly but slightly awkward as it becomes clear he hasn’t had too many close friends in his life. He is clever, though quick to act, and always has his mind set on his own personal goals. Sev is very protective of animals and of people who can’t defend themselves and won’t stand for the abuse of either. Though he appears to be a bit of a loner, deep down he strongly desires to find a group of friends.

Sevrin was born in north England, in a small town called Slingsby, northeast of York. His mother, JoAnna is a muggle, a primary school teacher, and his father, Marten, is an Auror of small renown; they had met in York while he was investigating a rogue wizard who was murdering muggles in a gruesome manner. He had saved her life and they quickly fell in love and, after being married, they moved north into the country for a ‘quiet life’.
Sevrin was their first child, though they’ve since had one more, and they were delighted to learn of his wizarding ability. He’d grown up in both the worlds and had even attended the muggle primary school, though he never quite felt like he fit in with the children there, and most teachers thought him (and his parents) a bit too eccentric with his ‘imagination’. From his earliest memories, Sev had always wanted to follow his father as an Auror; going head to head with dark wizards in amazing duels; and so when he received his letter from Hogwarts he was overjoyed. Marten had been a Gryffindor and spoke highly of his house, though he never explicitly pushed for Sev to try and be sorted there. Sev took these teachings to heart, for it wasn’t often he and his father shared a real heart-to-heart as the man was often too busy with work.

Marten Crillden (Father)– An Auror of small renown, he is one of the chief investigators of the Yorkshire department and handles many of the cases involving dark wizards and witches in that area. He is an expert on forbidden magic, particularly those with pagan/druidic roots, and can speak 7 different languages. He graduated from Hogwarts in 1994, earning his Auror license 3 years later and survived the Second Wizarding War though he earned a large scar across the left side of his throat.

JoAnna Crillden (Mother)– Muggle born, she grew up in north York and attended university in the city, earning her primary school teachers license. Her natural beauty merely accentuates her kind heart and cheerful spirit and she holds a deep love for all living things. During her late university years there was a string of violent murders on and around her school campus, while the muggle news reported the possibility of a serial killer they couldn’t explain the strange nature of some of the deaths and their investigation was going nowhere. It was one night later that year, three days before the winter solstice, when she was ambushed on the street and kidnapped. She was held for over 48 hours by the deranged wizard who planned on using her as a sacrifice but was eventually rescued by a squad of Auror’s led by Marten. While he did wipe her mind at first, as was protocol, he found himself being drawn to her beauty and personality during his follow-ups and they eventually fell in love. She has since had her ‘eyes opened’ to the magical world she never knew existed and delights in learning about all the strange people and creatures of their world.
Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

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Name: Maxwell Erickson
Image/Appearance: A 26 year old human male with short, curly black hair and dark brown eyes. Has the makings of a dad-bod with gentle features, a round face, and the slightest hint of laugh lines at the edges of his eyes. Is typically seen in his Umbra Rose front-desk uniform, which is always freshly pressed and only slightly sweat-stained if he's had to deal with some of the more frightening residents.

Race: Human
Racial Traits: Death & Taxes
Requirements: Therapy

Personality: Max is a grade-A customer service representative with a friendly, cheerful demeanor and an earnest desire to help those around him. He is genuinely kind and considerate and is out there just doin' his best, man. He has many friends but few he would consider 'close' as he often uses his approachable exterior to hide a whirlwind of self-doubt and doesn't allow himself to open up with just anyone. He is generally terrified of monsters, especially ghosts, and is incredibly superstitious about mundane things like black cats, the number 13, breaking mirrors, and walking under ladders. He also has a phobia of bees. Max loves animals, especially dogs, and has a semi-secret nerdy side with a love of comic books and fantasy novels. He also loves to cook, and is pretty good at it!

Background: Max was born and raised in the midwest in a small town in Michigan and went to Loyola University in Chicago to earn a degree in Hospitality Management. He was actually set to become the chief operations officer of a ritzy Chicago hotel when he was suddenly overshot by the owner's nephew and then subsequently laid off by that very same nephew. Without a single job prospect in several months, Max was on the verge of losing everything until his recruiter described a 'very unique offer' involving a 'rather exotic condominium complex'. Though only a front desk position and requiring relocation, it offered free room and board and Max was beyond desperate so he applied without a second thought (and without really reading the job description). His initial interviews went spectacularly and he was beyond impressed with the description of the facilities so he immediately accepted the offer, packed his meager belongings, and booked a flight within a few weeks.
While his first days on the job were... harrowing, he has somewhat slipped in to the routine of work and has gotten the hang of handling various 'outsiders'; such as delivery drivers, mailmen, and the occassional religious proselytizer; as well as assisting the residents with their various needs and questions about human society.

Building 1, Floor 1, Room 113.
Room description: This cozy 1br, 1ba is the perfect space for an up-and-coming single who values privacy and affordability. Tucked into our quiet courtyard corner, the windows offer a stunning view of our perfectly manicured hedges without any worry of pesky morning sunlight disturbing your sleep. With full access to our ample ammentities and an easy 2 block walk to the nearest train station, you'll have the opportunity to experience everything Umbra Rose and this city has to offer. Fully furnished with a bed, bookshelves, a loveseat, and even a sizable flatscreen television, this unit is just dieing to be your new forever-home.
Max has decorated the bedroom with a few posters of Spider-Man and Batman and the bookshelf is now full of various fantasy and sci-fi novel series. The bedroom is surprisingly messy for someone who always looks so fresh and presentable.
Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

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Name: Sevrin Creed | Age: 24 | Gender: Male | Race: Half-Elf (or perhaps Furbolg, if that is an acceptable race. Something very natury)

Main role: Alchemist
Side Roles: Herbalist/Perfumer(? Thinking of something like the Elden Ring perfumer bottles: basically an expert at spraying flammable, poisonous, or acidic compounds as an attack. If that’s approved, of course!)

Minor Skills: Experimental Cooking (But in the “will eat anything once, Dungeon Meshi style”), Graphite sketching.

Personality: Sevrin is your typical distracted field researcher who loves to study all things plant-related and who isn’t afraid to get down and dirty if it means collecting a good sample. He has very few friends but is loyal to a fault to those he does have. While he tends to be cautious to the point of ‘analysis paralysis’ he is quite brave when push comes to shove. Will absolutely answer every biology-related question you didn’t know you had and probably never asked.

Reason for joining: Sevrin believes the guilds are the best way for him to get out past the city walls where he can study all sorts of flora and fauna to his heart’s content. He also has hopes of finding his missing mother someday.

Background: Atticus Creed was a lumberjack in a more isolated human settlement. It was a dangerous profession, one that often saw him traversing the dangerous forests around the town. One day he and his team were attacked by a manticore and while the others were killed he was only wounded amd was saved by an elven woman, Sylian’terhala who had been traveling the woods nearby. They fell in love and had a son, Sevrin. Sylian was delighted when her som began to share her affinity for the natural world and things were happy in the Dunsford household for many years. When Sevrin turned 19 his father passed away from illness and his mother was heartbroken. After he began working as a local alchemist he was completely blindsided when his mother suddenly announced her heart “has called upon the wanderer within her”. One year later and with many tears and wellwishes she left the city. Sevrin hasn’t heard from her in 3 years and has decided to accept a job offer with a new guild in order to get out into the forest in the hopes of finding clues to her whereabouts.

Equipment: Alchemist’s Field Kit, Sample Tubes, graphite pencils, leather bound journal, a dagger, boiled leather armor, traveler’s attire, mortar and pestle, potion bandoleer, mess kit, bedroll, fire-starter.
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