His most honorable knight! [+]
Barnabus Von Chestmire the Knight
"Now there's a real bright idea!" 7 / 7 HP || 17 AC
0 / 2,500 XP || 1 Lvl || N || 4 GP, 0 SP STR: 10(0) || DEX: 11(0) || INT: 7(-1) || WIS: 13(+1) || CON: 14(+1)|| CHA: 9(0) 90' (30')
Saving Throws [+]
Death and Poison: 12 || Magic Wands: 13 || Paralysis & Petrification: 14 Breath Attacks: 15|| Spells, Magic Rods, Magic Staves: 16 Wis Mod aka Save vs Magic: +1
Adventuring [+]
Listen at Door: 1 in 6Open Stuck Door: 2 in 6Find Secret Door: 1 in 6Find Room Trap: 1 in 6Available Armour: AllAvailable Weapons: All
Skills & Languages [+]
Languages: Skills: Fear Immunity Unlocks at level 3 Equipment and Loot [+]
Equipped Items [+]
[120 // 40"] - 1. Platemail [120 // 40"] - 2. Platemail [120 // 40"] - 3. Shield [90 // 30"] - 4. Sword [90 // 30"] - 5. [60 // 20"] - 6. [60 // 20"] - 7. [30 // 10"] - 8. [30 // 10"] - 9. Packed Items [+]
[120 // 40"] - 1. [STR 9+ Only] Bedroll [120 // 40"] - 2. [STR 6+ Only] Rations x7 [120 // 40"] - 3. [STR 4+ Only] Torches x6 [120 // 40"] - 1. Waterskin [120 // 40"] - 2. Rope 50ft [120 // 40"] - 3. Crowbar [120 // 40"] - 4. [120 // 40"] - 5. [120 // 40"] - 6. [120 // 40"] - 7. [90 // 30"] - 8. [90 // 30"] - 9. [60 // 20"] - 10. [60 // 20"] - 11. [30 // 10"] - 12. [30 // 10"] - 13. Unencumbered Items [+]
1. Holy Symbol (wooden) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ect. I could not find a better image so there lol