Basic Information
Home District:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Innate & Outward Personality:
Prized Possession:
Power Class:
Bird of Paradise.
Tanya Liberty Lamont
The Bird of Paradise, Smoking Liberty
Home District:
Knightdale Rows
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Small, but Tanya knows she has a big presence. She has the appearance of a very lively woman. She allows herself to be approachable - whether someone wants a date or not. She's spastic in her movements, and very confident in them. Often smiling, and winking at people, taking large steps like she's in charge. But enough of that, you want to know what she looks like! Tanya is a small woman from Jamaica, and thus, she has features consistent with those people. Very dark skin, different skull shape, thick lips. Tanya is a woman with a very thin frame, and it's kept that way through a consistent and rigorous workout regime. She isn't muscular, but she's definitely toned. Her limbs are also thin and gangly. Other than working out, she doesn't do too much in terms of work. Tanya has surprisingly broad shoulders, and has an A-cup bra-size. Her hands are pretty delicate, and precise, likely due to years of operating instruments, and despite her short size and stature, her feet are large. Now, getting that out of the way, time to go onto Tanya's face. Her facial features are pretty sharp, and pronounced. Tanya has a large mouth, with thick, wide lips, along with a large and pronounced droopy nose that looks far from disproportionate. Her cheeks are round, and because she's constantly smiling, her cheeks are always in the spotlight, figuratively speaking. Her eyes are almond shaped, and small, her eyelashes above it are thin (Unnaturally, she cut them thin). Ears are medium-sized and diamond shaped, and her forehead is large. In terms of hair, her hair is a black color, being straight. Her hair is very short, and is styled in such a subtle way that you'll have to look closely to see what style it really is. Tanya's hair is done into short twisted braids.
Tanya certainly has no shortage of colorful outfits. Her attire drastically varies from day to day. One day, she might be wearing an oddly colored short dress, and another she might be dressed as a beach loving Californian. Her sense of style is certainly strong. Tanya mostly dresses as you'd expect a musician to dress. She certainly wears lots of accessories to go with it (but not enough that it seems excessive). Ear-rings, bracelets, and sometimes regular rings. And Tanya's guitar is never far away from her. And not just any guitar. Top of the line, professionally made twelve-string Acoustic guitar. It's well maintained by a dedicated guitarist. Kept in a fancy black case that she keeps hanging off her shoulder by a strap. With stickers of kisses and hearts stuck to it.
Innate & Outward Personality:
A performer to her bones, Tanya is certainly loud, and knows how to make a big presence with a small body. Tanya is certainly loud, and lives to preform, and entertain others. Drawing attention to herself with impromptu performances, and her loud and boisterous attitude. It's just something she loves doing, why she's taken up being a performer in the first place. Apart of her love to entertain is a kind heart, and optimistic persona. She's a cheerful woman, constantly making jokes, and always being ready to socialize with people. Just about anyone, really. She has a a meek, near child-like, vibe to her. Some people would call her charming, along with a lot of other things. Other people would probably call her annoying. Tanya is a woman that speaks quickly, and mixed with her thick accent, makes it hard for her to be understood at times. She finds it irritating at times, but she keeps her demeanor. Though, that same energy can be seen once she gets angry. Once she gets angry, she talks so fast, that it becomes a blur. The only words that are understandable are "bumbaclot", and you'll be hearing it a lot.
Though, Tanya often comes across as arrogant, or condescending. She, at times, acts like she's better than other people because she's a musician. This is a innate sentiment, in fact. It's unintentional when it shows, in fact. One thing she'd angrily argue against is people insulting the music she makes - or just music in general. That's something that she's insanely passionate about. Tanya is a woman that values her freedom, and independence above all else. Threaten it, and she'll certainly lash out.
Innately, a lonely girl. For most of Tanya's life, she always felt ignored. Sure, she had her friends, but they never truly stuck around (This extends far as her family). In the end, it was just Tanya. Which is why she finds it hard to really get emotionally invested in other people (Platonically, and romantically). And at the same time, she can be rather over-zealous in trying to make friends. Tanya is desperate for fame, and fortune. At this point, it's all but expected of her. She feels the pressure to try to get famous, and finally live up to her family's name. Yet, she feels that her parents cast a mighty shadow, and she couldn't possibly get where they were, even if she tried. She feels as if she couldn't get a contract. Thus, she holds a very strict standard for herself, and allows no deviation from it. She's hard on herself at times. Tanya has some self-blame issues. She feels that she's at fault for everything that goes wrong in her life (Especially if it was out of her hands). She'll come up with some excuse, and feel guilt over it. While she doesn't act like it, Tanya is a very vengeful woman. Someone did something very cruel to her when she was younger, and she hasn't truly let it go. So, she .
Though, Tanya often comes across as arrogant, or condescending. She, at times, acts like she's better than other people because she's a musician. This is a innate sentiment, in fact. It's unintentional when it shows, in fact. One thing she'd angrily argue against is people insulting the music she makes - or just music in general. That's something that she's insanely passionate about. Tanya is a woman that values her freedom, and independence above all else. Threaten it, and she'll certainly lash out.
Innately, a lonely girl. For most of Tanya's life, she always felt ignored. Sure, she had her friends, but they never truly stuck around (This extends far as her family). In the end, it was just Tanya. Which is why she finds it hard to really get emotionally invested in other people (Platonically, and romantically). And at the same time, she can be rather over-zealous in trying to make friends. Tanya is desperate for fame, and fortune. At this point, it's all but expected of her. She feels the pressure to try to get famous, and finally live up to her family's name. Yet, she feels that her parents cast a mighty shadow, and she couldn't possibly get where they were, even if she tried. She feels as if she couldn't get a contract. Thus, she holds a very strict standard for herself, and allows no deviation from it. She's hard on herself at times. Tanya has some self-blame issues. She feels that she's at fault for everything that goes wrong in her life (Especially if it was out of her hands). She'll come up with some excuse, and feel guilt over it. While she doesn't act like it, Tanya is a very vengeful woman. Someone did something very cruel to her when she was younger, and she hasn't truly let it go. So, she .
Birds, birds, birds. Tanya always had a love of those feathery things, especially after her power developed. She can easily point out a great deal of bird trivia, and easily identify a particular bird by heart. Tanya also does amateur modeling, posing for one of her friends that has a camera. Other than that, Tanya likes cooking, writing songs, performing, dancing, etc, etc.
Tanya's claim to fame is her immense talent in the musical department. Hell, some people would say that it was inherited from her parents. From a young age, Tanya played around with music and sound, both practicing singing when alone, and playing with her guitar. She advanced far above that point by practice, professional training, and, of course, experience. Tanya is a very talented musician, she can play the guitar super well, writes her own lyrics, and has an amazing singing voice worthy of mainstream success! And unlike you amateurs, she doesn't get stage fright. She's preformed live (in several dive bars, and hipster digs) with her whole band. Other than the good old music industry, Tanya plays Tennis from time to time. She isn't a professional, but she's certainly good enough to knock any beginner on their ass. Tanya is also a writer, she writes novels and such and such in her spare time. Nothing that'd ever get published, but it's something that helps her write lyrics. Working at a seafood restaurant has taught her how to cook.
Prized Possession:
Born in Jamaica, Tanya was the daughter of a reggae-rap duo known as Smokey Summers. They were rather popular in Jamaica, and had a small following in America (Enough to warrant a few performances there). They were pretty busy with their job, and thus, they mostly left young Tanya alone, while they preformed all around Jamaica. They weren't rich, but they had enough money to afford a babysitter. However, little Tanya pined for her parents, and wanted to be like them. Even from her youth, she experimented with music. Not saying that she picked up a guitar right off the bat, but she got a feel for music by singing songs on her own, writing lyrics, and making beats. She was sent off to a private school where she excelled in an above-average education. Tanya wasn't exactly super popular, since she was much more concerned with attempting to make songs, rather than friends. It wasn't long until she became lonely, and reached out to them, attempting to make friends. At first, she had to put on a friendly facade, but soon enough, made some friends of her own. The few times she did see her family, they encouraged her love of music, going far as to give her a guitar to use.
As she got older, Tanya practiced that guitar until it broke (Literally! It had to be fixed several times), and sung songs all around the house. Other than obsess over music, Tanya developed a fascination with birds, too. Birds, in her eyes, are the epitome of freedom, and beauty. Exploring the Jamaican countryside was fun, too. Tanya wanted a bird, her parents wouldn't let her get a fancy bird like she wanted, but they got her a nice Amazon Parrot named Kiwi. Kiwi would stick with Tanya for years. Anywho, once Tanya was thirteen, she displayed an impressive talent in the music department - just like her parents. While they were away, they got her professional music lessons. Guitar and singing lessons. After school, of course. These lessons continued, until Tanya was a very skilled and talented musician (When she was very well into her early teens of course). That's when Mommy and Daddy decided to take her to a live performance. Of course, she wasn't on stage right off the bat, she was backstage, just to get a feel of it. It was exciting on the stage, but Tanya wasn't sure if she was really ready for it. Next time, her parents preformed their music... before letting little Tanya out on stage to do her thing (after announcing it, of course). While she was excited to preform, the second she stepped on that stage with that guitar in her hands, all that training, all that practice, couldn't prepare her for the crippling stage fright.
Her parents took her off the stage - to the utter confusion of their fans.
That night, Tanya cried harder than ever before, as her parents attempted to explain that she was just suffering from a bit of stage fright, and there was nothing wrong. Tanya simply told herself that it'll be something that she'll get over. Though, her parents decided that it was a bad idea to put her on that stage, at least, not until she was older. From this point on, Tanya started noticing changes in her biology. First, she started getting very light, in a few weeks she dropped around fifty pounds. The other change she noticed was that, Kiwi, her parrot, started getting much more responsive. Talking to each other like they were the same species. Odd, but Tanya dismissed it, since she felt perfectly fine. Possibly better than before. The Doctors had no idea what was wrong with Tanya - that is, until they ran an X-Ray on the girl, and it was revealed that her bones were hollow. A very special test was ran, and only then it was revealed that Tanya was a Metahuman. Her entire family was surprised at the development.
Nobody knew how to really handle the development, not even Tanya. However, her parents quickly got her enrolled in the Academy Program, and, thus, she was sent off to Academy 218. Where they'll, hopefully, know how to handle Tanya. Now, Tanya was far from excited. Alaska, yipes! A farcry from the sunny Jamaican countryside she was used to. On the ride there, she overdressed. However, once she arrived, she was far from happy. She had to be the weakest person there. They made fun of her for her lacking power. So, the remedy was simply staying out of sight, and playing with her guitar. She joined the music club, and whatever classes she could get on music. However, things took a change once night when some of the kids decided to play a cruel prank on her. One night, she was lured out into the garden, then a girl who could create portals dropped her into a portal, and it lead high up into the air. They had someone with the power to slow objects down, so they fully intended to catch her. Tanya, of course, didn't know that, and she fully believed that she was about to die. That she was just murdered.
However, something inside of her awakened. The innate desire to live, the desire to see Paradise again.
In that moment, Tanya exploded in a green energy. She had transformed into a phoenix-like creature, shaped like a harpy, and shining wings of energy. Leaving behind a trail of light, Tanya landed outside of the Academy... by crashing into a thick foliage. Breaking many of her now fragile bones. School staff came out and recovered her, and explained to her what happened, while a healer got her back to tip top shape. First thing Tanya felt was anger. She channeled her Caribbean rage, and hunted down, and attacked the girl that perpetrated the whole thing. Tanya got her ass kicked by a girl that was bigger, and more physically capable than her. It was ended once the girl was expelled from the Academy for such a sadistic prank. Tanya felt relieved, but disappointed she couldn't do it herself.
While she tried to forget about it, Tanya couldn't help but mull about it. Either way, Tanya devoted her time to mastering her new form. Starting with learning how to actually activate it. Then, with the help of other Avian based Metas at the school, she learned how to properly fly. It was honestly a very straining and long experience. Eventually, she managed to fly like a bird in the sky. That filled her with so much glee, finally being among the birds that she loved so much. That filled her with an appreciation like no other for the life she lived. Oh yeah, and she learned that she could control the air to an extent. Tanya decided that she'll stay in Academy 218 as a full student. As it had everything she wanted, needed, and more. Only returning often home to visit.
By the time Tanya was nineteen, she had graduated from Academy 218. Returning to Jamaica, and was met with some rather disturbing news. Tanya wasn't paying attention (mostly because she was fed lies by her parents), but they fell out of the spotlight. Their record label dropped Smokey Summers, and their family had run into some marital problems, fueled by her father cheating on her mother - fathering twin daughters right under their nose. It all ended there, and her mother and their father went their separate ways. Her father ended up quickly marrying his baby mother, and introduced Tanya to Sasha and Elaine Lamont. Tanya tried talking to her mother, but it turned out that she didn't want anything to do with her.
Around this time, Tanya realized that it was time for Tanya to spread her wings (literally), and go her separate ways. Tanya used the money that her parents saved up for her to go to college, and went to America. Specifically Verthaven, at the suggestion of her friend. Tanya went to Academy 12 to get a college education - but really went there to preform in the dive bars and clubs in Knightdale Rows. Tanya had long gotten over her stage fright (Preforming in school plays in Academy 12 helped her with that). It didn't go as badly as she thought, and earned herself a bit of a hipster following. Along with managing to create a band, which she calls Smoking Liberty.
The greatest band in the world - however, she couldn't ride the Academy 12 train forever. Tanya was focusing so much on her band, and performances, that she had severely neglected her schoolwork. She was booted from the Academy Program, and forced on the street. So, Tanya had no choice but to use the money she had to buy an apartment, and then she got a job at a seafood restaurant on the Crystal Shores. There was no hell greater than working as a waitress there, yet, she managed to get friendly with many people.
As she got older, Tanya practiced that guitar until it broke (Literally! It had to be fixed several times), and sung songs all around the house. Other than obsess over music, Tanya developed a fascination with birds, too. Birds, in her eyes, are the epitome of freedom, and beauty. Exploring the Jamaican countryside was fun, too. Tanya wanted a bird, her parents wouldn't let her get a fancy bird like she wanted, but they got her a nice Amazon Parrot named Kiwi. Kiwi would stick with Tanya for years. Anywho, once Tanya was thirteen, she displayed an impressive talent in the music department - just like her parents. While they were away, they got her professional music lessons. Guitar and singing lessons. After school, of course. These lessons continued, until Tanya was a very skilled and talented musician (When she was very well into her early teens of course). That's when Mommy and Daddy decided to take her to a live performance. Of course, she wasn't on stage right off the bat, she was backstage, just to get a feel of it. It was exciting on the stage, but Tanya wasn't sure if she was really ready for it. Next time, her parents preformed their music... before letting little Tanya out on stage to do her thing (after announcing it, of course). While she was excited to preform, the second she stepped on that stage with that guitar in her hands, all that training, all that practice, couldn't prepare her for the crippling stage fright.
Her parents took her off the stage - to the utter confusion of their fans.
That night, Tanya cried harder than ever before, as her parents attempted to explain that she was just suffering from a bit of stage fright, and there was nothing wrong. Tanya simply told herself that it'll be something that she'll get over. Though, her parents decided that it was a bad idea to put her on that stage, at least, not until she was older. From this point on, Tanya started noticing changes in her biology. First, she started getting very light, in a few weeks she dropped around fifty pounds. The other change she noticed was that, Kiwi, her parrot, started getting much more responsive. Talking to each other like they were the same species. Odd, but Tanya dismissed it, since she felt perfectly fine. Possibly better than before. The Doctors had no idea what was wrong with Tanya - that is, until they ran an X-Ray on the girl, and it was revealed that her bones were hollow. A very special test was ran, and only then it was revealed that Tanya was a Metahuman. Her entire family was surprised at the development.
Nobody knew how to really handle the development, not even Tanya. However, her parents quickly got her enrolled in the Academy Program, and, thus, she was sent off to Academy 218. Where they'll, hopefully, know how to handle Tanya. Now, Tanya was far from excited. Alaska, yipes! A farcry from the sunny Jamaican countryside she was used to. On the ride there, she overdressed. However, once she arrived, she was far from happy. She had to be the weakest person there. They made fun of her for her lacking power. So, the remedy was simply staying out of sight, and playing with her guitar. She joined the music club, and whatever classes she could get on music. However, things took a change once night when some of the kids decided to play a cruel prank on her. One night, she was lured out into the garden, then a girl who could create portals dropped her into a portal, and it lead high up into the air. They had someone with the power to slow objects down, so they fully intended to catch her. Tanya, of course, didn't know that, and she fully believed that she was about to die. That she was just murdered.
However, something inside of her awakened. The innate desire to live, the desire to see Paradise again.
In that moment, Tanya exploded in a green energy. She had transformed into a phoenix-like creature, shaped like a harpy, and shining wings of energy. Leaving behind a trail of light, Tanya landed outside of the Academy... by crashing into a thick foliage. Breaking many of her now fragile bones. School staff came out and recovered her, and explained to her what happened, while a healer got her back to tip top shape. First thing Tanya felt was anger. She channeled her Caribbean rage, and hunted down, and attacked the girl that perpetrated the whole thing. Tanya got her ass kicked by a girl that was bigger, and more physically capable than her. It was ended once the girl was expelled from the Academy for such a sadistic prank. Tanya felt relieved, but disappointed she couldn't do it herself.
While she tried to forget about it, Tanya couldn't help but mull about it. Either way, Tanya devoted her time to mastering her new form. Starting with learning how to actually activate it. Then, with the help of other Avian based Metas at the school, she learned how to properly fly. It was honestly a very straining and long experience. Eventually, she managed to fly like a bird in the sky. That filled her with so much glee, finally being among the birds that she loved so much. That filled her with an appreciation like no other for the life she lived. Oh yeah, and she learned that she could control the air to an extent. Tanya decided that she'll stay in Academy 218 as a full student. As it had everything she wanted, needed, and more. Only returning often home to visit.
By the time Tanya was nineteen, she had graduated from Academy 218. Returning to Jamaica, and was met with some rather disturbing news. Tanya wasn't paying attention (mostly because she was fed lies by her parents), but they fell out of the spotlight. Their record label dropped Smokey Summers, and their family had run into some marital problems, fueled by her father cheating on her mother - fathering twin daughters right under their nose. It all ended there, and her mother and their father went their separate ways. Her father ended up quickly marrying his baby mother, and introduced Tanya to Sasha and Elaine Lamont. Tanya tried talking to her mother, but it turned out that she didn't want anything to do with her.
Around this time, Tanya realized that it was time for Tanya to spread her wings (literally), and go her separate ways. Tanya used the money that her parents saved up for her to go to college, and went to America. Specifically Verthaven, at the suggestion of her friend. Tanya went to Academy 12 to get a college education - but really went there to preform in the dive bars and clubs in Knightdale Rows. Tanya had long gotten over her stage fright (Preforming in school plays in Academy 12 helped her with that). It didn't go as badly as she thought, and earned herself a bit of a hipster following. Along with managing to create a band, which she calls Smoking Liberty.
The greatest band in the world - however, she couldn't ride the Academy 12 train forever. Tanya was focusing so much on her band, and performances, that she had severely neglected her schoolwork. She was booted from the Academy Program, and forced on the street. So, Tanya had no choice but to use the money she had to buy an apartment, and then she got a job at a seafood restaurant on the Crystal Shores. There was no hell greater than working as a waitress there, yet, she managed to get friendly with many people.
Mother - Brianna Lamont
Father - Alphonse Lamont
Step-Mother - Jasmine Lamont
Half-Sister - Sasha Lamont
Half-Sister - Elaine Lamont
Father - Alphonse Lamont
Step-Mother - Jasmine Lamont
Half-Sister - Sasha Lamont
Half-Sister - Elaine Lamont
| | | "" |
Power Class:
Super-System: Bestial, & Elemental.
Bird of Paradise.
To summarize, this power is basically Avian Physiology and Aerokinesis mashed together. Tanya has the ability to transform into a bird-human hybrid with an appearance similar to harpies. Meaning, primarily, her arms and legs will be transforming. Her arms will morph into fifteen-feet long wings, with massive feathers. Now, these won't be normal feathers - no, no. These feathers appear to be a glowing gaseous energy, like a fire, or a plasma. Primarily glowing a green color, with other colors shining in. When she flies, she leaves behind a trail of various colors. Her eyes will also glow a white color that leaves no trace of her original eyes. I should note that she won't have any hands in this state, but Tanya's wings will be flexible enough for her to grab things. Her legs will similarly be covered in variously colored feathers, but she'll have four large talons on her feet, and her legs will be covered in rough, black, keeled, scales. These talons are very strong, and capable of grabbing objects. A kick from her would not be great. Like the mighty falcon, her legs are shock absorbent enough to withstand a quick landing. Tanya has a tail, technically three long tail feathers that glow with the same energy as the rest of her body. There are feathers and scales in other parts of Tanya body.
Now, the first ability this grants - flight - is obvious, but works in a different way than you'd expect. Instead of flapping her wings, she's capable of a more supernatural flight that's assisted by the aforementioned Aerokinesis. She can do everything you'd expect a flier to do, but she can hover in the air. While in the air, she's incredibly fast and agile. Capable of complex aerials maneuvers and outrunning everything on the ground. That isn't to say that Tanya isn't capable of traditional flight - in fact, it's nearly on par on her aerokinetic flight. Now, I have to cover the aerokinetic aspects. Tanya has a limited control over air (Or more accurately, wind) using her wings. To put it in simple terms, a strong flap of her wings and send a gust of air so strong that'll send the unprepared flying. She can control the force and size of these blasts. She can use this power in order to give herself a burst of speed in any direction. She's also capable of creating miniature twisters using the same method. Twisters that tear the surrounding area to pieces for a couple seconds. At most, she can create one large one, or three smaller ones. Tanya can also surround herself in a tornado for a period of time. The final ability that Tanya has is that she can fire off her razor-sharp feathers at high-speeds like daggers using her aerokinesis to put uumph behind it. While they don't have the weight or density to really penetrate anything armored (Or even cause serious damage to someone unarmored), they can give someone a nice cut.
A few of her abilities transfer back to her human form. First and foremost, Tanya's skeleton is hollow, and makes her remarkably lightweight. Which allows her to pull off greater feats of agility, and more. Though, this works against her just as much. Secondly, Tanya's movements are faster, and more flowing, and she's capable of pulling off greater feats of agility. Jumping higher, landing slower, and doing acrobatic feats like backflips like she was a circus performer. Finally, Tanya can communicate with birds! Not outright control, but birds are more likely to listen to her, and she can command a bird far better than an experienced falconer. A neat trick she has is that she can perfectly replicate any sound a bird can make.
Now, the first ability this grants - flight - is obvious, but works in a different way than you'd expect. Instead of flapping her wings, she's capable of a more supernatural flight that's assisted by the aforementioned Aerokinesis. She can do everything you'd expect a flier to do, but she can hover in the air. While in the air, she's incredibly fast and agile. Capable of complex aerials maneuvers and outrunning everything on the ground. That isn't to say that Tanya isn't capable of traditional flight - in fact, it's nearly on par on her aerokinetic flight. Now, I have to cover the aerokinetic aspects. Tanya has a limited control over air (Or more accurately, wind) using her wings. To put it in simple terms, a strong flap of her wings and send a gust of air so strong that'll send the unprepared flying. She can control the force and size of these blasts. She can use this power in order to give herself a burst of speed in any direction. She's also capable of creating miniature twisters using the same method. Twisters that tear the surrounding area to pieces for a couple seconds. At most, she can create one large one, or three smaller ones. Tanya can also surround herself in a tornado for a period of time. The final ability that Tanya has is that she can fire off her razor-sharp feathers at high-speeds like daggers using her aerokinesis to put uumph behind it. While they don't have the weight or density to really penetrate anything armored (Or even cause serious damage to someone unarmored), they can give someone a nice cut.
A few of her abilities transfer back to her human form. First and foremost, Tanya's skeleton is hollow, and makes her remarkably lightweight. Which allows her to pull off greater feats of agility, and more. Though, this works against her just as much. Secondly, Tanya's movements are faster, and more flowing, and she's capable of pulling off greater feats of agility. Jumping higher, landing slower, and doing acrobatic feats like backflips like she was a circus performer. Finally, Tanya can communicate with birds! Not outright control, but birds are more likely to listen to her, and she can command a bird far better than an experienced falconer. A neat trick she has is that she can perfectly replicate any sound a bird can make.
Tanya can only access her true power within her Bird of Paradise form. She can't partially transform, or use her Bird of Paradise powers. Tanya's power is connected to the feathers on her body. She'll be constantly losing feathers in her BoP form at a rate so slow that it won't really matter. However, once she starts using her aerokinesis, she'll start losing feathers at a fast rate (and the same goes for shooting them). The less feathers Tanya has, the weaker she gets, until she's so powerless that she might as well switch back to human form. It'll take her awhile to regenerate feathers, at least two hours. The environment itself is also a restrictive factor. Outdoors? She'll be able to operate at full strength. Indoors...? Well, to be honest, she would be completely useless in that situation.
Tanya's bones are mighty brittle, both in and out of human form. While they won't shatter when hit by say, a punch by a fully grown man; they will break when hit by a baseball bat, or a super strong punch. The same goes for falling. Tanya's weight can easily be used against her because she could easily be moved by a another human being. Using her aerokinesis also causes breathing problems. The second she shoots a gust of wind, she's going to have a severe case of shortness of breath, and she'll need a moment or two to recover. Overuse will eventually cause her to suffocate, and die to death. Also, she doesn't have any extra bird senses, her senses will remain at human levels. So she's going to have a very hard time seeing while going at high speeds. This is obvious, but it'd be hard as hell for her to grab stuff. She'll either have to use her feet (obvious problem), or try to put her wings together to hold something.
There are so many things to know about the wonderful Tanya Lamont. Let's start with her Amazon Parrot, Kiwi! She had Kiwi for years, before she had even developed her power. Assisted by a background ability, Tanya can order Kiwi around, and give him complex orders, almost like he was smart as a corvid! Tanya has a band that she takes around on gigs all over Knightdale Rows. Comprised of many musically-inclined hipsters, some of which are Metahuman. Tanya works at Jean-Pierre's Seafood Restaurant on the Crystal Shores. A well known restaurant. Tanya specifically... does whatever they tell her to do. She's been waiting, cooking, etc, etc. Wasn't great, but it let her get out there.

| NAME: |
Tanya Liberty Lamont
| ALIAS: |
Smoking Liberty, The Bird of Paradise
| AGE: |
The Bird of Paradise.
Tanya is the descendant of a long-line of mystical beasts that have roots in magic. The Birds of Paradise, beautiful creatures that control the winds as they move. Birds of Paradise are similar to Phoenixes. They spend their early lifecycle in human form for safety - until they unlock the ability to change forms at will. They are rare - In fact, Tanya is technically the last of them - but incredibly powerful. Known for their insane speed and grace. Tanya is part Bird of Paradise, she gets the best of both worlds, and when she transforms, she's half-human. To summarize, this power is basically Avian Physiology and Aerokinesis mashed together. Tanya has the ability to transform into a bird-human hybrid with an appearance similar to harpies. Meaning, primarily, her arms and legs will be transforming. Her arms will morph into fifteen-feet long wings, with massive feathers. Now, these won't be normal feathers - no, no. These feathers appear to be a glowing gaseous energy, like a fire, or a plasma. Primarily glowing a green color, with other colors shining in. When she flies, she leaves behind a trail of various colors. Her eyes will also glow a white color that leaves no trace of her original eyes. I should note that she won't have any hands in this state, but Tanya's wings will be flexible enough for her to grab things. Her legs will similarly be covered in variously colored feathers, but she'll have four large talons on her feet, and her legs will be covered in rough, black, keeled, scales. These talons are very strong, and capable of grabbing objects. A kick from her would not be great. Tanya has a tail, technically three long tail feathers that glow with the same energy as the rest of her body. There are feathers and scales in other parts of Tanya body.
Now, the first ability this grants - flight - is obvious, but works in a different way than you'd expect. Instead of flapping her wings, she's capable of a more supernatural flight that's assisted by the aforementioned Aerokinesis. She can do everything you'd expect a flier to do, but she can hover in the air. While in the air, she's incredibly fast and agile. Capable of complex aerials maneuvers and outrunning everything on the ground. Tanya is capable of reaching Mach 1 speeds (That is 761.2 mph). That isn't to say that Tanya isn't capable of traditional flight - in fact, it's nearly on par on her aerokinetic flight. Now, I have to cover the aerokinetic aspects. Tanya has a limited control over air (Or more accurately, wind) using her wings. To put it in simple terms, a strong flap of her wings and send a gust of air so strong that'll send the unprepared flying. She can control the force and size of these blasts. She can use this power in order to give herself a burst of speed in any direction. She's also capable of creating miniature twisters using the same method. Twisters that tear the surrounding area to pieces for a couple seconds. At most, she can create one large one, or three smaller ones. The final ability that Tanya has is that she can fire off her razor-sharp feathers at high-speeds like daggers using her aerokinesis to put uumph behind it. While they don't have the weight or density to really penetrate anything armored, they can give someone a nice cut.
A few of her abilities transfer back to her human form. First and foremost, Tanya's skeleton is hollow, and makes her remarkably lightweight. Which allows her to pull off greater feats of agility, and more. Though, this works against her just as much. Secondly, Tanya's movements are faster, and more flowing, and she's capable of pulling off greater feats of agility. Jumping higher, landing slower, and doing acrobatic feats like backflips. Finally, Tanya can communicate with birds! Not outright control, but birds are more likely to listen to her, and she can command a bird far better than an experienced falconer. A neat trick she has is that she can perfectly replicate any sound a bird can make.
In terms of skills: Tanya's claim to fame is her immense talent in the musical department. Hell, some people would say that it was inherited from her parents. From a young age, Tanya played around with music and sound, both practicing singing when alone, and playing with her guitar. She advanced far above that point by practice, professional training, and, of course, experience. Tanya is a very talented musician, she can play the guitar super well, writes her own lyrics, and has an amazing singing voice worthy of mainstream success! And unlike you amateurs, she doesn't get stage fright. She's preformed live (in several dive bars, and hipster digs) with her whole band. Other than the good old music industry, Tanya plays Tennis from time to time. She isn't a professional, but she's certainly good enough to knock any beginner on their ass. Tanya is also a writer, she writes novels and such and such in her spare time. Nothing that'd ever get published, but it's something that helps her write lyrics. Working at a seafood restaurant has taught her how to cook. Naturally, she has a guitar. She joked about using a steel guitar to fight crime when she becomes a hero.
Now, the first ability this grants - flight - is obvious, but works in a different way than you'd expect. Instead of flapping her wings, she's capable of a more supernatural flight that's assisted by the aforementioned Aerokinesis. She can do everything you'd expect a flier to do, but she can hover in the air. While in the air, she's incredibly fast and agile. Capable of complex aerials maneuvers and outrunning everything on the ground. Tanya is capable of reaching Mach 1 speeds (That is 761.2 mph). That isn't to say that Tanya isn't capable of traditional flight - in fact, it's nearly on par on her aerokinetic flight. Now, I have to cover the aerokinetic aspects. Tanya has a limited control over air (Or more accurately, wind) using her wings. To put it in simple terms, a strong flap of her wings and send a gust of air so strong that'll send the unprepared flying. She can control the force and size of these blasts. She can use this power in order to give herself a burst of speed in any direction. She's also capable of creating miniature twisters using the same method. Twisters that tear the surrounding area to pieces for a couple seconds. At most, she can create one large one, or three smaller ones. The final ability that Tanya has is that she can fire off her razor-sharp feathers at high-speeds like daggers using her aerokinesis to put uumph behind it. While they don't have the weight or density to really penetrate anything armored, they can give someone a nice cut.
A few of her abilities transfer back to her human form. First and foremost, Tanya's skeleton is hollow, and makes her remarkably lightweight. Which allows her to pull off greater feats of agility, and more. Though, this works against her just as much. Secondly, Tanya's movements are faster, and more flowing, and she's capable of pulling off greater feats of agility. Jumping higher, landing slower, and doing acrobatic feats like backflips. Finally, Tanya can communicate with birds! Not outright control, but birds are more likely to listen to her, and she can command a bird far better than an experienced falconer. A neat trick she has is that she can perfectly replicate any sound a bird can make.
In terms of skills: Tanya's claim to fame is her immense talent in the musical department. Hell, some people would say that it was inherited from her parents. From a young age, Tanya played around with music and sound, both practicing singing when alone, and playing with her guitar. She advanced far above that point by practice, professional training, and, of course, experience. Tanya is a very talented musician, she can play the guitar super well, writes her own lyrics, and has an amazing singing voice worthy of mainstream success! And unlike you amateurs, she doesn't get stage fright. She's preformed live (in several dive bars, and hipster digs) with her whole band. Other than the good old music industry, Tanya plays Tennis from time to time. She isn't a professional, but she's certainly good enough to knock any beginner on their ass. Tanya is also a writer, she writes novels and such and such in her spare time. Nothing that'd ever get published, but it's something that helps her write lyrics. Working at a seafood restaurant has taught her how to cook. Naturally, she has a guitar. She joked about using a steel guitar to fight crime when she becomes a hero.
Tanya's power is connected to the feathers on her body. She'll be constantly losing feathers in her BoP form at a rate so slow that it won't really matter. However, once she starts using her aerokinesis, she'll start losing feathers at a fast rate (and the same goes for shooting them). The less feathers Tanya has, the weaker she gets, until she's so powerless that she might as well switch back to human form. It'll take her awhile to regenerate feathers, at least two hours. Tanya's bones are mighty brittle, both in and out of human form. While they won't shatter when hit by say, a punch by a fully grown man; they will break when hit by a baseball bat, or a super strong punch. The same goes for falling. Using her aerokinesis also causes breathing problems. The second she shoots a gust of wind, she's going to have a severe case of shortness of breath, and she'll need a moment or two to recover. Overuse will eventually cause her to suffocate, and die to death. Also, she doesn't have any extra bird senses, her senses will remain at human levels. So she's going to have a very hard time seeing while going at high speeds. This is obvious, but it'd be hard as hell for her to grab stuff.
The shiny feather reflected sunlight as Tanya examined it, casually. She was leaning back in her chair, with her feet kicked up onto the desk. Thank God the class room was empty, Mr. Winglington would shit if he saw her. Especially with her shoes off. She was wondering where did this unique feather come from. It just... fell off of her. This was truly unlike anything she's seen before. Well, it'd be pretty bitching glued to her guitar case! Holding onto the feather, Tanya pulled her feet off the table, and then put them onto the floor, sliding them into her sandals. She stood up, and looked down to pick up her guitar, lazily leaning up against the desk chair. She slung it over her shoulder by the strap, and slid the feather into the breast pocket of her dress shirt. She looked down and adjusted her black skirt, and began walking out of the room. Immediately being bombarded with the noise and chatter of the crowded hallway. She casually smirked as she pushed through the chaos without a single soul paying her any mind. They were busy, and so was she.... relatively speaking. She'd need to head over to the other side of the school to the dorms.
She stepped out of the Educational building, facing the front of the school (With students all over the place), and was hit with the sly autumn breeze... Another reminder that Summer was looooong pushed out. She enjoyed it actually. Her toes curled on top of her sandals as she took one step, two steps, three steps, looking around, seeing not a soul she associated with, or wanted to talk to. Tanya shrugged as she moved forward towards the dorms.
A strong breeze interrupted her stride as the feather she found flew out of her breast pocket. "Hey! Get back here!" Tanya said, in a thick Jamaican accent, (to the feather) as she quickly chased after it. The feather landed at some young girl's feet, and Tanya quickly put her foot on the feather, and reached down to pick it up. She smirked as she stood straight up - but didn't realize that she was standing in front of someone. Who was probably just enjoying their evening. Well, looks like she'll have to say something to her.
"Oh, hey there, girl. How ya' doing?" Tanya chuckled, her accent was thick. "I was just trying to catch this thing." She presented the glowing feather to the girl, a wide smirk on her face. "Cool, isn't it?"
Their conversation went on from there.
She stepped out of the Educational building, facing the front of the school (With students all over the place), and was hit with the sly autumn breeze... Another reminder that Summer was looooong pushed out. She enjoyed it actually. Her toes curled on top of her sandals as she took one step, two steps, three steps, looking around, seeing not a soul she associated with, or wanted to talk to. Tanya shrugged as she moved forward towards the dorms.
A strong breeze interrupted her stride as the feather she found flew out of her breast pocket. "Hey! Get back here!" Tanya said, in a thick Jamaican accent, (to the feather) as she quickly chased after it. The feather landed at some young girl's feet, and Tanya quickly put her foot on the feather, and reached down to pick it up. She smirked as she stood straight up - but didn't realize that she was standing in front of someone. Who was probably just enjoying their evening. Well, looks like she'll have to say something to her.
"Oh, hey there, girl. How ya' doing?" Tanya chuckled, her accent was thick. "I was just trying to catch this thing." She presented the glowing feather to the girl, a wide smirk on her face. "Cool, isn't it?"
Their conversation went on from there.
| NOTES: |
- There are so many things to know about the wonderful Tanya Lamont. Let's start with her Amazon Parrot, Kiwi! She had Kiwi for years, before she had even developed her power. Assisted by a background ability, Tanya can order Kiwi around, and give him complex orders, almost like he was smart as a corvid!
- Daughter of two indie musicians from Jamaica. Tanya is, obviously, Jamaican herself.
Tanya Liberty Lamont
// Friend // Acquaintance // Frenemy // Rival // Enemy // Crush //
- Mariand'r Greyson:"Mari's the girl, yo."
Mari is Tanya's room mate. Tanya was a little hesitant around Mari at first because of her alien heritage. However, after acknowledging that she was a mystical beast herself, which wasn't that far off Aliens, Tanya managed to befriend her. Tanya is trying to teach her music so that they can form a band together. - Freddie Blackwell:"He's cool, too."
Originally a friend of Mari, Freddie initially made a bad impression on Tanya with his attitude. However, he managed to win Tanya over after he started sharing his own interest in music. Now she sees a side of him that she wouldn't have noticed if she kept him at arms length. Because of their shared affinity with the wind, Freddie is one of Tanya's training buddies. Tanya hopes to add him to her band some day. - Kyle Lancaster:"Cutie just needs to come out of his shell."
Kyle and Tanya's interactions have been limited because of Kyle's asocial behavior. Tanya hopes for more opportunities to bond, but they seem few and in between. - Julian Luthor:"He like a snake, I can feel it. I tell Mari to stay away from him."
Tanya holds a bit of distrust for Julian. Not only is he related to Lex Luthor, Tanya feels as if he's plotting something. Other than that, Tanya thinks that he's quite haughty in their casual conversations. - Jack Kyle:"Catboy, hehe...."
Tanya and Jack's few interactions have been fun. They seem to get along fine. However, Tanya does not appreciate all the flirting. She isn't attracted to him. Her only love is the music! - Valtina Noelani:"Lil' girl needs to chill."
Val and Tanya's first interaction was going swimmingly until Tanya called Val a "kid", and it escalated from there. Tanya has been attempting to make amends before things get too bad. - Kieran Kent:"He's kinda cute fo' another Superman."
Tanya and Kieran have seen each other around, and Tanya finds him quite attractive. She has a bit of a crush on him... but is quite intimidated by his Kryptonian Heritage (She fears he might break her in half!), and feels she shouldn't get distracted. - Richard Dowle:"Maybe I can learn a little from him."
Richard's magical abilities has Tanya curious. She knows that she is magical in nature, and wishes to know more about herself (Since she is the last Bird of Paradise). They haven't gotten a chance to get each other well, however. - Fenris Murray:"He's a cheeky little bastard, but he got something that makes me go wild."
Tanya knows that Fenris has something that makes the girls go wild - and he's smug as hell about it. She has a crush on him, even though she knows that she should just focus on her growing superhero career. - S'tann S'tonn:"Bombaclat."
Tanya and S'tann, understandably got off on the wrong foot. S'tann turned off all of Tanya's attempts to befriend, and displayed a very rude and haughty attitude. He also insulted her music (Shit's whack, who does he think he is?). Tanya, instead of trying to return the favor, she acknowledges that she can't make friends out of everyone. So, Tanya avoids him whenever necessary. - Jason Kama:"He's the king of the sea!"
Jason and Tanya's contact have been fairly limited. Other than a few passing conversations, they barely know each other. Though, Tanya finds it interesting that his playing field is the sea, while Tanya's is the sky. - Rick Allen:"Just because he a Flash don't mean he's the fastest. Hehe..."
Tanya and Rick have a friendly rivalry, because they both are speedsters in their own regard. Tanya asserts that her feelings are not hostile even in the slightest - but she also asserts that she's the fastest. - Amethyst Bordeaux:"Eh..."
Tanya doesn't particularly care for Amethyst. Amethyst came off as quite arrogant, and bitchy. There are also rumors that she's the daughter of a supervillain, and tied with the Allens. Which is why she made a note to avoid her whenever possible. - Casey Harper:"Cute lil' thing."
Tanya and Casey have gotten off to the right start. Casey is one of the various magical members of the school, and that of course has Tanya interested - despite being on completely different spectrum than him. Tanya would love to get to know him if she gets the chance.
Basic Information
Terry Benton Obott
Terry is now Theresa Sindel Obott. Tess is also a nickname. Panacea would be her "code name".
Male to female transgendered. Biologically male, but identifies as female.
Status: Returning student
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Caucasian - With Romanian, Irish, and Spanish in her blood.
Physical Appearance:
Theresa is a biological male, that now identifies as a female. She has done her best to look feminine, and she was fortunate enough to already be somewhat "girly". Even when she identified as a male she had a lithe, slender, body, with a tight stomach and behind, and tender good looks. She shaves her face and other areas of her body to appear more feminine. However, her masculine facial features (and shape), voice and body shape, are more masculine than anything. Which makes it hard to perfectly pass off as a girl. Theresa looks like someone who hasn't done much work in her life. With zero muscles, and an overall weakling look. Her height is an inch above the average female height, at 5'7 feet, and for weight, she is 116 pounds. Theresa is definitely Caucasian, her skin is a pale white color, completely clear of any marks and scars. Just like a newborn child. Theresa's head is diamond shaped, with most of her facial features being smooth and rounded. Her facial features appear to be European. She has small, smooth cheeks that blend seamlessly with her jawline and chin. With her chin being medium sized and blocky, not blending that well into her jawline, which is not that visible. Theresa's nose is wide, and she has some large nostrils, along with a thicker nose bridge. Her lips are thin and small, definitely the kind of lips you would see on a man. However, most of her facial features are hard to notice because she keeps a scarf around her face most of the time. Her ears are small, point upwards, and are pointed at the tip slightly. Theresa's hair is black colored and straight, she keeps her hair in a bowl-cut like style which goes past her ears.
Theresa's style is rather modest, or causal. She wears skirts, jackets, jeans, and so on. Whatever fits the mood. She wears jewelry of the sorts. However, the most notable thing about Theresa's attire is that she keeps her lower face (Everything below the nose) covered from a thick scarf when around other people. It is because of her power, she wears it to keep people from getting affected. Though, when alone, she won't be wearing it. She wouldn't be caught dead walking around in a gas mask.
Outward & Innate Personality:
Theresa is a very kind and upfront human being, who is extremely sociable and humorous, just the kind of person who'd approach anyone. She is constantly spouting jokes, and sarcastic wisecracks about anything possible, sometimes veering into dark-comedy territory, but her jokes are never malicious. She is always looking to have fun in any way possible - From playing around, to mischief, long as it's entertaining. She mostly has this mindset because she wishes to let off steam, and escape her life's problems every now and then. Sometimes even during inappropriate moments. She is very open minded when it comes to other people, and is willing to try new things, all in the name of fun. Theresa surprisingly has trouble dealing with emotional situations, insults, criticism, and problems, and naturally tries to block them out by joking, or avoiding them like the plague. She is not the kind of person who would take responsibility and hone up to her mistakes, she would avoid them. She never wants to talk about her problems or anyone else's really, she just wants to continue living her life of fun as she normally does. This makes it hard for her to be emphatic as she wants to be, and help her friends. Theresa keeps her own true emotions and feelings to herself. She simply keeps those emotions bottled up, and expresses them behind closed doors, or to the few she trusts with her emotions. That joking habit of hers is because she wants to keep her Transgenderism from being the blunt of verbal abuse. That said, it's truly rare for Theresa to do the same to other people, because if you don't want people prying into your own business, then don't pry into theirs. Theresa sexually doesn't prefer one kind of person more than another. She is fine with dating guys or girls. That said, she is pansexual.
Theresa is a big fan of indie music. Techno, synthpop/synthrock, and even underground rap. She's often seen with earbuds in her ears. She's also interested in things such as politics, gardening, and entertainment like movies and TV shows.
Theresa's family has always been big on hunting, she was taken out on several hunting trips. She got to learn how to use a knife, and even learned how to use a bow and arrow. She even got to use a gun. Erm, she's really good at knifeplay (She knows how to throw knives) and archery (She's naturally talented at archery). She also knows how to fish. She's also very good at sneaking and hiding, perfect for navigating the woods hunting for deer. She also knows how to skin, gut and prepare animals for consumption. So if we ever get into a post apocalyptic situation, Theresa's your girl. Theresa knows a few brass instruments, such as the trumpet and the saxophone. Not super good, but not bad either. She's also an artist. Give her a pencil, and she'll have a speed sketch of someone up in ten minutes. Theresa knows how to speak Spanish well enough to keep a conversation going.
Prized Possession:
Theresa prizes no object, truly.
Theresa didn't go to highschool, she went to school high.
Father - Nathan Obott
Mother - Diana Obott
Sister - Scarlet Obbot
Sister - Chloe Obott
Brother - Martin Obott
Power Class: Chemical 6, Super-System 5.
Power: Narcotic Breath & Fluids. Drugs, drugs, drugs. Everyone loves them, and Theresa here is a walking factory. To be specific, Theresa's bodily fluids and breath are powerful hallucinogenic, sedative, and medical drugs. In order for it to work, it has to come in contact with another human being (It can touch the skin, or ingested, doesn't matter), it is instantly absorbed into the body. The effects of the drug are euphoria, body-wide physical pleasure, sedation, reduction of pain, hallucinations (Psychedelic in nature), removal of contaminants (Bacteria, Poison, Diseases, etc), and will heal wounds. The severity of these effects are, predictably, dependent on dosage. For example, a lick from Tess would render someone incoherent, taking a puff of her breath will cause someone to feel a little tingly, and a lot of her blood spilling on someone would be a high unlike no other. The drug is not addictive in the slightest. However, people can overdose if given too much of it. Theresa can learn how to alter the effect of her drug, such as it's only effect being healing, or perhaps make her fluids poisonous. It's hard but she'll gradually learn how to do it it.Theresa is immune to the some of the effects of her drug, along with the effects of all foreign chemicals and contaminants (Poison, diseases, bacteria, etc) merely because the drug flowing through her cancels them out.
Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Theresa's own power screws with her own natural chemicals. Specifically the part that produces natural painkillers. She has a far lower pain tolerance, and is far more susceptible to pain. Other chemicals I don't feel like describing are also thrown out of whack. The drug, in higher doses, has a high chance of causing an overdose, or even stopping someone's heart. The drug is so powerful that even trace amounts of sweat is enough to affect someone. This means sexual activity is out of the question.
Other: his is the first time I ever did a transgendered character and I feel like I'm going to offend everyone. Theresa has a compound bow and arrow kit she keeps in her room. Unless she needs to, she won't be walking around with it, however, she uses it in conjunction with her power. Either covering an arrowhead in some fluids. Theresa has been going to the school for 4 years.
Terry Benton Obott
Terry is now Theresa Sindel Obott. Tess is also a nickname. Panacea would be her "code name".
Male to female transgendered. Biologically male, but identifies as female.
Status: Returning student
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Caucasian - With Romanian, Irish, and Spanish in her blood.
Physical Appearance:
Theresa is a biological male, that now identifies as a female. She has done her best to look feminine, and she was fortunate enough to already be somewhat "girly". Even when she identified as a male she had a lithe, slender, body, with a tight stomach and behind, and tender good looks. She shaves her face and other areas of her body to appear more feminine. However, her masculine facial features (and shape), voice and body shape, are more masculine than anything. Which makes it hard to perfectly pass off as a girl. Theresa looks like someone who hasn't done much work in her life. With zero muscles, and an overall weakling look. Her height is an inch above the average female height, at 5'7 feet, and for weight, she is 116 pounds. Theresa is definitely Caucasian, her skin is a pale white color, completely clear of any marks and scars. Just like a newborn child. Theresa's head is diamond shaped, with most of her facial features being smooth and rounded. Her facial features appear to be European. She has small, smooth cheeks that blend seamlessly with her jawline and chin. With her chin being medium sized and blocky, not blending that well into her jawline, which is not that visible. Theresa's nose is wide, and she has some large nostrils, along with a thicker nose bridge. Her lips are thin and small, definitely the kind of lips you would see on a man. However, most of her facial features are hard to notice because she keeps a scarf around her face most of the time. Her ears are small, point upwards, and are pointed at the tip slightly. Theresa's hair is black colored and straight, she keeps her hair in a bowl-cut like style which goes past her ears.
Theresa's style is rather modest, or causal. She wears skirts, jackets, jeans, and so on. Whatever fits the mood. She wears jewelry of the sorts. However, the most notable thing about Theresa's attire is that she keeps her lower face (Everything below the nose) covered from a thick scarf when around other people. It is because of her power, she wears it to keep people from getting affected. Though, when alone, she won't be wearing it. She wouldn't be caught dead walking around in a gas mask.
Outward & Innate Personality:
Theresa is a very kind and upfront human being, who is extremely sociable and humorous, just the kind of person who'd approach anyone. She is constantly spouting jokes, and sarcastic wisecracks about anything possible, sometimes veering into dark-comedy territory, but her jokes are never malicious. She is always looking to have fun in any way possible - From playing around, to mischief, long as it's entertaining. She mostly has this mindset because she wishes to let off steam, and escape her life's problems every now and then. Sometimes even during inappropriate moments. She is very open minded when it comes to other people, and is willing to try new things, all in the name of fun. Theresa surprisingly has trouble dealing with emotional situations, insults, criticism, and problems, and naturally tries to block them out by joking, or avoiding them like the plague. She is not the kind of person who would take responsibility and hone up to her mistakes, she would avoid them. She never wants to talk about her problems or anyone else's really, she just wants to continue living her life of fun as she normally does. This makes it hard for her to be emphatic as she wants to be, and help her friends. Theresa keeps her own true emotions and feelings to herself. She simply keeps those emotions bottled up, and expresses them behind closed doors, or to the few she trusts with her emotions. That joking habit of hers is because she wants to keep her Transgenderism from being the blunt of verbal abuse. That said, it's truly rare for Theresa to do the same to other people, because if you don't want people prying into your own business, then don't pry into theirs. Theresa sexually doesn't prefer one kind of person more than another. She is fine with dating guys or girls. That said, she is pansexual.
Theresa is a big fan of indie music. Techno, synthpop/synthrock, and even underground rap. She's often seen with earbuds in her ears. She's also interested in things such as politics, gardening, and entertainment like movies and TV shows.
Theresa's family has always been big on hunting, she was taken out on several hunting trips. She got to learn how to use a knife, and even learned how to use a bow and arrow. She even got to use a gun. Erm, she's really good at knifeplay (She knows how to throw knives) and archery (She's naturally talented at archery). She also knows how to fish. She's also very good at sneaking and hiding, perfect for navigating the woods hunting for deer. She also knows how to skin, gut and prepare animals for consumption. So if we ever get into a post apocalyptic situation, Theresa's your girl. Theresa knows a few brass instruments, such as the trumpet and the saxophone. Not super good, but not bad either. She's also an artist. Give her a pencil, and she'll have a speed sketch of someone up in ten minutes. Theresa knows how to speak Spanish well enough to keep a conversation going.
Prized Possession:
Theresa prizes no object, truly.
Theresa didn't go to highschool, she went to school high.
Father - Nathan Obott
Mother - Diana Obott
Sister - Scarlet Obbot
Sister - Chloe Obott
Brother - Martin Obott
Power Class: Chemical 6, Super-System 5.
Power: Narcotic Breath & Fluids. Drugs, drugs, drugs. Everyone loves them, and Theresa here is a walking factory. To be specific, Theresa's bodily fluids and breath are powerful hallucinogenic, sedative, and medical drugs. In order for it to work, it has to come in contact with another human being (It can touch the skin, or ingested, doesn't matter), it is instantly absorbed into the body. The effects of the drug are euphoria, body-wide physical pleasure, sedation, reduction of pain, hallucinations (Psychedelic in nature), removal of contaminants (Bacteria, Poison, Diseases, etc), and will heal wounds. The severity of these effects are, predictably, dependent on dosage. For example, a lick from Tess would render someone incoherent, taking a puff of her breath will cause someone to feel a little tingly, and a lot of her blood spilling on someone would be a high unlike no other. The drug is not addictive in the slightest. However, people can overdose if given too much of it. Theresa can learn how to alter the effect of her drug, such as it's only effect being healing, or perhaps make her fluids poisonous. It's hard but she'll gradually learn how to do it it.Theresa is immune to the some of the effects of her drug, along with the effects of all foreign chemicals and contaminants (Poison, diseases, bacteria, etc) merely because the drug flowing through her cancels them out.
Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: Theresa's own power screws with her own natural chemicals. Specifically the part that produces natural painkillers. She has a far lower pain tolerance, and is far more susceptible to pain. Other chemicals I don't feel like describing are also thrown out of whack. The drug, in higher doses, has a high chance of causing an overdose, or even stopping someone's heart. The drug is so powerful that even trace amounts of sweat is enough to affect someone. This means sexual activity is out of the question.
Other: his is the first time I ever did a transgendered character and I feel like I'm going to offend everyone. Theresa has a compound bow and arrow kit she keeps in her room. Unless she needs to, she won't be walking around with it, however, she uses it in conjunction with her power. Either covering an arrowhead in some fluids. Theresa has been going to the school for 4 years.