
Ability Scores
Melee 3 | Agility 0 | Resilience 1 | Vigilance 2 | Ego 2 | Logic 3 |
Defense Scores
Melee 13 | Agility 10 | Resilience 11 | Vigilance 12 | Ego 12 | Logic 13 |
Melee d6 x 2 + 3 | Agility d6 x 2 + 0 | Ego d6 x 2 + 2 | Logic d6 x 3 + 3 |
Extra Info
Rank 2 | Health (30 x Resilience) 30 | Focus (30 x Vigilance) 60 | Karma 2 | Damage Reduction -- |
Full Name: Percy Theo Novikov
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 14
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 116
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: N/A
Origin: Mutant
Team: Excelsior
Base: Avengers Academy
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hobbies: Playing piano, reading
Percy is the second child of Avengers Dominika and Maria Novikova, also former agents of SHIELD. His parents were part of the West Coast Avengers, regularly jaunting off to go save the world (or at least, the west coast of the United States). When the Avengers then transitioned from having limited and fixed rosters to becoming a global force where any Avenger could be called to respond at any moment, the family remained in San Fransisco. His parents would be taken off to work with a teleporter, whereas Percy and his sister Diana (three years his elder) would be put in daycare with the other Avengers kids.
Growing up, Percy was never really interested in playing with other kids. He liked to read, devouring just about any book that he could get his hands on. The classics were always his favorite. He was obsessed with Ancient Greece and its mythology, imprinting heavily on the Percy Jackson series (after all, he had the same name as the protagonist). When he wasn't reading, he would be off exploring, sometimes ending up in areas he had no business being. And when those and his other hobbies failed him, he'd watch reality TV with his moms and sister - he loved to criticize the outfits. It was his favorite part.
His sister's mutant power manifested first, as she displayed the ability to teleport. Percy was slightly jealous, thinking up what sort of cool power he might get. He had a little diary he carried around with him, where he'd record anything that could potentially be the sign of a power manifesting - ironically, he missed his power when it first came about. He had been wandering around in Chinatown and didn't notice that he could roughly understand everything that was being said. It was a few months later that both of Percy's abilities had manifested.
He properly noticed his first power when out at dinner with his family, when he calmly ordered his food in fluent Italian, despite only speaking English and Russian. His secondary power, a variation of his sister's power, he discovered while at school in gym class. It was dodgeball day and Percy suddenly disappeared and reappeared about ten feet away, just as a ball had been about to nail him in the head.
His sister had already been attending Avengers Academy for a little while before Percy was enrolled. It's his first year at the institute, as well as his freshman year of high school. And while he won't admit it, he's a little bit excited.
Percy does not behave like a fourteen year old boy - he's spiritually much closer to an angry old man. He looks down on pretty much everyone, assuming that they're too thick, stupid, and/or clueless to make the observations that he can. He doesn't trust others to take care of things, having a tendency to micromanage. Of course, Percy is exceptionally brilliant and bright, meaning that not only is he egotistical and a bit of a narcissist... he's usually correct. People tend to be incredibly frustrated by him, for good reason.
However, Percy is incredibly and fiercely loyal. Family - by blood and the ones he choose - mean everything to him. He would destroy the world for the ones that he cares about, a viciously positive train he inherited from his mother Novikova. Other people in the world don't really matter to him. In his mind, it's he and his against everyone else, billions of souls who just cannot matter as much.
He's snarky and sarcastic, and prone to dark humor. No one would describe him as nice, but he can be kind to those he deems worthy. He doesn't care what other people think about him. As long as his loved ones are alive and healthy, they could see him as the devil and he'd be fine with that.
- Determination - Percy never gives up, even when he feels like he's at his worst. While demoralized, he does not gain trouble on all actions, though he still cannot maintain concentration or spend further Focus.
- Connections (Avengers) - Percy's mothers are members of the Avengers. By making an Ego check, Percy can call on his moms to provide help in the form of clues, information, or resources.
- Quick Learner - If Percy fails an action check, he gains an edge on the check if he tries the same action again on his next turn.
- Hounded
- Heroic
- Mentor (Ser Nemo)
- Obligation (School)
- X-Gene
- Young
- Blink: Percy teleports a short distance away.
- Prerequisites: None
- Action: Standard, movement, or reaction
- Trigger: Percy is attacked.
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: Percy teleports into a clear space he can see or have been to, up to his rank in spaces away. If someone was about to attack him and he is now out of reach or line of sight, the attack automatically fails. If he is still within reach or line of sight, the attack has trouble instead.
- Blink Barrage: Percy teleports rapidly around an opponent.
- Prerequisites: Blink, Rank 2
- Action: Standard or movement
- Duration: Instant
- Cost: 5 Focus
- Effect: Percy teleports several times in quick succession and winds up in a clear space they can see or have been to, up to their rank in spaces away. Any attacks have trouble against them for one round.
- Blink Together: Percy teleports himself and one other person a short distance away.
- Homebrewed Power - mixing elements of Blink and Teleport Together
- Prerequisites: Blink, Rank 2
- Action: Standard, movement, or reaction
- Trigger: Percy is attacked
- Duration: Instant
- Cost: 10 Focus
- Effect: Percy teleports himself and one other person he is touching into a clear space he can see or have been to, up to his rank in spaces away. If someone was about to attack him and he is now out of reach or line of sight, the attack automatically fails. If he is still within reach or line of sight, the attack has trouble instead.
If the target does not wish to be teleported, Percy must grab them first.
Omniversal Travel
- Time Blink - Percy leaps a short time into the future (seconds) and reappears.
- Homebrewed Power - mixing Blink, Instant Replay, and Time Travel.
- Prerequisites: Rank 2
- Action: Standard, movement, or reaction
- Trigger: Percy is attacked.
- Duration: Instant
- Cost: 10 Focus
- Effect: Once per battle, Percy time travels one round into the future, reappearing in a clear space he can see or have been to, up to his rank in spaces away. If someone was about to attack him, the attack automatically fails.
- Understand Spoken Language: Percy can get what someone is saying.
- Prerequisites: None
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: When Percy encounters an unknown spoken language for the first time, he can make a logic check vs TN 13 action check to puzzle it out. If he already knows any other version of the language, he has an edge. On a success, he understands and can speak the language. On a Fantastic success, he permanently understands and can speak it and never need to make a check again.
- Understand Written Language: Percy can figure out what someone has written.
- Prerequisites: None
- Action: Standard
- Duration: Instant
- Effect: When Percy encounters an unknown written language for the first time, he can make a logic check vs TN 13 action check to puzzle it out. If he already knows any other version of the language, he has an edge. On a success, he understands and can read and write the language. On a Fantastic success, he permanently understands and can read and write it and never need to make a check again.
Basic Powers
- Brilliance 1: Percy puts his brain to work.
- Prerequisites: None
- Duration: Permanent
- Effect: Percy adds +1 to his logic damage multiplier, and he gains a +1 to Logic checks other than attacks.