Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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"I'm a Witch," Claudius smiled at Flint. "Demon specialist. If you need any help conjuring, summoning, need a potion, just give me a holler." He flipped his hand over, seeming to produce a business card in his hand out of thin air, smoke lifting from the card as he handed it to Flint. "Keep it on the down low the teach doesn't like to hear about it. Catcha later," He grinned, making his fingers look like guns and pretended to fire off a farewell. He nodded to Alex. "Same goes to you man."

Finally, he turned to Lucatiel, folding his arms in a mock regal manner. "Tell the ever wish-granting Claudius whatcha need hun."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Zach broke from his daze, to realize his classmates left him. "Huh? Aw... Daydreaming again. Ah well." He became one with the shadows, and tried using them to find his friends. He finally found them, and made a grand entrance, from shadow to a human form. "Sorry guys, I drifted off again. What did I miss?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Oh magnificent Claudius, be so kind for me that I desire to talk with thee," Lucatiel said with a smile ",Honestly I don't have any wish to desire just thought I'd say hi and see what you were doing."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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"Well I can't turn mine off so you can use powers" flint remarked as he looked to claudius "well ive never really known much about magic so I wouldn't know what to ask for." Flint read over the card in his hands "I'm sure you or zach would beable to help me with that tho " he muttered as zach began to appear
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adruin was really excited now. He could be fully effective, and as brutal as he wanted to be. He couldn't control his excitement, and fire started shooting out of his eyes, it was almost a defense mechanism. His entire life was based solely on fighting, so he had to enjoy it somehow. So he decided to look with the spirit of competition. "So flint, I'm not going to hold back then, but just to make sure, you can't. Be killed right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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"Well it hasnthappened yet" he joked "I know that i can survive my head being mostly blown off
. I imagine their needs to be atleast some brain matter to grow off of but something like that has never happened before . Also it wouldn't be much of a challenge if u instantley chopped my head in two as we would have to wait a hour or two for my brain to grow back. That is deffinetly the thing that takes the longest to heal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Claudius went to speak, but then a red cloud of smoke exploded outward, enshrouding him. As the smoke cleared, one could see he'd been replaced with a feminine figure of himself. Perky breasts, long, shiny crimson hair and a slight hourglass form now decorated the interior of her white hoodie. Her blue and black eyes blinked, confused for a moment before remembering it was just the curse again. Claudia shrugged it off. She walked off with Lucatiel, tilting her head over her shoulder, talking back at Flint as she spoke.
"Give me a holler, I'll be there when you make up your mind~" She giggled and waved as she turned to Lucatiel. Isaik trotted up behind her, coughing cutely up the red smoke he inhaled from Claudia's daily transformation. "What is it hun? Tell Claudia your problems." She giggled, holding her friends hand for no particular reason other than being friendly and happy, swinging it as they walked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Zach looked at Flint. "What was that? A..." He giggled wildly, "Was that a guy AND a girl? How does that even work?" He quickly stiffened. "So how ya doing, Flint?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Lucatiel paid little attention to the change. After a few months she was use to Claudius's/Claudia's daily changes that happened, merely had to shift names when it happened. Plus being a werewolf, it didn't seem that much different then what Lucatiel did, well except she had free control over human and werewolf form except for the full moon and she didn't switch gender but besides those things it seemed similar to an extent.
"Besides the usual first day blues that come with school? Not much, well that and keeping an eye on the wolves is tedious as usual. Trying to keep other werewolves in line is such a pain. Then there are plans to make for other things that me and my brother have for the year, tricks and pranks if we can pull them off with the right situation. Just a hectic day really," Lucatiel said ",Then the full moon is a few days off again as well, so just keeping everything in check is quite the hassle, but I rather not burden you with my issues. What about you? Any plans this year or anything special?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex chuckled lightly, more out of interest than humour. 'I believe it was.' He shrugged. 'I imagine there's a story behind the switches, which would be interesting to hear about.' He turned to face Zach. 'You can't be that surprised, surely? I mean, you're standing with a shape-shifter and a werewolf. There are plenty of us that change all the time, gender is just an extension of that.' He shrugged. 'Though I've never heard of any being doing such a thing, chances are they've been cursed or something.'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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Flint looked to the two then to the girls walking off . "Is it bad I didn't notice ?" He said embarrased as he looked to his shoes," I'm doing good I plan on getting ripped apart in a sparring matchsoon" he joked
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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"An extension? Naw. Gender switching is unheard of. And I have a vast pool of knowledge." He turned to Flint. "Good luck with that. While your at it, I might s well siphon all your blood." Zach joked. "Anyways, What classes are going on soon? I feel the need to attend one."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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"Hold up, Julius!" Rhiannon called, out of breath, as she came to a stop at corner, hands on her knees as she tried to recover from her chase. The blond boy had been difficult to follow, always disappearing just as she rounded one corner. Now she had eventually caught up to him and he stared at with his head cocked to one side.

"You're out of breath, Rhian." He observed in a concerned tone, walking forwards and crouching down so that he was eye level with her bent over form. "This illness is taking its toll on you. Perhaps you should see a healer?" He suggested but the girl shook her head.

"Doctor Michael is treating me. I've got my medicine if it gets worse, remember?" She said, finally catching her breath and standing up, somewhat shakily. Julius was still frowning, however, as noticed the paleness of her skin.

"Ellyll don't get ill, Rhian. You have a human mother but you inherited all of your father's blood; you might as well be a Pureblood for all the difference it would make. You shouldn't be suffering this. You never did before you left home. Nor did you ever see me before." Rhiannon's head jerked up at these words.

"B-but, Julius! We've been friends for ages!" A sad look was on Julius' face as he shook his head. Nearby voices made both of them look towards the source. When Rhiannon turned back Julius was gone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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"I don't even know what would happen If you drank my blood... If I have bled before I have chance to heal, the blood usually evaporates into nothing so I don't know what that would do if it was inside a living creature. It might just stay as a liquid and just be like any other blood, that would make the most sense seen as my leg meat stayed solid when a pack of dogs mauled me a few years ago. Oh yeah that's something I haven't told anyone I was mauled by a pack of dogs. It was my fault really I used to test my ability a lot when I was younger.. seeing what I could survive and what not....it isn't all bad though it did make me tolerate pain better..." Flint seemed a little down thinking about his past. they were not just him testing his power they where suicide attempts too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex shook his head. 'Then you're knowledge is from some invalid sources, Zach. There are some non-supernatural animals that can change gender should they need to. There are certain types of fish and insects that can change gender. Obviously once can assume that most supernatural creatures can't, because humans can't, but it's not impossible, just highly improbable.'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Claudia smiled at Lucatiel, listening to what she had to say. "You know, I could fix you a remedy to ease the wolf transition. I imagine dealing with the fleas is more of a bother than anything else though," She giggled into her hand as they walked into the cafeteria. "My plans?" Hmm.. should she say....?
"I'm gonna summon the great Ukiyoee Ida this year!" She exclaimed, punching her hand into the air.

Crickets as she waited for Lucatiel to ask who the hell that was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Oh fleas are murder," Lucatiel joked ",I'm fine, after these years of transforming, the pain subsides to just a numb irritation, it's the emotions that are a bother, being all agitated so close to the full moon isn't something I enjoy, just not my personality."
She waited to hear Claudia to tell her plans, but when she got an answer, Lucatiel was left clueless on what she meant. After a few moments of silence she finally asked ",Okay I guess you want me to ask but what in the hell is the Ukiyoee Ida?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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"What did he mean?" Rhiannon muttered as she wandered through the corridors of the school, deep in thought. Without realising it she ended up in the library when she caught sight of a familiar figure standing by one of the bookcases. Doctor Michael was beckoning her over so she followed curiously, wondering what a medical professional was doing spending his time in the library.

"There's a book you should read, little miss." The Doctor said quietly as she joined him down one aisle. He was pointing to a particular leather-bound tome so she picked it out from the shelf.

"'A History and Biology of the Ellyll and the Methodology Behind Their Magicks?" She intoned the title of the book. "Why did you want me to read this, Doctor?" When she looked up the Doctor was gone, leaving her with just the book.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She couldn't resist her fangirling. "I've been following his records since I was a girl. They say he is the demon of suffering and thrives on pain~ I can't wait for the ritual.... Haaaah~" Some girls fawned over celebrities, Claudia and Claudius favored Demons as their own celebrity types. After all, they were just like celebrities all things considered. They had paparazzi (satanists), worshipers, haters... What wasn't to like about Underworld drama? At least, that was her opinion. Her eyes sparkled with happiness at the thought of meeting the Demon of Pain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Um okay," Lucatiel said dumbfounded by the outburst that had just happened ",Sounds like it will be fun for you. Out of curiosity though what type of pact was it with this human, infinite life? I mean if this human is still alive after a 300 hundred year old pact, you have to wonder slightly what the deal was."
Personally Lucatiel didn't really go overboard with demons, the few she knew she like and were friends with but there were a few before finding the school that her and her brother had ran into that weren't so pleasant so she kept meeting demons a bit cautiously. For her friend sake though she acted interested because it sounded like this was some big dream for Claudia and Lucatiel didn't want to ruin that.
"Also exactly when are you planning on doing this?" Lucatiel also asked.
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