This is a flexible character sheet meant to encourage storytelling rather than rigid stat blocks. Fill it out as loosely or as detailed as you like.
Origin: (Where on the Far Side are they from? What kind of life did they lead?)
Appearance: (What do they look like? Distinctive traits? Scars, tattoos, odd features?)
Notable Possessions: (Anything they washed up with? Something significant from their past?)
Did they know anyone else on the expedition? (Friends? Rivals? A lover? A family member?)
What kind of person were they before the crash? (Were they respected? Feared? Loved? Forgotten?)
Is there anyone waiting for them back home?
Free Space: What Else Should We Know?
(A dream they had? A voice they keep hearing? A fragment of memory that won’t let go?)
This sheet is more of a guide than a rigid format—expand where you want, write freely, and don’t be afraid to leave blanks for discovery.
Basic Information
Origin: (Where on the Far Side are they from? What kind of life did they lead?)
Appearance: (What do they look like? Distinctive traits? Scars, tattoos, odd features?)
Notable Possessions: (Anything they washed up with? Something significant from their past?)
Did they know anyone else on the expedition? (Friends? Rivals? A lover? A family member?)
What kind of person were they before the crash? (Were they respected? Feared? Loved? Forgotten?)
Is there anyone waiting for them back home?
Free Space: What Else Should We Know?
(A dream they had? A voice they keep hearing? A fragment of memory that won’t let go?)
This sheet is more of a guide than a rigid format—expand where you want, write freely, and don’t be afraid to leave blanks for discovery.