Roleplay is now in session!
King Eclipse
Eclipse saw Forrest and appeared in front of her as a cloud of smoke, trying to scare her.
<Snipped quote by 3xpiredM1lk>Queen Forrest
The queen jumped and gasped. "hey Eclipse hun you cant just appeared just like that!" she said cracking a smile.
<Snipped quote by Cookie>
King Eclipse
Eclipse transformed into his normal form and pulled Forrest closer to him. "I know, I just wanted to scare you, love." Eclipse chuckled and smiled at her
<Snipped quote>Queen Forrest
She laugh out a squack of happiness and wrapped her arms around me. "you know I hate being jumpedscare you sneaky little minx!"
<Snipped quote>Queen Forrest
She laugh out a squack of happiness and wrapped her arms around me. "you know I hate being jumpedscare you sneaky little minx!"
<Snipped quote by Cookie>Queen Forrest
She laughed as he ruffled her hair she would have to style it again but she didn't care. "your up awful early hon" She said wrapping her arms around him.
<Snipped quote by Cookie>
King Eclipse
"Well, I'm just in a good mood today. Don't get used to it." Eclipse wrapped his arms around Forrest in a tight embrace.
<Snipped quote by 3xpiredM1lk>Queen Forrest
She thought for a moment. "if your such in a good mood maybe we should go on a dinner date we haven't been to one in ages!" she was getting excited.