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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Penny
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This night there was no plates of food nor any ale. They pair of slaves were tossed without ceremony into the pens with the others. Calliope was woozy from the blow to her head, though probing with her fingers indicated that nothing was broken. Bahdir looked none the worse for wear beyond a corpse like coating of gray dust adhered to the sweat he had kicked up in the arena. The other slaves gave them a wide berth, some even went so far as to shoot them hateful looks. Calliope didn't doubt the fact that they had been wined and dined last night had made its way down to the slave pens, possibly even deliberately.

"So," Badhir asked as he handed her a bowel of the gruel that had been slopped out as the evening meal, "Do you... have plan for escape?" The pitfighter's Riekspiel was bad, but it was a more secure tongue than Arabyian down here. Calliope nodded, not in agreement but as a place holder as she slurped the gruel down. Landlubbers might find the stuff atrocious, but they had never been at sea for fifty days with nothing but tack so hard you had to soak it in rancid beer before you could eat it. She had expended tremendous energy in the fight and she was hungry even for such poor fare.

"I'm working on it," Calliope admitted. She flexed her fingers and leaned back against the cool stone. "I think... if we can survive to they make us fight each other, there might be a way."

"What way?" Badhir demanded. Calliope smiled a lopsided piratical grin.

"Bad luck to be telling, savvy?"

The next day dawned with an unusual chill. Notionally it dawned, there was no sun in the slave pens. Calliope didn't notice it but Bahdir looked uneasy, muttering prayers to his god and touching the stone with the palm of his hand.

"You don't like the cold?" Calliope asked. It was cool technically, cold was when a gale blew in from the Sea of Claws and you had to stand into the wind till it blew itself out and the Daemons take you if the winds changed faster than you could set your sails. Bahadir looked at her as though trying to decide if the stone which had brained her had driven her senses from her body.

"This is summer in Araby, it cannot be cold," he informed her. Further discussion was interrupted by the arrival of the armed stewards. They shouted for slaves and kicked and beat them into lines for the tunnels that lead up to the arena. They were divided into two relatively equal lines. Calliope was somewhat surprised and gratified to see that many slaves tried to get into Bahadir's line most of which were brutally shoved or clubbed back into place by the overseers. They were marched to the point where the tunnels diverged to lead both teams up to the arena. At the point where the tunnels separated two old slaves sat beside buckets of foul smelling paint. Each slave was splashed with paint as he entered the mouth of his tunnel, blue for left, red for right. Calliope squeezed her eyes shut and suffered a splash of the paint across face and left side, spitting the blue muck at one of the overseers on general principles. The guard bared his teeth and kicked Calliope in the hip but Bahadir shoved past to prevent any further retaliation. The mouths of the tunnels were colder yet, worse they ran with rivulets of water. Calliope frowned but said nothing shuffling up the tunnel and following the curve towards the light and the roar of the crowd. They reached the armory room and took their weapons, Calliope selecting a heavier sword than she had used the previous day and a long fighting dagger with a broad hand guard.

When they finally reached the mouth of the tunnel Calliope slitted her eyes against the sun and stepped out onto an unfamiliar wooden platform and peered out in amazement. The entirety of the arena had been filled with water. It still chattered down through wooden sluices at four points combatting evaporation and whatever leaked into the sublevels. Each entrance to the arena had a platform to which two twenty foot rafts had been lashed. Single masts stood in the center of their decks and cloth hung from them in imitation of sails. The sides were built up in imitation of real ships though it was all a gawdy show. It was an incredible achievement and a statement about the wealth and power of the Sultan that would last a century. The crowd were already cheering themselves hoarse and trash and confetti, flung in their exuberance floated atop the imitation sea.

"There are ships," Bahadir blurted in wonder.

"Boats," Calliope corrected absently, "Ships have three masts." There was no possibility of 'sailing' the ships, but long poles stacked on the decks would easily sink the six feet or so to the arena floor to propel the floating abortions.

".... the pirates of Abukar Bay!" an announcer was shouting through a brass speaking trumpet. The crowd leaped to their feet and howled for blood. Calliope could see the other team of slaves coming out onto their own 'dock' looking equally shocked by the spectacle before them.

"And to drive this filth to Allah, the brave Sailors of Sultan Kayem!" There was another roar, somewhat throatier at this. Calliope presumed this was some reference to an ancient battle she neither knew nor cared about. She smirked to think how far back the would have to have gone to find a naval battle the Araybian's had actually won.

"And just like on that great day the seas will run red... with blood!" There was a boom as one of the Sultan's guards fired a jezzail. The Slave two places down from Calliope sighed and tumbled forward into the water with a splash. The other slaves cringed back, though Calliope stood her ground, determined not to give these camel fucking sons of third rate whores any satisfaction. The body floated in the water for a moment and then there was an explosion of froth and fury as something dark struck from beneath the wave. Calliope had only a split second, but the fins and teeth were unmistakable to a sailor.

"Well I will be damned," she muttered, "They have sharks and everything."

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Bahadir had seen some amazing things in his time as a slave-fighter. He had even been a part of a team set to fight one of the deadly chimera's of the far north, just barely coming out of that alive. He had seen men eat their own arms rather than starve. But this was something he had not seen. It was a marvel of engineering and logistics, something Bahadir had heard about but had never been witness to. Briefly, he had a weird sense of loss. If he escaped, he might never be witness to such things again. Perhaps his life was not so bad...

He knew that was a falsehood, however. How much sweeter would his life be if he was in the crowds right now, eating pork and sitting with a lover? Or perhaps even plundering the real seas himself? His sudden hesitation was curtailed and then redirected to a longing to be free, and a wonderful sense of thankfulness that he could do it with a bang such as this! That is, if he and Calliope survived.

"Yataharak!" A Mamluk called, indicating the slaves to move. Calliope needn't be told. She stepped onto the boat as if it was made by her commission, hard boots clacking across the roughly hewed timber. Bahadir was unsure of how steady it would be, but evidently she was not. He would trust her practiced instinct, and leaped onboard as well. The boat lightly bucked, swaying from the new weight and the small ripples in the water. There was a moderate wind today, dilapidating the surface of what should have been pristine, calm water with no current. Bahadir was used to sand or stone, or the timber structures of men. He was not used to floating on water.

"I must tell you..." Bahadir said in his strange accent, Calliope turning to look at him. "I..." He tried to find the right words."-cannot swim."

She snorted, bewildered she had not thought of it. "If we live, I'll give ye some proper lessons, but as for now, if you fall in, just find the arena floor and kick off it. Plus, the sharks might keep ye a bit busy."

More and more slaves piled off, until there was roughly a dozen, along with the two would-be partners. Across the expanse of water, the other slaves had gotten onto their boat at the insistence of moon-bladed halberds. A few of them looked not unsure of what to do, and Bahadir wondered if there were other corsairs or sailors on their side. He didn't know. The sun peeked through the clouds above, basking his scarred chest with merciful heat, and a keening trumpet sounded, before others followed.

"Take the handle and do exactly what I say," Calliope commanded Bahadir. He looked at the fastened pole, and gripped it with a big hand as Calliope drew her saber. Above, the Sultan stepped forward, raising his hands to the heavens, and the people cried out in joyous celebration as the games began.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Penny
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Intellectually Calliope knew there was a real chance of of her dying today. Many people were literally betting on it afterall but inspite of that the emotion which reigned supreme in her head was anger. Did the camel buggering ragheads really thing these things were boats. It offended her at a level so deep it made her eyelids twitch. These barges would tip over in any swell beyond that of a millpond, and god help them if they ever got a sail on, not that it would even be possible with the mockery of rigging. If any wind at all came up they would probably be smothered by the bloody shroud.

"Push off!" she roared, it wasn't till Bahadir yelled the same thing in Araybian that she realised that in her anger she had spoken in Reikspiel.

"Stroke together you bastards!" she shouted to the would be rowers as they wavered into action.

"Who died and made you the leader," a scarred slave demanded looming up and flexing his knuckles on the haft of polearm. Calliope hacked into his neck with her saber, sending spray of blood fountaing up to stain the ersatz sail with gore. The slave opened and closed his mouth for a moment before Calliope kicked him over the side. He plunged into the water without a sound.

"Anyone else?!" Calliope demanded. No one did anything other than work their oars and avoid her gaze.

"Good, Stroke! Stroke!" she yelled. They were picking up speed in marked contrast to the other barges which were wallowing in disorder. She stepped back over to Bahadir, jumping up onto a bulwark and gripping one of the ropes to judge speeds and angles.

"Are we going to board pirate?" Bahdir asked.

"Not unless we have to she replied tersley. One of the enemy barges was looming up quickly, slaves clustered at the bow brandishing weapons.

"On my word, throw that tiller hard over," she instructed.

"Do what?" Bahadir asked. Calliope resisted the urge to snap.

"Turn hard to the right," She explained, counting down the seconds.

"Now!" she screamed. Bahadir did as he was instructed and the barge slewed infront of the onrushing enemy, so violently it generated a literal wave. The two bages struck with a splintering impact of colliding timbers. As Calliope had hoped the enemy barge hit them broadside. A dozen enemy tumbled into the barge, some jumping, most simply knocked off their feet to crash to the deck. The two clumsy water craft bounced appart as the crew grappeled and stabbed at each other but all was not well with the enemy barge. Calliope watched with satisfaction as the enemy barge came appart in a handful of loose timbers dumping half its crew splashing into the shark haunted waters. The barges were simply logs lashed together and disguised to look vauglely like real boats. They were strong enough on the beam, but a blow to the prow knocked half a dozen timbers back through the knots which held them, shattering the hull into a handful of logs and tangled ropes. Half the crew had gone into the drink, few knew the trick of swimming, but those who did struck out towards Calliope's barge to be greeted with skull crushing blows from paddles and polearms.

"One down," she grinned as the crew hacked and stabbed at those few survivors who had found their feet.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Men who could not swim waved their arms frantically as the merciless god called gravity pulled them under, and those that could swim either tread water or tried their luck trying to board and take the closest boat, which Bahadir and Calliope resided on. The pirate woman cut them apart without giving quarter, her eyes flashing with anger and bloodlust as her sword moved like a zephyr, leaving red to pour off the side of the boat as Bahadir turned the craft around. At the back, a cunning slave with a knife in his mouth, one of the few that had survived the capsizing of his own shoddy craft, pulled himself out of the water and leaped at Bahadir, blade swiping. Bahadir let go of the rudder and backed away, using his arm to block. Better a limb get pierced than a vital area. The blade cut into his muscled forearm, but Bahadir's body was tough. His own eyes flashed with murderous rage, and he took hold of the slave's knife arm and shattered it with a twist of his hands, bending it an unnatural angle. The man screamed in pain, and then sucked in his breathe when he was subsequently lifted off the boat, and launched like a javelin over the water with a great heave. Bahadir watched as the flailing man, beginning to scream again, landed on a spike at the edge of the wall, his body falling atop it to be spit like a roasted pig.

Across the expanse of the water, the other two ships had traded javelins, arrows, even a few swords thrown in haste. Bahadir watched as scarred man with a burn mark on his face climb the mast of his ship, for a reason he could not fathom. The crowd's roar waxed and waned like a squall as the violence continued.

"Bahadir!" Calliope called, her saber raised like a beacon. The pit-fighter turned, and sharing just one look, he nodded and took hold of the rudder again. She grinned, but turned to the men who were happy to just sit and watch their enemies kill one another. The captain snarled, pointing at them, speaking broken Arabyan with a few sprinkled in words of reiskpeil. "Get rowing you lazy dogs, or it's you we'll come after next!"

They could understand her well enough, and took to the oars to row. The water sprayed from the wind and the oars slapping into it as they slowly turned to barrel toward the two boats, both now having struck one another head on, their 'crews' trading platforms as they threw themselves at one another in a bloody assault. One of the masts, the one with the burned man atop it, had broken and even now Bahadir saw it collapse into the other ship, crushing a slave and squashing the one that had taken it as a roost. A screaming man, skinny as bone, had ran through a slave who looked barely old enough to grow facial hair of his own, and tossed him into the water before he too was cut down by a man wielding twin daggers. Splotches of dark red had begun to grow in the virulent sea of the arena, like islands of death.

Bahadir and Calliope's boat was approaching at a good coasting speed, and at this rate they would strike into the middle of the two in a few more seconds.

"Let go of the rudder!" The corsair called, and Bahadir obeyed, letting the platform move freely as he took his spot next to Calliope, picking up the axe he had dropped. A few of the men in the other craft had noticed their approach, but most were now either wounded or still locked in combat, and they were about to be hit by a fresh crew of hardened men. Calliope laughed, and as the ship struck the two fighters leaped, Calliope's sword whirring and Bahadir hitting the 'deck' with a drop kick that sent an assailant flying off the platform to hit the wall.

The western section of the stands cried in rhythmic unison: "Mamba! Mamba! Mamba! Mamba!"

The eastern crowd whooped: "Namir! Namir! Namir! Namir!" Using the Arabyan word for Tiger.

The battle was over in less than a minute, the slaves too weak and confused from their own battle to survive the maelstrom of Calliope, Bahadir, and their slave fighters. With a last, contemptuous cut of her sword, Calliope slashed the throat of the last enemy slave, his body tumbling into the water to join the rest of them, swallowed by Manann.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Penny
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"I hope you are pleased with yourselves," Azim sneered from beyond the bars. They were back in the more luxurious cells now, fruit and even watered wine had been provided. Calliope took a long drink and made a face at the taste but noticabley didnt spit it. Instead she swilled the wine around in her mouth for a moment and then swallowed.

"Moderately, would have been better if I had a hat, like a really big hat," Calliope admitted as she leaned against the far wall. There was a cut across her left arm where an arrow had grazed her but other than bruises she had escaped the battle unharmed. Azim glowered, put off his stride by her nonchalance.

"The rest of the slaves will go to shaitain tomorrow morning, but the two of you... the 'Mamba and Namir' are reserved for a special fate," he leered.

"You will fight each other tomorrow, if you win slave..." he nodded to Bahadir, "the Sultan will grant you your freedom." He turned and glared a Calliope.

"If you should win pirate, we shall tell the people you were set free, and your body will be fed to the tigers. I hope you both sleep well," he sneered, then turned and strode out of the cells. Bahadir was quiet for a moment as he crunched a juicy apple between his teeth.

"SO what do we do?" he said finally, "I've no doubt my throat would be cut the same as yours." Calliope picked at the cut on her arm till it began to bleed then picked up the wineskin. She regarded the pit fighter from the shadows, her eyes glittering.

"I suppose you will have to kill me then," Calliope replied, her grinning teeth white in the candlelight.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

The morning was met with blaring trumpets and the heat of the merciless sun.

Peddlers walked up and down the seats, plying their wares of baubles and gems they claimed had come from far Cathay or the sea beyond the Dragon Isles. So crowded was it, Arak sellers were making good business even before the noonday. Courtiers filtered into their seats below the Sultan's mightly overlook, cordoned off from the teeming masses that had come to watch the final day of the games. Dancers in pantaloons and flowing silks spun and gyrated as men gave undulating cries to appease allah for their sinful thoughts and good fortune on their bets this day. Upon one of the statues of the old gods, a street boy had climbed to watch the spectacle, eyes wide as the beating heart of the great city readied itself for the fight.

Bahadir and Calliope had slept in the same cell, but they were awoken with shouts and rough hands, and soon separated into different corners of the vast underground hall, given their favored weapons and a small time to prepare as the crowed outside swelled with life like a pregnant concubine. They were given water and a small breakfast of cakes and meat they ate standing, mamluks with halberds between them, as was traditional for a duel. It would not do for one to kill the other before they were set to fight in the arena, or to have second thoughts, in their case.

A rattling of chains and the clamor of wood rubbing against wood announced the time was nigh, and as the great gate opened and the mamluks filtered out, Bahadir and Calliope could hear the ending of the Sultan's great speech, his voice carried over the crowd by Azim's mystical talents. How Bahadir wanted to behead the both of them! But he needed to stick to the plan, trusting the dark woman that her idea would work.

"Move, scum!" The Mamluk closest to Bahadir snarled, moving to shove the slave. Bahadir deftly pivoted and struck the Mamluk in the face with his elbow in one, smooth motion. The honorguard fell to the floor, stunned for a moment as blood began to pour from his nose and split lip.

"Seems you stumbled, I hear that can happen with unendowed men. Messes with the balance." Bahadir remarked with a casual concern. It seemed the man had regained cognizance right when he made the quip. Calliope was a quick study, it seemed, for he said it in arabyan and she understood enough to laugh wickedly. The Mamluk retrieved his fallen weapon and growled, surging to his feet in wrath.

"You bastard son of a whore!"

The embarrassed Mamluk was stopped by two others, keeping his arms from ramming Bahadir through with his moon-bladed halberd. "No, he is the Sultan's to decide. He will die soon enough," they said. Bahadir smirked, giving Calliope a subtle wink, before stepping forward as he was bade. He knew he needed to be saved for the fight, but he was not about to press his luck any further. The guards kept their blades pointed at him from then on, however, and the two fighters were escorted into the blazing sun.

As the glare caught them, drums rumbled and trumpets rose once again, accompanying the crowd's roar of exultation at seeing the two legendary combatants in this dramatic finish of the Sultan's Games.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Penny
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Long they strove with axe and sword
with might blows and corteous word
Comrades through blood and danger passed
To battle now til one breathed their last
Of such feats the bards do sing
such beauty in the axes swing
and poetry of knife and sword
that would the very god's have awed.

The sand which drank the oceans tears
shook with lusty blood mad cheers.
And though the lusty mamba led the dance
the Namir not from his purpose glanced
and ruse or trick could from fury take
the brutal blows that axe did rake
Until with tears of anguish in his eyes
Tiger smote the snake no more to rise

~Araybian Folk Song

The guards carried Calliope from the field, her limp body hanging between them. Blood soaked the front of her tunic in such volume that there could be no doubt she was dead, even if several thousand people hadn't watched Bahadir's axe hit her cleanly between the breasts. The crowd was roaring, some of them chanting Bahadir's name, others bemoaning the fortunes they had lost by wagering on the pirate. The guards themselves were muttering about this very thing as they hurled her body off a stone dock into the back of the corpse cart which waited, already loaded with bodies, to be driven out into the desert to dump the carrior for jackals and buzzards to dispose of.


"This is the man," the vizier declared pointing at Bahadir through the bars of his cell. There was dissapointment in his eyes for he would have much prefered to butcher the pirate, but so long as she was dead it made little difference to him. Bahadir backed up in his cell as two mamlukes with pikes stepped forward, meaning to skewer him where he stood. Unfortunately the cell was large enough that if the slave kept himself pressed against the back wall, they couldn't quite reach him.

"Don't be tedious," the vizier sneered, "try to die with some dignity slave."

"Maybe an example would help?" someone whispered in his ear. THe vizier half turned an arm locked around his head and he felt naked steel at his throat. From the corner of his eye he caught sight of Calliope and trembeled, momentarily beliving her to be a vengeful ghost.

"By Allah how..."

Calliope could have told him. She could have explained how she had kept the wineskin from the previous night, how she had patiently kept her wound flowing so that she could collect blood and mix it with the wine. She could have told him how she had placed the blood filled flask between her breasts before the fight, perhaps even explained how Bahadir had deliberately struck her just so, so that the wineskin would burst and she would appear to be slain. She might even have told him how she hid under the pile of corpses until dark, then stole a dagger. Why she had come back at all was harder for her to explain, though perhaps a promise to a ship mate, even the piss poor ships they made here, was worth something. She explained none of this, instead before he could speak another word she raked the blade across his throat so hard she felt it grind on bone. The vizier made a noiseless bubbling scream, his wind pipe no longer reaching his vocal cords. Calliope shoved him into the one of the guards, who staggered aside cursing. The other tried to withdraw his pike from the bars, only to have Bahadir snatch the weapon free, then drive the butt end into the soliders stomach. Calliope cut both their throats before they could recover themselves enough to scream. Blood was already pooling on the floor. Calliope took the key from the nearest guard and opened the cell.

"There is a cart filled with deadmen waiting to take us out of the city, and I think I've seen enough of its delights for the time being."
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

فر النمر والمامبا السوداء من المدينة بالدم والفوضى في أعقابهما. سافروا غربًا في الليل، لكن المماليك كانوا في أعقابهم، وقبلهم، انفتحت الصحراء نفسها لتبتلع الزوجين.

The tiger and the black mamba fled the city with blood and chaos in their wake. They traveled west into the night, but the mamluks were on their heels, and before them, the very desert opened up to swallow the pair up.

From Volume II of 'Thieves and Devils'
(Translated by Austerwitz Schäfer)

"Hurry, it's almost here!" Calliope hissed.

The wind howled, a thousand thousand grains of sand flying as their doom approached from above. The sun had disappeared behind a shape as immense as a falling hill, and a shriek that drowned out Calliope's scream of anger and fear erupted from its beaked maw. Bahadir roared, slamming a large rock onto the portal's ornate visage with the strength of a bull, but it merely gave it a tiny crack down its center, their hopes dashed. Calliope unsheathed her scimitar, stolen from a slain mamluk in their escape, and she turned to face the monster approaching, though it was akin to brandishing a splinter against a rampaging ogre. Bahadir, undeterred, lifted the rock one last time, his muscles bulging as he lifted the stone high above his head, and with a cry to the Old Gods, he struck the barrier with such force, the crack echoed across the dunes as the material gave way, crumbling before his eyes. As Calliope raised her sword, her stance lowered to allow herself to ready a spring, she was grabbed by her belt from behind. The pirate captain gave an unlady-like yelp of surprise as she was thrown into the darkness of the broken threshold.

"Mannan's balls!" Bahadir cursed, stealing one of his companion's usual remarks as he dove in after her. Even as he flew through the hole, freefalling into the darkness, he felt just as much as heard a second scream from the primordial beast, the very dunes around them reverberating to send waves of sand tumbling.

Both Bahadir and Calliope landed on a sand-covered floor of some sort of soft stone, rolling to help ease their momentum as there was a huge crash, and a beak the size of a donkeycart stabbed into the hole after them, snapping greedily. Bahadir and Calliope scrambled back together, staring up at the apex predator that desperately tried to break through the entrance, the thing pecking and shrieking, before it pulled its sharpened beak away and screamed into the air, every movement of its feet like the stomp of a lustrian thunderlizard. A minute passed, and finally with a great beat of wings that dwarfed the sails of an imperial galley, it lifted back into the sky and disappeared. The silence that followed was pregnant with suspense until the pirate broke it.

"Typical," The dark woman sighed, brushing the sand out of her black locks. Bahadir checked their water skins, making sure they were not compromised or broken. Unfortunately, the majority of their meager supplies had been consumed along with their one camel. Both the slave-fighter and the pirate had heard legends of the mighty Roc, but neither had expected to meet one in broad daylight, merely two days from Copher. It had appeared to be a mere vulture or raven at first, something Bahadir had spotted as he gazed at the sky, appreciating his freedom. That was, until it drew closer, and ballooned into the ravenous, monumental beast it was.

After their camel had been snatched, they had raced up the closest dune, and the beating of the massive bird's wings has sent the sand careening into the air, uncovering the Door of The Moon, or so the inscription on the front had said. At the time, Bahadir had not the inclination to think on it, but now that he had a moment to dwell on the image, the moon had looked much like the accursed Morrsleib. Now they were in a cavernous cavity under the ground, hollowed out roughly, feeding into a strange tunnel. Perhaps it was a trick of the light, but a few meters within the tunnel, there was a sizeable stream of sand that poured like a waterfall into the floor, though the floor itself grew no bigger. If one was careful, they could squeeze passed it, but the physics alone boggled the mind.

"Your timing could have been better, but not bad up there," Calliope said, as good of a compliment as she would give.

"Thanks," Bahadir said, and then shrugged. "You could have done better."

She raised an eyebrow at him, and the failure to hide his grin betrayed him, uncovering the joke. She snorted. "I've killed men for saying less," she threatened back, albeit facetiously as well.

The barbarian watched the sailor walk under the light of the sun that beamed from above, thrice the height of a man. She placed her hands on her hips, as if daring the portal to remain so far from her grasp. But then she turned and marched away, towards the only other way to go: Past Bahadir and into the tunnel of moving sand.

"Come on, sailor," She said, slapping his thigh like he was a horse as she passed by.

"Koffa!" He exclaimed, Calliope having learned it was the arabyan 'whoa.' She gave a pantherish grin back at him, and then stepped into the tunnel. He moved his unkempt mane out of his face, unsheathed his own scimitar, and followed.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Penny
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

“We can hope the Sultan’s men are a messy white smear somewhere,” Calliope said grimly. Their escape from Copher had not been unnoticed, despite the fact that they had struck out to the east, rather than running west towards Lashiek and the bay of corsairs. They had seen the dust on the horizon for an hour or so before the Roc struck and had planned to slip away during the chill of the desert night. That, at least, was no longer a problem.

“What is this place?” Calliope mused, striking a light to a torch from the handful of possessions they had been able to steal before they fled the city.

“I am no scholar,” Bahadir replied.

“And here I was thinking you were a Doktor of Historaia,” Calliope snarked, though Bahadir merely looked blank at the unfamiliar Reikspeil terms.

“I have heard legends that when the Great Kings ruled across the Sands these lands were their distant satrapys,” Bahadir said and it was Calliope’s turn to run into the language barrier. Satrapy? He continued and she didn’t have to reveal her ignorance.

“When their governors displeased them, it was said they were forbidden to return to their homeland in death as well as in life, and that they were entombed in the sands of Araby forever,”” Bahadir explained. Calliope grunted noncommittally as she edged into the tunnel. She reached her hand out into the column of falling sand and felt it run over her fingers for a few moments. Edging around it they found that the tunnel had been paved with large blocks of sandstones. Columns studded the walls supporting ancient almost illegible frescos. Dust from the sand fall billowed around their feet like fog and Calliope pulled her scarf around her face to stop it from tickling her nose. They pushed down the hallway into a large room. Idols of strange and forgotten gods sat on pedestals. Some were simple wood carvings, others were laced with gold or had eyes of semiprecious stones. Calliope leaned close to one that appeared to be a woman wrapped in a large snake. This idol looked newer and was considerably curvier than the other female deities present. The figures features looked almost Imperial, and its hair was highlighted with pale yellow chalk. Calliope looked upwards and saw that the roof was covered with faux constellations picked out in verdegied bronze.

“What is it that makes you southerners so eager to die? Too many dates? Lack of decent ale?” Calliope wondered.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 1 hr ago

Bahadir spun, blinking in cautious surprise. Calliope turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head. He had thought he heard something from one of the statues...

"You're a pirate." He said, and even with the accent, it was clear it had a note of incredulity. He had been a slave, but even arena fighters had ears. He knew of Sartosa and its reputation. Granted, perhaps the common man did have greater agency to kill the other in this land. It was hard to say, he had always been made to kill. Gingerly, he took a step to the right, and his foot landed on a tile of sandstone upon the floor, only this square pressed into the floor gently. Quickly Bahadir leaped back, cursing himself for a fool, expecting a pit to open up below them to swallow them up, impaling them on spikes.

However, the tile merely slid under the next one, and as it did so, the sand was displaced enough to reveal it had the image of the sun. He recognized the visage within the symbol. It had been Ptra, the same god who's statue had crumbled and slain a Rhinox during their hopeless arena match not a week ago. Most Arabyans were superstitious, but Bahadir was unsure of how much coincidence there truly was in the world. Perhaps the God did watch over him? Or merely watch him...

The far wall began to rumble, and it split into two, opening up into a dark corridor, the shadows oppressing the space save for a small gleam of red light in the center. A diamond upon a dias, glowing faintly. There was another whisper as a breeze flew through the long chamber into the room of idols. Bahadir and Calliope brandished their weapons, on edge.

But all was still.

Bahadir was poised like the tiger he had been compared to, before he stepped forward, careful with his weight upon the floor. As he approached, Calliope behind, the flames from the torch revealed the ground was littered with bones and mottled weapons, the blades eaten by the ages. They stepped, and were careful to move past the diamond. Calliope eyed it as if she were to pocket it, her fingers brushing the flawless cut, but she drew her hand back and shook her head.

"Bloody hell, I feel like I'm in a melodrama." Calliope remarked. "Ancient gods can kiss my ass. But that's a pretty thing-"

There was a clap from above, and both of the fighters glanced up to see a column of the slim roof of stone falling on them like a guillotine. Calliope sprang forward, Bahadir leaping ahead. But as the pirate stepped, another column fell in front of her, crushing the bones beneath its immense weight. This sent the two of them squishing into one another as the columns slammed into the floor like two gateways, the torch nearly burning Bahadir's face as Calliope's face was shoved into his pectorals. Slowly, she turned her head so her face was free enough to speak. "Bloody tomb! Move sailor, that's an order!"

"Aye Captain, just as soon as my ass can break stone!" Bahadir snapped, having learned some choice words from the dark woman, but luckily for them, the columns did not encompass the entirety of the hall. They wriggled out from between the columns, making their way down the corridor as fast as they could. Another column fell, slamming into the floor. Evidently that had caused a chain reaction, as the floor itself began to shudder. Stones gave way, their sturdy base losing a hopeless battle to gravity. Calliope leaped, and Bahadir shot left, planting his feet on the wall and launching himself from that added vantage point. With his momentum, he managed to snag Calliope's belt and boost her own inertia before they hit the floor of the following chamber, barely missing an endless drop by a mere foot.

"Ugh, Manaan's arse." She breathed, sitting up and rubbing her head. Bahadir sat up too, revealing Calliope had landed on his chest. She slid down to plop on his thigh as Bahadir groaned, blinking. Before he could curse himself, Calliope elbowed him in the stomach eagerly and a bit too hard, causing him to grunt.

"Bahadir, look alive!" She declared, and he followed her finger to get a good look at the rest of the room.

Bahadir doubted it was anything close to a Sultan's treasure room, but it was more wealth than he had ever seen before in one place! Bronze, meter tall sculptures of high priests and men of imperial office framed four different doors, each with eyes of lapis lazuli and earrings of semiprecious stones. Gold sequin littered the floor, like autumn leaves surrounding an oblong pool of clean, crisp water at the center of the chamber. The roof was domed, depicting a mosaic of a witch made of jade and a man in bronze embraced in passion. Their outlines were adorned with jewels that glittered in the light. Chests of mahogany where the sequins originated (as well as various trinkets such as rings and bracelets) had been opened, with skeletons still reaching in, their heads removed or their ribs shattered from some blunt force.
Hidden 7 days ago 7 days ago Post by Penny
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Well... dosen't take a genius to figure this one out," Calliope said, and picked up an ancient spear that lay discarded in some ancient adventurers haste to get to the chests. She thrust the point of the spear underneath a chest and heaved. The ancient stave flexed but with a heave she overturned the chest. Gold and jewels poured out in a clinking landslide that was immediately lost by the detonation of some unseen force. One of the skeletons exploded into powder and the others were blown in all directions in a shower of disarticulated bones.

"Sorcery," Bahadir muttered darkly. Calliope whose own nascent abilities in that area had never really been developed chuckled and wedged the point of her spear under another chest.

"If you use magic to create a sword," she grunted as she overturned another chest, provoking a sything that left a ripple in the air at about the height of the decapitated skeletons. "It is still just a sword."

"What if the gold is cursed?" Bahadir asked as Calliope upended a third chest, this time creating a great inrushing vortex of dust that boomed like thunder. Calliope tossed the spear to the ground and knelt to begin gathering gold and gems.

"Well we are currently buried alive in the tomb of some ancient evildoer," she replied, the gold parted to reveal a large sapphire which Calliope easily seized. To her surprise it actually formed the pommel of a long slightly curved sword. She marveled at its fine quality and made a couple of experimental cuts in the air.

"How much worse is a curse likely to make things?"
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