Good evening! I’m brand new here. I’m a 33 year old woman and I roleplay primarily over email, with Discord for OOC chat. I generally write 1-5 paragraphs per post and reply daily, but can write much more.
I have an idea I’ve wanted to do for ages, involving themes of faith and loss of faith, political radicalism, trauma, moral injury, self-imposed exile, alienation, and running from your past. It requires my partner to play a Catholic priest. I would like someone who is comfortable with characters who are 40ish. More info below:
We can do it as gen, or it can have M/M romance. I am willing to write adult scenes if my partner is an adult. I think this would be fun as a taboo romance — something that starts as a sweet transgressive gay romance, and builds to the conflict I describe.
The premise:
It is 2009, in an American city. Your character is newly assigned to a parish that also runs a domestic violence shelter. My character is the cafeteria manager there, and has been for ten years. Shortly after the priest’s arrival, one of the resident’s ex-husband’s attacks her in the shelter parking lot; my character intervenes, but kills the man in the process.
The killing was certainly justifiable homicide, but the cafeteria manager has an… odd reaction. He doesn’t seem very troubled that he killed a man. He seems panicked that the police are going to want to speak with him further. Eventually, backed into a corner, he admits everything to the priest: he’s not who he says he is. He’s killed before.
x x x
I do have a second idea, which can be M/F, M/M, or M/M/M or F/M/M. It is, broadly, Vampire/Human. My character will be a male vampire.
The premise:
Your character is broke — actually on the verge of homelessness — but fit and healthy. They make ends meet sometimes by selling plasma, and sometimes afterwards they use some of the money to get a burger at one specific ultra-cheap diner. There’s a regular, my character, there who YC chats with sometimes. Today, he buys YC’s meal and asks if YC will hear him out on a business proposal.
YC figured it’s a scam or some sexual proposition, but agrees just to be polite. It’s much weirder than that.
MC explains that he and his partner suffer from a very rare genetic condition, so rare that it has no name. MC is doing fine, but his partner is very ill, and needs regular small blood transfusions to remain stable. Insurance won’t pay for any further transfusions, and it has become prohibitively expensive to pay out of pocket. He wants to buy small quantities of YC’s blood, having previously verified that it is of the correct type and YC is healthy from their conversations. He can collect and transfuse the blood himself, he assures YC.
It’s objectively insane — but when YC babbles that they may have to leave the area soon anyway because of their impending eviction, MC offers room and board on top of payment.
(Of course, my character and his parter are actually vampires. They can be relatively safe, or very dangerous and monstrous based on your preference.)
If either of these appeal, please drop me a line here, or on Discord at spooky_spaghetties. There are more details to plot #1, but I’d like to discuss them privately.