~Rodos village~

The plot takes place in the Lanvaldear Kingdom, in the village called Rodos to me bore specific. Lavaldear is at war against it's neighbours, Kimlaska Kingdom and Telim Kingdom. Despite there is no sign of losing the war King Velenar odered to deploy all the professional troops just to not run eny chance.
The King's decision however had a drawback: Small towns such as Rodos were totally exposed to attacks from bandits and monsters. The Generals came up with a solution: recruit auxiliary troops and this is when our characters come into scene. Rodo's stronghold opened it's gates to new recruits willing to protect their town.
Now you show up at the gates of thr stonghold wearing the equipment they had given you, not knowing what future awaits

Now now, do not think you will wear a shiny armor, recruits wear all the same cheap equiment: a gambeson and a sword, some prefer to wield a shiend but it's not reglamentary for recruits.

List of Npc's (to be edited often:
-King Velenar (might not even see him but it's good we know he exists)
-Stronghold Commander Ysgramor
-Sword insturctor Jaro Orca

Character sheet:
-Previous ocupation:
-Bio (optional)

List of recruits:
-Vera Kratz @Who is Who