<Snipped quote by Path>
*Clears my throat, and after an uncomfortably long moment, a red magic circle materializes over my eye*
*the path gets dark with a glimmer that is in the distance*
You see nothing?
<Snipped quote by Path>
*Clears my throat, and after an uncomfortably long moment, a red magic circle materializes over my eye*
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*the path gets dark with a glimmer that is in the distance*
You see nothing?
<Snipped quote by Path>
Something's shining. Everything around it is magically dead.
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*Stops and removes the tether*
I want to know your thoughts.
<Snipped quote by Path>
I'll let you know—
*Triggers an analysis of the light*
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*the glimmer appears to twitch*
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...It's unstable. Fluctuating.
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Or its movement. It seems to have tiny flares of brightness, no?
<Snipped quote by Path>
Maybe. It's hard to make out.
*Squints and taps my temple*
Lily, zoom and enhance.
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*as you increase the magnification of your vision you notice the glimmer to be lightly brighter, but is moving around more*
I still want to know what you think if the magical energy being wiped out. Completely dead. Past the creature we fought.
<Snipped quote by Path>
It's hard to say. Could be the dungeon itself up to some tricks. Could be our friend over there. Who knows?
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It’s a trap, or at least it’s a stall tactic, and we took the bait. They used the room that was overflowing with magical energy to mask themselves and what was further down. Suppressing themselves while getting the rest of the dungeon for themselves. They are more than experienced.
*nothing appears to be different about my eyes as I watch down the dungeon halls and we pass a room that has massive beast with a blade impaling its skull and planted in the ground*
<Snipped quote by Path>
You're thinking they looted this thing under our noses?
*Takes a detour and inspects the creature*
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*As you enter there are four more smaller yet still fearsome looking beasts that are laid out on the ground with various fatal wounds*
Yup, and they seem to be currently in combat or moving towards the next room.
<Snipped quote by Path>
*Holds my hand out, and red squares flitter down onto the blade, inspecting its attributes*
You mean to tell me this dungeon has laid dormant all this time, and someone conquers the floor exactly when we arrive? That smells.
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*the massive blade appear to be practically a giant slab of metal on a handle, possibly the beast’s own weapon*
Smells like what?
<Snipped quote by Path>
*Grimaces and takes a step back, looking for traces of magical energy*
It means it's suspicious.
*Leaves the combat room*
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*the room is devoid of any magical energy or lifeforce*
Ah, well. Yes, I concur. But it’s not an uncommon tactic for dungeon crawlers.
<Snipped quote by Path>
To preempt another party? I'd buy that if this was a popular dungeon.
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You make a point, though this is a dungeon that only foreigners of this world can enter. It would be wise to prevent or even tire out the other parties as you would venture. In case they may be hostile