I knew you wheeeeeen.
What's up everyone? I used to frequent this site a few years back and decided to check up on it and try to get back into rp-ing. Apparently there was some sort of text-based apocalypse though and now I'm a newbie again, yay! Like I said, I'm looking to get back into rp-ing, I would assume I'm a little rusty, but we'll see. I prefer high-casual stuff set in original universes, so if you have something in mind, let me know. Once I get a back into the swing of things, I'll probably host an rp or two, so keep yours eyes out for that. Thanks for reading and I'll be seeing you lot around. :)
What's up everyone? I used to frequent this site a few years back and decided to check up on it and try to get back into rp-ing. Apparently there was some sort of text-based apocalypse though and now I'm a newbie again, yay! Like I said, I'm looking to get back into rp-ing, I would assume I'm a little rusty, but we'll see. I prefer high-casual stuff set in original universes, so if you have something in mind, let me know. Once I get a back into the swing of things, I'll probably host an rp or two, so keep yours eyes out for that. Thanks for reading and I'll be seeing you lot around. :)