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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


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As the pilgrim crests the hill he sees the holy city of Elid spread out before him, the last light of the sun, casting an ethereal glow over the countless buildings. One building however, stands out, it is the reason the pilgrim has come. In the center of the city a flaming crescent, symbol of Eia, goddess of creation and purity, rises atop a cathedral spire, looking down over the city, promising the protection of the goddess to those who dwell there. The pilgrim makes his way through the city, heading straight for the cathedral, passing merchants hawking wares, farmers, bringing crops to prepare for tomorrow's market, workers heading to the many local inns for food and drink. As the last rays of light dip below the hills the cathedral’s bells begin to ring and the pilgrim enters the cathedral. Outside the city slowly begins to go quiet until all that is left is the sound of a slight drizzle starting to fall from the heavens. The city sleeps but, in the quiet darkness, it’s true heart stirs. In the night masters of stealth, deceit and worshipers of the dark gods flourish. Hidden from the public’s eye, these shady characters perform the less righteous tasks that nobles, Lord Pelliar, and even some priests of Eia, require. The cities heart lays beating to those willing to look deeper, will you embrace the darkness?

Quick note, this page is not quite finished. At the moment is something like a body that was melted from the head down. The head is fine, but the rest is still just a skeleton that has to be fleshed out still. I wanted to get this out there earlier rather than later so when my spring break starts (next week) I can have plenty of time to role play and several players who are all ready to play as well. thanks for reading.
Also, because I dont have a place for this yet, This is not Fantasy! it is more like historical fiction. I know how much fun it is to be Altair and as much as the assassin's creed games seem historical, they are so wrong. I did a suprising amount of research to create this, and if it didnt actually exist you can bet, whatever it is doesnt exist in Elid


Lenmoore Abbey
The abbey is home to St.Marin’s cathedral, a massive building with spires, stained windows and high vaulted ceilings, rivaled only by Lord Pelliar’s castle. Surrounding the cathedral is a large garden, filled with marble fountains, towering trees, ornate benches, and small altars. On the northern edge of the garden a small complex lies the home of most of the priests.
The Redrun River
One of Elids greatest assets is the Redrun River. It is the last city on the river that boats are able to travel to, and thus the largest in-land trade center in the country. The banks of the river are much lower than most of the streets and several people have built into the side of the banks to save space inside the walls.
Redrun Falls
A massive cliff looms several miles north of Elid, from which the Redrun river cascades to the ground below.
The Market
Just outside the Abbey, in the churches outer courtyard, a market is set up most sunny days. You can find all sorts of wares from exotic jewlery and strange foods from the southern ocean to common fabrics, produce and plenty of urchins looking for a few spare crowns.
Lord Pelliar’s Castle
A bend in the river gives Lord Pelliar’s castle a partial moat. That and the high walls offer great protection. But before it was a castle, it was more of a manor home, and was one of the first buildings in the city.
The Prison
Built in the ground, near the castle is Elid’s prison though it is not often used. Most captured criminals are either killed or pardoned by connection to a noble house. It is mainly used for holding those who dont pay taxes or criminals waiting to be hanged.
The Slip
Many criminals refer to the cities sewer system as “The Slip”. The sewers are often used by lower ranked criminals to make trades, get jobs, or anything else that they want to keep secret. Also, The Slip is often used to evade the law and several buildings have secret entrances to it.
Lenmoore Cemetery
At the back of the Abbey’s churchyard, is the entrance to a cemetery. Often lesser nobles and rich commoners are buried here, with or without a gravestone, depending on the person's wealth while lords and higher nobles generally have a catacomb, they are associated with.
The Royal Catacombs
While many noble houses have catacombs, by far the most signifigant is that of the lords family. The entrance to the catacomb is located inside the Church of Eia.
Craft Guilds
Elid has several craft guilds, for nearly every profession but some of the most influential include the Judges Guild, the Bankers Guild, and the Traders Guild.
Thief Guilds, gangs and cults
several criminal organizations have taken to calling themselves guilds and while they try and keep as much secret as possible, the general existance of them is known to the public, while details like name, location, how to contact them and such is much harder to find.
Inns & Taverns:
I dont have time to describe each one right now but I will get to it
- The Kilted Gnome
- The Crooked Crown
- The Lenmoore Inn
- The Redrun Bend Tavern
- The Staggering Bard

There are also many businesses, such as blacksmiths, silversmiths, tailors, stables, cobblers, etc., each of which can for the most part be found in different qualities (ie. there would be a different tailor for nobles then for merchants.)


Ravens Wing
Ravens Wing is one of the three most powerful criminal organizations in the Elin underground but also, the smallest of the three. Nearly all nine members have connections to positions of power that protect them and allow them to have a significant influence on politics. They have no one leader but they are all very skilled in what they do. For the most part they are hired by nobles in secret to perform assassinations or other jobs that will bring misfortune to the clients enemies.
The whisperers
The whisperers, led by Gilheim, are the second of The Three. They have gained their status mainly through wealth rather than skill. The Whisperers are, for the most part, information brokers. They have contacts or members in nearly every major organization and at least half of the noble houses.
The Red Hand
The Red Hand (often just called The Hand), led by Odious, is a group of criminals who mainly work for other underground clients.while they are not as skilled as Ravens Wing or as wealth as The Whisperers their skills are much broader and their numbers much larger. As such, they are much cheaper though perhaps not always quite as reliable.
The Silver (mercenary/bounty hunter guild)
The Church of Eia
The cult of Eia
Other Churches
Major Trade Guilds
Other Minor Trade Guilds
The Royal Guard
The Monarchy
The Watchers (counter assassins)


Lord Pelliar and his family
Noble houses:
Gilheim (leader of The Whisperers)
Odious (Leader of the Red Hand)
Reverend Saint Morius VI (head of the church of Eia)
other religious leaders:
- Falias the Pure (leader of the cult of Eia)

Religion & Major Deities

Eia, The Creator
Neril, Keeper of the Scale
Mia & Maya, Children of the Scale
Gelthor, The Betrayer
Kilnor, the Wretch
Dipon, The Strong
More to come……...

The Three sections of town.

The Eastrun
The Westrun
The Fold


1. Obviously, follow all the rules of site while observing those I put forward
2. This one is more of a warning that I expect there to be mature content. This includes, topics such as but not limited to: slavery, sex, violence, sad feelings, continuity, and intelligent role-playing
3. my rules are not actually rules but rather a list of things I feel the need to say that may or may not already be obvious.
4. Cats…… I felt the need to say that.
5. Most NPCs are free game. However, if you would like to take on the role of a guild master, Lord Pelliar, saint Morius VI or pretty much anyone else on the people section, I would like to try and keep them consistent so let me know before anything crazy happens to them.
6. Rule five includes killing any of them
7. I continuously write criminal above rather than thief because not all criminal are thieves.
8. I allow one liners as long as they are necessary. In fact I personally like one liners sometimes. If it is the right words, sometimes anything more than one line can have a detrimental effect.

Character Sheet

(things marked with and * are very optional and feel free to add fields if you need them. Also, if you want to keep any part of your character secret from the others, feel free to PM me your CS and I vow not to reveal anything you ask me not to.)

Three Greatest Skills
Three greatest weaknesses
One Greatest love:
Your Characters Motivation:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ill post my character(s) here soon
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

MatthiasAngel said
Okay, quick story and question. A few months back I got involved in a semi-fantasy RP (weapons and physics were a tad unrealistic), in which one was either one of the "bad guys in a mass gang" or one of the "good guys sort of doing their own thing." I opted to be the town mercenary, on-call by the mayor (or whoever) to take care of potential problems and rumors that were too vague or risky for police investigation. It actually worked well, until the thread spontaneously exploded. My character somehow ended up between a rogue sniper and a group of armed mercenaries and people weren't sure what to do about it. o_oIn an RP relating to crime in a pristine city, can I play an on-call specialist? It's a bit difficult to explain, but I hope you get the general concept. Listen to rumors, investigate at night, maybe get in a fight or two, and contact the local guards (if the city has them) with info, just to keep the thugs on their toes.I'd also like you to clarify the extent of weapon and combat evolution in Elid. "No guns" seems like a given, but archery and poison would change things drastically, along with the type of armor available .Sorry for the long post!

Well first of all, just to let you know, good and bad guys are not so dry cut in Elid. A person, take a priest for example, may seem like a good person, doing what is best for others, and priests of Eia preach purity. But every living person has prices and sometimes does things that might not be considered so righteous. For example, while our priest is generally a good person, he sometimes has to resort to contacting a criminal to take care of something. Or perhaps he is promised a huge amount of money to get some person kicked out of the church, for enough benefit to himself he will, its human nature. (and I know you didnt really ask that but I thought it was an important topic to bring up)
Now on to your second point, What you are describing is a character that to me sounds quite like they could be one of the silver (ill have more info on them later), though they could very easily work alone. And yes, there is a city guard.
Now, lastly, as far as weapons go, Elid is somewhere between the medieval times and Renaissance-esque times, as such, there are swords, lances, spears, etc. of all shapes and sizes, and bows and crossbows that cover most of the weapons. Also, basic siege weapons exist (though I dont see why or how you could get one of these) and while poisons do exist, they are not the kind you find in fantasy that you rub on a dagger and after stabbing someone they begin feeling weary and then die. Any poisons that would be discovered yet would be things that work best over long periods of time of being fed in food and drink. Any poisoned weapons would just help infect the wound rather than actually poisoning them. However, this can be effective if you done need them to die right away, as doctors and medicine is not very advanced yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


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Name: Darcy (means “dark, dark-haired” or “descendant of the dark one") O'Connor
Nickname/alias: Red
Age: 24
Three Greatest Skills
2)Pick Pocketing
3)Good With Words
Three greatest weaknesses
1)Wears her heart on her sleeve
2)Hot Headed
One Greatest love: Family
Your Characters Motivation: Darcey is a petty criminal so she can put food on the table for her son

Personality: Darcy is very talkative, and will talk your ear off any chance she gets. She changes her mind like the breeze and will change her mind several times before doing anything. She is very clever and charming, but is also rather scatterbrained.
History: Darcey grew up in the prestigious O'Connor clan. The 5th born of 7 children, and the only girl Darcey often felt left behind. Her mother died in childbirth with her youngest brother, and her father was always busy spending time with his boys. She is the black sheep in the family and upon getting pregnant, out of wedlock, at the age of 19 she was promptly disowned by her whole family. Darcy works as a bar maid at The Kilted Gnome, which insures that she hears all the local gossip as well as any of the shady deals that go on under her watch. When she's not at work, or robbing people blind right under their noses, Darcey can be found spending time with her 5 year old son Bartley.
Gear: Lock picks, dagger
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

nattylight1992 said
Your Characters Motivation: Darcey is a petty criminal so she can put food on the table for her son
.History: She is the black sheep in the family and upon getting pregnant, out of wedlock, at the age of 19 she was promptly disowned by her whole family. Darcy works as a bar maid at The Kilted Gnome, which insures that she hears all the local gossip as well as any of the shady deals that go on under her watch. When she's not at work, or robbing people blind right under their noses, Darcey can be found spending time with her 5 year old son Bartley.

For the most part I like your Character, I just have a couple comments.
motivation: you say she needs to steal to get enough for her and her son to eat. Later you say she works at the Kilted Gnome. A job as a barmaid would easily pay her expenses.
I understand the disowning part but just to let you know, This is more historical fiction than fantasy. This means a girl will often marry as early as 13 or 14.
other than that, just know that again, this is not really fantasy, in fact Elid is fairly based off London, or as much as I know about it..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well first of all, just to let you know, good and bad guys are not so dry cut in Elid. A person, take a priest for example, may seem like a good person, doing what is best for others, and priests of Eia preach purity. But every living person has prices and sometimes does things that might not be considered so righteous. For example, while our priest is generally a good person, he sometimes has to resort to contacting a criminal to take care of something. Or perhaps he is promised a huge amount of money to get some person kicked out of the church, for enough benefit to himself he will, its human nature.

Alright. I like this idea. But you did say "contacting a criminal," so a player could be a straight-up criminal with all the worst intentions, but they could also be a normal person forced into desperation.

Now on to your second point, What you are describing is a character that to me sounds quite like they could be one of the silver (ill have more info on them later), though they could very easily work alone. And yes, there is a city guard.

A ex-Silver with more good intentions than bad, perhaps?

Now, lastly, as far as weapons go, Elid is somewhere between the medieval times and Renaissance-esque times, as such, there are swords, lances, spears, etc. of all shapes and sizes, and bows and crossbows that cover most of the weapons. Also, basic siege weapons exist (though I dont see why or how you could get one of these) and while poisons do exist, they are not the kind you find in fantasy that you rub on a dagger and after stabbing someone they begin feeling weary and then die.

Fantastic. How about control? Is it a place where anyone can carry a sword, or are only the guards supposed to have weapons? That would change whether my weapon is a special hand-crafted blade or if is just whatever I could find, although I would expect a mercenary to be allowed to carry a weapon of some kind.

Any poisons that would be discovered yet would be things that work best over long periods of time of being fed in food and drink. Any poisoned weapons would just help infect the wound rather than actually poisoning them. However, this can be effective if you done need them to die right away, as doctors and medicine is not very advanced yet.

Good. I wasn't planning on working with poison anyway. As a holy city, though, I would expect that medicine be relatively advanced.

I'll post a character sheet later today for your review.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here you go. It's been a while since I participated in an RP, so please let me know what changes you want me to make (unrealistic details, incorrect assumptions, etc etc).

Name: Matthias Angel (I've been using Matt in RPs for years so I'm going to stick with him)
*Nickname/alias: Angel
Age: 23
This is a futuristic picture I drew for the heck of it. Ignore the time-manipulation device, arm computer and chest rig, and that's what he looks like.

Three Greatest Skills
1) Above-average hearing.
2) Talented in unarmed combat, both offense and defensive.
3) Capable of using adrenaline at will.
Three greatest weaknesses
1) Constantly ready to fight rather than retreat when outnumbered.
2) Waves of depression/apathy (history).
3) When the adrenaline wears off, it resulting in uncontrollable nausea, shakiness and exhaustion for an extended period of time.
One Greatest love: Amie Jane (history)
Your Characters Motivation: Fulfillment of a promise
Personality: Matt is a two-sided coin. When it comes to general interaction with common folk and authority, he is optimistic and relatively sociable. He treats superiors with appropriate respect and isn't too proud to bow to an elder. When he's on his own, whether training, working or investigating, he becomes silent and serious. All sense of courtesy vanishes and brute force is always an option. It can haunt him after an assignment is over, and he generally needs a while to "cool down" before taking on another assignment.
History: (This will involve the Silver, so I will wait for a little more detail before posting).
Gear: Two 18" daggers (one strapped to each leg) colored flat black to avoid reflecting light. Lockpick set (if allowed). Roll of gauze for emergency temporary treatment and protection.
Other: He carries Amie's necklace at all times. It is his best source of motivation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MatthiasAngel
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MatthiasAngel Not actually an angel

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

On second thought, I'm going to withdraw my submission. I'm not comfortable with the topic material or with my character, and I'd rather play it safe than join and feel the need to withdraw later on when the story is already underway. Plus, I'm in college with a few large tests coming up and I'm trying to avoid getting heavily involved in an RP. I hope you get more submissions, because this sounds well-designed, but I'm not going to participate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

MatthiasAngel said
On second thought, I'm going to withdraw my submission. I'm not comfortable with the topic material or with my character, and I'd rather play it safe than join and feel the need to withdraw later on when the story is already underway. Plus, I'm in college with a few large tests coming up and I'm trying to avoid getting heavily involved in an RP. I hope you get more submissions, because this sounds well-designed, but I'm not going to participate.

That's a shame, I was liking Matthias but I completely understand, Ive had to do the same thing in the past. If at a later time you feel like you do want to play than let me know, I wanted this RP to be something that people can join when ever they like anyways.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Name: Rhrangarad 'Rhan' Flist
*Nickname/alias: Rh [Always written with a uppercase R and a lowercase h]
Age: 22
Appearance: http://diestruktur.com/asianmandan/music/April%202009/laroux.jpg
Three Greatest Skills
1) Singing 'works at a pub, for the entertainment there.'
2) Engineering.
Three greatest weaknesses
1) Not strong
2) Can't swim
3) not stealthy
One Greatest love: Money, money money, always sunny, in a rich man's world.
Your Characters Motivation: Seeing smiles on people's faces when she performs.
*Personality: Feisty if someone makes a move on her, a man tried to pick her up and the result was a hard smack on the face.
History: Left out on the streets, she began to sing in the streets, people began to drop money in a pile, and before long she was performing in a pub and had become somewhat of a local celebrity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Totts said
Nickname/alias: Rh [Always written with a uppercase R and a lowercase h]
Three Greatest Skills
1) Singing 'works at a pub, for the entertainment there.'
2) Engineering.
One Greatest love: Money, money money, always sunny, in a rich man's world.

for the most part, Rhrangarad is fine but I have a few things to say
1. this is at a time when most people dont know how to read yet so may I ask how you pronounce Rh?
2. what exactly do you mean when you say "Singing 'works at a pub, for the entertainment there.'"
3. where would she learn engineering on the streets?
4. while I suppose she could love money and the smileing faces of those she sings for, they seem a little contradictory.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


Member Offline since relaunch

1. If i said Rhagfyr sounds like 'rag-fur' does that make sense? It's either pronounced as a normal r or a rolled one.
2. The entertainment she does is singing
3 :P, fine, I'll switch that for social skills
4. Her money is her motivation then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All right, sounds good. And I dont want you to have to change your character too much if you dont want to so if you can think of something to add to your history that might explain her skills that would also be fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Paradox_Lord


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Edward Trior
*Nickname/alias: The Eye in the Shadows
Age: 34
Appearance: A scraggly man of medium height with a shaved head, brown eyes, a crooked nose, and a weasely face. He is much more wealthy than he would like you to know, so he usually wears common clothes and a dark cloak.
Three Greatest Skills
1) The ability to acquire any item or piece of information- for the right price
2) He is so plain and quiet that he easily blends in wherever he goes
3) Connections. He has a strong reputation in his particular "business", and has earned or bought the favor of many men
Three greatest weaknesses
1) Physical weakness- he would lose in any fight, and usually must rely on hired bodyguards
2) He has many enemies who would rather he were gone
3) Extremely paranoid, thinks everyone is out to get him
One Greatest love: "Favors". He loves it when others are in his debt.
Your Characters Motivation: He enjoys that he makes a lot of money and has a lot of influence, but that is not why he does what he does. This is his passion, snooping around and finding the things that nobody else can find challenges him.
Personality: Paranoid, manipulative, possibly bipolar
History: His father was a drunkard, so he had to pick pockets to survive. He was found by a thieves' guild who trained and employed him as a lookout then a spy. After a rift occurred in the guild, he set out as a "freelancer", and has been doing the same thing ever since, the number one in mercenary espionage.
Gear: His only weapon is a small knife for defensive purposes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dirkinz


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Every thing looks good Paradox, your in
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Totts


Member Offline since relaunch

Drirkinz, please remember the difference between 'your' and 'you're' you're is always a shortened version of you are, and your indicates possesion 'your cat'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Paradox_Lord


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

dirkinz said
Every thing looks good Paradox, your in

Thank you
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Paradox_Lord


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Any idea when the roleplay will begin?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Paradox_Lord


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hello everyone, what's going on?
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