Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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"Woo! Freak pokemon, here i come!" Rasca shifted her hand into a fist, and pumped the air with it. Turning back towards Leon, she chuckled lightly. "Over-achieving as usual i see. Maybe you'll be one of the greats, who knows?" She waved both hands out before herself, gesturing like a swimmer. "Those Eevee's will flock to you before you know it. Just a whole crowd of em will come up to you, and beg to be apart of the team." Rasca patted his head that Leon had been scratching. "Don't let it bother you too much."

Something didn't sit right in her mind, and she questioned Leon about it. "If you said he captured them, then wouldn't they be locked up somewhere?" 'Unless he released them and didn't tell anyone. But then...what did League champions do with all their pokeballs, once they defeated everyone that opposed them?' She didn't see the reason to keep any of them, unless they had a real special connection. But Rasca doubted anyone could have a lasting relationship with a legendary bird.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

“Depends on the trainer,” Leon replied. “From the studies I've done on Red, he wanted to fill the Pokedex. All 149 Pokemon put into a tiny, hand held computer. Now, that hand held is handed out to every new trainer by Professor Oak. Of course, we're special. We don't need a computer to tell us what a Pokemon is or can do.” He tapped the side of his head with a wide grin. “I have it all up here.” Shaking his head, he continued his explanation. “Red wanted to see and capture every Pokemon in the world. He succeeded, last I checked. With that kind of goal, I doubt he gave away his Pokemon. For one, he's the Champion. He receives challengers that succeed in the Pokemon League and manage to best the Elite Four.”

He went quiet at that, considering his choice of words. “The legend goes that he awaits atop Mount Silver, north of Cerulean City. The Pokemon Master of this generation and the one who successfully captured all 149,” he explained. “The first ever to do so. I know I don't have the strength to challenge him, but I've always wanted to pit my mind against his. Someone ingenious enough to capture all of them and, what more, beat the Elite Four...I might not be able to win with my strength, but I think the two of us can make it to Mount Silver at least.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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This new information on Red, let her be a bit more at ease about finding the pokemon. "A computer you say? So those legendary birds might still be out there for the taking!" [/i]'Especially Moltres.'[/i] Rasca didn't want to let on that she wanted that one bird for herself, or at least for a short-term traveling companion. It was embarrassing enough admitting that she actually took an interest in them. Her previous feelings were turned into one's of amusement when Leon pointed to his head. PokeDex Brains, was probably not an insult to him, though she didn't wish to inflict the wrong type of teasing towards him. So Rasca kept her mouth shut, and merely grinned in response. Although she didn't doubt that they would best the other gym leaders, with the right pokemon, she wasn't too sure about the Elite Four. Her grin turned into a frown as she thought of this.

Giving Leon a curious look, Rasca said, "So...you don't wanna battle him. At all. You just wanna.." Here her eyebrows crinkled in a slightly concerned manner as she finished her question. "Brain boggle him?" The original Pokedex Master, against her best friend Leon. Despite Rasca's best intentions towards him, she did not feel one hundred percent confident, that Leon would be able to best him so easily. Sure his mind was up to it, but actually doing it was totally different.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Leon shook his head, cocking his head to the side to look at her. “I plan to battle him. My style of battling, though, is not to fight with power. It's a game. Who do I send out in this situation? What move do I counter with? Should I use an item here?” He was growing more excited by the moment. “I don't need strength if I can out think him. I just need to find a way to do so. Though, to do so, I'm going to need a lot of help. I'm sure I can do it with Nido, though. Isn't that right?” His Pokemon gave a happy cry, smiling up at him.

“Okay, Rasca. We should be more serious now,” he stated, his smile softening a bit as he looked around. They were just entering the treeline. “I'm thinking each of us should have two other Pokemon by the time we leave this forest. It'll give us a bit of variety against Brock. Sound good?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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Rasca let him ramble without interruption, merely nodding her head when he spoke. Leon was mostly talking to himself and his pokemon anyway, though she figured if the questions kept coming his way, he would gladly go on about all the ways he could battle Red. She decided to trust his instincts, and believe that he really would be one of the few people to actually beat Red. 'Either that, or Leon would become absolutely crushed. Probably not just pokemon wise too.'

"Yeah, but what kinda pokemon should we have? I mean..would Oddish be ok?" She looked around at the treeline, hoping to spot at least one pokemon that wasn't too dangerous for Leon to start out on. Rasca was thinking that she would battle for the both of them. But if not, then there was always a less dangerous pokemon out there, who could easily be bested against his Nido. Though after they defeated it, and supposing they kept it..'Wouldn't we have to take it back to town, just to have two fully functioning, and healed pokemon?'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

“Oddish would be good, considering the first two gyms we'll be facing,” Leon confirmed. “Most Pokemon in this forest will be bug or grass types. Maybe a few water types here and there. Grass or water would help with the first gym, though.” He paused a moment, glancing over at her. “By the way, Rasca. I know how things normally are...but let me train too. I'm not gonna get anywhere on this adventure if I can't even fight with Nido or capture my own Pokemon. Alright?” He knew how she was. He appreciated her efforts, always standing up for him with bullies. This, however, was different. He cared about Pokemon and making a name for himself here. He didn't want her to baby him like he usually allowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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Rasca snorted, and patted Leon's head. "Alright big guy, catch your own pokemon for all i care. I'm sure they'll all flock to you anyways." I mean, Superior and I would be bored to tears, just doing all the work ourselves." She squatted for a moment to pat her Nidoran's back. She gestured towards the forest line. " Be my guest Leon, catch your first pokemon for yourself." Rasca sat down all the way to watch the master at his work. Patting the ground beside her, Rasca waited for Superior to take a seat next to her. He grunted in frustration until she commanded him. Then he sat right down with a huff and watched.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Leon stepped forward, taking a look around as they moved. Nido was right by his side, sniffing the air every so often to check for other Pokemon in the area. It was coming up unfruitful for a short while. However, at length, Nido perked up, looking off to the right. "You find something?" he asked with a small grin. Without a word, the Nidoran darted off into the forest, Leon following after her. What they found was surprising enough. There were three Beedrill swarming the area, but the three Pokemon weren't focused on the newcomers. They were focused on their cornered prey. It was a weakened Oddish with a Bulbasaur standing over defensively. As a Beedrill moved to close in, it would be met with a Vine Whip, warding it off.

Bulbasaur was outnumbered, though. Even if Oddish could fight back, it was three on two. Not to mention, Beedrills were fully evolved. These two would be beaten in a long term battle, even if Bulbasaur was doing a good job of holding them off for the moment.

It didn't take long for Leon to assess the situation and make a decision. "Nido, Tackle!" The small Nidoran shot up, slamming into one of the Beedrill and knocking it away. The Bulbasaur looked surprised at this, but quickly acted, shooting its vines out to defend the Nidoran from the counterattack from the two other opponents. Nido quickly retreated back to the other two Pokemon, standing ready to fight. Leon sidled closer to them as well, watching the three Beedrill.

Even for him, this was a bit more than he had intended for his first match up. Rasca would see that too. Three fully evolved Pokemon against two that were in their first evolutionary stage. "Bulbasaur, I'm gonna need you to listen to my orders. If you listen to me, I can get all three of you out unharmed." He smiled a bit at the grass type, earning an understanding growl in response. "Nido, charge." The Nidoran shot forward, aiming for the closest Beedrill. "Right behind it, Razor Leaf." Bulbasaur did as asked. Nido ducked down, letting the Razor Leaf soar past it and strike the Beedrill, sending it to the ground.

Though, in doing so, he left the other two open.The last Beedrill was shooting at them, aiming to get them while they were distracted. Leon was already moving, darting in the way and scooping up the two grass types along the way. He rolled back, ending up in a crouch, letting Bulbasaur down slowly, but keeping Oddish close, being the injured one of the group.

He put himself in a harder situation, though. With three Beedrill still up, he was cornered, cut off from Nido.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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Rasca beckoned for Superior to come closer, and ordered him to quickly dash at the Beedrill blocking Leon's way. After thoroughly giving Leon a tongue lashing, she raced after the middle Beedrill, knocking her full force into it's back as she pummeled it to the ground. The final Beedrill tried to pierce Rasca's arm with it's stinger as she fell, but it missed by a hair's length. Growling at Bulbasaur and Leon, she knocked them out of the opening Superior had made for them. There was enough room for Nido to come back in and help, though Rasca had no control over what she did.

Superior however, was able to come by her side and fight the other two Beedrill. The third one had finally become battled enough to be knocked out. "Hey Leon, now that you're done risking yourself for those two pokemon, why don't you come in here again?!" Honestly, she couldn't be more upset at him for going in the midst of the melee. Now was not the time to show it, as they still had to fight the remaining pokemon.

She did not want the bulbasaur to come back into the fight however, because Leon had just told it that he would get them out of there. They would lose it's trust if he went back on his promise now. At least, that's what she thought. To make it easy for the pokemon to choose, Rasca called out once more. "If the Bulbasaur feels like it can help, that would really be appreciated!"

Two Beedrill's left, and Rasca was running out of options to use as attacks. 'Why didn't we stock up on more stuff at the store?' Superior seemed to be fine energy wise. Though she wasn't sure when he would begin to tire out. The only thing that bothered her, was the fact that she had been hit at least once by their poison sting. She vented a bit of her frustration off at Leon.

"Come with me to the forest he says! It'll be a fun adventure, he says!" In retrospect, Rasca was having a lot of fun. Pain was a factor that could be ignored for the moment. She had mentioned that fighting pokemon herself, would be amazing... so there wasn't much to complain about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Oh, you know you're enjoying yourself," Leon shot back. Instead of moving to her side, though, he simply whistled, letting Nido come back to him. Now the Beedrill were surrounded by the two Nidorans and a Bulbasaur. He glanced down at the grass type and grinned at him. "Ready to take them down?" The Bulbasaur cried confidently, planting its feet and preparing for the next attack. "Go, Leech-"

"Smokescreen!" a woman's voice shouted above the other two. A plume of smoke cascaded out of the trees, covering the battlefield and losing all participants of the battle within. There was the sound of fighting before everything went quiet again. Leon tensed, crouching down close to Bulbasaur and Nido, keeping Oddish close to him to keep it safe. Slowly, though, the smoke began to clear. As it did, three figures stood there. A tall woman with blond hair, wearing a straw hat atop her head, stood at the center, a young Pikachu standing in front of her, the Beedrill fallen at its feet. At her right, a small Charmander stands, the user of the Smokescreen, apparently. Her clothing was very plain, though the beige jacket she word had the symbol for an electric type imprinted on the back.

Leon didn't move, still stiff and shifting his weight forward. He was keeping himself in the way of the three Pokemon with him as he stared at this woman. "Who...are you? From what I heard, no one usually lingers in this forest..." he stated slowly.

The woman smiled at him. "I suppose not. I keep a low profile," she replied. "If you two can still walk, why don't you come with me to my cot. I can get these Pokemon tended to. You really picked a hell of a fight for just entering the forest." Leon wasn't sure what to make of the situation, glancing towards Rasca. She was better with interacting with other humans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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"Don't make me come over there Leon! I'll show you how much fun i'm really having!" Disgruntled at not having Leon beside her to help, she picked up Superior and backed outwards from the melee to join him. Rasca did not get very far before her pokemon struggled out of her grip and onto her shoulders. "Oh now you want a back ride? Unbelievable."

'Hunh, Smokescreen? Wish our pokemon knew that trick. But then...who gave the command?' Cursing her foul luck for not thinking of using a similar scheme for the Beedrill, Rasca stood firm and waved away Superior's cries and growls of dissent. He didn't like the element of surprise they had used on the remaining pokemon. Though it was better not to complain to your rescuer. But why help them? What kind of good Samaritans were out there, that didn't expect anything in return? For now, she could be trusted. Her good nature could always be used against her, if things turned to worse in whatever little hut she lived in.

Rasca kept up appearances however, shrugging at Leon in a response to her sudden kindness. It wasn't like it would do them any good to deny her hospitality for now. "Actually, that was totally my best friend's fault. His ambition is to kill himself saving pokemon." She said all this after moving towards Leon and holding out a hand to help him up. Whether or not he took her hand, she trotted off after the lady. "It's quite a noble idea if you ask me." In the end, Rasca still supported his endeavors, especially when it meant being around to protect him. Understanding why he thrust himself into danger, was another question entirely.

Staying a few steps behind the blonde lady, she whispered in Leon's ear. "Seems ok for now. Don't look too hasty though, it might alarm her. " Looking around, as if embarrassed, Rasca went on. "And great job defending the pokemon. They probably would have been dead without you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Mm..." The woman seemed a bit distracted as she thought it over. "The Pokemon have been restless lately. Especially the Beedrill," she explained. "I'm glad you found those two when you did, though. I try to protect them, but I can't be everywhere at once, even with Charmander and Pika being around." The two Pokemon had stayed out of their balls, Pika settling itself down atop the woman's head and Charmander trailing behind. Though, it kept looking at Leon oddly, unnerving the young boy. While he was good with Pokemon, the attention was still odd, considering he hadn't done anything for the fire type.

"Well, enough of that. What's done is done," the woman said happily. "You two are from Viridian City, right? I assume you're heading for Pewter. Your parents alright with you traveling out like this?" She smiled almost in a motherly fashion as she regarded Rasca and then Leon.

Leon offered a shrug and a small smile. "I don't really have parents. So...don't really have a problem traveling," he explained. The boy didn't talk much about his family, not even to Rasca. As far as she knew, both had left him before he could talk. By the time they started hanging out, he was an orphan.

"Sorry to hear..." the woman said with a frown. "What about you?" She glanced towards Rasca.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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Rasca perked up a bit when the lady asked about her parents. They were of a normal sort, and there was a healthy amount of respect going on between them. Assuming she kept her grades, and responsibilities on the highest of levels. She shrugged as well, and gave a bland reply, so that Leon wouldn't feel crushed. "Oh.. you know, we're normal. Though i did leave a note for my parents before i left." Her tone became careless, and Rasca rambled a bit. "I bet they miss me. I would, if i were them." Regaining her composure, she directed a few questions at the lady.

"So why are you out here anyway? Besides stalking helpless pokemon, and saving little kids?" Rasca angled her shades a bit, reforming her words to make them sound more polite. "I mean, not that we're totally ungrateful brats...right Leon?" She elbowed him suggestively, hoping for him to back her up. While she waited for his answer, there was time to look around for the Bulbasaur. Superior was still clenched on her shoulder, so he swung around with her movements. Rasca kept her moves as slow as possible, so that he wasn't dislodged.

Though, looking at the lady, it did seem like she was passively copying how the pokemon was arranged. So she let Superior choose whether he wanted to sit or walk, and thankfully he hopped off her shoulder onto the ground. "Heavy beast, aren't ya." Rasca massaged her shoulder wearily, not used to having both the bag, and a pokemon. This gave her an idea that could easily trip them up, on their path. 'It could work...'

"Bulbasaur! Vine whip onto my arm!" She giggled at the thought of the pokemon hanging from her elbow like a miniature swing. After a few minutes of nothing happening, Rasca gave up on the idea, waiting to try it when he, or she was ready. 'Oh well, it was going to be painful anyways. What she didn't see, was that the Bulbasaur had waddled closer to her. If she had looked behind her, instead of smiling bewilderingly at Leon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Leon rolled his eyes at her antics, but allowed an easy smile to come to his lips as well. He appreciated how she tried to keep the topic off him and his lack of parents. The woman, meanwhile, started speaking again. "Well, I live here," she responded happily. "I've always loved the forest. I was born here and could never bear to leave. I traveled for a little while, but...well, I always find myself coming back here. Besides, I like to keep an eye out for interesting trainers." She winked at Rasca teasingly, a playful grin appearing. "Have to come through here to reach Pewter City. Most start from Pallet Town so it's as good a place as any."

"Where did you start?" the boy asked, seeming to have finally found his voice again. Though, to Rasca, he appeared a tad bit suspicious. Something wasn't right about this woman. There was more that she wasn't telling them.

"Right here, with Pika," she responded happily, letting the Pikachu jump down to her arms. "Charmander only came to me a few years ago. About...five? Ten?" Charmander let out a small cry, seeming to correct her. She laughed as if she could understand the small Pokemon. "Ah, that's right. It was ten. Though, ten years ago was when I found him as an egg. He only started becoming battle ready about a year ago."

Leon's eyes narrowed a bit while her back was turned. "You could understand him?"

The woman turned back, raising an eyebrow. "And you can't?" She had him there. He had always assumed it was just because of how much he studied Pokemon, but he could get a sense for what they were saying, even through their language. He had always assumed he was alone in that endeavor. It appeared that he wasn't, though.

Suddenly, he perked up, remembering a story. "Wait...you're..."

"A hermit. I don't like people much. I only show myself to a select few. You two happen to have been selected," the woman responded with a smile. It was faintly veiled, but Leon got the picture. He simply gave a nod, dropping the subject for the time being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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Gasping quietly to herself, Rasca thought, 'So she is stalking children! I knew it.' She kept a much closer eye on what the lady did now that she knew her purpose in staying in the forest. 'Must be one of the crazy nice ladies, that as soon as you try to leave, she sicks her pokemon on you.' The smile she offered did nothing to assuage the though that this woman had something creepy in mind for them. Who said that any of the trainers left her little hut, once they were let inside? Nobody, that's who. To keep the lady happy however, Rasca nodded as if she understood perfectly, letting an "Ahh." loose.

She was glad that Leon felt the same way about the woman as she did. It was almost too coincidential that those Beedrill had attacked around the place where the woman happened to be at the moment. The lady could have planted them there as a trap, and it worked all too well!

Careful to listen in on how the lady answered their questions, Rasca became very confused. How could there be yet another human being who was smarter than Leon, and could understand pokemon perfectly?! It just didn't make sense. Unless... the old hag really was insane, that would explain a few things. Especially being out here all alone. Rasca couldn't begin to think about how lonely it could be out here. Not to mention coming back to the forest like some kind of homing Pidgeotto.

"This lady is nuts." She mumbled under her breath, motioning with her eyes towards the woman's back. Hermit's were always the one's who ended up eating someone, and they weren't exactly loved by society. It was all the worst reasons to trust someone, only because she had more experience with pokemon fights. To top it all off, Rasca didn't like knowing the lady's name. Made her seem like she was apart of some sort of dream.

"So...Miss Hermit lady, what do two wonderful kids get as consolation prizes for being selected? Besides regaining our dignity after losing a battle."

Her shades framed one eyebrow as it shot up in slight amusement. "Unless you're going to work us to the bone, and then eat us. If that is the case, don't eat Leon, far too skinny."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Leon listened closely to both of them, glancing over at Rasca for a moment before looking up at the woman. "Well, your Pokemon will be healed, for starters," she stated with a shrug. Tugging her hat off, she let her golden blond hair fall out, reaching to just below her shoulders. "Here we are." She gestured out to a small hut in the middle of a clearing. It was like a classic look from a fairy tale, straw thatched roof and wooden form. "It's not much, but I have a few Potions and Super Potions I keep handy."

"Why does Charmander keep staring at me?" Leon asked suddenly, looking down at the red lizard.

The woman simply smiled again. "Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Leon's eyes narrowed a bit, brow furrowing in concentration. He couldn't get a pin on this woman. It was starting to unnerve him, though. After a moment, he knelt down beside Charmander, smiling a bit. "So, what is it? Do I have something on my face?" he asked jokingly. The little Charmander made a small sound that made Leon's eyebrow raise in confusion. It was clear he could understand it. It wasn't in the usual joking manner that Rasca would have originally taken him for. "The way I...feel? Like your old trainer? Who was his former trainer?"

"Well, me, of course. Though, I got the egg from a pretty strong trainer. He had a fully grown Charizard. I guess it came about from that," the woman explained. "From what I've been gathering, he wants to go with you." The Charmander looked to her in alarm quickly, but she only smiled. "It's alright, little guy. I'm sure Leon here will be just as good a trainer as I would have been. I'll leave the choice to you, though. For now, let me see that Oddish and Bulbasaur. Did your Nidorans take any serious damage?"

Leon didn't seem so much suspicious of the woman as he was confused. He handed the Oddish over without a fight, Bulbasaur following after her quickly. At her question, he simply shook his head, glancing to Rasca to see her assessment of Superior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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A super potion did sound really nice right about now. Especially with all the hits their pokemon had taken. The only thing Rasca was worried about, happened to be the sting she had received while trying to fend off the Beedrills. Though it couldn't be too bad. Nobdoy died from stings, so she decided not to bring it up in conversation. 'I'm totally tougher than any pokemon that can harm me in the forest.'

Rasca kept her eyes on the house while Leon and the woman chatted about the Charizard. It didn't interest her very much, and it was nice to see something other than shrubs and tree's for a while. 'Looks kinda cozy to me.' It wasn't until Leon actually understood the pokemon, that Rasca turned her attention back to them. Now he had the advantage of Dr. Dolittle. What other neat tricks did Leon have hidden inside of himself? Surely one more talent wouldn't make her more proud of him than she already was.

Beckoning Superior forward, and then finally dragging him towards the lady, Rasca answered blithely. "Nah. I think he's just spooked." She glanced at the pokemon again, this time with a bit more concern etched on her features. "We can't exactly keep feeding them treats and expecting the pokemon to stay happy. Or healthy for that matter." Rasca bit her lip, thinking of the possibilities that the woman might have food, but not enough for all of them.

"Is there a chance we could find someplace to feed our pokemon? I'm sure you don't feel like feeding urchins all your lovely food." Her comment came off as more snarky, than humorous than she intended, causing her to quickly become defensive as well, in case the lady got offended. "But you know, it's not like we couldn't find stuff on our own." Again her words were sharp, and Rasca wondered if she would be able to bridle her tongue in time to keep the lady's good graces.

'It's not like i said anything untrue.' Her thoughts quipped shortly after. She reigned in her guilt by thinking this way, and looked to Superior and Leon for support of her assumption. It couldn't be too hard to find food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuHll


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The woman laughed lightly at that. "Think nothing of it," she responded. "I have enough food to feed the two of you and your Pokemon. No worries there. I would have offered, but I was worried you'd think I had some ulterior motive." She said the second part teasingly, having heard the small conversation between the two. Excellent hearing honed from years within the forest, looking out for injured Pokemon.

Opening the door for the two of them, she allowed them to enter. "The Potions and stuff are on the table in the back. Help yourself to those," she stated. "I can get working on something for us all to eat."

While the two were heading back, though, Leon seemed distracted. He went to the table quickly, going through the bottles on the table and then took a small green one, looking at it carefully. Satisfied that it was the right one, he turned back to Rasca. "Drink this. It's an Antidote. That Beedrill stung you, right?" he asked. He hadn't noticed at first, caught up in the battle and then their savior, but he had taken a closer look at Rasca and Superior after assessing his Pokemons' status. "It might not hurt much now, but it'll be serious later if you let the poison spread. They're known for having a particularly deadly Poison Sting." He wouldn't let it go until she had accepted the small bottle from him and drank it.

Only then, he'd turn himself back to the attention of the Potions and Super Potions, selecting what he thought each of the injured Pokemon needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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"Boy, she really is lonely to be letting us have all this grub and potions to ourselves. Honestly, if we were of the wrong sort, it wouldn't take but a few minutes to swipe all her stuff." Rasca huffed, but seemed more calm now that the lady had soothed all of her worries. She hadn't missed the joke either, and it made her feel a bit more at home with the biddy. Almost enough to trust her words enough to stuff her face later with food.

"Don't worry, we trust you!" She called after the woman, milking the joke for all it was worth. 'Hmm.. but what kind of food did she have?'The winner of the lottery knew the answer to that question. Unfortunately, Rasca did not, so she kept her eyes trained where the woman had walked towards. After a while of searching, she gave up.

There was a hint of a subtle frown on her face when Rasca drank the potion. 'What could possibly be bothering Leon now? He should be so happy to know about how to finally talk to pokemon. I know i would.' She sulked a bit after setting the empty bottle down, though her mind raced with the possibilities of what her best friend could be mulling over. "At least it was only a little one. Though it seems they stung you in just the right way." She cocked her head as he took care of the pokemon, wanting to help but knowing that he had everything covered. 'Just as usual. Except for his emotions..'

"Yo, Leon, what's eating you? I'm sure it's not that hermit ladies food, it's probably going to be awhile before it's done." Her stomach rumbled quietly, settling a cold feeling in her stomach as it waited for the arrival of nutrition. Rasca blocked his way for a few moments, not sure what was going on with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by amberstrike


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"Boy, she really is lonely to be letting us have all this grub and potions to ourselves. Honestly, if we were of the wrong sort, it wouldn't take but a few minutes to swipe all her stuff." Rasca huffed, but seemed more calm now that the lady had soothed all of her worries. She hadn't missed the joke either, and it made her feel a bit more at home with the biddy. Almost enough to trust her words enough to stuff her face later with food.

"Don't worry, we trust you!" She called after the woman, milking the joke for all it was worth. 'Hmm.. but what kind of food did she have?'The winner of the lottery knew the answer to that question. Unfortunately, Rasca did not, so she kept her eyes trained where the woman had walked towards. After a while of searching, she gave up.

There was a hint of a subtle frown on her face when Rasca drank the potion. 'What could possibly be bothering Leon now? He should be so happy to know about how to finally talk to pokemon. I know i would.' She sulked a bit after setting the empty bottle down, though her mind raced with the possibilities of what her best friend could be mulling over. "At least it was only a little one. Though it seems they stung you in just the right way." She cocked her head as he took care of the pokemon, wanting to help but knowing that he had everything covered. 'Just as usual. Except for his emotions..'

"Yo, Leon, what's eating you? I'm sure it's not that hermit ladies food, it's probably going to be awhile before it's done." Her stomach rumbled quietly, settling a cold feeling in her stomach as it waited for the arrival of nutrition. Rasca blocked his way for a few moments, not sure what was going on with him.
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