Name: Lee "Rat" Hicks
Age: 30

Plus grey eyes, a thick black overcoat and a scared and dis-coloured left hand which he frequently covers when he can.
Height: 6"
Weight: 155 pounds
Personality: By all accounts Lee is a mentally unstable individual. He is a sufferer of survivor's guilt and psychological trauma, most likely PTSD. Since then he has been showing signs of developing depression and has spoken of suicidal thoughts and tendencies. He is a broken man, shaken and cold. He is not a social person, withdrawing from most conversion and interaction. If one does speak to him he often comes off as distant and unemotional, with an overhanging air of sadness. When aggitated he can become panicked and paranoid, however this has not presented any threat to anyone other than himself. He is easily irritated and stress, and does not suffer fools gladly. He cares little for his own life but carries more concern for the lives of others. His frequent talk of macabre subjects could be considered unnerving for many and appears to be a fascination of his. If enough time is spent around him he may become warmer, however he is reluctant to form bonds with people as he believes it leads only to pain with the inevitability of death.
Weapons: Handgun and ammo (x12)
Special Talent: Tracker - has learned to identify signs of past movement, gauging when something was around and where it was headed.
Extra Tool: Food cans and opener
Reason for Volunteering: He views the misson as an unspoken suicide pact. Since he's too afraid to pull the trigger himself he's looking for something else to do the trick.
History: Lee was born and raised in a remote cluster of makeshift homes. Life was simple and about as safe as it got. He trained as a hunter and worked the outskirts in the search for food. When he was around 20 a group of travelling scavengers passed by. They went from place to place, gathering on the road and trading when they found others. Lee - willing to leave the confines of his home - decided to join them. They worked as a close, family unit, sharing what they had and offering support. He earned the nickname 'Rat' after being able to settle a food scuffle by proving a rat had taken their food using his tracking skills. Lightly armed and few in numbers it wasn't the safest way to make a living and it proved fatal for all but Lee. He stumbled in the Colony one day, bloody and horrified. He would talk little about what happened, the most anyone could gather was that bandits had swarmed them during the night. Lee had been the only one able to escape from the slaughter. His hand had been stabbed and burned during the attack.
Extra: His left hand suffers from twitches and tremors, especially when his mind is under stress. He is bisexual.