So, in all technicalities, I am new here, but I am in no way new to RPing.
As this will be the first RP I post on this site, I'd like it to be a good one, however you might have seen a different version of it in the past.
iHavRabiez and/or SilentAero, if you're here and dissaprove of me rez'ing this, I'll let it die, delete it if I can. (same goes for all of the others who were a part of it.)
Shadow Squad. Sound familiar? Let me know if you've seen this one.
Recruits, I’m not gonna lie to you. Shadow Squad is one of the worst units to be in. It’s not because we die. We push on when we die. But it’s because we get sent in to the worst of the worst. We take care of things that the other units can’t handle. I’m sure you’ve all sorts of nonsense about us. Hiding up UFO crashes, hiding extraterrestrial corpses, and all sorts of other crazy stuff. Well, despite whether or not you believe it, that’s what we do. We do the odd jobs that people can’t handle. Can’t believe. But that’s where we got the name. Shadow Squad. We don’t do things stealthy. Well, sometimes we do. We’re called Shadow Squad because we’re elusive. We don’t exist. We’re all listed as K.I.A. before we get into training. Recruits, I’m not gonna lie to you. We’re going into hell and back. And if any of us fall, well we have to pick ourselves up. We can’t have you risking the ops. Recruits, you are disposable. If you die, it’s nature’s way of rootin’ out the ones that aren’t fit for duty. Recruits, welcome to Shadow Squad.”
Recruits, he said, with emphasis on the word. He threw the word around like it was disposable. Like you. This is Shadow Squad, one of the most elite, special operations groups in existence. Except, it doesn’t exist, at least, officially. You had the opportunity to be recruited. You accepted. You were stripped of who you were. It doesn’t matter what you did before, you were stripped of rank if it could be applied. When you joined Shadow Squad, you signed a Death Wish. Your family is paid well. But you’re officially dead. You won’t have a funeral. You won’t die a hero either. Oh no, you took up the rank of recruit when you joined Shadow Squad. Got a fresh start. You don’t officially have a name anymore, your files have been burned, and you’re the best of the best. But nobody will ever know your name. What you did. How you died. Not even your voice. So, you’re being sent to hell and back. And when you die, the squad will just push on. Welcome to Shadow Squad.
“You’ve all been through training. Operatives 778 and 992 offed themselves. It’s been a long year, but you’re still recruits. You are going to be seeing some real action soon. Do me proud, recruits. Perhaps you’ll even live to see the next op…”
As he said it, a cold chill shivered down your, now “enhanced”, spine. It’s been a long year indeed, and you’ve many challenges. You’ve been offered genetic enhancements, implants, etc. Perks of being a member of Shadow Squad. You have a higher tolerance to pain now, due to the rigorous training you’ve been through. And now, you’re being deployed for the first time. Don’t die.
However, I have some degree of morals, and as such, have carried on the plotline past that. (Sowwy again, Rabiez, if you see this)
It's been less than a year since the famous failure that was Project: Ukraine.
It was a simple in-and-out mission, but then everything went wrong.
Ukraine is nothing more than a flat crater now.
They shouldn't know about us.
They shouldn't know about our Squad, but they do.
They were supposed to blame it on a small terrorist group, but they found us.
We were secret.
The Light.
They have Seen us.
They know us.
Now that the Light has shone upon us, we are seen as the enemy.
But there isn't time for that.
Not with the impending storm.
We cannot deal with a war on both a civil and global level
We have to hide.
We have to embrace the Shadows.
We are...
The Shadow Squad.
Dunno, what do you guys think?
You would be restricted to RPing as members of Shadow Squad. It would be a fairly strict RP under my rule e.g. at least two well written paragraphs per post.
Let me know.