Years ago, Prince Chrom of House Ylisse formed the Shepherds, a vigilante group, to protect his people from harm. After his death, the Shepherdsβ head count grew significantlyβpeople from all corners of the world came to join them. There were so many men and women willing to raise their swords and tomes for the Shepherds that they had to build barracks all throughout Ylisse. Soon, no one dared mess with Ylisse, and for once the land was at peace.
A new Exalt by the name of Darrian took power shortly after. While the young man smiled and laughed with his people like a good willed human being, he could be no further from the assumption that he was a good person. What he wanted was power, and he would get it, one way or another.
The Shepherds caught wind of Darrianβs aggressive behavior and began to investigate in secret. However, Darrian soon discovered their intentions and, branding them traitors, launched an attack on each of the barracks, one after the other. Most of the Shepherds died, and those who survived either fled Ylisse to start new lives or rushed to Plegia for temporary asylum.
Those who remained true to their cause plan to gather together the tattered remains of the Shepherds and take down Darrian once and for all. However, this could be a bit more than they bargained forβ¦
Hey, Dragon here! Well, our previous Fire Emblem RP is basically kaput... so Solace and I decided to restart with new people. The people who are interested in joining must be active, must be able to RP well (this means proper grammar, spelling, and post size), and must be nice and not idiots.