Posting this for a friend who for some reason can't log onto the site atm
Unknown(assumed 20)
Master or servant?:
Who is their servant?:
He wanted Archer but got Rider as Fate had deemed it.
1) a simple rod made of an alloy of gold and siver he calls electrum. He can store only one spell in it and it isn't gonna be terribly strong, like a blinding flash or a sudden stun, it can be used against him if they know which spell is in it and the trigger for using it(will be revealed in the rp)
2) A rather simple dagger, he prepares this too, works like a ward, breaks if used as a real weapon, can seal a door if the one on the otherside is human strength or lower, or bind itself fast to a wall if thrown, very situational
Refuses to use any desperation move, even if he has to, effectivly no phantasm
Good at what a rpg or moba player might call crowd control effects, can't cause direct damage unless the other has an especially strong weakness to being held still, or compulsed to lay flat, things like being bound in place, blinded, deafened to stop chanting and combat comunication, he can't/won't draw blood with his magic,

Wears a zip up hoody, brightly colored or black tshirt underneath, a symbol of a chess bishop on his shirt some days, a rook others, but never a knight, the symbol is always a solid white, if something stains that symbol he throws the shirt away before the next day, has ended up going to classes in college without a normal shirt due to this habbit, will wear loose jeans and a simple belt of no real importance, carries his electrum rod in a cloth bag held up by the belt, is a bit tan in the places not covered by his hoody, pale elswhere, the hoody changes day to day on the mood he has, black actually showing his mood is decent, the rest of the spectrum more or less normal, shoes looking like they were designed to be good for runing, never seem to show enough wear for that though, carefully collored black to match his favorite hoody, hair rather well kept though at night he tends to keep his hood up, eyes a sharp shade of green.
Tends to forget some days that he is actually a magi, reguardless of how he became one, will treat other magi and normal people alike, a sort of indifference, seeming to almost cling to a more normal life, even if he wants to participate in the grail war he never seems to act like it, and also alot smarter than he looks or acts, even with his preferance on what magics he uses its both a personal thing and that he knows it can be some of the most useful to know if you plan it right.
He can still remember the week during which he became a magi, though will not talk of it, but it is known that he won his training as an apprentice through a game of chess by most of those who know him as a magi, the original heir had died of a rather bad car accident, and was a close friend... by his account, no other info on his background easily available.