Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The sound of the intercom could be heard throughout the mansion as a soft, delicate voice came through loud and clear. "Excuse me, boys and girls, Ladies and Gentlemen, but if you'll kindly direct yourself to the auditorium, where there will be a brief meeting held, please. Thank you." The intercom shut off as Storm sighed then turned to face Logan and Beast. She lowered her head then trailed her eyes off to the side, where she saw Professor X's picture then spoke softly. "Let's make this school year one to remember." She turned to face Logan and Hank again. "Without the deaths right?" Logan commented as Hank just looked at him and shook his head. Storm did the same while exiting her office and shouting. "See you guys in the auditorium!" And with that, she was on her way towards the auditorium.


Stephanie was in her room, dancing around and singing as she stopped when the intercom came on. She ran over to her iPhone and muted the music while listening to the announcement then nodding her head as she kept her iPhone muted while searching for professional look to wear. With her being a professor now, she had to dress up for the assembly and kind of hated that, since she wasn't really the one speaking or going to say anything but then again, she was one of the ones that had to sit down on stage behind Storm as she talked. Stephanie walked over towards her window and stared down at the memorial site for her mother, Jean Grey, her father, Scott Summers and her mentor, Professor X. She sighed softly while turning away with her head low as she changed into her clothing.

She sat down at her mirror and brushed her hair then tied it up into a high ponytail, she then applied red lipstick to her lips and rubbed them together then laughed a little. She raised up from her seat and ran her hands over her blouse and skirt then placed on a matching fleece jacket. She reviewed herself one more time before leaving her room and as soon as entered the hallway, everyone greeted her. She smiled brightly while raising her hand, offering them a small wave before proceeding on down the hall. Her heels clicked lightly against the floor as she walked down the stairs, seeing Bobby and Rogue handle the schedules of both new and old students. She waved at them then turned to the left as she heard crying. She seen some boys harass a new student as she walked over and stood inbetween them.

"Guys, what seem to be the problem here?" She asked softly while waiting for someone to answer. One of the boys bold his chest up at her as she laughed. "I maybe a female but..." She smirked slightly leaning down and whispering towards the group of boys. "I am not the one to mess with." When she spoke those words, she had fire in her eyes, which creeped the boys out and they ran away. She turned towards the other one but he had disappeared. Stephanie shrugged her shoulders while continuing on walking towards the auditorium.

She was met there by Storm as she smiled and gave her a hug. "I've missed this." She said followed by another bright smile.

"I'm glad to have you back." Storm said as she walked past Stephanie and entered the auditorium. Stephanie opened up the double doors and stood beside one of them, acting as a greeter for when people came in. She directed the students to their seats and the professors and others to the seats that were placed upon the stage. When everyone had entered the auditorium, she closed the doors and made her way to the stage, taking her seat and crossing her legs and adjusting herself comfortably. Her ears twitched when Storm was shushing everyone and it quickly got quiet. Storm smiled then looked behind her to make sure that every professor was present before beginning. One thing about her, it wouldn't be nice if you were late or didn't show up at all.

"Welcome, one and all to a new semester here at Xavier's Institute for Mutants." She applauded and everyone followed suit, even Stephanie. "I want to assure you guys that no harm will be done here to you guys during you tenure here at the Institute and these lovely professors..." She waved her hand dismissively towards them then continued speaking. "Will make sure that it will never happen. Now, I am going to make this brief, if you do not have your schedules, room assignments and orientation papers please see Bobby and Rogue, as soon as possible." She said while pointing at the two of them and they waved their hands and smiled. "Now, I want you guys to enjoy your time here and let the true mutant inside of you. You are all here because you are very unique in your own little way. Although, most people may fear us, we will prove to them that there is nothing to fear but fear itself." She said then looked at everyone as they applauded again. "Thank you." She spoke as the crowd cheered.

Storm turned heel and faced the professors as she looked to Bobby and Rogue. "Please escort the students out of the auditorium and make sure everyone has their schedules, room assignments and orientation papers." Bobby and Rogue nodded their heads while getting up and escorting the students. "Later tonight, we will have a meet and greet in the dining hall. I want you guys to look your best, like you do now." She said. "Also, at this meet and greet, I will introduce you guys to the students." She spoke with a smile but behind that smile, you could tell that something was wrong and she wasn't sharing any information with anyone. "Now, classes will begin in two days and I'll make an announcement about the meet and greet. Alright? Alright." She said while turning to the side and walking off the stage, Logan and Hank followed behind her.

"Was it me or did something seem a bit off about Storm?" Stephanie asked while eying the other professors that sat there with her.

She shrugged her shoulders while getting up. "Maybe it's just me." She walked off the stage and exited the auditorium, entering the main hall, where she monitored Bobby and Rogue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The cab stopped in front of the gate. From that spot, Dominique could barely see the mansion. The walls that protected the property looked nice, though. "This is the place?", the girl asked the cab driver, who chuckled and drove off. There must have been a joke that she did not get. Perhaps this place was abandoned for a while? With her sport's bag on her shoulder, the punk approached the gate. The moment she was going to touch the metal handle, it moved on it's own, allowing the girl to enter.

The walk towards the mansion was feeling great. The patches of green that were gently parted by the pathway, the large masses of flowers blooming and giving a fragrant scent. Dominique took in some of the atmosphere. It was comforting her. There was the great space on this patch of land. Sure, there would be no problems finding her own spot in this place.

After taking a walk around the building, Dominique decided to knock on the front door. It did not take her more than five seconds, before she bit her lips and tapped her feet on the ground. "This place is great", she muttered, looking at her sneakers and brushing through her hair. Her mind rushed through the serenity of the countryside that the property gave. There was just one problem. The swarm of people beginning to move around. From a moment to another, the students from "Xavier's School of Gifted Youngster" enlivened the place. A lot of them burst out of the building, enjoying the summertime, since they had their schedules and assorted plans for the year. Much to Dominique's problem, they all came out of the front door, where she was standing. Trying to stand still when the flow of bodies moved past her, the punk's eyes fluttered, as she tried to calm down.

Muttering endless streams of "Hey"s, "Excuse me"s, "Sorry"s and "Could you"s, she tried to walk away from the students. She was completely lost. Slowly being dragged along, the mutant tried to stand upright and not bump into people. At a pond, she finally dragged free. Heavily hyperventilating, she opened her sport's bag and pulled out a small folding chair, which she promptly sat down on. "Mon dieu", she sighed. It was probably one of the only things she would say in French ever, mostly due to the fact that her parents barely taught her French. She also missed learning the attractive accent from them. Thinking out loud "How many people live here?", she crammed through her baggage for a water bottle, looking around to see someone roughly old enough to know how this place worked...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kentsukan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Catherine began her morning with her usual ritual: she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and began to dress herself in a light blue polo with khaki pants. She tied her shoes, grabbed her empty flask, and made her way down the stairs to the first floor. Opening the fridge, she began to peruse its contents. "Where is it... Where is it... Ah, perfect!" She produced a large glass bottle marked "BONES' MILK -- DO NOT TOUCH!" and placed it on the island in the kitchen. She opened up a box of English muffins, split one with a knife and placed it in a toaster. While waiting for her muffin, she moved to pour her milk in her flask. Her hands slipped to her pocket, and she frowned when all she felt was empty space. "Damn it!" She quickly turned with her milk bottle and ran back up the stairs to her room, and grabbed three bottles by her bed side. One was a multi vitamin, the others were calcium and vitamin D supplements. Swallowing the pills, she washed it down with the milk in her flask and sighed. "There." Turning to her closet again, she grabbed her white medical coat and ran back downstairs while slipping the coat on to put her milk bottle away. A good start to a good morning, though she was running a minute late thanks to her forgetfulness. She wasn't too worried, however; she would still make it to Storm's welcome at the auditorium.

She stood off to the side with the other professors, hands clasped at her front and quietly listened to Storm talk and frowned slightly at the head Professor. It had been a horrible year to say the least. Catherine wasn't the closest person to Professor Xavier, nor did she know him the longest. But he was a father figure, a kind, intelligent man, and he had left his mark with everyone within the walls of the home he graciously opened to her and perhaps hundreds of others. Catherine herself had taken the loss hard, but she had no idea how the others had taken it. "I don't know either." Catherine frowned, "But Storm is a strong woman. I will see about seeing her sometime today. Maybe before my class begins." With that, she made her way out of the auditorium and began to make her way to Professor X's ("Storm's now," she reminded herself) office, when she suddenly caught sight of a young woman looking like a fish out of water. The look was familiar: most new students had that look on their faces upon witnessing the grandeur and hustle and bustle of the X Mansion. She made her way over to the girl and gave her a polite smile. "Welcome. My name is Catherine Bishop. Can I help you? Are you new here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smilies
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smilies Missing in Action

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sabrina adjusted her Ray Bans, specially crafted for the extreme UV protection her clouded retinas required, as she walked into the X-Men Academy. Home sweet home, she thought to herself, bitterly, shaking her head. The summer break had been a nice reprieve from the stress shared by being a substitute teacher and a field operative. Sometimes, she'd rather take on whatever rogue mutant had lost their way as opposed to the immaturity of adolescents-- mostly because she was immature, too, but wasn't allowed to laugh.

The main lobby of the grand academy was crowded with students, darkish masses that vaguely resembled humanoid silhouettes forming in her mind. Sabrina weaved her way through the crowd, offering a curt "excuse me" as she shoved aside younger mutants. Her sensitive hearing picked up something about an assembly. Ah, the same assembly they had to have every year. Sabrina's shoulders shook with a large sigh; she figured she may as well release her angst now as opposed to later. The monotony of Storm's speech was already playing in her mind like an overused cassette. Of course she'd lament about the tragedies of being a mutant, but also the gifts they'd been bestowed with; she'd insist that they use their powers for purely the greater good indefinitely, and the importance of refusing to veer from the right, the inarguably right path, because what else were they to do with their otherwise meaningless lives?

And then she'd throw in some shit about the classes or curriculum or schedules for the slackers who hadn't coordinated their stay at the X-Men Academy. Well, Storm was gifted with an eloquence that Sabrina just didn't seem to grasp. She carried a reverence about herself that, though Sabrina didn't necessarily always respect, was definitely prevalent, and she signed her paychecks with that hand, so she tried her hardest to correct her usually flippant attitude around the headmaster.

Sabrina finally made her way to the auditorium where Storm began drudging her way through the traditional opening speech. Sabrina took it upon herself to rest her eyes for a bit. After all, being at the X-Men Academy for so long, When she mentioned something about a meet-and-greet, Sabrina snapped back to attention. "Huh? Meet and greet? Do I get paid for that?" She grumbled, adjusting the glasses that had nearly fallen off her face during her secretive nap. The perky redhead, also one of Sabrina's fellow professors, Stephanie, asked if something was off about Storm. "I didn't notice anything," Sabrina shrugged, tapping on her sunglasses with a "what can you do?" kind of expression, blaming her ignorance on her blindness as she followed Stephanie to the main hall. She probably knew where to go, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jason fell out of the cab as he chuckled and waved off his friends, he took his bag, stood himself up, and looked at the old place. the Academy's gates were like an old friend to him, perhaps menacing to some, perhaps just gates to others, but to him, they meant the two things that he truly loved in this world "Home and Family" he said to himself with a happy sigh, then he remembered what had occurred previously, but he put it out of his mind, sure maybe there would be no more chats with The Professor over tea, or helping Jean 'inspect' the desserts, or grabbing a cold one with Scotty after a long mission. No more ancient wisdom from the old man, no more.....no more......... "enough people are going to be sad and depressed, It's my job to make sure that they are able to do so on full stomachs" Jason chuckled to himself as he picked up his bags and waded his way through the sea of students rushing into the gymnasium.

Jason cocked an eyebrow at the strange behavior, usually students couldn't wait to get OUT of school, or at least, that's how it had been with him, but he supposed they were all afraid of what would happen if they missed even one minute of Ms. Ororo's grand opening speech. That woman, that woman was Jason's own personal hero, and Jason would follow her into the raging inferno of hell and back again if she asked, now that he thought about it, she just might ask that. So, perhaps Ororo wasn't the most relaxed, or short-winded, person Jason had ever met, but she GENUINELY cared about the school the people in it, and the memories of those no longer there, and she tries, really tries, to be her best, and that counts for a lot more than people give it credit for. Jason knew that despite how humble Storm is, she would make an excellent replacement for...for....yeah for him. Thrusting his bag over his shoulder, his hands into his pockets, and his gaze onward, Jason headed for his holy place.

Upon reaching the kitchen, he found it a mess, apparently while he'd been gone at R&Rfest (Rock and Relaxation fest, 3 straight Months of hard, classic, and soft rock, on the sandy shores of Ibiza, the tickets were actually for Me, Scott, Jean, and Cassie, My now ex-girlfriend, a gift from the um....uh...the uh...yeah..him.) the pots were everywhere, the pans were a mess, the refrigerator door was open, apparently Bones was back too, as Jason noticed a lack of the special calcium milk he had to specifically order from Norway just for her. That was good though, it'd be nice to see a familiar frown now and again. Jason finished his cleaning and made his way back to the auditorium, just in time to hear the last few bits of Ororo's speech, "She's really got a talent for oratory eh?" Jason chuckled in the ear of a kid who had almost fallen asleep. He winked at the woman who was probably his oldest friend. He was pretty sure she winked back, though he could never tell with her if it was a wink, or if it was just a trick of the light....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
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Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The young woman got up from her folding chair as she was approached by an attractive lady. She tried to put on a smile, but she was still shivering a little. "I am Dominique LaBlanche. I applied for a job here? This is the... euhm..." She rubbed her neck as she tried to recall the name's place. She opened her sport's bag and rummaged through. As she got grip of the folder she needed, she pulled it out. "Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters. I applied here to deliver food from town over here and...", she began to mutter, but as she got to the next part, she looked at the woman in front of her. "...I was told you could help me with my 'Gift'."

She slid her hand back into the bag, stashing the folder in the pocket dimension she had in the baggage. She then pulled out a coat rack pole, on which half her attire is hanging on. It was a hassle, though, since the clothes hook were barely fitting in the bag, but she managed, holding a large pole with a mass of clothes in front of her. She wobbled on her feet due to the weight that was now on her arms, but she smiled at Catherine. "I can get out another one if you need proof...", she mumbled.

Looking into the bag would not work, though. There was always this foggy layer on the opening. It looked like a curtain of some sorts, preventing someone to look inside. She did not want to talk about her nightmares, though. She was aware that, if the fact was right that people here were something like herself, there would be people that could take these horrid haunters away, but she wanted to settle first. Not only that, but those nightmares were her deepest secret, much like how it feels like being in one of those bags she tend to make. And then, there was this whole ordeal on the news all the time, with 'mutants' that were attacking humans, and other mutants defending humans.
She was not sure who was standing in front of her, to put it simple.

"So, about my job... Where do I have to sign in?", she asked, her heels beginning to do the little forward and backward motion she liked to do now and then. Rocking on the heels, she stashed her 'cloak rack' back in the bag.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kentsukan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Catherine watched as Dominique pulled out the hat rack from her small bag, looking between the hat rack, the girl and her bag. Such an event defied the laws of physics... Yes, this girl was a mutant. It was sad that they needed to have actual proof of mutation these days. But anyone could invade the mansion at any given moment. William Stryker was proof of that fear. Still, if Storm was expecting someone, she could verify it. Catherine's job was not to keep track of new arrivals. Still, she could kill two birds with one stone with this girl. And find out if she really was expected. With that, she smiled again at the girl and nodded. "No further proof is necessary: welcome home, Dominique. I am not the only one who could help you with your powers. All of the mutants here can. We are a community, and every single one of us had to train to deal with the gifts we have. At the same time, we try to educate ourselves to be well educated, functioning members of society. The Headmistress can explain more; in fact, I will show you to her now. She is probably expecting you. Come." She waved Dominique on over to follow her. "We'll see about arranging a room for you here while we're at her office, along with arranging your class schedule. Who knows? You may even end up in my class. What are your feelings about anatomy?" She asked as she began to walk down the hall and towards Storm's office.

She threaded though out the throngs of students around her (some of which even jumped out of her way, having been in her class previously), while occasionally looking back at Dominique. Before they arrived at the door, a lightbulb flashed in Catherine's mind. "Ah! That reminds me. I will need to perform a basic medical evaluation on you later today, or this week. Nothing too intrusive, just basic questions. Allergies, medical history, vitals, blood work and whatnot. We can schedule a time once your class schedule is made. Do you have any questions for me before we enter her office? Catherine now stopped and turned around once they were both outside Storm's office, and her arms would fold behind her back as she prepared for any possible questions from Dominique.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Stephanie had caught up with Jason and gave him a small slap on the shoulder as she smiled brightly while handing him the menu for the meet and greet. "These are the food items that Storm wants for the meet and greet later tonight." She said while wishing him good luck and walking past him now. She bounced happily as she continued to roam through the school, seeing Sabrina in the main hall. "Hello Sabrina, how are you doing today?" She asked her while leaning against one of the pillars, folding her arms over her chest. Her eyes glanced towards Catherine as she was with a stranger, someone she didn't know. "Uhmm, excuse me a moment please."

Her heels clicked lightly against the floor as she followed them, she knew by the direction they were going that they were headed for Storm's office. Stephanie was going to introduce herself to the hopefully new member of the X Mansion staff. She eventually caught up with them and smiled. "Hey Catherine, who is this?" She asked while not even waiting for her to respond while introducing herself. "Hi, I'm Stephanie." She said while extending her hand out towards the female.

After awhile, Storm had made her way to her office, eyes widened as she seen three females standing there. "Uhnn, hello ladies. Something wrong?" She asked. Storm walked further into her office and glanced at the unusual face of a female but really thought nothing of it as she sat down with a slight sigh. She presented the ladies to sit, if they were staying but Stephanie said that she wasn't staying long, just wanted to meet the new female. Storm nodded her head in understanding - Stephanie left the office while walking back towards the kitchen, seeing if Jason had got started on the food for tonight's event or not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Don't tell towing... Sure, about ten minutes..."

Two cars had become one recently, a woman snacking between meetings and a man on his cellphone decided that their cars needed a moment of intimacy so they arranged for a loving embrace that put the sedans transmission firmly in the coup's radiator. He was never one to judge as he was in a blue jumpsuit crawling along the engine fluid soaked asphalt to attach chains to the remaining chaises of the two cars. All in all it was a miracle that no one was hurt as both cars were making wide left turns ans kissed their passenger bumpers then came to horrible halts

"So, might I suggest those without cash to go into the supermarket over there and getting some prepaid debt cards? I wont look as bad as running your credit for a tow, otherwise cash is king. Where am I taking each of you?" The two looked at each other and nodded as the woman walked to the market while he stayed behind and opened his wallet. "I'm going to ninth street auto body... So is she. We-"

Alexander held up a hand to stop the man. "Its called 'don't tell towing' sir, Ninth street is all I need to know. While waiting for her to get back, want to hear a stupid joke?" The man nods as Alexander starts to tell the story while he works the levers to pull his car up first onto the flatbed of the truck.

"A woman and a man are involved in a car accident on a snowy, cold Monday morning; it's a bad one.
Both of their cars are totally demolished, but amazingly neither of them are hurt. God works in mysterious ways.

After they crawl out of their cars, the man is yelling about women drivers. The woman says, 'So, you're a man. That's interesting. I'm a woman. Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but we're unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should be friends and live in peace for the rest of our days'..

Flattered, the man replies, 'Oh yes, I agree completely, this must be a sign from God! But you're still at fault...women shouldn't be allowed to drive.'

The woman continues, 'And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished but this bottle of wine didn't break. Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune.'

She hands the bottle to the man. The man nods his head in agreement, opens it and drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman. The woman takes the bottle, puts the cap back on and hands it back to the man.

The man asks, 'Aren't you having any?'
The woman replies, 'No. I think I'll just wait for the police....' "

The man ticks and sighs dismissively, but soon it becomes a chuckle, then a giggle that chortles itself into full laughter as the release lets out the rest of his anxiety just in time for the woman to return with a stack of cards. "whats wrong with him?"
An hour or two later, Tomahawk's flatbed rolls into the Xavier institute and parks down by the motor pool. When he was still a kid, he had a much smaller tow truck and a personal business called 'don't ask' but since he became an x-men he had to get a new truck to leave the old one behind so he got a bigger one and renames his business when he was disowned by his family to 'don't tell'.

There was no real need to keep doing what he did since the x-men paid for almost everything he could want, but it was more a service of kindness most times. Also, he never like depending on anyone for anything so he tried to keep independently employed. That reminded him to go check his traps and see about bringing some local game and blackberries to Jason.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jason headed back for his own personal heaven after the assembly, silently trying not to wonder why the usually eloquent Ororo had been rather curt. Whistling a tune, hands in his pockets, not a care in the world, except maybe that Wolverine and Beast might find his secret stash.....suddenly a familiar sound reached his ears, the falling of steps in such a way as to produce a very certain sound, a very specific sound, the smell, a very distinctive mixing of very distinctive scents, Jason let the rest of his senses out, the hair on his skin lifted as he suddenly felt the tremors from the ground ripple through him as only happened when someone approached him, feeling this person get closer, and closer, Jason readied himself and jumped up and spun, landing not two inches away from the person behind him.......... Jason saw who it was and he smiled a smile of pure, unadulterated happiness, "RED!!" he proclaimed happily. He gave her a hug, lifted her off her feet and danced with the powerful mutant around the empty hallway. For a moment, Jason felt pure, unadulterated joy, the kind of happiness that a big brother feels when seeing his little sister for the first time in ages, a raw protective, semi-annoying energy.

"Oh, Okay" Jason replied to the girl after putting her down and hearing her piece, he gave the menu a once over "Yeah, okay, this should be doable" he said as he mentally started going over the things he would need to start. he gave the small redhead a wave as she walked down the other end of the hallway (excitedly, always excitedly......)

Jason had forgotten his tune, but he soon regained it as he set himself back toward his haven, his mind whirring with recipes, ingredients, cooking times, spices, and the million other things that went into his job, the menu was simple enough, the problem would be making sure there was enough for everybody. Jason smiled at the opportunity to partake of his passion, in his kitchen, once again. So, upon reaching his domain, he went over to one of the cabinets and opened it up, inside there was a stereo, hooked up to a sound-system that was wired throughout the fairly sizable kitchen. smirking as the song came on (Eye of the tiger, god bless you Beast, you always know exactly what I would want.....and need). As the music pumped, the stocky tall man touched the stove and it BURST to life, humming as it did, flames coming from the burners, getting out his tools, spices, various instruments all as the soulful music of the Rocky franchise transitioned slowly into Superstitious, via Stevie Wonder. The muscular pyrokinetic began whirling, twirling, sometimes entirely disappearing from certain spots in the kitchen to reach other parts sooner. He was like a conductor of a great symphony at work, amid a cacophony of sound and smells did Jason listen to his sharpened senses and began to take and make order from the chaos via his players, he made the meat sizzle in time to the music and to the other foods. He made the vegetable carry their own beat and he kept the flow of the burners going, even as he started to grill. When he finally reached a breaking point he reached up into his Secret stash to get some of his favorite stuff out, unfortunately somebody had already raided it, reaching inside and grabbing the last two, Jason noticed that there was a small puddle of water left inside the cabinet, "Bobby" Jason intoned and then chuckled as he sat down outside his personal heaven's hot atmosphere in the cool of the hallway, the cold root beer steaming as it reached his lips, and the feeling remained as the icy liquid made its way down his gullet.

Which is when Steph came back, Jason would've known it was her from half a hallway away, if he wasn't focusing on the familiar smell emanating from the garage, a thick, greasy smell that paired with a heavy yet practiced step, one that sent a unique tremor to his feet, Jason closed his eyes and smiled, he had wondered when the little animal would return, hopefully he had brought Jason some of those infamous blackberries the man was always going on about......"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Jason spurted in surprise as he sputtered his beverage out in a spit-take like fashion, surprised by the sudden appearance of Stephanie, Jason asked as he regained his composure, chuckled at himself, laying with his back against the wall, he made a quick scent check of the air, made sure nothing was boiling, and then turned to the red-headed mutant and smiled "What's up Red?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dark Eternity
Avatar of Dark Eternity

Dark Eternity The Lone Wolf Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dominique followed Catherine quietly, noticing the way she affected the students that were around her. "I think we are loosing touch. I am not a... student", she muttered, keeping close to the woman. She was not sure whether she should laugh about this or keep playing along. It all felt like a stupid joke to her. Every single person in this mansion was a mutant? The thought dug into the petite girl and bothered her a lot. She had seen on the news what the group around this 'Magneto' guy were capable of. Perhaps she was standing amidst such an army.

As Catherine spoke about a medical examination, Dominique remained quiet. She actually spaced out on that, watching a redhead approach. Her hair color was gorgeous. "I'm Dominique. Pleasure to meet you." She gently shook the woman's hand and smiled like a little schoolgirl standing in front of the teacher all the girls had a crush on, including herself. Only thing different was that Dominique was probably as old as her.

And then came (the) Storm. The Headmistress of the mansion. Dominique immediately rummaged through her bag. "Euhm, yes. No. Let me grab that stupid...", she began to mumble, receiving only a smile from Storm. She walked into the office without leaving her eyes from her bag. After circling the whole office for three rounds, she pulled out the folder and dropped it politely on Storm's desk. "I received a job offer from someone of this staff. I was offered a transportation job... I was told I would mostly transport food from town over here, but I believe there was something else you wanted me to come over for..."

She showed the same 'trick' to Storm which she had shown to Catherine. Once more, half of her attire was pulled out of her sport's bag on a rack pole. Storm was impressed, even though she knew of Dominique's power. After all, she had read her file from both the police records and Dominique's former employer. Dominique remained standing, her feet tapping on the ground. "Am I getting the job or not?", she asked Storm, who thought about it for a second. The rest was a blurred mess for Dominique, out of the simple fact that she was happy. Storm approved of her and gave her the job. Of course, there were circumstances that Dominique had to do in return. Since the girl met the hand of law before ending school, she had to attend classes. Only some. The other would be the full cooperation with the cook and the mechanic. After all, those two were the people she should be working with. The whole ordeal with the vehicles (Storm included that Dominique might have to fly from time to time, which the girl took with great enthusiasm) must be agreed with the mechanic, while Dominique would keep the kitchen supplied, which would mean that Dominique had to follow all of the cook's instructions. Anything else just rushed past the girl.

As Dominique stepped out of Storm's office, she was glowing in happiness. She had a job, a room and she would soon learn more about her powers. She rushed down the hall, her sport's bag bouncing around. Despite the first moment on this ground being the total horror for the claustrophobic part of her, Dominique was more than glad to be accepted. Once she was at her room, she quickly unloaded her sport's bag. The cloth rack poles were quickly emptied into the closet, her books were neatly stashed away, a set of boots and sneakers were keeping the clothes company. And a stereo. Dominique wrestled with that machine to fit into the bag. After all, this was her whole property. Well, minus the furniture she owned in the past couple years. But she could not fit those in the bag. With her room neatly filled with her belongings, the girl removed the pocket dimension from the bag and dashed out of the room, barefoot. She had to meet the cook.

She was not even sure where she was going. She acted on instinct, quickly walking through the halls and memorizing the place. In fact, she noticed some oddities along her way, but she did not give it too much attention. As she found the kitchen, she met a familiar face... hair. The redhead was in the kitchen, along with what appeared to be the cook. She noticed the intoxicating scent of food in the air. She knocked on the doorframe and stepped into the room. "Bonjour", she spoke with a smile, strutting towards the two. "I suppose this is the cuisine? I am Dominique LaBlanche. I am supposed to work as supplier for you, I suppose?" She looked at Jason, rocking on her heels once she was in a comfortable distance to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jason stared at the girl who entered, stopping mid sentence during his conversation with Red. He analyzed this person, her smell was different than most, an airy, larger than life smell, almost as if there were more to her than the small wisp of a thing that now stood before Jason. But that couldn't be, he wasn't picking up anything on any of the wavelengths that he saw, not infrared nor ultraviolet nor something smaller, her feet clicked as she walked into the kitchen, her knock firm but nervous, Jason was intrigued, he went to greet the new woman....

....But just then something else aroused his nose, while the sounds of ZZ top played in the background, and the dancing wavelengths played before him, Jason reigned in bios other senses, trying to identify the acrid scent, he was doing something, the smell wasn't acrid enough to be a full 5-alarm, fire but it was trying to warn him of something, like a small mute child attempting to inform a policeman to a large gathering that could potentially turn into a riot after that same policeman had been hit by a flash bang grenade, a definite warning of something, something that Jason should definitely be wary of, but what was it, closing his eyes for a second to focus on it it came to him, like a lightbulb in a room darkened by an electrical storm suddenly coming on to show that not only had the storm passed but that it was now okay to come out, the sudden enlightenment came with a kind of terror, and Jason acted quickly, even if it was slightly rude....

"OH NO" Jason spun around, and in a flash of flames disappeared, singing the already blackened floor of the kitchen as he did. Jason appeared in front of one of his many players and got his hands on the stove, taking the heat down to zero and pulling out the first of the desserts just in time, upon doing this he brought it up and put it on the table that was directly behind him, he wiped his brow, not so much to wipe away sweat as that was just his motion to wipe away the stress of almost having burned one of Beast's favorite desserts. The big blue teddy bear would have probably suffered in silence if he had done that, but nevertheless Jason was glad that he was able to save the dish, if only for the dish's sake. Another large flame suddenly enveloping him, and blackening the ashen kitchen floor a little more, Jason appeared in his old spot, catching his root beer just before it hit the ground and holding out his hand to the new girl and replying to her original Inquiry

"Hi, I'm Chef Jason Wilde, or you can just call me Jaw if that's too long for ya" Jason said, trying to catch his breath and smiling "You must be the......new delivery girl that Ms. Ororo hired.....she told me you would be arriving soon....WHEW" Jason said, finally getting his second wind, and then continuing, Jason kept his hand out as long as it was necessary for the new girl to shake it.
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