The sound of the intercom could be heard throughout the mansion as a soft, delicate voice came through loud and clear. "Excuse me, boys and girls, Ladies and Gentlemen, but if you'll kindly direct yourself to the auditorium, where there will be a brief meeting held, please. Thank you." The intercom shut off as Storm sighed then turned to face Logan and Beast. She lowered her head then trailed her eyes off to the side, where she saw Professor X's picture then spoke softly. "Let's make this school year one to remember." She turned to face Logan and Hank again. "Without the deaths right?" Logan commented as Hank just looked at him and shook his head. Storm did the same while exiting her office and shouting. "See you guys in the auditorium!" And with that, she was on her way towards the auditorium.
Stephanie was in her room, dancing around and singing as she stopped when the intercom came on. She ran over to her iPhone and muted the music while listening to the announcement then nodding her head as she kept her iPhone muted while searching for professional look to wear. With her being a professor now, she had to dress up for the assembly and kind of hated that, since she wasn't really the one speaking or going to say anything but then again, she was one of the ones that had to sit down on stage behind Storm as she talked. Stephanie walked over towards her window and stared down at the memorial site for her mother, Jean Grey, her father, Scott Summers and her mentor, Professor X. She sighed softly while turning away with her head low as she changed into her clothing.
She sat down at her mirror and brushed her hair then tied it up into a high ponytail, she then applied red lipstick to her lips and rubbed them together then laughed a little. She raised up from her seat and ran her hands over her blouse and skirt then placed on a matching fleece jacket. She reviewed herself one more time before leaving her room and as soon as entered the hallway, everyone greeted her. She smiled brightly while raising her hand, offering them a small wave before proceeding on down the hall. Her heels clicked lightly against the floor as she walked down the stairs, seeing Bobby and Rogue handle the schedules of both new and old students. She waved at them then turned to the left as she heard crying. She seen some boys harass a new student as she walked over and stood inbetween them.
"Guys, what seem to be the problem here?" She asked softly while waiting for someone to answer. One of the boys bold his chest up at her as she laughed. "I maybe a female but..." She smirked slightly leaning down and whispering towards the group of boys. "I am not the one to mess with." When she spoke those words, she had fire in her eyes, which creeped the boys out and they ran away. She turned towards the other one but he had disappeared. Stephanie shrugged her shoulders while continuing on walking towards the auditorium.
She was met there by Storm as she smiled and gave her a hug. "I've missed this." She said followed by another bright smile.
"I'm glad to have you back." Storm said as she walked past Stephanie and entered the auditorium. Stephanie opened up the double doors and stood beside one of them, acting as a greeter for when people came in. She directed the students to their seats and the professors and others to the seats that were placed upon the stage. When everyone had entered the auditorium, she closed the doors and made her way to the stage, taking her seat and crossing her legs and adjusting herself comfortably. Her ears twitched when Storm was shushing everyone and it quickly got quiet. Storm smiled then looked behind her to make sure that every professor was present before beginning. One thing about her, it wouldn't be nice if you were late or didn't show up at all.
"Welcome, one and all to a new semester here at Xavier's Institute for Mutants." She applauded and everyone followed suit, even Stephanie. "I want to assure you guys that no harm will be done here to you guys during you tenure here at the Institute and these lovely professors..." She waved her hand dismissively towards them then continued speaking. "Will make sure that it will never happen. Now, I am going to make this brief, if you do not have your schedules, room assignments and orientation papers please see Bobby and Rogue, as soon as possible." She said while pointing at the two of them and they waved their hands and smiled. "Now, I want you guys to enjoy your time here and let the true mutant inside of you. You are all here because you are very unique in your own little way. Although, most people may fear us, we will prove to them that there is nothing to fear but fear itself." She said then looked at everyone as they applauded again. "Thank you." She spoke as the crowd cheered.
Storm turned heel and faced the professors as she looked to Bobby and Rogue. "Please escort the students out of the auditorium and make sure everyone has their schedules, room assignments and orientation papers." Bobby and Rogue nodded their heads while getting up and escorting the students. "Later tonight, we will have a meet and greet in the dining hall. I want you guys to look your best, like you do now." She said. "Also, at this meet and greet, I will introduce you guys to the students." She spoke with a smile but behind that smile, you could tell that something was wrong and she wasn't sharing any information with anyone. "Now, classes will begin in two days and I'll make an announcement about the meet and greet. Alright? Alright." She said while turning to the side and walking off the stage, Logan and Hank followed behind her.
"Was it me or did something seem a bit off about Storm?" Stephanie asked while eying the other professors that sat there with her.
She shrugged her shoulders while getting up. "Maybe it's just me." She walked off the stage and exited the auditorium, entering the main hall, where she monitored Bobby and Rogue.