Co-Gm(s) Fuzzy-mellon-lord(respect Fuzzy or feel our wrath{it won't be pretty})
Humans fear that which they can not explain. So, when supernatural beings were suddenly revealed to the public, pandemonium broke out. The supers thought at first that the humans would welcome them into their society but the complete opposite happened. The humans, now realizing that they in fact are not at the top of the food chain and that there was a chance they would be unsurped and their power taken from them, acted out of fear and anger. All the supernatural beings were rounded up and shoved into concentration camps. The public was none the wiser, believing the governments lie that they were trying to "help" the supers so they could fit in better with society. This, of course, was all just a big farce. The government didn't want to help the supers, they wanted to control them. So, now the supers are trapped in a camp on an island, forced to do manual labor and go through horrible experiments and torture. The camp is surrounded by electric barbed wire fence with guards posted practically all along the perimeter. The supernaturals living quarters is a small house with bunk beds, and one bathroom. The room is always cold and they are only give the bare minimum: thin blanket, hard mattress, and no pillow. All forms of weapons are taken from the supers when they arrived at the camps, the guards strip-searching them before they go inside so hiding weapons on their person is no good.
There was no way to escape. All the supernaturals were forced to wear a collar that weakened their powers and also restricted the use of the supers second form if they had one. I.E. werewolves could not turn into their wolf form, demons could not turn into their demon form. The collar were made so it was impossible to take them and impossible to cut through them or use any other means of taking them off. They only way the collars could be taken off was by the head of the person running the camps and that person was in an entirely different country, well away from the camps. The collars were also implemented with a tracking device so running away was out of the option. The collar is also used as a shock collar, the Warden's all having a remote that is used to activate the shocks. Can the supers survive this hell?
Some information about the rp:
1. There can only one type of species per character. Meaning: two characters can't be vampires, or werewolves etc. Each character has to be a different species from the others and no, someone can't be a sub species for a species that is already taken and you can't make up species either. Also, no half-breeds, even half-human.
2. I will be checking on your character lore so make sure it is actually the lore for that species. If you make the lore up your character will not be accepted. If you don't want to type it out you can just give me a link to the information.
3. No over-powered characters
4. Character can't have the same exact powers so if someone has control over ice another character can't have to same powers
5. Powers must relate to the species of a character for example a werewolf can't have control over fire. They might be able to speak to wolves or something.
1. Ruby Valkyrie(Fuzzy-mellon-lord)
2. Mara Farraige(XxLyraxX)
3. Edelweiss(Epiphany)
4. Amelia Frost(Katerina)
1. Flint White(solamelike)
2. Verde Bakles(Dahlia Hawthorne)
3. Samuel(CallaLily180)
Taken Species List:
+ Mermaid/Merrow
+ Dragon
+ Vampire
+ Imp
+ Skin-Walker
+ Angel
Taken Power's List
+ Can speak to any marine animal
+ Can control water
+ Siren Song
+ Fire Breathing
+ Impenetrable skin
+ Sonic Scream
+ Feather Projection
+ Wind Generation
+ Advance Speed
+ Advanced Strength
+ Tougher Skin
+ Illusion
+ Anime Shift-Shaping
+ Animal Imitation
+ Animal Mind-Reading
+ Precognitive Speech
+ Future Predicting
Powers(Max is three):
Species Lore(Must have and must provide a link to where you got your information from):
Personality(Must have at least 3 proper sentences):
Strengths(Must have at least three):
Weaknesses(Must have at least three):
History(Must have at least 3 proper sentences):
Accepted Characters
XxLyraxX said
"Sometimes in the waves of change we find our true direction."
~stands at 4'6, weighs around 90 pounds, and her hair reaches well past her waist~
Mara Farraige
~ Can speak to any marine animal
~ Can control water
~ Siren Song(She doesn't have very good control over this one, the pull of the song is not very strong to those that hear it because Mara is still young)
Mermaid | also called Merrow(Irish)
Deriving from the Gaelic word murúch the Merrow is the Irish equivalent of the mermaid and mermen of other traditions. These beings are said to appear as human from the waist up but have the body of a fish from the waist down. They have a gentle, modest, affectionate and benevolent disposition.There are other names pertaining to them in Gaelic - Muir-gheilt, Samhghubha, Muidhuachán, and Suire. They would seem to have been around for millenia because according to the bardic chroniclers, when the Milesians first landed on Irish shores the Suire, or sea-nymphs, played around them on their passage. The merrow were capable of attachment to human beings and there are reports of them inter-marrying and living among humans for many years. However usually they eventually return to their former homes beneath the sea. They are closely related to the Sirens of Greek Mythology.
Mara is very shy and kind though she is so shy to the point where she can't really talk in front of other people. Having not socialized with anyone outside of her family left Mara with no knowledge on how to relate to others and so she hardly ever knows what to say or how to act. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. Being as innocent as she is to the world, she trusts way too easily and is oblivious about a lot of stuff, especially when it comes to flirting/love or basically any interest thrown her way. She can be very insecure about herself and her body and she tends to second-guess herself a lot. Mara can become upset very easily and is very sensitive; also being very clumsy and tends to trip over her own feet a lot when in human form. Despite all of this however. Mara loves helping people and will do everything she can to make them smile. She looks at the brighter aspects in life and tries not to dwell on negative thoughts. Mara has a habit of thinking out-loud and she tends to talk to herself in her native tongue. Mara also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Mara will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself. She is very, very selfless. Mara can be very curious and is very easily captivated and awed by even the simplest of objects and things. She is very much like a child in a way.
~ Bright colors
~ Water
~ Marine animals
~ Singing
~ The sky
~ Fire
~ Loud noises
~ Being grabbed suddenly
~ Thunderstorms
~ Nets
~ Animals being hurt
~ She is very agile and fast in mermaid form
~ Her powers are stronger in the water
~ She heals faster when in the water
~ She is very clumsy in human form
~ She is very fragile and weak in human form
~ Her powers are weak when not around water
Mara and her family lived in a cave at the base of the Bay Cliffs in Ireland. There were legends of their kind that were circling around Ireland but only the older generation believed in such tales, the younger ones scoffing and passing it off as just a silly fairly-tale. Mara was an only child and she was loved dearly by both of her parents. The young Mermaid enjoyed swimming through the ocean waters, exploring its depths though she was not allowed to stray too far from the cave without one of her parents. During the day Mara and her family had to keep a low profile but at night Mara liked to sneak away from the cave and sit on a rock, singing in the moonlight. When the Hunts began, a rumor reached the government that people in a small village in Ireland kept hearing beautiful singing at night. Hunters were sent to the town where they stuck around for a few days until, on the fourth day they spotted Mara sitting on her usual rock, singing. They followed her back to the cave where they caught her in a net. Her parents tried to fight the men but they were killed right in front of Mara and the young Merrow was spirited off to the camps.
She speaks Gaelic and while she can understand English, she has trouble speaking it and will often mix English and Gaelic words together when angry, frustrated, or scared.
Fuzzy-mellon-lord said- human form, she is 5'2" and weighs 143lbs. Her hair stops a little above her shoulders Ruby Valkyrie 18 Female (All her powers are weaker in her human form than they are in her dragon form) Fire Breathing - the ability for fire to come out of her mouth, Flying - in her human form her wings have shrunk and she cuts holes into the back of her shirt for them. Impenetrable skin - because a dragons scales are so hard it makes it difficult to hurt her unless she is in her human form, where her skin is still strong it is just easier to cut. A dragon human shapeshifter, also called Draki Draki information Ruby is an extremely hyper girl who tends to seem a little crazy. But her happiness really just masks how scared and hurt she is about being taken away from the person she cares about. But she never lets it show unless someone pries into her past and the life that she wishes she was living. ~Ren - Her fiancee
~being free
~sunshine~being away from Ren,
~being caged,
~accidentally hurting the people she cares forShe is a fast flyer, because of her actual form she is a bit stronger than the normal female, she is able to cover her emotions extremely well. Ren, If she is away from some kind of moisture for a long time her skin will dry out and it could kill her, She can't swim though She was abandoned in a cave when she was a baby but her natural instincts kept her alive. She grew up hidden from society because of her wings, there was really no way to hide them. Then one day the Lie family found her hiding in a cave when she was 6. They took her in despite her being what she was and they loved her like their own daughter. That was also when she met Ren Lie, their eldest son. But Ren was quiet and didn't talk to many people but Ruby pushed her way into his bubble and they soon became best friends. He didn't care that she was a draki and he didn't treat her any differently then he would have done with a human girl. At 13 she realized that she was really in love with the 17 year old boy and she since dragons are quiet selfish, she couldn't help but get jealous when he came home with a girlfriend one day. Ren didn't know what was wrong with her and missed his old best friend. After months after he started dating the girl, she cheated on him and he broke it off. After that he also confronted Ruby about why she had changed so much around him and it made her angry that he was so dense and in her anger she confessed. They have been together ever since. When she turned 16 and he turned 20 he asked her to marry him when she got to be a legal age. But when she turned 18 her ability was leaked out....and she was taken from him. Ren tried to protect her but the government got to her and if her collar wasn't keeping her from transforming she would have run away to find him. The last thing Ren told her was to keep smiling because he would get her out of there if it was the last thing he did. So she keeps herself happy because of the hope that she will see Ren again and they can be together. She has a ring that she wears on her left ring finger it was the promise ring that Ren had given to her with she was 16 Trapped
Katerina said
Amelia Frost
Sonic Scream - The power to emit highly enhanced destructive and deafening scream of a high amplitude.
Feather Projection - The power to project razor-sharp feathers as projectile weapons.
Wind Generation - Ability to generate powerful winds.
Species Lore
THE HARPYIAI (or Harpies) were the spirits of sudden, sharp gusts of wind. They were known as the hounds of Zeus and were despatched by the god to snatch away (harpazô) people and things from the earth. Sudden, mysterious dissappearances were often attributed to the Harpyiai. The Harpies were once sent by Zeus to plague King Phineus of Thrake as punishment for revealing the secrets of the gods. Whenever a plate of food was set before him, the Harpies would swoop down and snatch it away, befouling any scraps left behind. When the Argonauts came to visit, the winged Boreades gave chase, and pursued the Harpies to the Strophades Islands, where the goddess Iris commanded them to turn back and leave the storm-spirits unharmed. The Harpies were depicted as winged women, sometimes with ugly faces, or with the lower bodies of birds.
Amelia is a little on the mean and cocky side of things. She doesn't really care much for others, only cares about herself. She angers easily and bust out a fight even if it's for the dumbest reason. She's headstrong and thinks more along the lines of actions over words. She'll be mean to just about anyone even if their nice to her, she doesn't make friends easy and she doesn't just trust anyone. Though if she does trust someone she can be a bit more kinder, though still acting mean in a way but with less force behind it. She's very confident in herself, but lacks self-esteem about her looks and her fighting skills always thinking she needs to improve and isn't doing it well enough. She hides her emotions, well except for her anger it's easy to tell with her when she's angry. She's anti-social, rather not talk to others or make conversations actually she rather avoid other people entirely.
+ The Sky
+ High Places
+ Eating
+ Open Spaces
+ Animals
+ Sunny Days
+ Music
- Water/Getting Wet
- Crowded Spaces
- Being Confined
- Being Grounded
- Showing Weakness
- Losing
- Rain
- Thunderstorms
She Is An Extremely Fast Flyer
When She's In Her Altered Form Her Talons Can Crush Skulls Easy With Immense Strength
She's Light On Her Feet And Agile
If Her Wings Get Wet Or Injured She's Grounded
She Doesn't Think Before Her Actions So She Makes Lot Of Mistakes
She Is Slower And Lacks Strength In Her Human Form So She's Pretty Much Defenseless
Amelia's parents abandoned her when she was young and she was left to fend for herself. Other than herself she hasn't seen anyone of her kind since, although she heard rumor that there were sightings in Greece. So Amelia stuck there for a while, moving from city to city having no luck at all until she finally settled in Athens for a while getting sick of moving from place to place. Amelia had to keep a low profile while staying there, though occasionally she would sneak off to take flight she just hated being grounded for to long. She mostly did her flying around night, though word got around quick of a mysterious creature flying around at night and stealing food, she gets hungry easily and she couldn't help but to steal food. When government caught wind of this rumor they stuck around Athens for a little while and Amelia was grounded longer than she thought. One night she couldn't fight the urge any longer and did her routine midnight flight, but that was a grave mistake. Even though she fought well the government manage to trap her and take her to a facility where she could do no harm.
She Doesn't Like To Be Still For LongTrapped
solamelike said
"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets."
Stands at 6'1
Name -Flint white
Age - 18
Gender -Male
~Advance Speed
~Advanced Strength
~Tougher Skin
Vampires are mythical beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures In folkloric tales, undead vampires often visited loved ones and caused mischief or deaths in the neighbourhoods they inhabited when they were alive. They wore shrouds and were often described as bloated and of ruddy or dark countenance, markedly different from today's gaunt, pale vampire which dates from the early 1800s.
Flint can be very charismatic at times usually attempting to make friends whenever he can.
He is easily flustered and can lose his temper if not calmed down.
He believes vampires are the greatest race and should be in charge over the others. Despite this radical view he rarely shows this was of thinking.
~Other Non-humans
~Manual Labour
~Sun light
~Lack of evidence
~Strength and Speed
~Martial arts
History: Flint lived in a large mansion hidden from site from the humans. He lived with his mother and father and three sisters and knew how important it was to keep the secret of the vampire. He was home schooled and learnt a large amount of maths and science, intrigued by how the world around him worked and how it could be observed. He also practiced martial arts and weapon training that had been passed down from generations of vampires. Then the humans came and despite the power and speed of the vampires they where defeated. Flint was taken away separately from his siblings. He hasn't seen them since.
Epiphany said
54 kg
(Her bangs cover the right side of her face to prevent people from looking at her scar.)
Name: Edelweiss "Edel" for short, though it isn't her real name she prefers Edelweiss more because of its elegance
Age: 18
Gender: Female
User can create and manipulate illusions , causing people to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Some users can create complex and detailed worlds, others may be able to only alter the way they or the target are perceived.
- Illusive Appearance: Most users who are not exactly combat savvy would use their ability as a defense mechanism to camouflage themselves, and even alter their physical appearance to look like someone or something else.
- Illusion Physiology: User is made up of or can transform their body completely into illusion. Users transformed form can be either anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of illusion, in which case it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately user can transform into homogenous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.
Species: Imp
Species Lore: Originating from Germanic folklore, the imp was a small lesser demon. Imps were often mischievous rather than evil or harmful (demons in Germanic legend were not necessarily evil), and in some regions, they were portrayed as attendants of the gods.
Imps are often shown as small and not very attractive creatures. Their behavior is described as being wild and uncontrollable, much the same as fairies, and in some cultures, they were considered the same beings, both sharing the same sense of free spirit and enjoyment of all things fun. It was later in history that people began to associate fairies with being good and imps with being malicious and evil. However, both creatures were fond of pranks and misleading people. Most of the time, the pranks were harmless fun, but some could be upsetting and harmful, such as switching babies or leading travelers astray in places with which they were not familiar. Though imps are often thought of as being immortal, many cultures believed that they could be damaged or harmed by certain weapons and enchantments, or be kept out of people's homes by the use of wards.
Personality: Edel seems just like a normal girl with fancy tastes - a little superfluous sometimes, rash too. Further down, she's possessive, insecure, and distrusting - and overly passionate. Once you're hers, you're hers forever - a result from being a little too distant when she was young, making her clingy to people for whom she cares and loves (though she probably wouldn't admit it).
She is easily enchanted by the charm of whimsical trinkets, and can sometimes be seen as vain and shallow (especially about looks, although her own are not stellar anyway). If she doesn't find a reason to distrust you though, she may naively do so, since she truly desires people she can be close with. Those who give her care and love may notice her reliance on them. Sometimes she can be seen as childish and easily offended, especially regarding her insecurity about her flaws, or mistakes.
When Edel starts to become suspicious of something, she might jump to conclusions easily and act recklessly upon them.
- Shiny objects
- Pretty things(Lace, tea, etc.)
- Friendship
- Her body scars
- Her flaws being pointed out
- Being told she is unattractive
- Pain/Swords/Guns/Etc.
- Speedy/agile on her feet
- Somewhat light
- Extreme sense of hearing
Weaknesses(Must have at least three):
- Some users might have to limit the amount of mental powers to control the illusion.
- User may be unable to create accurate illusions, such as making things that don't exist or situations that would never happen in a million years. One common mistake is misplacing a feature on a person, or forgetting to add shadows to their forms.
- (For Illusive Appearance)If consciously used, being knocked unconscious will make the user drop their illusion.
- (For Illusion Physiology)May need practice to change back.
- Not too great at fighting, she does have the occasional mess-up and because of this her opponents have the upper hand.
History: Edel grew up in a modest household with only her mother since her father was an unknown man. That didn't bother her though and she lived a content if bored life in their coastal village, often she would dream of going on adventures. Her mother was the village's florist and would tend to the various flora and fauna that were grown in the shop. She also acted as a healer with her extensive knowledge of various herbs and plants. Edel, as a child, would often watch her mother as she made various concoctions for cuts, burns and other small injuries and so knows a bit of amateur potions and remedies.
Her coastal village was hidden from the Human eye, this was on purpose. The village knew they were feared, but they wanted nothing more than a peaceful life, but humans were savage and brutal.
On the day of her 18th birthday, the village was found and humans invaded, their weapons were too strong allowing the village people to be finally taken and placed in the camps.
CallaLily180 said
Name: Samuel
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Powers: The ability to shift into any animal of his liking. Agility and speed. He can also imitate any animal or human and read their minds.
Species: Skin-Walker
Species Lore: Here you are. Often, Navajo people will tell of their encounter with a skinwalker, though many hesitate to reveal the story to non-Navajos, or to talk of such things at night. Sometimes the skinwalker will try to break into the house and attack the people inside, and will often bang on the walls of the house, knock on the windows, and climb onto the roofs. Sometimes, a strange, animal-like figure is seen standing outside the window, peering in. Other times, a skinwalker may attack a vehicle and cause a car accident. The skinwalkers are described as being fast, agile, and impossible to catch. Though some attempts have been made to shoot or kill one, they are not usually successful. Sometimes a skinwalker will be tracked down, only to lead to the house of someone known to the tracker. As in European werewolf lore, sometimes a wounded skinwalker will escape, only to have someone turn up later with a similar wound which reveals them to be the witch. It is said that if a Navajo was to know the person behind the skinwalker they had to pronounce the full name, and about three days later that person would either get sick or die for the wrong that they have committed. (This is my favorite part.)
Personality: Samuel is sometimes polite and always secretive, he has only revealed his powers to one person and that was a woman he loved that betrayed him. He now has a major disliking for women and usually growls at them or scares them at night. When he is not being rude he is a sweetheart and likes to flirt though it usually doesn't work because of his earlier rudeness, and he is also very very bad at it. He can also be a short lived joker, and while he is always doing something rude he will be their to save your skin when you need it.
Likes: ~Fidgeting ~Dancing ~Frightened People ~The Moon ~Sleeping In ~Colorful Things
Dislikes: ~Women ~Not Being Occupied ~Calm People ~Waking Up ~Being Normal
Strengths: ~He still has the ability to read minds. ~He is brave and has no known fears(At least to the others). ~He can kill if needed.
Weaknesses: ~His mind is dark and corrupted. ~He is not able to swim and hates anything to do with water unless he is in fish form. ~His true love practically haunts him and he can breakdown in seconds.
History: Samuel was born and raised in a tribe full of other skin-walkers, when he was just a child he started to sneak off in the middle of the night to see a true humans. It was years later when a human girl saw him in the form of a small dog and took him home, he didn't show himself until a day later and for some reason the girl was very happy and asked him to stay there with her. He had agreed and they had started to fall in what he thought was love though the relationship was one sided, unfortunately he had only figured that out a few years later when his love literally stabbed him in the back and he got arrested. He was given an unfair trial and was sent for death, the day before his cruel public hanging the jail had opened and he was shoved inside it. The last thing he had seen before the gates closed was his true love waving him off with a frown.
Dahlia Hawthorne said
Verde Bakles
Precognitive Speech
Verde can see and predict the future, the only drawback being he can only talk about the future and things involved with it in rhyme or riddle. It isn't his choice to say it that way, no matter how hard he tries it always comes out that way.
Species Lore:
An angel is a supernatural being or spirit, often depicted in humanoid form with feathered wings on their backs. They are represented through most religions as messengers for gods. They are seen as the purest known form of creature among mythology, though corruption is possible.
Verde is a calm individual, or calm when he needs to be. Panic is no stranger to Verde, as he consciously worries about other people without concern of their privacy. He is always looking out for the people around him, even if they find him bothersome. He takes joy in doing completely useless otherwise, and unless given direct instructions, can mess up something entirely, just because he thought it would be more convenient. He is also hyper active about the time. He will constantly ask for the time, and double checks any watch or wall clock. As an extra, when Verde gets really nervous, he will only speak in rhyme. He doesn't like talking about his family or where his wings went, and normally if you ask him he will go quiet.
+Some form of clock/way to tell time
+When people are smart enough to understand his riddles
+When he doesn't mess something up
+Convenient ways to speed up the process of doing anything
+Good futures
-Not knowing the time
-When his riddles are too confusing for him to understand
-When he does something that can't be fixed
-When doing something takes its sweet time
-When people mention his lack of wings
+His future visions are always accurate, and will update if something changes it
+His future visions are vivid unless the collar is on
+Sometimes the vision will be told in rhyme where it can be more easily understood
-The riddles that come from the visions are always confusing and take sometime to solve unless someone is above average intelligence
-The visions can not be changed by Verde in any way, futures can only be changed by others
-The collar limits the vividness of the vision harshly
-Any hits to his back are more painful than anywhere else
Verde lived happily with his mom and dad, both angels. They live happily together, until Verde turned 18. When the supernaturals came out, and the government releasing their program, Verde saw in it the most horrifying visions of the future he had seen. When he tried to tell his parents, his subconscious came up with a riddle far to confusing for even his parents to understand. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't tell his parents what he had seen, and his parents made the mistake of trusting the program. They came and took them away, Verde's parents sent to a different camp. After words, to prevent Verde from escaping, they ripped out his wings. Verde has been since too fearful to check on the future of his parents.
Other: Trapped