The school of opportunities RP PadXXX
This will be a different kind of RP. Your only goal is to survive.
You will be in control of an OC enrolled in Disney Institute for Magical Training. A secret school that exists to help students expand in their various magical/paranormal abilities. Although most of the students are friendly, there are secrets in this school that teachers will go to great lengths to keep hidden.
Your job is to survive, and to help fellow students survive, while dark horrors unravel themselves around you and your classmates.
The student body will consist of heroes from Disney movies, the teachers staff will consist of Disney villains that you do not want to get involved with. Events in the school will occur corresponding to what occurred in the Disney movies. But since I'm a jerk, I'll make sure that not all stories have a happy ending. Rules:
1. Be active in both RP and OOC thread. I know many of you have to juggle school, a job, and a personal life, as long as you contact me or mention in the OOC that you won't be posting for awhile, you won't be kicked from the RP. The requirement for posting in the RP thread is 3 posts a week.
2. Romance is permitted. Personally, I dislike romance RPs and fanfictions. Since this is a Disney RP, however, it would be very hypocritical for me not to allow it. Fair warning: I dislike romance, if you make it happen, I promise I will do my best to kill your character. XD
3. OCs may not have a successful romances with Disney NPCS, but you can still try. I'm sure some of you may want your OC in a relationship with your favorite Disney character, but I can't allow it. Your OC may have crushes on the Disney characters, but you can't get them to successfully fall in love with you.
4. You must ask if you plan on controlling a Disney NPC. I have many plans for several of the Disney characters. To make sure nothing conflicts, I'd like you to ask permission before you use a Disney character. I'm very relaxed with this rule, I'll say yes 9/10 times as long as you ask on the OOC thread or message me.
5. Be respectful.
6. Please post links to you pictures throughout the RP. I very much like that this site allows users to show images on RP threads. However, artists work very hard to make these pictures, it's not fair to them that they aren't properly credited.
SettingHidden in the Alp Mountain ranges of Europe, switzerland, secret schools exists to help train gifted teenagers. There are thirteen schools on the mountain ranges, each built spiraling away from the first, acting as a shield for the secrets that lie deep within the mountain range. You are enrolled in the newest, and outermost, school. It has the lowest student enrollment, and is the thirteenth school so far to be built. Being the newest school, the staff have more authority to "experiment" various teaching methods with the students.
Computer Lab
Chemistry Lab
Physics Lab
Astronomy Observatory
Band Room
Football Stadium
Large lake five miles away school
Cave systems than run through the mountain
Note: you are allowed to reserve an approved disney character as your main characterXXX
Age: (12-20)
Primary ability:
Preferred magic:
Extracurricular Activities: (Optional)
Primary ability:
Preferred magic type:
Job title:
Accepted Students:
[WIP]Name: Reynard
Age: 15
Primary ability: shape shifting
Preferred magic:Slight of Hand: this type of magic allows him to bend the laws of world around his hands and pull stuff out of thin air. this form of magic is especially useful and popular among tricksters.
Personality: since he is a trickster, Reynard is very obnoxious and mischievous who enjoys playing pranks on people. since he has been admitted to the Disney Institute for Magical Training, he tries to at least keep his mischief down so he doesn't get into enough trouble that he could get expelled. all in all, Reynard is loyal and good spirited, his tricks are just for fun.
Major: entertainment
Extracurricular Activities:
: Allison Quintaine: :
Creatures of nature:
Allison is a reserved and quiet girl. She is a bit shy at fist but can quickly open up to you once you get to meet her. She is always very calm and quickly worries about others. But although she looks like it, she is not fragile. She is a strong individual, with an outstanding strong heart. She has much energy inside of her, but is weak in combat herself. Although she lets others fight for her, she cares very much for her friends. The stronger her bond is with her summons the more loyal they become to her. And because of her peace orientated way of thinking she quickly is able to make friends with someone. She doesn't like trouble, but when it's there she is ready to defend herself.:
Allison was born in a broken family. Once she was born she already was abandoned by her father, leaving her mother to raise her all by her own. She was told that her father had passed away, but one day her father did show up again, and he was nice to her. She was angry at her mother that she lied, but quickly forgave her. Her parents didn't marry but her father frequently visited her. Later she discovered her father had been abusing her mother for money. She wanted to stop her father and that moment she discovered that she had the power of summoning things. Thorn Snakes damaged her father so badly that he had to be brought to the hospital. Not long after Allison was send to the Disney Institute for Magic Training.:
She likes to draw, mostly the beautiful environment of forests etc.:
She sometimes also just summons her summons to bond with them.
Name: Nessa Thropp
Age: 16
Primary ability: Darkness/shadows
Preferred magic: Manipulation of darkness/shadows into real things
Personality: Despite being a quite girl, she is always up for a challenge. If a group of students decided to go and do something adventurous or devious, she would happily join even though she would not always express how she feels. She likes to participate in these sorts of things because she likes to observe and learn new things. She answer when spoken to but with the least amount of words possible. The only time she will really talk is when she is speaking about something she loves which could be history or music. She does like using words a lot of words because she also enjoys writing but she refuses to share her works with anyone. She is a very curious individual and a rather intelligent one as well. Most things come easy to her and she gets frustrated rather easily when she can't hone a new conception with ease. She is also rather mature for her age because she was always taking care of her younger sister before she came to the institute.
History: Nessa was born to a middle class family with two working parents, though her mother did take time off to raise her and her younger sister when she was born later. She had a structured life and was always exposed to knew experiences to give her an open mind. Since both her parents were working, she and her sister, Ellie, were very close, always playing together and telling each other everything. When their parents took time off from work, the whole family went travelling to vacation in different places around the world. It made it very hard for Nessa to leave her family when she discovered she had powers. Her family wanted her to stay but the fear of the unknown of her powers made Nessa decide to leave to go to the Institute.
Major: History (Mythology of the Ancient Civilizations)
Extracurricular Activities: Writing, reading, listening to music and playing violinMiscellaneous:
Current NPCs:
Primary Ability: A primary ability is the talent your character is most skilled with. Although students may study every type of magic, there are certain abilities that students excel at. For instance, Jack frost's primary would be ice power, while Tinkerbell's would be flight/wind ability.
Preferred Magic type: This is the magic that the student is studying/uses. There are many types of magic. (Feel free to create one and add it to your OC) The three primary abilities are blood magic, elemental magic, and chaotic magic. (
Here's a reference of magic if you'd like. )