Name: Jethro
Age: 19
Role In Family: Older son

Personality: Jethro is a carefree individual and generally reckless, and although he will pick fights, he is fiercely loyal and protective of his family members.
Supernatural Abilities/Species: Jethro can manipulate a person's mind. He can prod their brains, for all kinds of effects. He can induce an emotion in an individual, completely and utterly destroy that person's mind, or induce crippling pain in an individual, along with many other things. He cannot use his powers on his family for some reason, though he doesn't really mind, he wouldn't anyways. His powers only work as well as the person is intelligent. (basically, really smart= very succeptible while moron= not as much so; also, instinct is not intellect)
Other: He is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, to where he can handle himself in a fight if need be, though I imagine he wouldn't stand much of a chance against superhuman individuals. (not really 'supernatural' so I put it in other :3)