Name/Aliases: Zethran (The Wandering Wizard)
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Age: Appears 21
(This is his most common appearance, due to high level Illusionist. He uses various appearances.)
Personality: Reserved, Cautious, Cynical, Protective of those who gain his friendship to a reckless point of his self health, Always worrying bout problems bigger then himself,
History: Zethran has appeared with many appearances and names, taking on many identities and personas souly for the purpose of furthering his magic. His array of magic labels him A wizard and his constant journeying and solidarity is what dubbed him the Wandering Wizard.
He has been known to aid travelers and those in need. However to less fortunate individuals he has tested spells and fought them for no apparent reason. Mostly this is due to meeting them with a previous persona and thinking they are unlawful or have ill intent in life. This has cause attention of good and bad towards himself. Though his odd prowess with magic has saved him time and time again. Zethran also shows brief laps or signs of insanity. This is due to how many times he has pushed his mentality to the limits and back again when practicing magic. Some people notice this upon site or first conversing with him, many never notice it at all.
Ever since he was a boy, his father was A wizard that dreamed to make Zethran the next prodigy of Wizards. This inevitably brought the death of Zethrans father and he uses that event to strive himself to not fail his father. He vows he will do what it takes to be the most renown wizard. Then he will proceed to take action against the demons who taint the world they call home. That is if he ever gains the skills or allies to endure such A spectacle.
(GM NOTE: We can edit his history from this point on or completely so it abides by your plot/universe. I also do not mind becoming A pivotal protagonist for the group of protagonists. (Sorta like gandalf in LoTR) Or even possibly become a brief antagonist or something idk lol.) Equipment: A magic
staff he always seen wielding, One 1-handed long-sword, One dagger,
Marital Status: No wife, hardened life leaves no time for things such as love, The greater good is at stake.
Magic: Light/Illusion: Illusions: Zethran focus is Illusion magic, able to conceal his identity with pure illusion almost like a sort of transformation. He is only able to turn into humanoid beings with illusions. Not objects or beasts. (Maybe a goblin or orc type humanoid is possible, but GM and I should discuss that.)
Barriers: Defenses can be made out of light, typically in the form of a sphere around himself or allies.
Illumination/Blinding: Making surges of light he can blind foes or simply illuminate his staff for vision in dark places.
Magic Kinesis: Zethran can push things or people back or forward with magic. Sort of like telekinesis but not as powerful. Or less complicated moves can be performed. (Simple pushes and pulls, snares. Spinning someone in place.)
Destructive blast: Slamming his staff on the ground can make a powerful shock-wave. This has been seen used against swarming enemies to throw them back. Or even do things like damage bridges to disable crossing.
Elemental: His elemental moves are limited, also his weakest form of magic that he most recently started learning. Fire can be used for cone of flame, fire balls, or simply heating up/igniting objects. (maybe even heating up something in an enemies hand?) Water can only be used for cone of ice or freezing present water. Lightning can only be used to have arcs of lightning hit his sword and at great cost of stamina the bolt arcs to a foe. His lightning attack is rarely used due to being most dangerous.
Skills: Proficient with staff + long-sword combo, Mastery of casting his illusion spells, (his stamina with casting spells is still increasing every day so is by far large)
Fall-backs: Being A wizard or using magic comes at a cost of mental stability. He holds prowess with his staff and sword combo only making up for what he cannot do with spells. For he relies on his magic abilities as much as he can. He would rely on his magic only, but that is impossible due to stamina required to cast magic.
Other: Was thinking of having this character, in his history had stumbled across magic that furthered his longevity? Or he has A pendant that lowers his real age? Making him younger? Idk something that enables him to have A longer lifespan then A normal human.