Fog drifts over the rolling mountains of metal, lights blinking in and out through the deep grey blanket. As you stagger forward, you see it- a massive metal hand, reaching into the sky, with a clenched fist, challenging all who would dare oppose it. The plated gauntlet stood stories high, many sheets of metal missing, revealing mismatched wiring. As you approach it, you stumble over a pile of scrap metal, falling to the ground, a crashing noise echoing around you.
With no hesitation, a spotlight springs to life, cutting through the fog, focusing in on you. A loud clicking repeats, the sound of empty guns, ammo long expended. metallic groans fill the air, and the spotlight wavers. "RUN!" screams your brain, but you can't, fear anchors you in place.
The groaning stops, as well as the rhythmic thuds that shook the ground beneath your feet. You turn, to see seemingly hundreds of yellow lights spring to life, standing in groups of two, staring into your soul. One steps forward, the fearsome beast letting out a growl. Then you feel it, and look up. The sight of the bottom of a massive steel boot is your last sight before it all goes black.
I plan on making this a darker survival based RP, in a junkyard-like setting. Now, here's what you need to know.
The war was inevitable, the only question was when.
Everyone thought that it would be delayed for centuries when the treaty had been passed. Soon enough, all weapons of mass destruction (nukes, kinetic strike weapons, etc.) were destroyed, save a special few that countries weren't willing to give up. It was supposed to mark the beginning of a time of peace, not of war. But then, it appeared. The Planet of War, as history began to note it. Using the power it provided, mankind began their first step into the new age, creating massive robots, known as the PeaceKeepers, monsters of steel, made to protect the countries. But then, they turned. The AI's became too advanced, and soon malfunctioned, causing nothing but destruction. Those that survived were used to take down the rogues. The attempt was slightly successful, as many of the rogues were destroyed, their corpses moved into massive junkyards. However, the last of the resistance was destroyed by the rogues, but not before the entire country of America was turned into a veritable wasteland of metal and smoke.
-The Planet of War-
Called such due to it's massive potential for creating weapons, the Planet of War was a massive meteorite, dwarfing our own moon, that was predicted to crash into our planet, annihilating life as we knew it. However, by some fluke, it instead was pulled into orbit, allowing humanity a few more years of survival. It did throw off the tide, a lot, but didn't affect much else. When we realized that it was full of powerful metals, we began harvesting it, which we used to create the PeaceKeepers.
The peacekeepers are massive robots, almost contesting the height of an average skyscraper. These massive machines are armed with many miniguns, lining their figure, although few actually have bullets left nowadays. The war machines are, for the most part, hollow, their infrastructure riddled with crawlspaces and whatnot, allowing a swarm of engineers to keep them running. With said engineers gone, many PeaceKeepers are flawed with bugs and kinks, disabling them.
The survivors are few and far between. In order to survive in this wasteland, much knowledge is required of machinery, however you still need strength and stamina to survive. I don't want to see any frail 80 year old inventors, but at the same time, I don't want you making meat-headed body-builders.
I hope y'all are interested.