Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


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Welcome to Starlight's OOC, my name is June and I'll be your 'GM' for this story! Official title aside though I'm really just here to set the scene and any answer questions you may have... but, before I start I'd like to say thank you all so, so much for showing interest in this story! I was worried that no one would have any interest given it doesn't have any big supernatural or secret twists involved like a lot of the stories on here, but you've all shown up just the same, and I'm glad for that, so let's get started!

{Story Starter}
Finals week definitely took its toll, but after resting and lazily packing up your things to leave the dorms you finally found the time to say some heartfelt goodbyes. It was hard, but you'd see your friends again; 'Summer will be over before you know it' a few had reassured you bittersweetly. Even after all that, it was still the trip home that drew the school year to a close in your mind. Watching helplessly as familiar things passed by and old memories resurfaced, slowly summarizing a year in your life gone by, measured by the pleasures you'd had and challenges you'd faced, each made small with distracted remembrance. You arrive late at night and go straight to sleep, the next day passing slowly as you laze about your home, visiting only briefly with various childhood friends and family before growing bored of a life you'd been away from that seemed to stagnate in your absence, even though you keep telling yourself you really needed to catch up on things. Many people in your place would continue like this for a long time, refusing to unpack or in any way reestablish themselves in space and time. The lucidity of their situation leaving them feeling false and at a loss, reaching out and secretly waiting for things to return to their everyday pattern which had been all too quickly taken from them.

This is how every summer has passed, and the next few are likely to transpire, but this summer something changes. It's early in the morning, and you receive a message from a friend....

{The Basics}
As many of you know the message is an invitation to a very expensive lakeside cabin off in the woods far from society (though fully stocked and well kept), and the original message was bounced around quite a bit so some of the people here don't actually know the cabins owner; Diana "Dai/Dye" Monroe (played by myself!).

The RP starts with each of your characters receiving a message from a friend, a few of you, maybe three or four, will know Dai directly, and the rest will be invited from those people or even by people those people invited (... which is less confusing than it sounds). After we get the CS's set up and accepted I'm going to try and match people into a bit of an 'invitation grid' based on whom I think are the most likely to have been friends ahead of time, and then from there, you guys can figure out amongst yourselves some general background info before we get started. If you have any preferences as to whom your character is 'paired' with, please send me a PM! Be it because you are actually close friends with that person, or you literally want to be 'paired' with them *audible winking*, but for the latter I'll need both of you to confirm this with me individually (or in a shared PM). I'd much prefer that everyone show up as a singular character though, but such is life.

You get the message, you take a train to a small town named Alice, and you take a complimentary taxi ride from the station to the cabin (the Starlight Lakehouse).

The Rules are SUPER simple; *Dusts off the D&D second edition guide*

  • Be kind and respectful to other players.

  • Please keep any/all rated intimate content in PM's but alluded to in the actual RP so others know.

  • Keep 'Speed Posting' to an absolute minimum, but don't be afraid to have brief conversations.

  • Do NOT apply unless you intend to stay for the duration of the story.

  • Please, please, please use relatively good grammar / spelling / punctuation etc. as well as full sentences.

  • There is a 1-Paragraph minimum to each post, but I would like at least two if possible, the maximum around four or five if you're especially wordy.

I understand that with RL, things happen that really prevent us from RPing, but I urge you only to apply if in the foreseeable future you know for sure you can stay with us. If something does come up (like you are in a plane hurtling towards the Earth), I would greatly appreciate a quick PM explaining the situation to me and giving me permission to write your character out of our story. However, you can also have another active (and accepted) player write in your stead during your absence or indefinitely, you will need their permission and I will need confirmation from both of you, preferably in a shared PM.

{The Cabin} (Image Heavy)

Please excuse my really rushed really bad layout map I might redo it later probably not.

{Character Sheet}

HandedNess (dominance):
Appearance (description &/or image):

General Personality (description):
June is super cool and them being late posting this is alright: Y or Y
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


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Name: Diana "Dai/Dye" Monroe
Age: 19
Height: 5'11
Weight: 120ibs
Sex: Male
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Handedness: Right
He's very thin, and relatively tall with spindly arms and legs, but everything about him is gentle, save for his thick-framed glasses. He wears primarily baggy sweaters in soft colours and tight-fitting skinny jeans with his black shoes.

General Personality: He's relatively quiet and mild mannered, though often quite sarcastic and dark humored. Overall, people tend to gravitate toward him because he's honest, kind and incredibly loyal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago


I am making my sheet now! Excited already :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Swarley
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Awesome, I'll do my sheet tomorrow because it's 2 in the morning here but I assure you it'll be up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kevin Sinnet

Age: 19

Height: 5'9

Weight: 135 lbs

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

HandedNess: Left

Appearance: A slender, young man with a slightly toned build due to the many physical activities he used to participate in years prior from entering uni. His frame, although thin, can be described as lithe but sturdy. His hair is of medium length, stark under normal lighting conditions but glows a soft golden-brown if presented under the radiance of the sun. The tone of his skin is slightly tan, just a step or two darker than fair. His eyes are pools of chocolate; dark and piercing but warm and comforting. The most defining characteristic about Kevin Sinnet is his smile - slightly crooked, but in a charming, unique manner.

General Personality: Charismatic and sociable, Kevin is an optimistic individual who's not afraid to speak his mind. He's well mannered and understanding, as his public self seems to radiate a certain charm. He tends to get along easily with people, as he puts himself out there and is usually the first one to introduce himself. He's the type of person that accepts everyone equally as he is not a person that judges. Kevin Sinnet's cheerful personality is not over the top, but rather refreshing and genuine. As a private individual, however, Kevin Sinnet is selfish and stubborn. Everything has to be his way, though he hides these hidden desires pretty well. If angered to the point where these values may become vulnerable, he usually becomes silent, distant, and aloof. Light, gentle, respectable and understanding are keywords to describing his refreshing character.

Boom! Here's mine. Can't wait to see all of yours. I'm excited for all of the mingling, drama, and fun. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Here it is!
Name: Rayne Maxwell

Age: 18

Height: 5’7

Weight: 115ibs

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Orientation: A bit of this and a bit of that. (Bisexual)

HandedNess (dominance): Right

Appearance (description &/or image): Rayne is a fairly skinny guy with long arms and legs. Favourite clothes include jeans and long sleeved shirts when it’s cold, and a normal shirt and still jeans when it’s hot.

General Personality (description): In a word, eccentric would be the most fitting for Rayne. He is fun loving and very active, always running around and playing. He is always smiling, doing his best to lighten the mood, even if he is sad or depressed. When asked as a kid ‘What is the one thing you want the most?’ His answer was ‘I want everyone in the world to smile’. This is the motto he lives by every day, doing his best to be happy with his friends. (Side note, he is rather flirtatious with almost everyone he meets)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


Member Offline since relaunch

They both look lovely, and are accepted! I'll be more official about it later on and get an 'accepted' list set up or what not, but like Swarley said it's 2am (now almost 3 for me here in Maine). I think I might bail for the night heh, maybe... unsure... probably not.

PS. Hairspray is the best movie and I love it dearly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


Member Offline since relaunch

Whoopsie daisy uh, I apparently spaced and didn't add the living-room picture but it's there now! Okay... maybe sleep is a good idea huh?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Is this still accepting?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


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Absolutely, this is a growing story, we currently have ten players interested (including myself). Though I should warn you it looks like strangers are going to be 'bunking' together.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

okay i'll put up my cs in a bit.

I don't mind, my character could totally sleep in a sleeping bag. jk~

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

WinterNightSky said
okay i'll put up my cs in a bit. I don't mind, my character could totally sleep in a sleeping bag. jk~

Wouldn't be a bad idea. Have the friends of the friend's friends sleep in the living room on the couch and such.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Age: 17

Height: 5'5

Weight: 105lbs

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Handedness: Right hand is dominant but she is able to write with her left hand slowly

Appearance: Long black hair, hazel brown eyes, petite

General Personality:
-Might seem mean and closed off at first but starts to open up and become more friendly after getting to know her
-Blunt and can be harsh with words.
-Cares deep inside.
-Neat freak. Makes sure every corner of the house is clean and spotless.
-Mischievous with a wicked sense of humor
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


Member Offline since relaunch

Accepted! With that, I'm just going to respectively pass out, goodnight!

Also, gosh, everyone's short.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Good night! It's 4:30 in the afternoon here though.

I agree. Although, that's around my height in real life.. Hahahaha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JurassicHole
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JurassicHole Definitely NOT the Mama.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Tyson Avery
Age: 18
Height: 6'
Weight: 190
Sex: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
HandedNess (dominance): Right
Appearance (description &/or image):

General Personality (description): Tyson is kind of a goof ball, but mainly only acts that way as he is actually very shy. This obviously clashes with his outward appearance, being bigger than most guys his age, as well as toned from his time on the school wrestling team. On the inside, he's really a delicate guy, but due to his bulky appearance and joking manner, most aren't aware of this. Not an aggressive guy whatsoever.

Kind of a rough CS, I'll flesh it out more if ya like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


Member Offline since relaunch

It meets all my requirements! The idea was to have a pretty basic CS and let all the real personality etc be shown in the story as it progresses over quite a bit of time.
You're accepted of course. Bonus points for Iron-Reiner!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by breathofarda


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Calliope (Ka-ly-oh-pee)

Callie, based on spelling rather than pronunciation






130 lbs

She is not quite slim, but being active and the blessed metabolism of good genetics has kept her weight steady. She is likely more squish than muscle, despite liking to spend time outdoors being active. Her hair is considered fine and straight, both naturally blonde and artificially lightened. Eyes that dance between a clear evening's azure and a stormy grey sky seem darker and more dramatic against her fair skin, free of freckles but for her shoulders. She tries to wear contacts but has little patience for discomfort and often ends up wearing glasses instead.


If asked to describe herself, Calliope would probably struggle and end up just saying her likes, which are decently rounded in terms of variety: knitting and rappelling, cats and kickboxing. Reading a book while laying on a blanket with a hot sun and cool wind, the smell of spring all around her. After that, perhaps she'd find characteristics, but Calliope has always been suspicious of self-evaluations, figuring a person is always predisposed to be somewhat wrong about themselves, whether in too good or too negative a fashion. In the same frame she's critical of most things dealing with online tests or astrology, preferring rather a clean and precise science. A mellow woman, her voice is uncommonly low and smooth of tone, making her often seem as if she's on the verge of sleep or without a care in the world. Her laughter is quick and easy but ofttimes she misses the joke due to taking it a little too literally, worse sometimes because her ability for subtlety has never been wholly present. She's usually optimistic but never quite reaches bubbly, her temper seldom sparking but being the worse when it does.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Beloved


Member Offline since relaunch

Absolutely accepted as well!
The name surprised me a little heh, I have nothing but good feelings about the character it reminded me of though!

I'm really glad this is rolling along well, and I respect some players choices to edit the CS a bit here and there as it applies to them, so no worries about that (as long as it's not super big changes).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by breathofarda


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Haha, that's good. Bad first impressions are never fun! I've done a couple RPs using the name before, but that was a while ago now. I had already started character building prior to the OOC going up and then blended it with yours, so that's why mine looks a little different. =] I was a little excited and it was a good distraction from studying for finals.
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