The lights flicker against the chipped concrete, the pitter-patter of rats heard from somewhere nearby. Blood drips from the mouth of a man. He chokes out a sob, his hand clutches his stomach as blood slowly leaks out. The rats are the least of his worries right now, he just wants to go home. I don't wanna die down here. He rolls to his side, crying out in pain. A door lays at the far end of the hallway. Beginning to drag himself in the direction of the door, he cries out in pain. That Hanger had really got him good. The rats sound closer than ever, their sounds echoing throughout the hallway. How many are down here? A dark red trailer follows the man as he crawls. Almost there.. The lights shut off, shrouding him in darkness. A terrified gasp escapes his mouth as his sight is extinguished. He begins to work up the nerve to continue forward as something brushes his foot. He stops breathing, to terrified to do even that. Maybe it was my imagini- That hopeful thought was cut off as another unknown being brushes past his leg, followed by another, followed by another. It was at that moment that the man realized, all too late, that those were not rats. Screams echo throughout the Maze, fading into the darkness.
The sun gloomily shone down on the broken concrete, casting shadows throughout the city. One shadow covered a fenced in community, taking up about 4 blocks worth of space in the streets. Louie Martin walked silently through the street, shivering slightly. The day was going slow, like any other day. The elders were helping garden, the children were being taught how to fight, a select few being trained for the "Guards". They should have been named the "people who never do their job." It was always the regular people, like Louie that had to take care of guarding the fences. Night shift was the worst: The long hours, the silence, and the moving shadows in the distance. The shadows had learned to keep their distance, with the use of guns and lights. The things hated any type of illumination. No one was sure what the things were, maybe something created by the Disaster? Or were they created by the scientists? A few years back, there had been a large group of them located in the building labeled "Bank". They said they were working on a way to copy humans, using old world notes. But they had failed, dumped their failures deep in the Maze, and split town. They must have warned someone about something because ever since then, no one has gone any farther than level 1 of the Maze. OR maybe people were just paranoid. He sighed, heading towards the farmers market where most of the people would be. Just a couple of days ago, a boy was caught attempting to steal from a stand... No one had heard anything else about him.