Leo is a tall character standing at 6ft 3” but also a well-built man. He’ll normally be caught wearing a blue shirt and navy combat trousers with black walking boots always polished.
In training kit
in the SRS2 

during a mission Leo went in hand to hand combat with a target the target had a knife and Leo was unarmed. The man died but at a cost Leo had a severe injury in his right arm and a severed right eye from the body. The company he was employed at offered to try their new bionics package on him, he now has a bionic eye in which can create holo maps and acts like a HUD, and it can switch to thermal and infrared imaging with a 12 x zoom. The Bionic arm can lift up to 2,000kg and has an inbuild knife pouch.To match his upgrades he was given a SRS2 (Stealth and Reversal Suit 2) this allowed him up to 7 minutes of invisibility and is able to create a smoke screen for a quick escape.
At the age of 20 Leo joined ‘Shadow Company’ a hit man style group of mercenaries who went on missions around the world to get eliminate people of the client’s choosing. Leo lost many friends on these missions and so it made him the quiet think about everything man he is today.
Leo slowly made is way up through the ranks of shadow company. It was on his 50th mission when he had the incident and afterwards had the enhancements to his body. When he had the implants he was moved to his own squad and given the call sign: Prophet.
it was on his 134th mission when he realised ‘Shadow company’ was employed by a rich business man who killed any who opposed him. After finding this out he made it his duty to take revenge he went to kill his target but instead of killing him he went rouge started talking to the target to get the man’s location. He went to his holiday villa and took out the man.Leo didn't want to keep any of his previous life so left the SRS2 at the man's villa a symbol to say that he was finished with him.although he regrets it now as it may prove helpful in fighting for justice. he says to him himself that he will rebuild one a better one when he get the funds, so far he's made the exoskeleton and he's ran out of funds.
He was wandering around the streets looking for trouble when a ‘recruiter’ came up to him and asked him the question. After some time of thinking he said justice and gave me a phone, he read the message and started running to the cab depot