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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"Discovery awaits, oh faithful voyager, beyond the known twilight. Keep my dreams in your pocket to hold, and carry us with your first steps into newfound stardust."

Plot: The United League of Star Systems (ULSS) Science Division is prepping for their first ever multi-species Space Exploration program into the Outer Rim. Accepted candidates will traverse uncharted star maps in the top-of-the-line ULSS Zotharis Frigate. Your mission is to establish friendly contact with unregistered alien civilizations (that meet ULSS protocol), discover and harvest rare minerals and resources, and compile research data on all findings worth noting. You’ll go down in history as the first pioneers that explored the farthest edges of the galaxy. Whatever prejudices you may have with other species will be kept to yourself. Everyone will be watching your progress -- so don't k'raash this up!

United League of Star Systems:
Formed 10 solar cycles after the Five Faction Peace Treaty that ended the Intergalactic war between Empires for ages, the ULSS has been functioning as the galaxies primary government for over a hundred years. A delegation of prime counselors make up the governing body. There are a total of 10 prime counselors; two representatives per Empire. Together, they are constantly working toward establishing constitutional laws that promote equality and cultural flexibility, all while maintaining strict authority within the confines of ULSS territory. An even bigger party of delegates make up the overseers of each Empire’s space quadrant, all intermingled and spread across the board equally.

While ULSS law is accepted across charted star systems, insurgency and illegal criminal operations still exist to this day. The entire 100 year process leading up to the unification of Empires mainly dealt with quelling rebellions, piracy, and a slew of other complicated problems that could’ve delayed the process significantly, if left unchecked.

After 100 years, the internal conflicts that sought to cripple the ULSS infrastructure have lessened in scope. Now, they set their sights on exploring uncharted territories in the galaxy. The first multi-species Space and Exploration team will function as a symbol of unity that reflects the tireless efforts of the ULSS.

The ULSS Zotharis Frigate

The ULSS Zotharis is the end product of a collaborative effort between the five factions of the galaxy. The Zotharis is intended to be a research vessel, but with state-of-the-art tech, shielding, stealth, navigations, and firepower, it stands as the most versatile ship in the fleet.
Class: Multi-conventional Frigate

Size: 540 meters/ 1771 feet

Armament: 6 x Projectile Cannon Turrets, 2 x Large Ion Cannon Turrets, 1 x Large Mass Drive

Other Systems: Defense Field Generator, Stealth Core, Stasis Core Deployment (For boarding other vessels), Defense Probe Deployment, Research Probe Deployment.

Maximum Speed: FTL

Personnel: 100 crewmembers. Maximum Occupancy: 150

Extra Vessels:

Interior Layout:
First Deck:

Second Deck:

Third Deck:

Fourth Deck:

Fourth Deck:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Sheet:

b]Appearance:[/b] (Picture preferred and written physical description also welcomed)
b]Name: [/b]
b]Age: [/b]

b]birth quadrant[/b] (view star map and correspond with designated territories)

b]Primary Role:[/b] (Engineer*open*, Navigations*taken*, Medic*taken*, Security Officer*Open*, Chef *Taken*, Operations Officer *Taken*)

b]Secondary Role:[/b] ( Lab Assistant*Reserved*, Entertainment*open*, Bartender*taken*, Hangar Bay Mechanic*open*, Agriculture*taken*)

b]Personality:[/b] (I'd like your strengths to be summed up in a few words with a much more detailed insight on your weaknesses. What are you prejudice towards? How bad is your bedside manner? etc)

b]Species: [/b]

b]Species Origin: [/b] (What former empire and quadrant does your species hail from? Short history in one small paragraph and any biological enhancements in a separate paragraph.)

b]Character History:[/b] (Give me all the goods. What inspired your character to be an exploronaut on the ULSS Zorathis? What was their upbringing like?)

b]Equipment:[/b] (catered to your role. No weapons (All of them are issued onboard and for emergencies only anyways). Small craft/vehicles/pets included.

b]Living Quarters:[/b] (picture is appreciated, but if you can't find one, a simple description will do).

b]Misc Info:[/b]
Post Mechanics:

**In this RP fellow RPers will come together with their unique alien characters as pioneers. We'll all embark on missions (and each get a chance to make your own) that will have immediate consequences on the ULSS community (especially the former Empire's you're registered under), the morale onboard the Zotharis, and your character's reputation. A major decreasing/increasing spike in any of these three points will dramatically affect the overall plotline.**

The start of each post cycle will begin with an OP that can do any of the following:

-Set up current scenario which may involve:
Ship tasks designated to your occupation, Mission briefings, and/or Story lines.
-Update the ULSS community reactions
-Update Zotharis Morale
-Update Character Reputation

Some missions might have a limited amount of posts per cycle available. For example: [Mission Quarantine: Max Post Count: 10] means that the mission must be resolved by 10 posts. Failure to do this will affect ULSS comm reactions, Zotharis Morale, and Reputation tremendously. If these three things are too low, we risk mission failure or termination.
1. Respect RPers. If there is a dispute over something, please be classy enough to resolve it without being offensive.
2. Ultimately, there's a lot of room for all of us to be creative but I'll have the final say. Please respect that.
3. Posting. Length is not a concern. Substance and commitment are. Yeah, the real world can come out of nowhere and get you MIA, but if you're gone for too long, I reserve the right to control your character to push the story forward.
Accepted Characters: (3/5)
Things to be added:

Notes: * All exploronauts are trained science officers that are experts in excavation, foreign alien relations, and other necessary on-site skills required for completing our missions. If any of the primary roles you see don't appeal to you, you can add one of your own provided you ask me first.

* Roles are entirely first come first serve. You can reserve spots, but that does not guarantee that you'll get them.

* The listed names of Empires are strictly that. They do not represent an alien race, more so the formed government at that time. However, if you'd like your Alien race to be the primary species behind a particular Empire, you may do so, so long as it fits within the basic info given in the star map. For example: Character 1's species is a Togono, a snail-like insectoid race that ran the Suraak'na Sigil. Therefore, birth quadrant, and species origin should reflect the details listed on the star map.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Key Historical Events

2700-3614: The Great Interstellar War

3619: Five Faction Peace Treaty

3620-3625: The Age of Wine

3635: Official Formation of the United League of Star Systems

3630-3720: Civil Insurrectionist Conflicts

3731: The ULSS Zotharis embarks on its first mission toward the outer rim of the galaxy...


1. Operations Officer B15

2. Medical Officer B07 - played by BerryBuns

3. Navigations Officer B19 - played by Hagura

4. Executive Chef C17 - played by Frettzo



Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Misc Info
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BerryBuns


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm bustin' my buns (hurrhurr) to get my CS all finished -- you want us to post them right here in the OOC, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

No need for bun busting! Please take as much time needed, but yes - put your CS here when it's all done. Thanks!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hagura


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I need to be in this. I love space.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hael
Avatar of Hael


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

C.S. should be up today, probably a bit later on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hagura said
I need to be in this. I love space.

Please do. It loves you back.

Hael said
C.S. should be up today, probably a bit later on.

looking forward to reading it.

I should also note that I'm making a character who is taking secondary role: Agriculture, and that he is a species that is the founder of the Metacaug Elite Empire. Please tell me if this conflicts with anyone else's C.S., and I'll gladly make adjustments. If not, I should have my C.S. up by today as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BerryBuns


Member Offline since relaunch

My character will be taking the roles of Medic and Bartender, if no one objects. But I can tweak mine, too, if there's a problem.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nice! I like that combo. So you'll be serving us two kinds of shots then eh? One for vaccination, and five for recreational!

edit: Also added a "misc info" section in the op.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

If by chance you didn't read my earlier post in time, I'm still willing to rearrange some info if this conflicts with any cs already in the making.

Name: Nadan Taushir
Age: 421
Height: 6’5”
Build: Slim/Athletic
Weight: 214 lbs
birth quadrant B15
Primary Role: Operations Officer
Secondary Role: Agriculture


Disciplined. Patient. Well-spoken. Stern. Nadan embodies all of the necessary qualities of an effective leader. However, the rashilian rarely – if at all – expresses empathy or compassion. Past traumatic events have resulted in several psychological scars. Therefore, the rashilian avoids interpersonal relationships, barring anyone entry into his true self for fear of exposing weakness. He has maintained this façade for over a hundred years, and refuses to believe that he is showing signs of mental instability.

Species: Rashilian

Species Origin:

The rashilians that came from the B15 quadrant are the original founders of the Metacaug Elite. The pursuit of absolute knowledge is a major motivation for them. While they are believed to have little-to-no religious beliefs, rashilians praise academia as if it were a deity. They were the first known species in recorded history to develop FTL travel, which in turn, made them the first to establish first contact with the Yirkuthu.

A peaceful interaction resulted in a bountiful partnership; Rashilian technology for Yirkuthu resources. However, when war broke out between the Draithosi and the Yirkuthu Empires, the rashilians wanted no part of the feud. This sentiment was not expressed by the more war faring species within the Metacaug Elite, who believed the Draithosi were a serious threat. The Metacaug Council soon publicly condemned the Draithosi, and proclaimed their aid to Yirkuthu. The rashilians eventually joined the rest of the Metacaug against the Draithoisi. Experimental bio bombs and enhanced weaponry, drastically turned the tides of war in Yirkuthu's favor.

Rashilians are amphibious humanoids with slender, athletically firm frames. Their most distinct features are their slightly elongated craniums, and multi-colored complexions, which run in v-shaped epithelial layers down the middle of their bodies. They have a hyperactive cellular regenerative system, which allows them to age up to six hundred years.

Character History:

Nadan Taushir served in the Metacaug Elite toward the tail end of the galactic war, and campaigned several tours against anti-ULSS rebels. He has witnessed an intense spectrum of both peace and war over a span of four hundred years. The rashilian was born at the very homeworld of his people, Unan, of B15 quadrant. After graduating from the most prestigious universities his civilization had to offer, he studied abroad, entering Yirkuthu territory to expand his horizons. It was here where he met his first and last love, Sihari Hiona.

They were to elope after seven years of partnership, but she passed during a Draithosi invasion that included the decimation of her entire homeworld, Chaiosi. Nadan, grief-stricken with rage, immediately enlisted into the Metacaug Space Military Academy. Nadan rotated through several orbital fortresses, marine frigates, battle cruisers, and destroyers, mainly as a scientist – though he also functioned as a back-up medic and navigations officer, especially onboard vessels kneedeep in the frontlines of battle.

Nadan continued to serve in the Metacaug Elite, until its main military faculties integrated into the ULSS armada. He was immediately reassigned to a new frigate, the ULSS Galladra, which was part of a tactical fleet dispatched specifically for rebel insurgency. Unlike his last campaign during the great war, Nadan was more active on the field this time around. However, the extent of his service is not thoroughly detailed on public record.

As a witness to several life cycles of war and oppression, heart ache and loss, Nadan sought immediate escape from his ULSS duties. The rashilian wished to return to his roots as a scientific scholar, one that promoted genesis and peace, not engineered destruction and violence. The ULSS elites granted Nadan honorary leave. He went on to aid communities across the stars, embarking on his own pilgrimage that ended at the homeworld of his lost love. Planet Chaiosi. Nadan volunteered into a peace keeping organization, where he developed an affinity for agricultural terraformation. This acquired skill became a newfound passion for Nadan, and he dedicated a good sum of his life revitalizing Chaiosi's plant culture.

The rashilian was content on spending the rest of his days on Sihari's homeworld, and if it weren't for the persistence of the ULSS, he would have gladly done so. Unbeknownst to Nadan, the ULSS had been monitoring his progress, observing his ability to restore Chaiosi's life sustaining properties within a short timescale. The ULSS also took note of his ability to lead, commending Nadan for coordinating aid workers, Chaiosian survivors, and migrating settlers, during the restoration process. After much thought and negotiation, the rashilian finally agreed to partake in the ULSS space program. Ultimately, the idea of exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy is what convinced Nadan to join. It awakened an old flame of scholarly wonder once thought extinguished in the rashilian, and he longed for another journey across the cosmos. Leaving his restoration work in the hands of the Chaiosians, he traveled to the primary ULSS research station - the orbital hub of the ULSS Science division - and enlisted into the four year program as a hopeful candidate.


Standard ULSS Enviro Suit



Misc Info:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BerryBuns


Member Offline since relaunch

Appearance: Tall, lanky, flat chested and narrow hipped, Kina exhibits the androgyny typical of the Yllin. Her large eyes are almost entirely pale turquoise in color, save for small black pupils that dilate slightly in the dark. Instead of a “nose,” per se, she simply has two small nostrils, which sit above a wide mouth filled with sharp, pointed teeth. Her coarse, straight hair, which is closely cropped and often messy, is a deep brown streaked with gold and green, and her skin shares the same color palette -- light brown, with clusters of gold and green freckles, much like mineral-flecked stone. Kina wears a pair of goggles with dark, specially treated lenses, either over her eyes in brighter light or pushed up onto her forehead, and is always, always, fully clothed; she favors form-fitting clothing that allows for a broad range of movement.
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 105 lbs.
Name: Kinaktala - Kina, for short
Age: 12 (this is well into young adulthood for Yllin, who reach physical maturity around 7 or 8 years of age)

Birth quadrant: B07

Primary Role: Medic

Secondary Role: Bartender

Personality: Like many Yllin who were raised away from Kamphal, Kina is very intelligent, very inquisitive, and very, very bad at forming interpersonal relationships, mostly because of the extreme difficulty she has with expressing any sort of real emotion. To most, she comes across as either aloof, awkward, or just plain odd. She is usually very serious, and not one to mince words; however, if she stumbles on something new and exciting, her passion will shine through, and she is not without a certain dry sense of humor.

Species: Yllin (ill-ihn)

Species Origin: The Yllin, along with their home planet of Kamphal, were discovered by the Metacaug Elite in the early years of the great Intergalactic War. As a species, they are intelligent and have the potential to be highly adaptive, due in part to their ability to pick up on and mirror the emotional states of those around them. However, since the Yllin are historically animalistic and uninhibited, they tend to give into their baser instincts when left to their own devices, forming family-like packs and becoming fiercely territorial. When Kamphal was originally discovered by the Metacaug Elite, the Yllin were thought to be beyond reason -- they wanted nothing to do with the outsiders, and violently opposed any attempts at colonization and resource or information gathering. However, the mineral-rich swamps and caverns that the Yllin inhabited were a veritable gold mine, full of natural resources that the Metacaug could not simply abandon. And so, very slowly, diplomatic relations were fostered; research stations were built, as well as small settlements, for the scientists and engineers who wanted to learn more about the new planet and reap what they felt it had to offer to their efforts in the war. Eventually, some of the more inquisitive or adventurous Yllin began their own information gathering, and it was at this point that something unexpected happened. When presented with the opportunity, and when removed from the volatile environment of their tribal society, the Yllin proved to be incredibly fast learners, capable of mastering a remarkable variety of disciplines within a relatively short amount of time. Once their potential was discovered, Yllin began to leave Kamphal in search of new adventures and opportunities, although the majority elected to remain on their home planet. It was decided that colonization would not advance; the existing facilities would be left manned and intact, but the Yllin who chose to stay would, for the most part, be left alone. Those who left Kamphal have established a small but well respected presence throughout the Metacaug territories, proving to be effective ambassadors for their race.

The Yllin are a bipedal, nocturnal, traditionally predatory species from the planet Kamphal, within quadrant B07. All members of the species are built for sprinting, with lean legs that take up ⅔ of their total height, muscular calves, flexible joints, and long, vertically oriented feet, the balls of which carry all of their weight. Their pointed ears extend well past the tops of their heads, and can rotate up to 180* for a broad range of hearing (and expression). Nearly one third of an Yllin's face is taken up by immense, round eyes, which -- thanks in part to their size, and in part to the tapetum lucidum that exists behind the retina -- give Yllin excellent night vision; however, they are extremely light-sensitive and largely colorblind, perceiving mostly shades of blue and green. Aside from some hair on their heads, which rarely grows longer than shoulder length, Yllin are entirely hairless. Their smooth skin -- especially on their fingertips, palms, and the soles of their feet -- is highly sensitive, capable of picking up even the tiniest vibrations. When some of the first Yllin to leave Kamphal agreed to participate in scientific studies, it was discovered that this sensitivity plays a critical role in their emotional mirroring; specifically, the more they were touched, the more susceptible they became, and their ability to control their own emotions fell drastically as their susceptibility rose.

Character History: Kina was born on Kamphal, but she does not think of it as her home. She left the planet, together with a small group of her peers, when she was three years old, sent off by her mother to see the galaxy. Her mother, a priestess within their tribe, could not leave herself; but had seen in a vision from Imtal, the eldest of the three Sister Moons, that Kina’s future lay out among the stars, far from the Yllin homeland. Once Kina had spent a few months in her medical apprenticeship, she learned that her mother’s vision was most likely caused by the kirfu powder the Yllin liked to throw in the fire during spiritual ceremonies, which could have hallucinogenic effects if its smoke was inhaled. While she believed in the science more than she had ever believed in anything her mother said, she couldn’t quite bring herself to take off the necklace her mother gave her when she left: a cloudy black marble on a leather cord, a talisman of Imtal’s guidance.

Over the years, Kina flourished, surpassing all the other apprentices studying under her mentor and quickly becoming his favorite. They became like father and daughter, and as her skill grew, so did their bond. Because he was happy, so was she. Her thirst for knowledge was insatiable, and by her eighth birthday, she had learned everything that he had to teach her, and should have been ready to begin practicing medicine on her own. However, fate had thrown a wrench in the gears of her progress. Her mentor’s wife fell quickly, hopelessly ill, and although Kina did not love her, she felt the pain of her impending loss like a knife through her heart. Desperate to end her mentor’s pain, and thus her own, Kina stayed, and devoted all of her time to identifying a cure, certain she could succeed where all before her had failed. While she worked, her mentor fell into a depression so deep, he was barely able to function, let alone aid Kina in her research. His wife died before she could find a cure, and Kina left soon after. She will do almost anything to avoid talking about the weeks leading up to her departure.

The next four years passed quickly for Kina. She continued to study medicine, but also dabbled in other subjects that drew her interest like bioengineering, programming, and even mixology, which she particularly enjoys; she finds the different combinations of ingredients, and their varying effects, fascinating (and entertaining). Eventually, she caught wind of an opportunity that she absolutely could not refuse: a chance to join an expeditionary team and explore the uncharted Outer Rim. Access to state of the art medical facilities, top notch research equipment, and, above all, the possibility of discovering something truly new, were more than enough reasons for Kina to throw her hat into the ring.

Equipment: Standard Issue ULSS Enviro Suit

Living Quarters: Kina’s quarters are sparsely furnished. A small collection of dogeared medical and engineering texts are shoved onto shelves, along with several small gadgets of varying usefulness that she has either collected or built herself. Her clothes and more private personal belongings are kept in a multi-tiered chest in one corner of the room; a hammock hangs from the ceiling against the wall opposite the door.

Misc Info:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wow Berry, I absolutely enjoyed reading about Kina and the Yllin. Very well done! Thank you for busting your buns in making a detailed character! I've found nothing wrong with your cs, so clearly, you are welcome onboard the Zotharis fellow Metacaug Elitist!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm really sorry for the delay, I do intend on getting the CS up soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BerryBuns


Member Offline since relaunch

Thanks, Whiskey, it was a lot of fun to read about Nadan, too. c: I'm so excited to see where this goes. Can't wait to see what you come up with, Hael!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Np Hael. I'm aware that I'm asking for quite a lot in the cs (It's my way of weeding out rpers who are willing to commit ) so take as much time as you need.

That goes for anyone else looking to apply, but just so I know, and perhaps for everyone else aswell, who else is in the process of filling out their cs, and what primary and secondary roles are you taking?

So far:

Nadan (main species of Metacaug) 1st: Operational officer (not listed) 2nd: Agriculture.

Kina 1st: Medic 2nd: Bartender
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thanks berry! After I read yours, I had to go back and properly proofread mine haha. I have a tendency of rushing my cs out without editing it properly. It's also why I enjoy reading other rpers work - it pushes me to improve!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Height: 6'5 (in feet)
Weight: 210
Name: Fortri
Age: 31

birth quadrant: B04

Primary Role: Navigations

Secondary Role: Chef, though he doesn't particularly enjoy it

His intelligence is off the charts compared to most species, and he has mild telepathic abilities. By "mild" I mean he can telepathicaly speak to others, and he can sense thier emotions, but he can't control others emotions/opinions, see thier exact thoughts, or cause any harm to them. These same rules don't apply to animals, which he easily cause harm to, but overall Fortri's telepathy is benevolent. Fortri is a very skilled pilot and navigator and has, like all of his race, an advanced memory.
On the other hand, Fortri is clumbsy and lacks common sense. He often finds it almost impossible to pay attention in any conversation that isn't either telepathic (because it's difficult to ignore voices in his head) or about something he enjoys. He doesn't know much about races outside of the Draithosi, aside from a secret but strong dislike towards the Yirkuthu and a hate for the Jujenkan traitors. Oh, and his physical attributes are, as the overseers put it, "disappointing".

Species: Trosti

Species Origin: The Trosti began on a lush jungle planet where benevolent and beastly life grew in equal numbers. They learned fast the nature of the organisms on their planet, and used it to their advantage. They telepathically domesticated more animals then you could count and took less than 2,000 years to reach the space age and developed their first FTL engine. From then, they were off. They explored planet after planet, solar system after solar system looking for life. They found it, but not like they had imagined. The "Cirlin" race, a large, reptilian species, slaughtered thousands of Trosti and started a interplanetary war. The factions warred for almost a century before the Trosti finally eliminated them using an amount of cunning and deceit to detailed to fully explain here. After the war, they countinued searching, but never trusted other races completely again. Eventually, the Trosti founded The Draithosi Emirates along with a few other species, most of which are telepathic, and began to attack and enslave other races so as to make sure the Draithosi were "impenetrable".

Character History:
Fortri was born on the Trosti homeworld, Mir. But before I can fully explain the history of Fortri, I must tell you something about the Trosti social classes.
The Workers:

The workers are at the bottom of the food chain. They are treated like scum by the other two breeds of Trosti, and aren't considered to be "true" Trosti, though they are the most numberous by far. The workers do all the physical labor and simple jobs that require little thought, as they are unintelligent and unambitous. They have little telepathy, but can be easily controlled by it.

The Thinkers:
*See Fortri's picture at the top to get a general idea of what Thinkers look like.
Thinkers have more scientific intelligence and critical thinking skills than either of the other two races, but lack common sense, any physical skills, and are only ambitous to a certain degree. They can outsmart anyone, but- like thier cousins the Workers- lack free will and need to be told what to do. They are assigned the roles of inventors, managers and in general puzzlers. Their telepathy is mild.

The Overseers:

Overseers never show their physical appearance to anyone other than eachother. Thus they are usually seen wearing the intricate clothing in the picture above. The Overseers have the most social intelligence of them all and the most ambition. They posses frightning telepathic skills and the power to almost completely brainwash Trosti (but not other species, though they can seriously harm others). They control the Trosti simply because they have the will power and telepathy to do so. There have been few instances of a Worker or Thinker with a strong will force, and the few who have been born able to make their own decisions can often fight off the Overseer's telepathy easily. It's not that strong if you can think for yourself. But the overseers will usually just kill those.

And now Fortri's story can begin. He was born a Thinker. His parents (also both thinkers, as the breeds of Trosti can't mate outside their own kind) mostly just left him to his own devices, which was perfectly fine in Fortri's opinion. He spent most his childhood playing by himself, and occasionaly bullying some poor Worker child (who couldn't get any help because it was the Worker's "natrual place"). His teenage years were spent in the jungle. He ran through trees and formed telepathic bonds with animals.
But all that changed on the Choosing day, the day were all Thinkers 23rd and examined both physically and mentally for hours on end to decide what role they would until they turned 110. Fortri approached the Oveerseer, an ancient individual named Zilkar, for examination. It went on for hours, testing, probing, asking questions, and several very painful evauluations that tested his ability to resist telepathy. Zilkar liked what he saw in Fortri. Fortri was intelligent, quick-witted and -most importantly- easily controlled. He had very little will power despite his strong mind, and gave in to thoughts the moment they were inserted inside him. He was assigned the role of navigator for a ship, a respectable position among his species.
He was bullied all through the military training (as he was going to become the navigator for a military vessel), being surronded by Thinkers who had much stronger telepathy than him (telepathic attacks being the main form of bullying, not punching). He grew ashamed of his weak telepathy, and started hiding it. To this day he won't use advanced telepathy for fear of being laughed at or given the mental equivalent of a slap.
A postive effect of the bullying, however, was that it made him want to strive to outlast everyone else. He is bitter over his telepathic weakness, and wants to prove to everyone that he can still make it in the world without it. He isn't violent or anything, but determined. It's this determinations that led to him slowly moving through the ranks and becoming noticed by the Head Overseer, Jalis. At the age of 31, Jalis approched Fortri and offered him the chance to join the Zotharis and he lept at the oppurtunity to continue to prove himself. Not that he had a choice, anyway. Jalis had seceretly been mentally forcing him to agree, but Fortri (like most others) couldn't tell it was happening.

Equipment: A small machine that produces the holographic image of a star map.

Living Quarters:
He has a large, bare room with white walls. He asked to have hard wood floors because the smell and feel of wood reminds him of the jungles at home. The room also has a cluttered desk of papers, maps, and holographic machines. On the desk is a device that allows him to send telepathic messages directly from the Zotharis back to his homeworld, and vice-versa. The Overseer Jalis may occasionaly communicate to him through this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Whiskey Business

Whiskey Business

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've yet to look over your CS hael, but I'm excited to sit down and read it! I've a wedding to attend out of state, so I'll be absent for most of today and sat. I'll try and read it when I have some down time.
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