Spaces filled ((shouldn't say openings x.x)): 4/3 Full at this time
Hey guys! Cartwright here from the casual and free section of the forums. You've probably bumped into me or even been in an rp with me... Or you are raising an eyebrow going 'who is this guy?' Well my friends who are strictly 1x1 you'll probably start to hear my name on how good/bad my rp tendencies are.
But any who! Lets get to business.
eing the lack of anthro 1x1 interest checks I thought it would be a rather good idea to conjure one and see where it goes.. Lets set some ground rules and policies first though!
1. Anthro characters are NOT mandatory! I will be rping as one though!
2. A character sheet would be appreciated! I will be making one!
3. The RP will be in pms or here depending on the decision of the 2nd party.
3a. If the rp becomes a situation where as.. Well.. Something the general audience would not condone... Then it will be our responsibility to either fade it or timeskip it with a fadeout, depending on the decision of the 2nd party.
4. No mary sues/god modding. I will let this slip if we collaborate and agree it is a necessary action ((since it is only US rping))
5. I prefer to rp as a male because I am one!
6. Collaboration is awesome! Lets collaborate!
7. Common sense would be cool owo
Now comes the question: where the heck do we have our setting?
Well ol' chap that's where you have an opinion! We can keep it realistic or fantasy, modern or medieval, but here are some things I've been having a vibe for recently:
The Noir Period- Trench coats, fidora hats, 1911s, crime at the run, what opportunities! And... What risks. might throw in a detective on this one.
Medieval fantasy- Maybe a mix of more modern things such as better clothing and muskets would be included...
Modern- I know.. A bit cliche. But you can do stuff with it ^-^
Now a note: we can discuss over Ooc the pairings whether you prefer slave/master or partners or any of that gibberish. One thing we REALLY need to set in stone before RPing is. How far will both parties go?
Minimal rp requirements: High free low casual ((a paragraph atleast)), any notes on if you have lost interest or anything like that if that situation arises, and a 1 post per week.. I will obviously post as much as I can.
Well.. That's pretty much it! Get your fur on. You can either PM me or message me here. First come first serve with reservations for those who request it.
Hey guys! Cartwright here from the casual and free section of the forums. You've probably bumped into me or even been in an rp with me... Or you are raising an eyebrow going 'who is this guy?' Well my friends who are strictly 1x1 you'll probably start to hear my name on how good/bad my rp tendencies are.
But any who! Lets get to business.
eing the lack of anthro 1x1 interest checks I thought it would be a rather good idea to conjure one and see where it goes.. Lets set some ground rules and policies first though!
1. Anthro characters are NOT mandatory! I will be rping as one though!
2. A character sheet would be appreciated! I will be making one!
3. The RP will be in pms or here depending on the decision of the 2nd party.
3a. If the rp becomes a situation where as.. Well.. Something the general audience would not condone... Then it will be our responsibility to either fade it or timeskip it with a fadeout, depending on the decision of the 2nd party.
4. No mary sues/god modding. I will let this slip if we collaborate and agree it is a necessary action ((since it is only US rping))
5. I prefer to rp as a male because I am one!
6. Collaboration is awesome! Lets collaborate!
7. Common sense would be cool owo
Now comes the question: where the heck do we have our setting?
Well ol' chap that's where you have an opinion! We can keep it realistic or fantasy, modern or medieval, but here are some things I've been having a vibe for recently:
The Noir Period- Trench coats, fidora hats, 1911s, crime at the run, what opportunities! And... What risks. might throw in a detective on this one.
Medieval fantasy- Maybe a mix of more modern things such as better clothing and muskets would be included...
Modern- I know.. A bit cliche. But you can do stuff with it ^-^
Now a note: we can discuss over Ooc the pairings whether you prefer slave/master or partners or any of that gibberish. One thing we REALLY need to set in stone before RPing is. How far will both parties go?
Minimal rp requirements: High free low casual ((a paragraph atleast)), any notes on if you have lost interest or anything like that if that situation arises, and a 1 post per week.. I will obviously post as much as I can.
Well.. That's pretty much it! Get your fur on. You can either PM me or message me here. First come first serve with reservations for those who request it.