Helen felt like eating her words right about then, but that smug look on that Isaac boy's face made her face adorn a deadly smirk. Standing up, she shrugged out of her leather jacket and began pulling on the hem of her shirt until it completely lifted off of her toned body. She flung the shirt at Isaac's head and took that momentary distraction to kick off her boots and leather pants. She felt unbelievably embarrassed, standing there in her green camo undergarments, but closing her eyes she snapped the bra and shrugged out of her underwear. Completely naked, her face turned beat red and she darted from the room, out the door, and down the block. She didn't wait to see if anybody was going to follow her to make sure she did it, instead she focused on making her bare feet move harshly against the concrete. She reached the end of the block, skidding on her heels which left angry red scratches on them, and turned to run back to the house. She ran past an old man crouched over his cane who stared at her in complete shock as well as a house wife still wearing her apron from dinner.
"Shit." Helen sighed.