Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was a normal night in the Mushroom Kingdom, Margarito had just came home from his nightly adventures. He was walking down the halls of the dark castle, and then a light turned on. Mario was standing in the kitchen doorway with a half eaten mushroom in his hands. Margarito instantly froze and turned his head to face Mario. "So, had a nice-a night out?" Mario asked. Margarito just nodded his head. Mario chuckled a bit. "No need-a to be afraid, I'm-a not going to punish you. I understand, I was-a once a teenager myself. I went out of-a my home all the time and-a always came back late. Go, unfreeze." He said. Margarito instantly relaxed and gave a sigh of relief. "Thanks dad." He said. "Now go, of-a to bed. Even adventurous plumbers like you need-a their sleep." Mario said. Margarito did not even reply as he ran off towards the bed room. Both him and his kind-of brother Tony shared their bed room. It was a normal bedroom with normal things, like a bunk bed. Margarito soon reached the bedroom and entered it. Tony was in the top bunk, still asleep. Margarito made little noise as the got in the bottom bunk, not taking off his clothes. After a while he drifted off to sleep.

And soon he was awake again.

Sounds from outside had woke him up. He got out of bed and look out a window to see what it was. The sight he saw surprised him, Bowser's Doom Ship, hovering above the kingdom. He quietly exited the room and ran towards Mario's and Peach's bedroom. When he got there he barged in and shook Mario awake. "Dad! Dad! It's the Doom Ship!" Margarito said. Mario instantly woke up with an 'eep!'. Peach woke up slower and saw Margarito. "Margarito? What's going on?" She asked. "Bowser attacking! That's what!" Margarito said. Mario sprung out of bed, because he never took off clothes to sleep he was ready for action. "Peach, you stay-a here. I'll take-a care of it!" Mario said as he ran toward the door. "Dad, wait. Can I help?" Margarito asked. Mario skidded to a halt and turned to look at his son. "Hmm..." He exclaimed as he placed his hand on his chin. He thought about it, and decided it was a good idea to take him along. "Ok, you can-a come. You get Tony and I'll get Luigi." Mario said. Margarito nodded and they both dashed out of the room. Mario ran towards Luigi's and Dasiy's room and Margarito ran towards his and Tony's room. He barged in once he reached it. "Tony, wake up! It's Bowser!" He said. Mario did the same thing, barging in once he reached it. "Luigi, wake-a up! It's-a Bowser!"Mario said.

Bowser was in his Doom Ship looking below, but someone was with him. "Wait until Mario comes out, I want to rub it in his face." He said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This was not a dream Tony had wanted to wake up in the middle of. Not only had he saved the entire Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser's evil plans, not only had he been celebrated and given ice cream for days, not only had he been kissed on the cheek by his mother! He had got to rub it all in Margarito's face. Best dream ever. Ten out of ten, would dream again.

"Hah! Who's the hero now?" Tony said with a smirk, enjoying the look on his brother's face, that thrilling display of... was that joy? Was Margarito happy that he was being...

"Tony, wake up! It's Bowser!" his brother yelled at him. Tony shot up from his bed, grunting as he hit his head on the ceiling.

"So what?" he eventually said as he jumped down from the top bunk. "Mario can take care of him." He made his way to the pile of clothes on the floor and started putting them on, while frantically trying to remember what joke he had prepared for just this situation. There had to be something.
Luigi was happy about waking up from this dream. It was a nightmare that had haunted him for years, though it had been a long time since he last had it.. It was always the same thing. Luigi had saved the Mushroom Kingdom for the upteenth time, and a party was being held in his honor. He was talking to Mario about what an amazing adventure it had been, when suddenly, Mario punched him in the face. Something around the lines of 'I hope you enjoyed the lamest adventure ever, brother! I'm gonna go on a real one now,' was usually what he would say then, and storm off. Luigi would then wake up screaming. This time was slightly different.

"Luigi, wake-a up! It's-a Bowser," Mario said, almost as if this was an everyday occurence. Bowser usually didn't attack so early inthe morning, did he? Most of the time, it was during some sort of celebration.

"Let's-a go then!" Luigi bellowed as he leaped out of the bed, clothes already on.

"Ugh, what's going on?" Princess Daisy asked as she slowly sat up.
"Wait until Mario comes out, I want to rub it in his face."

That was an odd thing to say. Was victory not top priority? Blinky the kamikoopa briefly considered King Bowser's sanity. She could cast the spell right now, and they wouldn't know what hit them. But no, Bowser wanted to rub it in. He wanted the enemy to feel their downfall. Clearly, he was a cruel villain.

Once this is finished, you're next, she thought to herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"We all know that my dad can easily defeat him, but won't it be fun to beat him up as well?" Margarito said, keeping that happy bounce out for the world to see. He then ran towards a wooden chest in the corner. He opened it and pulled out 2 red mushrooms. "Here, you may need it just in case." He said as he handed Tony one once he was fully clothed. Margarito found it weird that his brother slept without his clothes, but he had nothing to say against it. "Let's go kick some scaly tailed butt!" Margarito said in a confident tone. This was his first time dealing with the evil Koopa King, but he had the skills and knowledge to fight him back.

"It's-a Bowser trying to take over the-a kingdom again, but that's-a not going to happen. Because the Super Mario Brothers are on-a the job! Woo hoo!" Mario replied to Daisy. Once Luigi was on the ground Mario turned around and got ready to dash out the door along with his brother.

Bowser was growing impatient, so he decided to stir up some trouble. A lone koopa was walking along in it's normal patter, that is until Bowser pointed at it. "You there! Fire the canons and destroy some buildings! Mario can not resist helping others." He shouted at the koopa. He koopa screamed in fear and hid in it's shell, but it soon stuck it's head out. "Right away, your evilness." The koopa said. And with that it fully stuck it's limbs out and dashed towards the cannons. "Fire the cannons, Bowser's orders!" It shouted. Everyone acted right away to start firing off the cannons. Soon they where loaded and ready to blast the buildings below them. All it took was a simple button push and the bullet bills shot out on the cannons and rocketed towards the populated ground below.

There was a great explosion outside of Margarito's and Tony's window. Margarito yelped with fear and covered his head with his hat when he heard the explosion. But soon the fear passed over him and he uncovered his head to look outside. What he saw was not good. The buildings around the explosion where crumbled up and damaged greatly, but the ones inside the explosion were turned to rubble. "Why that no good... Ooh! He's going to pay for this!" He said. Even though it only destroyed 5% of the kingdom, it still made Margarito mad.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tony gave up on making a joke. Once all his clothes were on, Margarito handed him a red mushroom. He put it in his pocket.

Suddenly, an explosion could be heard from outside! Maybe I can tell a joke about this?

Margarito and Tony made their way the the window and looked outside. A neighborhood was in flames. Houses were burning up and slowly falling apart. People were desperately trying to evacuate.

"Why that no good... Ooh! He's going to pay for this," Margarito blurted out.

"Yeah, and the fine will ruin his bank account," Tony said with a snicker. "Come, let's go," He said and turned to leave the room.
Following Mario's lead, Luigi dashed out of the room.
Blinky cringed at the idea of endangering lives just to provoke Mario. She promptly turned away from the explosion and held her ears tight. She soon heard it. Wiping a tear from her face, she turned around and looked down at the destruction. She was horrified, to say the least. She opened her mouth to speak to her king, but no words came out. What would she say? It was way too early for a betrayal, and she was in too high a position to break down crying at this. It took her a short bit of time to build up the courage to utter a single word.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"That is if he has a bank account after I get though with him. He'll be lucky to see just a single coin!" Margarito said. And with that he dashed out of the room. He ran down the hallways and soon joined Mario and Luigi.

Mario darted out of the room along with Luigi at a high speed. Soon he saw his son join them in the dash towards the door. "Hello!" Mario called as he waved to his son. "Hey Dad." Margarito said. Soon they where outside the castle and ready for action.

Bowser watched as Mario, Luigi, Margarito, and Tony exited the castle. He walked over to a large speaker system and spoke into the microphone. "Mario, I see you have brought the kids to war. How cute. Too bad things won't last! HA HA HA HA HA!!!" He spoke into the microphone. He then turned to Blinky. "Activate the spell!" He said.

Mario was down below, he knew he had to get to the Doom Ship before anything happened to anyone. Instinctively he ran to a question mark block and hit it from below. Out popped 2 Cape Feathers. He grabbed them and tossed them at Margarito and Tony. Once the feather touched them a cloud of of white smoke appeared over them and disappeared about as soon as it appeared, only now they had a yellow cape. Margarito turned around to look as his new cape. "Woah! Thanks dad!" He said. "Now-a go! Go and-a attack the Doom Ship! I'll defend the kingdom from down here!" Mario said. Margarito did not even reply as he started running. Once he gained enough speed he jumped into the air and started flying towards the Doom Ship.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tony kept outside of the conversation. He was furious. Who did this Bowser think he was? He was gonna teach the guy a lesson! Tony leaped up in the air, and Margarito soon followed. Together, they approached the Doom Ship.
"Activate the spell!"

It took Blinky a few seconds to process the command. Panicking, she tore her eyes away from the horrible sight below, and took her wand out of her pocket. She did a short series of motions in quick succession, and yelled:


A beam shot out of her wand, and disappeared into the sky. Suddenly, all of the clouds shrinked rapidly. Shortly after, trees and other scenery items shrinked, followed by all the houses and citizens in the town. The castle shook a little, as it too slowly decreased in size, proportionately to the tiny Mushroom Kingdom. It was now so tiny it could fit in a bottle, which it was now located in, on the deck of the Doom Ship, in front of Bowser.

The spell didn't seem to have worked on the kids, who were still flying towards the Doom Ship with... capes. Of course! Capes that allowed flight to happen. Just the kind of weapon the Mushroom Kingdom would invent. Seriously, what were those capes made of?!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mario yelped in fear when he saw the Doom Ship growing, but soon it disappeared. There was only the view of a giant Bowser inside the Doom Ship.

"Yes! Yes! The kingdom is mi... ours!" Bowser shouted happily. He picked up the jar and looked into it. He saw everyone trembling in fear, but most of all Mario. "Not so strong now, are you Mario?" Bowser asked. He then laughed evilly before turning around and showing the jar to his army of goombas and koopas. "This... this is the symbol of the past! This is what is left of the Mushroom Kingdom and Mario's stupid family! No longer will he stomp on a goomba, or toss a koopa off a cliff, or kill anyone with fireballs again! Mario is no more!" Bowser shouted. Everyone cheered wildly at that their king said. "MARIO IS NO MORE!!!" Bowser shouted even louder than the first time. The sound of cheering goombas and koopas was almost devastating.

This only made Margarito even more mad as he flew towards the Doom Ship. That is when Bowser turned around. He saw the New Mario Brothers flying towards his ship and growled in anger. "Prepare for attack! Margarito and Tony somehow escaped the spell!" He shouted. Bullet Bill cannons got ready to fire at them both as Bowser breathed fire balls at them. Margarito dodged the wave of bullets and fireballs as best as he could. The Doom Ship was getting closer by each cape flap, he could not afford to get hit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Luigi was now curled up in a corner.
Tony frowned. This was bad. Appearently, the entire kingdom was gone. This got him even more fired up than he already was! He dashed toward the Doom Ship, not caring whether or not Bowser's fireballs hit him. His rage ended suddenly, when he crashed into the side of the ship, creating a hole wherein he lay unconscious.
Blinky spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out why the spell hadin't worked on the kids. Suddenly, she heard a crash, and the Doom Ship shook. One of the kids had collided with the side of the ship.

"What an idiot," she said to herself. She promptly got onto her broom, and headed for the impact location. She was going to capture this loser.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margarito continued to doge the Bullet Bills and fireballs as he flew to the Doom Ship, but that is when Bowser's accuracy practice payed it's bills. One of Bowser's fireballs hit him directly and damaged him. The classic Super Mario Bros. damage sound played as his cape disappeared, causing him to fall. "Oh dang it!" He shouted as he started falling. But he was still going forwards. He flew into the hole where Tony crashed into the Doom Ship and handed on the wooden floor in a heap next to his brother.

"There they are! Get them!" A koopa shouted. Margarito heard this shout and got up. "You freaks aren't hurting my brother!" He shouted back. A wave of all kinds of goomba and koopas charged forwards and got ready to attack them both. Luckily Margarito was ready as well. He jumped forwards and landed on a koopa, causing it to retreat into it's shell. He picked it up and tossed it into the wave of baddies, killing a bunch of them. But they still kept coming. He jumped and stomped a few goombas but that barely helped. Things got worse once he heard Bowser walking up above, moving towards the impact location.

Bowser had heard where Tony had crashed and knew where he was. He walked down to where he was to join the fight. As soon as he saw Margarito stomping on his troops he roared and shot a fire ball out of his mouth.

Margarito gave a yelp of fear as he ducked. The fireball passed him and hit the back wall, dissipating into nothing. He then stood ready to fight anything that came his way, although he was not ready for what happened next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Blinky approached the hole from the outside, flying on her broomstick, wand at the ready. She stopped right at the entrance, waved her wand a little, and yelled "Appearify!" A metal cage materialized around Margarito. It was a temporary solution, but i would buy her time to figure out what to do with him. Just for effect, she laughed mockingly for a few seconds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margarito yelped in fear as he saw the cage materialized around him. The koopas and goombas gathered around and mocked him because he was defenceless now. He pounded on the cage walls and tried to free himself, but nothing worked. Bowser laughed evily and walked to the cage. "Face it, you lost. The Mushroom Kingdom is mine, and there is nothing you can do about it!" He said with a laugh. He then turned his head to face Blinky. "Get rid of these fools, I don't want them to become Mario and Luigi 2!" He said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Blinky made her way inside and landed on the floor, and made the broomstick disappear in a puff of smoke.

"Yes master," she said with a salute, and turned to face Margarito. She looked him in the eyes... and she smiled wickedly. "It appears i've orphanized you. You're too big to fit in the Mushroom Kingdom, so I guess I'll just have to send you elsewhere. But where...?" She thought about it for a moment.
Redd walked downstairs to see what all the ruckus was all about. His patrol route didn't exactly include the downstairs area, but that was the least of his worries. He wanted to see General Blinky again! General Blinky was his favorite person. Ever since she cast that amazing spell a few minutes ago, he had been her biggest fan! He couldn't hold it in any longer. He had to HUG her!

That was when Redd saw that General Blinky was staring into the eyes of a little human boy. This was unacceptable. General Blinky was his, and ONLY his! Instinctively, he tackled her, gaining a gasp from the crowd of goombas and koopas, and a yelp of pain from Blinky.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margarito whimpered as he backed up to the back of the cage, a metallic 'clang' sounding with his back hit the wall of the cage. But that is when Redd tackled Blinky. He also gave a gasp as he wondered why this little goomba attacked his captor. He soon took this chance to try to get away. He rapidly pounded on the cage walls to try to break them.

Bowser growled in anger as he watched Redd tackled Blinky, causing a little bit of fire to come from his mouth. This only made him look even more menacing as he pointed at Redd. "You! Get off her and let her destroy this pitiful human! I can not let him get in my way!" He shouted. All the other koopas and goomba gave a scream and ran off, fearing Bowser's fireballs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

That hurt a lot. Blinky hated pain. It was one of her greatest weaknesses. That was why she usually had a shield conjured around her at all times. Except this time, she was too busy conjuring a cage for Margarito to have a shield of her own. And now that her focus had vanished, the conjuration would have to sustain itself, which Blinky calculated would tale just a few seconds. It didn't help that Margarito was trying to break it.

She pushed the stupid minion away and got back on her feet. Then the cage vanished in a puff of smoke. Blinky raged.

"You idiot! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" Blinky had planned to place Margarito and Tony in the dungeon in Bowser's castle, where she would interrogate them, and eventually befriend them, give them power stars, and overthrow King Bowser. Then she would take over. Now, they were going to escape, and it was all this guy's fault!!! "You have just ruined all of my plans! Now I'll have to come up with some other way to overthrow-" she corrected herself. "... To..." she couldn't think of anything to remedy the situation.

"Overthrow who?" the quivering goomba inquired.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margarito saw that the cage vanished in front of him. He dashed off but stopped as he heard Blinky speak.

Bowser growled as he stared at Margarito. "Make plan to overthrow other kingdoms later, get those humans and lock them up tight!" He shouted. All of his troops came running at his words, running towards Margarito.

"I got to get out of here!" Margarito said. He knew that if he stuck around he would be goomba food. He dashed towards Tony and picked him up, but in turn trapped himself in a corner. He yelped in fear and thousands of goombas and koopas gathered around him.

Bowser pointed towards Margarito and Tony as he faced Blinky. "Do something to catch him NOW!!!" He shouted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wow. Either Bowser was a fool, or he was just too distracted to notice that Blinky had almost blown her cover. Blinky sighed in relief. This was why this relationship worked. Even though Blinky had her outbursts fairly often, King Bowser usually seemed able to excuse it with more pressing matters.

Speaking of which, Margarito and the uncoscious loser were surrounded by useless little minions. If they were anything like Mario and Luigi, escaping from that wouldn't be a problem. If Blinky conjured another cage, she'd be shieldless for a while. That was basically an invitation for another tackle. No, she needed a different solution. Her eyes fell on Tony, and an idea popped into her head.

She turned to look Margarito in the eyes, with the same evil smile as before. "Sweet dreams." Then she conjured a bouncy anvil right above Margarito's head, which would knock him unconscious, and bounce back up again, to avoid causing permanent damage. Then it would be dismissed, and Blinky would summon her shield.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Margarito stood there with his back to the wall, the minions of Bowser surrounding him. And that is when Blinky spoke. Before he could act the anvil fell right on his head. The classic damage sound played as he was shrunk down to half size, another damaging hit like that and he would be dead. He now looked chibi style, not only that he was out cold. He slowly fell to the ground, but he gave a final attack. Tony's foot was right above a goomba, and as Margarito fell over on his stomach Tony's foot smashed into the goomba, crushing it.

Bowser ignored this, it was a small price to pay. "Yes! Now get them out of here and lock them up tight, and if you feed them make sure it's not mushrooms! I don't want them growing and stomping everything in sight!" He said. All the remaining goombas and koopas cheered happily around the knocked out bodies of Margarito and Tony, for the remaining resistance was now theirs.

Or so they thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well, that was easy," Blinky said dismissively. "I guess you guys can take over from here." She turned around to get back on deck.

Redd followed Blinky with a big grin on his face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
Avatar of BluetheElf

BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bowser chuckled at the sight of Margarito and Tony fainted on the ground. "Get them to a cage, and make it quick." He said. He could end them right now if he wanted to, but no. He wanted them to suffer for the rest of their now very short lives. The Goombas and Koopas did just this and picked up the New Mario Brothers. They carried them to a makeshift, but very strong iron cage, and tossed them inside, locking it tight once they were inside. Bowser walked passed the cage with an evil laugh and exited the room. Now was the time to go back to his own castle, he still had a lot of work to do.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AABowser


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"What's your favorite color?" asked the annoying little goomba that was following Blinky around.

"Shut up," said the annoyed kamikoopa that was being followed around.

"I like red. Is it red?" Asked Redd.

"No," said Blinky.

"Why not? Red is awesome!" Redd exclaimed

"I am entitled to my own opinion," Blinky stated matter-of-factly. "So shut up."

"Oh, I can't do that. I'm way to excited to be talking to you! It's like a dream come true..."

"I gave you an order, soldier," Blinky interrupted. "Now, shut up."

"At once sir!"

Blinky froze.

"What did you say?"

"At once sir!"

"I am not a sir." Blinky struggled to keep herself together. This minion was getting on her nerves, and then he had dropped an insult like that!

"Uh, what?" The goomba looked confused. Was it not obvious? Sir was the prefix of a man. Blinky was a woman! There was a big difference!

"Look, instead of calling me 'sir', try 'dame' or ma'm," Blinky said, her voice trembling. She was this close to screaming at him.

"Okay, sir," the goomba said, clearly put off by Blinky's attitude.

That was it. Blinky immediately let out a scream at the top of her lungs. She then disappeared in a puff of smoke. She reappeared in front of Bowser.
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