Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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The Library

In a world unlike our own, man and spirit co-exist. Being able to connect with a spirit grants a person great power over their peers. In ancient times they've been revered as gods, as their ability to do so was very rare. At least, until the Library came into existence.

In the middle of the central nation, called the Hub, there exists the Library, a multi-faceted organisation that is the heart and brains of this world, more influential than the government herself. They offer various services to those that can afford the fees. They develop magitechnology (magitech for short) fund scientific research and own most knowledge, and outsource specialists as well as mercenaries and administrative workers.

Using their (almost) monopoly, the Library has recruited a sizable, if not majority of all the persons who can connect with a spirit (called holders) in their ranks. These holders fulfill tasks many humans cannot, and is reason humankind can live in relative peace and comfort, for this world is filled with gargantuan creatures and supernatural occurrences...

For many years, the Library has held onto it's position, however this all began to change one year ago. Following a streak of mysterious happenings, ranging from secretive research, radiana leaks, cracks began to show in the organisation. Different factions divided the members of the Library to the point of betrayal. The once mighty giant split in two when the previous head of the mercenary branch stepped down and a man, code-named Liaison, was promoted to the new chairman.


During a ball in Liaison's promotion's celebration, a rebelling faction of the Library revealed itself in full. It attacked the festivities, leaving death and chaos in it's wake. The rebels were defeated, but not before they permanently changed the Library...

The Library gave change to the rebels, only to learn their corruption had been much greater and devoted than they'd ever expected. The rebels feared the Library so much, they hid in faraway caves in icy tundras, or sewers they blocked and poisoned with radiana; just to discourage pursuit. They had connections with individual companies not usurped by the Library. Even Aegis Corp, a household name, supported the resistance. It was clear there existed much more distaste for the monopoly than previously assumed...

The Library, in revenge for the events at the ball, struck down with an iron fist, obliterating the remainders of the known resistance, but who knows what other factions would still plan it's demise...


To prevent outbreaks like the rebellion from happening ever again, Liaison has taken it upon him to reform the Library. The buildings have been refurnished, and even new gardens are planted to make the grounds more homely. Liaison expresses a wish to make his branch, even though it counts hundreds of people, more like a family. One of brothers and sisters in arms. He has made it easier to gain promotions, and has attempted to befriend a number of individuals to form a 'core family' in so that they may spread trust once again throughout the organisation. Even though that trust can only be earned by sniffing out some of the... Spies and rebel symphatisers.

Calacany's Mafia

Although long delegated as Calacany's problem, it's mafia has been rising. Their grasp over their country has become increasingly strong, even to the point of manipulating politics. There are even parts in the country where the Library is no longer welcome.

Starting from when a plea of help from a politician was intercepted, the mafia has been at odds with the Library. They even had a spy and seem to have holders in their ranks, but perhaps even more fearsome than their holders are their monster trainers. It is unknown how they have mastered this ability, but they have been known to command winged hounds and flesh-devouring insects.

These are not enough, as it's become apparent the mafia has taken an interest in the knowledge of the ancients. They blackmailed experts to only answer to them, and force civilians to act out hostilities to the Library. They have obtained old relics, and although the Library has been able to stall their advancements, the mafia is ever growing stronger. Perhaps even more shocking is, though, that a few Librarians have discovered that the mafia used to have connections with their leader; Liaison, in intelligence that once belonged to the rebellion...

Monster Studies

The research faction of the Library has gone on as usual, but found new vigor in biology. There have been numerous missions to capture previously unknown monsters, including drakes, harpies and werecats. However, not all wildlife would lay down and take this. On a mission to find sand drakes, a party of librarians was lost. Three others were sent to find them, but learned their lost collegues had allied them selves with the sand drakes; forced into the services of a real life dragon; a race long thought to have been extinct. The dragon's display of superior power forced the search party to return to the Library, announcing the first cease-fire between man and nature ever.

Not only nature has defended itself, the population of the Hub has started to see their actions as poaching and there is civil unrest in response. Protests are held, and the trust of the people in the Library has started to decline...


In conjunction with the company Midsummer & co. The Library has began developing a new energy source called radiana. While set out to be a more powerful type of mana that can fuel artificial tools and dolls, it is far from completion. Attempting to cease the revolutionary research for itself, many have leaked the radiana from Midsummer & co. Vials have been dumped into sewers and large portions that were on their way to the Library have been hijacked (although recovered.) Even though the rebellion itself is no more, the crimes regarding radiana continue. It is difficult to foresee what will happen... Especially with the experimental chemistry itself, as it's been known to corrupt life itself.

It's become known that radiana not only affects life, but also spirits. Many holders infected with radiana have been shown to be unable to control their powers. The Library has made modifications to their holders and they are capable to control their radiana levels (to an extent) and this is quickly growing to become one of the new tools of the Library in a way to redefine their power in the face of their enemies (be they invisible or not.)


Although the Library's medical advancements were already far and beyond, to the point of curing most natural diseases and regrowing limbs, the new influx of radiana has scientists on the search for exotic ingredients to help manage the radiana corruption. Even though under control, librarians have been sent on missions where they've encountered district-sized turtles and amphibians at the size of horses.

And now... All these stories continue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Will 'o the Piper

It was dusk when the librarians arrived in Kyo-shi. The village was integrated with it's farmlands; houses were scattered all over the horizon, with the only orderly fashion being the main road that lead in and out of the village. From far and away, locals had called the news the librarians were coming and many had risen their heads out of their fields to curiously follow the foreigners. Although it was clear from some of the expressions, that not all of them enjoyed the idea of coming to these foreigners for help.

Much unlike the Hub, Shima had always held strongly onto it's own culture and values, and as such was less tolerant of foreign practices. Shima had always been self-sufficient and had, a small ten years ago, began to open trade with the outside world. In the Library's relation branches, agents were specifically taught how to address the people of Shima. Very few in other branches, however, enjoyed such training.

Kyo-shi was one of many lands under the control of the region's daimyō; a landlord. However, they had acted independently in requesting help from the Library, and the request was posted under the name of the Fusokuso clan. To meet their contractor, the librarians found their selves at one of the larger houses amidst the fields of Kyo-shi. Outside, there were already people waiting for them. It was more like a family gathering than a welcome committee, however, as the group was composed out of all ages and genders. Nearly each and every single one of them eyed them like the other villagers before them; very closely with a mix of curiousity and anxiety. Although all avoided eye-contact.

One man stepped forward, he was around five feet tall and was at the very least in his sixties. “Konbanwa. Welcome to our village, esteem librarians.” He greeted the team with a bow. “I am Asoki Morokovo of the Fusokuso clan. We are the ones who have posted the request.” He spoke carefully, but unsure as to how to compose himself in front of the librarians.

“We ask you to take watch over our humble village. Our beloved children are being lead away from us, but we do not know how or why. We have sent villagers of our own, but they have not returned alive. We ask of you to save us from this unfortunate fate. Please investigate the situation.”

Free Billy

“Let us PR guys handle damage control, no unprovoked stabbing things, alright?” Was about the first thing the librarians heard on the mission. Simon Getskilled, a young and ambitious, but arrogant spokesperson for the library had gone out of his way to talk down to the mission participants. He was clearly not too keen on having the mercenary branch (what he'd behind their backs call brawn for brains) around. It was hard to blame him, however, as with recent events Public Relations had to deal with a lot of aftermath from said branch's actions. They'd been living on coffee after events like those in Home Alone, where an entire city had been poisoned, Looking for Mister Bond, which had caused Paggio to restrain the Library access to their town, and Mother of the Dunes where literally dozens had been killed. Not to even mention Monster's Ball having shaken a lot of the public's faith in the library. And now, Simon had to mop up for their research branch, whose recent experiments and issued capture missions had attracted the attention of environmentalist activists...

“I'm sure you're all itching to seek out the relation between the break-in last night, but you're just here for the crowd control in case it gets out of hand.” Simon reminded the mercenaries. The break-in he referred to had been in an aquatic lab of the research branch where they had kept a young captive that librarians had retrieved from the sea. How the thieves had escaped with a 25 feet tall sea-monster on their backs remained a mystery, but it was the talk of the town. And with this environmental rally, it seemed more than just a random coincidence...

Nonetheless, their mercenaries job was to keep peace and, frankly, protect Simon Getskilled and his colleagues when the crowd would get too riled up. Though their very presence likely already rallied the rally against them. It was a hot day and the protest was at the beach, and the most either protesters or on-lookers wore were mere shirts. Many were, in fact, donned in bathing suits, in sharp contrast to the PR's business-attire (which made them more than just stand out.) Tons of eyes already were following Simon around, and the same fate was waiting for the mercenaries.

The rally itself however, was still a good hour away from officially starting. For now people slowly amassed near the stages where speeches would be held, preparing their protest boards and spreading their slogans. Though, pumped as the crowd would seem to become, for the librarians, both PR and mercenary, it was simply silence before the storm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will O' the Piper

Charles Night watched his surroundings as he walked along, taking in the sight of his mother's homeland for the first time in his life. As he and the other Librarian's were greeted by the head of the house that had contracted them, Charles stepped forward and bowed just as deeply. "It is an honor, sir, to be given such an important task. It is known that not everybody in Shima trusts foreigners, and I believe I speak for all of us when I say we hope to leave a favorable impression." Straightening, he looked around. "Now, I think we had better start by hearing the details of what happened, unless anyone has something they want to add?" He looked back at the other Librarians, suddenly aware that he had started taking control too fast for anyone to object.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will O' the Piper

Eidren was just about to speak up when Charles beat him too it. Eidren bowed with him as a greeting to their contractor. When Charles looked back at him and Sigmund, Eidren raised a brow. He cleared his throat "I indeed think that that is the right course of action Night". After saying that he stepped forward coming to stand next to Night and gestured Sigmund to do the same. Eidren removed his hood "Eidren Tassar, at your service." Shima seemed like a good place to live too him and the people who came too greet them looked to be nice too. Who would do these people and this village harm? "I - We, will get to the bottom of this" vowed Eidren.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alta


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Will 'o the Piper

The encounter with Alexander Bishop at Aegis corp had left a bad taste in Sigmund's mouth. The idea of how Alexander Bishop had treated his own daughter had never stopped haunting him the rook. If his sons would ever even show a fraction of the affection Bishop had for her father, he would have welcomed them with open arms no matter what side they were on... It was a father's duty to protect his children, Sigmund reckoned, and it still angered him how Alexander Bishop had not just thrown such an opportunity away, but might even have emotionally crippled the girl for life (something Medusa still celebrated.)

The new mission was therefore a perfect fit for Sigmund, even if he wasn't particularly keen on the villagers. “Think they ever mind their own business?” He had mumbled when they had walked through Kyo-shi. Sigmund didn't like this much spotlight, the eyes digging in his back had actually made him rather nervous. Not to mention having to face a small mob in front of them now that seemed to be staring straight into his soul. Sigmund purposely hid behind his team to try and escape the gazes.

“Now, I think we had better start by hearing the details of what happened, unless anyone has something they want to add?” Charles asked, to which Sigmund shrugged.

“You got my go-ahead, chief.” Sigmund said, whisking away the question, before surveying the area for a few seconds and reconsidering, “Maybe ask them about the time those kids went missing, type of wounds of the villagers they sent after them, that sorta stuff. Hell, ask them if they've got coffee 'cause I don't know about yours, but my gut is telling me this will be a long night.”

Noticing the eyes were upon him as he spoke, Sigmund realised he forgot something. “Oh and right, Sigmund Baston.” Sigmund hastily added his introduction to Charles' and Eidren's. He never was good at formalities, and he bowed clumsily. “Don't mind me, just address these two gentlemen right here for all your questions.”

Free Billy

Ever since she had returned from the cold wastelands, Eowyn had not spoken to Sleipnir much. In the conversations she had with Sleipnir, she had noticed fear in his usually proud and unshakable spirit. Although the spirit had not given up on her, as evidenced by his and Mime's final stance, Eowyn could feel Sleipnir's trust in her had taken a hit. He spoke less and was more distant. It had all left Eowyn very out of touch with herself and reality. She had trouble discerning nightmares from her past, which had been popping up nights on end. The bloodbath that had played out in Mösund lingered on her mind.

Then there was Remia, the girl she'd decided, yet failed to protect. Along with Ryan, they had been the only children on her gruesome last mission. Eowyn remembered taking Remia's hand, as a way of ensuring everything would be alright, but nothing had been alright. Eowyn had been subjected to that uncontrollable berserker rage, and of that she was terribly ashamed.

It wasn't just Remia either, it had crept on Eowyn during her brief vacation between missions. What perhaps bothered the knight most was her mother. How could Eowyn face her own mother, whose treatment she paid for with the job, if her health-care was paid for with human blood? Mother would no longer accept Eowyn's money if she knew... And as a result she would die. Yet how could Eowyn keep secrets from her very own mother? Her visit had been unusually short, and Eowyn had spoken little.

This new mission was crowd control. Chills crept up Eowyn's spine just thinking about it. She was very uncertain about her ability to control herself, but nonetheless determined to do so. She listened to Simon's tirade, smiling as politely as she could, until the man decided to pay attention to something else. Eowyn used this opportunity to greet her teammates;

“I haven't had an opportunity to introduce myself yet, I'm Eowyn, nice to meet you.” She said to Mari in particular and offered to shake her hand. Remia and Arlette she was familiar with, but Eowyn was still nervous about facing them. She smiled politely at the girls, hoping they wouldn't see through her nerve-wrecked façade. She still felt a terrible guilt towards both, but Eowyn tried to hide it the best she could.

“I look forward to working together with you.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will O' the Piper

Turning back to their hosts, Charles continued. "As I was saying, Mister Morokovo, we need details to start our search. Times of the disappearances, last known locations, maps of the area, witness reports if they exist, the state of any bodies you found, along with descriptions of the victims and any local legends that might pertain to this, to start." Looking around, Charles nodded to himself. "However the outdoors is no place to talk business, especially not such delicate business as this. Shall we proceed inside?" He punctuated the last question by gesturing towards the door, clearly wanting to waste no time. As he talked and waited for a response, he reached out to his companions with his mind. "I think the first stage of our plan should be to go out scouting tonight unless either of you have a better idea. Sigmund, I'd like you to accompany me to look at the sites of the disappearances while Eidran and Kurotori find out what they can from the villagers."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tirgesfu


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Clayman’s Contract

For too long Nuka sat and watched the main access point of the temple. The golems still stood guard. His eagle spirit, Tsenahale, was inside, the calls from him faint and distant. Nuka was done waiting. Through the small underbrush Nuka ran from his hiding place to one prickly shrub then the next until her reached one side of the temple. The golems guarded the entrance and did not notice or care if he passed by.

Nuka placed his head against the stone wall. “Mighty Tsenahale, have you found a place inside the stone you like better than the sky? Why have you not flown from this rubble and freed my fellow holders?” Nuka sent his thought through as loudly as he could.

“They do not have my wings. They are stuck as you weaklings often are.” Nuka heard the eagle answer.

Nuka put both hands on the ancient rocks and tried to feel something, anything, that might give him a clue on how to get inside. There must be another way, a back door, an escape hatch, a weak point. “Then we must break a hole for them. Use those forceful wings, your powerful talons, and your unyielding beak to test these old cakes of dried earth. Find me a weak spot. Rock crumbles in the wind, tell me where and we will remind old dirt where it belong, under your wings, under my feet.”

Nuka waited sure that the bait had been set and his eagle would fly around inside, in and out of the stone walls as only he could, up and down the temple until he found a place where the walls were not as thick, or the mortar was lose, or the hidden side door found. As he waited he moved his hands over the walls and walked around to the back away from the guarded door.

Finally a loud screech of the magnificent bird of prey filled Nuka’s ears. His eagle rose from the ground one meter from the base of the back wall of the temple. With a quick circle in the air he landed right where he broke from the ground. Tsenahale shook his wings as if to shake the dust from his feathers. He twisted his head and gazed at Nuka before he began to preen.

Nuka went to the spot and kick at the loose dirt. He fell to his knees and began to push away the top layers of sandy soil. There under the dirt was a single round wide link of metal. Nuka hoped he found that back door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nocturnia


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Free Billy

Mari had finally been assigned to a mercenary mission.
Of course, she has been in the mercenary department along with the intel department for some time now, but so far no missions went her way, and then, anticlimactically she finally got one.
Why anticlimactically?
Because her first mission was crowd control.
She didn’t even get to carry a gun to this mission, just Sakura and her… Sonar.
Not that the sonar wasn’t useful, it was pretty effective at finding how many holders are in the area. In any case, crowd control it was.
Mari stood behind most of the PR department guys, she didn’t really like being close to any sort of danger, bunch of pretty angry protesters included. The PR department was pretty stupid in her opinion, but it was necessary in order to keep the Library running… Or at least she hoped.
Oh, and contrary to expectations, one of her “teammates” introduced herself to Mari, it was one of the older members of the Merc. Dept. Of course by that she didn’t mean her actual age.
In any case she was quite short, but she seemed well mannered and quite harmless.
Of course she did read her file. I mean, being in the intel dept. isn’t just for show.
Well in any case she bowed to the girl and introduced herself.
“I am Kuroi Mari, pleased to meet you as well.”
With that out of the way she turned back to actual business, maybe she should summon Sakura to run sonar a few times? It couldn’t hurt to find out how many holders there are besides them. But was summoning spirits like that allowed?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

--- placeholder ---
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Will 'o the Piper

Although the assurances of Charles and Eidren seemed to put the man at ease, Sigmund's crudeness made for a short-lived disruption. Even so, Asoki Morokovo followed through to the rook's words and faced Charles and Eidren. However, something rubbed the elder and the small mob behind him the wrong way;

“Shall we proceed inside?”

Behind Morokovo, the villagers were mumbling in a language none but Kurotori would understand. They were less than flattering stereotypes about foreigners, and even the older man seemed to have been taken off-guard by this question.

“Everyone in this village has the right to hear this. Many of them have lost loved ones.” He protested, in a way to change the subject without directly declining Charles' request. His words came out stronger than before, as if to defend himself with them. Behind him whisperings continued.

“For your questions, the disappearances occur overnight.” Morokovo spoke, “There is no regularity. Some nights they come and some nights they do not. As for their locations... It is also a mystery. We thought of them safe in our homes. The villagers who had gone looking returned with biting marks, the teeth of wolves in human mounds. They had claw-marks on their arms and waists, but teeth near their necks. They were all found by the waterside, washed upon the estuary, days from our village. Or never found again.”

He rested his eyes on Charles' carefully, then suspiciously eyed both Eidren and Sigmund. “As for legends we have many. Yōkai are common in this country. They can be shapeshifters, they can be ghouls. Is it not up to you to provide us with that answer, librarians?”

The crowd behind him nodded and hummed in agreement with the older man. Although they'd been quiet and polite before, many of them seemed to go with the flow of their elder...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will O' the Piper

Charles tapped his finger against his leg impatiently, narrowing his eyes ever so slightly against the sudden change in mood. his right eye's red colloring became suddenly noticable as he reigned in his annoyance. When he spoke again, his voice had a slightly different tone, one that people who knew him would recognize as how he talked to people he was losing respect with. "Mr. Morokova, our mission is indeed to solve this case, however any information you can give us will help us solve it that much faster." As he spoke, his features returned to normal. "Now, you say some of the children were taken from their homes? Was there any sign of struggle, forced entry, or intrusion? Do you know if the search parties went in a specific direction?" Through the mind connection, he spoke again to his companions. Actualy, forget staying here. I doubt they'd even accept Kurotori at this point. My mother always told me how hardheaded her people were.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A Clayman’s Finale

At the border of Bihar, Alfiere Bianco had taken it upon himself to meet the back-up team of librarians personally. There was a small army of holders, led by a woman with long blonde hair in a low-cut white cocktail dress, smoking a pipe. This woman was no other than Vivian Locke; the white queen of the library.

The Library had two queens, Vivian and her counter-part the black queen. Queens were abnormally powerful holders, capable of summoning weapons as well as casting spells. Queens were a very rare types of holders, and as the Library’s luck would have it, both its queens were rather… Peculiar. The white queen was an arrogant diva if there ever was one, the black one a glutton with a stomach that must have been spirit-powered.

Both Queens had their own set of holders called the Royal guard, consisting out of two of the strongest rooks, bishops and knights each. Alfiere Bianco was one of Vivian’s bishops, as evidenced by his grand power of putting a shield up around an entire town.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” Alfiere said to Vivian, more than anyone else. Vivian in response simply looked bored beneath her brow.

“Alfred.” She simply acknowledged the large bishop, before she proceeded to go straight to business. “What mess of yours am I cleaning up? I’m not exactly dressed for this dirty forest.”

“Alfiere, Vivian, Alfiere.” The bishop sighed, even though knowing better. Vivian was only sociable after a few too many drinks. Although she had a tendency to become too sociable when that happened.

“Whatever, Alfred. Intel. On the double.” Vivian bit, already facing away from the man.

“The holders sent to investigate have become trapped in the dungeon. They can’t get in or out. They did find out that Valenci, our target, has acquired a powerful artefact; something that according to hearsay could level this place with the ground. That’s why you and I are sent to stop it.” Alfiere then turned to the rest of the holders behind Vivian. “As for you, your job will be to keep this village safe from golem attacks until I return.”

With that, Alfiere began walking, although Vivian didn’t follow him quite yet. Instead she grabbed one young man from the army of holders, Lux, by the arm and told him “You’re coming with us.” For reasons she refused to speak of afterwards.

Meanwhile, on the ruin-site, Nuka discovered something completely different from a hidden door. The metal construction began to vibrate and then glow; blue shades began to move through the bar as if it was blood being pumped through an exposed vein. All the ruins began to tremble, going from a still to shaking violently within minutes. Much of the vegetation shed from the temple like a skin, as vines and plants were being torn by the forceful shaking. Even inside the ruins, the quakes could be felt and the strange blue, flowing lights moved throughout the temple. Yet that was not all; rooms slowly began to tumble and rearrange. The ruins their selves were transforming. From the distance, from Lux, Vivian and Alfiere to the town of Bihar itself; they were able to see the ruins rise from the ground like a waking giant…

What had doctor Valenci done?

Rendezvous Crash

Midenze had clearly been a richer city in the past. Although there were artfully tiled plazas with statues and houses that surely had once been mansions, it appeared an aged city. The once marvels of architecture had been damaged and were now reduced to squats. The once the paved highroads were now a web of vagrants and small-time thugs. In Calacany, it was known as the home of the walking dead; men and women who had lost their way in life and would take any kind of job for just a small amount of cash. A century ago, this place had been, despite its poverty, what one would call a city. Now it was more akin a bandit’s nest.

However, Midenze was where the librarians would find Alexander Bishop’s contact; Giovani Celino. He was the father of one of the mafia’s beast-tamers, Parvati Celino, who had been apprehended by McKenzi Bishop months ago in the mission ‘the Y-files.’ Giovani lived somewhere in the middle of the town, in a tower that had been surrounded by barbed wire and the sketchiest of guards. It was unknown what he did in Midenze, and details regarding his life the past fifteen years were anything but recorded. All the Library knew was he’d been a drug-trader and had spent ten years in prison for it. After that, he’d vanished from the face of the Earth, as far as intelligence went… Something that was becoming a regular occurrence when it came to Calacany…

Either way, Alexander had been told to find the tower in Midenze and ask for Giovani. Although such a task seemed simple, it would not be easy to slip through a town with such unsavoury types lurking on every street-corner. Less so escaping it, were such a thing to be necessary…
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hedya


Member Offline since relaunch

Free Billy

It was definitely a change of pace for Remia. From the extremely cold fields and ice caves to the seaside mission. Who would have thought. It was a welcome change, nonetheless, for the young holder who had decided that the best way to chase for her sister was to stay alive and try to meet as many people as she could, trying to figure out where she was... and perhaps even meet her. Not that it was a great plan, but she didn't know better and she wasn't the planning type, after all. The city was quite relaxing at first but all that relaxation went out of the window the moment she met with the rest of the team and heard the orders. She was a bit annoyed at how they were treated. What about unprovoked stabbing? As if they were beasts unable to control themselves... Most likely, the guy who was talking to them, this Simon Getskilled, did not take part in proper missions either way.

Either way, crowd control seemed easy... as easy as annoying. They were acting as bad cops. Police people who would have to look like the hated authority. Somehow, people hated authority. She could see why and even understand them but didn't people realise there is a certain need for order in this world?! Remia chuckled at herself, since she was never too much of an order person either way... maybe being with the Library allowed her to understand such things even if she did not practice them herself.

Of course, things were never easy in missions, right? Somehow, Remia wondered if easy missions actually existed. Or, more than easy, the word would be 'simple'... "Never let your guard down! Or at least become skilled enough so that you can let your guard down" Lancelot's voice echoed within Remia's head. The man that used to be a knight back in his world. A loyal knight serving a great king... a really skilled knight that was famous for his skills even amongst his peers. And he was happy to teach stuff to Remia. Almost as a new challenge that he would have to face. After encountering the Lady of the Lake back in their last mission, Lancelot had been less talkative for a while, but lately he was coming back to his old self. And again, he was right with his advice.

"Miss Eowyn!" she greeted in an overly polite way, as if to joke around. "I am very pleased to share teams with a face I know. I look forward to working with you once again" and proceeded to respectfully bow to Eowyn. Seeing her worried face, however, she laughed a bit. "Oh, Eowyn! It really is a delight to be with someone I know and I trust!!" she was a strong fighter and Remia felt she could trust her. And somehow, she felt less nervous as well, as sometimes it was awkward, being with nobody she knew from before.

Finally, Remia turned to the new faces. "Pleased to meet you. My name's Remia, 16 years old. I hope we can get along well". For some reason, she was being, if not chatty, kind of lively for the day. And that was a good thing, of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Free Billy


It wasn’t a new thing to be talked down to for Nathair Lysander, yet it still rubbed him wrong. However he tolerated it, a reinforced habit now, with silence. The spokesman continued his speech to once again repeat their objective and not to stir up trouble or seek other objectives, his carefully chosen words and tone indicated Mr. Getskilled believed they had the intelligence of children. If the man had met Nathair years ago then his assumption wouldn’t have been too far off. Finally once the man’s speech, he dubbed it begrudgingly in his head, had finished Mr. Getskilled return to his other tasks shortly.

Now the sensation from curious eyes had made its way into Nathair’s focus and increased his discomfort. However it was only his balled fists which made a visible giveaway. His face, scarred by healed over wounds, kept his indifferent expression and eyes kept a lax display…mostly. Mentally his mind tempted to smooth over the natural impulse to either freeze or flee, while he stood slightly apart from the group.

It didn’t help he had arrived just moments before Getskilled had begun. Not wanted to draw attention to himself, Nathair had drawn only into hearing range and stood a little off from the rest. The one sided conversation had only distracted him for a short time before his mind returned unwillingly to his edginess’s source. He was now painfully aware everyone seemed fixed upon the PR and mercenaries’ proceedings, the familiar feeling had brought an unsavory image to his mind. It was just after being bundled in a blanket then tossed into a cage. Of course, the treatment wasn’t likely softened by the fact he had tried to rip off a nose with his teeth during his rescue.

Despite the lacking dangers here, this acute state was something he couldn’t complete shake even if had been over twelve years since his island. Interested eyes meant danger. Danger meant predators and predators meant it was time to do something or be eaten. In this way he kept the surprises at bay and at least gave him a chance for a faster reaction time.

It did have its down side: loud noises that easily distracted him. As if reading his mind, one of the bustling PRs setting up had dropped a piece of equipment. Immediately Nathair jumped then caused his head to snap to the source’s direction and his teeth pulled back with an animalistic growl under his breath. He hadn’t intended for it to slip out but that didn’t stop it. So Nathair didn’t found it a surprise to hear a fatherly voice stir nearby. It was Quartz. Naturally his sudden reaction at the noise had gotten his spirit’s attention, the snake determined to ease over the man’s jittered nerves.

“My boy, you’re about as jumpy as a rabbit being hunted by coyotes! If I didn’t know better…I would say your mind’s distracted. What is making you so unease?” Quartz’s curiosity might’ve sounded cool and collected, but there was firm concern in his question. Slowly an oblong shape under the shirt had pushed itself along Nathair’s arm, followed from the elbow up to the shoulder then out came a small narrow head. Small, tan horns decorated a feathered crown upon the serpent’s head that fluffed out after exiting the shirt collar. His dark eyes found his holder’s and firmly stared at him for a few moments before he added.

“Is it the crowd? Or meeting new people? I know you find both difficult which why I wondered what was going through that woma-,” He hastily corrected at Nathair’s sour look, “your mother’s head when she requested you be placed in this mission!”

The spirit’s words then became quiet when a holder introducing herself to two others. One of them returned the polite greeting with a bow and her name, Kuroi Mari, to Eowyn then the one called Remia’s intro began. It was unlikely she or Remia had noticed the pair, namely because Nathair had chosen to stay in the background as oppose to formally greeting his teammates. Something the others might not take kindly to and possibly think he was being a crept, not the fact he was uncomfortable in crowds. For the serpent, this wouldn’t do and since his holder wasn’t going to get involved then Quartz would! Dragging Nathair, willing or not, by the leg into it if he needed to.

He once more looked up at Nathair, “What am I going to do with you?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alta


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A Clayman's Finale

The moment they'd arrived it had been straight to business for Lux. He had already began loosening his shoulders and cracking his fingers, thinking more of his electrocution curtains would be a half-decent substitute for Alfiere's ridiculous aptitude for erecting magical walls. However, Lux' thoughts were cut short when he was taken by the arm by the one and only Vivian Locke, force of nature and white queen of the library. At first glance, Lux didn't seem to mind, although in the short time period they'd spend he'd learn that the woman's exterior was about everything that was beautiful about Vivian. She refused to tell Lux why he was escorting her, no matter how many times he asked. Lux stopped asking though, when the earth beneath his feet began to tremble...

“You're joking...” Lux gasped, as he saw the construction rise above the canopy of the forest. “Lady, I think you should've brought a wrecking ball to escort you instead.”

In spite of his jests, Lux was actually concerned with what was happening. This was a rescue mission, and that was the type of mission he had been on the other end of. Lux had barely escaped with his life, and the memory of that kid dying in his place... It was not the kind of experience he'd wish to anyone. No, this time he wanted everyone to survive. Speaking of which, he hoped Emily would be fine without him. After what felt to be ages together, they'd broken their mission-buddy streak, and of all places, Emily was returning to the desert-dragon. It had been hard to make the decision to let her go alone, but Lux just couldn't pass up the opportunity to repay the favour the Library had given him in his time of need. Especially not because one of his rescuers, Salia, was the one trapped this time around.

When the party arrived at the feet of the ruins, Lux immediately noticed a man near the foundation of the temple. Judging from his reports, there was no mistaking who that was. “Hey, Nuka!” Lux yelled, rushing ahead towards the knight. “What button did you press for this to happen?”

Will 'o the Piper

“That's something we can find out on our own.” Sigmund stopped Charles, as he put his hand on the man's shoulder. He had thought the two fancy intel members had a little more to go on regarding the locals, but when Sigmund saw the reaction Charles evoked he reconsidered his faith. He continued to speak to both Charles and Eidren though Charles' telepathic link, which although odd (Sigmund had difficulty keeping from transferring his actual thoughts into Charles' brain) was much more reliable than having his wicked spirit do the talking.

“We want these people to think we're professionals. We're not gonna do that by second-guessing what they take offense to and making them think we can't do this without them. I say we leave the talking to the samurai over here. Calm them down, win some trust. Eidren, you're one of those flyers, aren't you? Why don't you take to the sky and see if you can find a river. That's our first clue. Meanwhile, I know a thing or two about forced entry, if anyone can get me onto a crime scene I'll have you know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marrow


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will O' the Piper

The telepathic link made Eidren itchy he wished he could just use telepathy himself, being a member of the intel branch it was not an unnecessary skill. He didn't like charles attitude, acting like the damn boss. Sigmund at least had some good idea's. Eidren took the opportunity of the link while it was still there and asked: What exactly is the plan guys, while Charles says he is going to look around while i 'interrogate' the citizens, Sigmund says its the other way around. You know what. Ill take the skies and scout around for a bit. Just write down the answers to some questions I have while you are still here, also remind these hardheaded people that they called us for help and that, in order to help them to the best of our abilities we need our questions answered. Here they are: First of all; When did the children first disappear, what date and time, during night of day? Second, which age are the children who disappeared, were Adults also affected? Third, Have there been any travelers going through Shima close before the children disappeared? Fourth, did any members of the search party return? fifth, Have you been hearing any foreign noises lately? Sixth, are there any messenger Hawks, owls or pigeons in this village?" That being said Eidren turned to his companions to check if they got the message, after a short nod or a raised brow later Eidren walked off.

Eidren stood outside of the gates, the people said yōkay were being sighted here and he didn't want to be mistaken for one. Eidren checked the watchtowers for guards. That was not the case, everyone was probably hiding within the inner walls, thinking they were safe. Eidren focussed his energy and his wings came out. His sight got blinded by the sudden light but that didn't took very long since it was day. Eidren bent his knees and took off at an incredible speed. flying higher and higher he tried to look as small as bird for people that looked up for whatever reason they might have. After a few circles around the city. Eidren started to scout farther away, making his circles wider every time he got around. "I sure hope they get some good intel on the ground"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 8 days ago

Free Billy

Arlette wasn't comfortable being in the beach at that moment, the most of which was due to the number of eyes being directed towards the Librarians. The words of the Library spokesperson was harsh and it reminded her of what happened in the Aegis Corp building right after they met up with McKenzi Bishop. The guards in the building had soon after started rushing into the room in an attempt to subdue the Holders. It didn't end well for the guards of course, but it had terrified Arlette. She looked worriedly at the crowd, expecting them to somehow turn mad and started to swarm over them. The Knight holder started to hyper-ventilate as she now started to imagine the sweaty, smelly and angry looking crowd marched all over them. She was brought back to attention when Mime, once more disguised as Arlette's twin, blew a loud raspberry towards Simon although Arlette was still fidgeting. The spirit then turned towards the other mercenaries.

"Hi! Can we go elsewhere now?" Mime asked the mercenary holders. "The rally hasn't started so it's not like there's going to be any trouble, right? And if he's the one talking, I think that's going to be soo positively boring that all the troublemaker would end up sleeping anyway."

Arlette then looked at Remia and Eowyn, "Umm, I haven't expressed my gratitude after you saved me from the rebels...Thank you..."

Rendezvous Crash

"...This is going to be one annoying mission," Andre said casually to the other two holders that participated in the mission with him. "And you'll have to ask how many of these guys would be in the mob's payroll, I don't think Mr. Bishop would be getting out here in one piece otherwise."

Which probably meant the town is probably a mob base and they might keep a lot of record lying around. Now the questions to ask, what records and how was he supposed to get in without tipping the rest of them?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will 'O the Piper

Charles turned to Sigmund, considering him for a second before nodding. Without another word, he bowed to their hosts one more time and turned, leaving Kurotori there and hoping he could help. Thank you, Sigmund, I'm glad you have a cooler temper than mine. I'll see what I can do about getting us onto a crime scene. He said directly, while opening a second link to Kurotori. I'm sorry to ask you this, but could you stay here and try to smooth things over? I'm afraid I'd only cause more damage. If you need any of us, reach out to me with a thought. I'm going to leave a link open to you.

A minute later, they were standing outside of one of the victim's houses. Not many people were around, but the ones who were there were looking directly at them. "Alright, I have an idea." he said, eying Sigmund. switching over to telepathy, he continued I assume you're not a stealthy kind of holder, and I don't think we want to be seen breaking in. What do you think about me going in there and being your 'eyes', relaying what I see back to you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alta


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Will 'o the Piper

“They vanished overnight, that's what the man said, and the times and days are irregular. You got wax in your ears or something?” Sigmund grunted in reply at Eidren, forgetting to leave his emotions out of Charles' head. It was hard to hide his tone of voice, though. Sigmund had been with the library for years and grown to knew that the easiest way to fail a mission, or even get killed, was to not pay attention.

“That geezer also confirmed search parties returned. I say it's best we don't ask the same questions twice. We're not making the best impression as is.” Sigmund scratched his head. Maybe the intelligence guys had a protocol when it came to double checking and gathering information in as much detail as possible, but Sigmund had no idea what they would gain from knowing the kids' ages or whether there were carrier pigeons around. Or maybe he just wanted to investigate things his own way and do something he was actually good at. Simple things, like break-in's or beating the brains in of whatever was the cause of these kidnappings.

“But yeah, travelers could be a start. Ask about the unusual, you know, besides the kidnappings. Travelers, strangely behaving citizens, things like that.”

When Sigmund and Charles arrived at one of the houses, he laughed out loud at Charles' suggestion. “Stealthy in broad daylight with every pair of lookers around on you? Nobody is that sneaky.” He replied in the holder's head. “You intelligence folk are pretty gutsy. Who do you think you're talking to?” He remarked, once again cursing himself for being more mindful about his words. “I know my way around burglary and unless you want these fellows to kick you out of their merry town for disrespecting their property, I suggest the only way you get in is with a distraction.”

For a moment Sigmund wondered if they were rookies trying to prove their selves. He didn't think of himself, or Kurotori (for what little he knew about him) as good role models or mentors for aspiring holders, so that couldn't be it. The library did have some odd choices for holders to send on missions, he thought, remembering Arlette and Mime from his last, and it couldn't get worse than a holder that wasn't in control of her spirit.

“Alright.” Sigmund sighed, before continuing his telepathy conversation with Charles. “I can be the distraction or I can be the burglar, I'm good at both. If you want to go in, that's fine by me, but we'd better have a plan and you'd better not leave any traces.”

Free Billy

“Well met, Mari. It's good to see you too, Remia.” Eowyn said to her colleagues. She was relieved to see Remia so light-hearted and Mari seemed to be very polite. She then stretched out a hand to the fifth member of their company, a young man named Nathair, who was speaking to his spirit; a small snake that stuck it's head out of Nathair's clothes. “You must be Nathair. I hope we can bring this mission to a good end together.”

Shortly after all pleasantries had been exchanged, Mime began shouting and Eowyn quickly saw something was wrong. She almost forgot about her own concerns as she saw Arlette. Eowyn reassuringly touched the girl's upper arm and smiled more warmly than she thought she could've managed. “It's okay Arlette, I'm just glad we all got out alive.” Eowyn tried to comfort the girl, “Let's go to somewhere a little more quiet to catch our breath.” Eowyn suggested, seeking eye-contact with Remia and Mari. Surely they would understand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will O' the Piper

Charles chuckled to himself, then nodded to Sigmund. I guess you wouldn't know about my spirit. I'm not quite that stealthy to get in through the front door in broad daylight, you're right, but there's a reason I'm in Intelligence, and it's not my negotiating skills. You should make the distraction, though, I don't have anything up my sleeve that wouldn't be worse than just breaking in. The air between the two of them began to shimmer like a heat haze, and Charles was once again thankful that normal people couldn't see spirits as Sophia took shape there. "Distractions are all well and good you two, but normally the person making the distraction can't get away unnoticed. What are you gonna try?" She looked at Sigmund, then back to Charles. "Maybe it would be better to take a look at some of the sites that aren't locked up, places where the victim was taken from the street or outside the village, then come back here when it's not so daylight?"
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